The Bee Girl album is one I can still go back to to this day. I love every song on that album. Even No Rain… though I do tend to skip it. The song Sleepyhouse is one of my favorite. It feels like a warm, comforting, psychedelic hug.

There are lyrics in Tones of Home that still resonate with me… even more so now.
“And I always thought this would be
the land of milk and honey
Oh but I came to find out that it's
all hate and money”

…and the heartfelt “I only wanted to be 16, and free” in the song I Wonder… boy do I relate every morning when my alarm goes off.

I love Blind Melon. Shannon Hoon is an under mourned rock and roll death. He was a tragic poet with a drug addiction that he struggled to beat. Ultimately succumbing to it. Sucks for music.