Originally Posted by PitDAWG
Originally Posted by FloridaFan
I don't know, they declared her dead, moved her body into a coffin, all without her waking up? Apparently they don't do like embalming in Ecuador, just throw fresh meat in the box and bury it?

Actually I never actually understood the entire embalming thing. You're going to become worm food anyway. And you're already dead. So why some crazy process just to delay the inevitable? I understand why people who are terminally will doing anything they can to stay alive. But after your dead I just don't get it.

I’m with you. I’ll go another level. I think even being buried is a stupid thing. What a waste of land. We bury bodies, mark it with a slab of granite, and within two or three generations or so it’s never visited again. Ridiculous. We should all be rendered to ash. Or, as now allowed in some states, composted. The only way we should be buried is if they leave you intact and plant a tree on you to create a memorial forest. Something that actually brings purpose and beauty. Cemeteries are wastelands of grass that needs to be mowed, and toxic embalming chemicals. The entire funeral industry is a sham. Mahogany boxes with silk liners? For what?! $$$$$$$ That’s all.