Originally Posted by mgh888
Originally Posted by steve0255
If Brissett is the best available, the price just went way up while Berry was taking a wait as see stand.

Whether there was injury to other starters on other teams - the way we just lost to Seattle, the price just went up regardless. Oh well.

I agree and would add it was already pretty high.

I think the Browns are looking at it the right way. In most cases, back-up QBs rarely save a season. At best you hope to get .500 ball out them, and that isn't even for a seasons worth of games. The reality is if a team loses their QB for an extended period, they are pretty much screwed. It's been that way for the 65 or so years I have been following the team and NFL. It's going to be that way moving in to the future another 60 years.

At this point we have been a patchwork at QB for 4 games now. The question we face is how much more time will Watson be out? I don't want to trade a higher pick to pick up a guy who might play just 1-2 games. If Watson is out longer, the new guy is still going to play .500 ball over the remainder of the season...at best. We are trending on that .500 mark with the guys we have.

If Watson is out for a good while longer, it might be time to admit the reality and go back to DTR because he has a higher ceiling. If Watson never regains form, we are going to have to play somebody next year and then draft a QB the following draft. DTR gives us the best chance over the next several seasons if it come to that.