For whatever reason I have no explanation for. I am losing interest in football.

I start to watch games on Sunday night, Thursday night, and Monday night; I never get very far. I lose interest and thoughts of "I don't care" enter my mind.

I find myself muting the pre-games shows. Thinking what a crock. The games come on and are loaded with commercials. If you can't record and fast forward it becomes nauseating.

All the endless talk shows on football. Everyone's opinions. Everyone is an expert analyst. I mean I like the plays but the rest?

The seasons begin with promise. Then injuries begin. It is almost who will make it to the end? It really bummed me when Nick went down. I knew how much depended upon him. Then DW can't play. After the first series of the second half. I shut it off.

Maybe if had that one magical season I would snap back and become the fan I used to be.