I don’t “get it all”, but I don’t hate them for existing and having these labels they choose. Lie and let live is how I feel bout the LGBTQ issues. It’s their life, their choice, I don’t need to have a say in what they do.

Neither do I.

You are talking to someone who has spent his entire life in the Arts community- literally the only cultural/professional community in America where a person's sexuality has never really been an issue. "Can you produce at a high level?" is the only criteria that has ever really mattered for most of us. Room for everyone- if you can Bring Game. We give a s# about how well you play- not how much (or how little) you're 'gay.'

I might be the only poster on DT who has actually spent years with a 'trans person' on a daily basis. And yes, we were friends- both before and after transition. I posted about our friendship once before, a few years ago. I banged out a eulogy remembering my friend the evening after I'd attended her funeral. While I was banging those keys, I did so with the thought that this person lived a more courageous life than most of us could imagine for ourselves/require of ourselves. So yeah- I guess that qualifies me as another "Live and let live" kinda guy... who happens to come to this conversation carrying Real-Life receipts.

I set all that up to reiterate my original point- and I'll now put a personal touch on it:
Sandra would have never exposed herself at a White House function.

For me, this is simply an issue of propriety and personal taste, pure and simple.
I can advocate in favor of this community's rights to life/lib/pursuit without approving of the random, classless things that specific individuals of said communit(ies) might do from day to day.

Tonight, I thought it important to thread this specific needle. Politics has nothing to do with how I view this specific incident.
I don't like classless displays of diminished impulse control.

Cheap stunts come from cheap people.