By itself, I'd be much more inclined to agree with most of your post. I do think folks are buying into fake outrage regarding "naked men in girls lockerrooms" and the like.

But this whole Bud Light thing is just another front in an ongoing culture war that's mostly perpetrated by a political group that doesn't bring much else to the table besides fake outrage.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not shedding a single tear for Bud Light. They make a terrible product and have for a long time. I never understood their sales numbers to begin with. On top of that, I'm all for the free market telling them (with their wallets) that their product is terrible.
Unfortunately, that's not what happened here. A handful of right-wing folks got on social media and shot up cases of (paid for) bud light.

It absolutely was a Vulcan Mind-Meld (IMO).