Originally Posted by mgh888
Originally Posted by FrankZ
You used the word "homophobes" three times in this. It is nice you just spew the agenda but some of us don't need political clap trap for every single thing in our daily lives. It isn't about having an irrational fear of homosexual people.

So.... you can't actually debate the points made but you don't like a word he used 3 times. Ok.

So you can't actually say anything else?

Calling everything "homophonic" is lazy and intellectually bankrupt. It is an attempt to group everyone into a single group and the try to call it all hate.

I don't drink Bud Light. I tried it and it stinks. I don't use products, or avoid them, for the spokesperson. The candel culture of "your an *ist or *phobic" is horse manure.