Every fan looks at their team through their own lens.

Some can look at the X's and O's and understand what they see. Either from personal experience or self education and study.

Others try to interpret what they read and speculate on what they think they know.

This is not personal. It is based upon what I have read from both you and steve.

I don't think either of you have a clue. Both of you try to paint a picture based upon nothing but speculation of second hand misinformation.

steve tries to convince all that Berry has no clue about managing the cap. That he knows all about the cap. And the Browns and their staff do not know. He only posts when he can find some kind of negative angle. Every contract that has not worked. Every draft pick that has not worked. How guys are overpaid. Any negative cap angle. Any number he can find that proves his case. Guess what? Every team has that. But for steve it is only the Browns. Belichick, Payton, Tomlin, McVay, Harbough, what have they done the last couple years. Are their teams mismanaged? If they are judged according to steve. They are no different than the Browns. What have they done lately?

You have this idea about the culture of the team. Somehow you conclude (without any direct knowledge) that there is an unhappy locker room. That there is this festering rotten core. And the "Harvard boy wannabes" are unqualified. Do you think that behind the scenes of the Patriots that everyone loves Belichick and Kraft? That their culture is harmonious? Who has the best culture? Is it the team in first place? Or, maybe the team with the best quarterback? Or, maybe it is the team with the worst record and they love their locker room. They go bowling together.

Do some research on Andrew Berry and how he rose to become the youngest black GM.

steve looks at stats and for him that is where all the answers lie. He doesn't know about offensive schemes. He couldn't draw up an NFL play and explain it if his life depended on it. But he sure has an agenda about KS and what he thinks he knows. All that is clear to steve is KS is the source of all that is wrong with the Browns.

All that is fine. It would be more honest if your limited knowledge was admitted instead of presented as fact. An NFL team is a complex business organization. Success and failure are not defined by single factors. As much as everyone wants to lay the blame on someone.

The answer to the blame game is more complicated. That is why teams have constant turnover up and down organizations.

Like everyone I am unhappy with poor results. But there really is a big picture. And the answers are not always simple.

One team wins it all. The rest are losers right?