This past Summer, there was a national phenomenon involving "fake buskers."

For those unfamiliar with the term 'busker,' here is an efficient, two-sentence description:
A 'busker' is a street performer who brings his/her product to The People to a public place. Patronage is immediate: a passer-by might toss the coins from his pocket (..and perhaps some 'folding money' as well) into an open guitar case, etc.

We've all seen these fellow humans, in our day-to-day. Buskers. They have a name.

So... I went to my local Target last Summer to buy something that is already unimportant to me... and this attractive, 20-something young lady, dressed in the latest, coolest 21st c. version of "Sexy 2020's BoHo Chic" style, is dragging out Franz Schubert's "Ave Maria" (don't sweat the title- there's no quiz at the end of this post, and if you've ever been to a wedding, you've prob heard it more than once-).

I go in, make my purchase, pull out of my parking spot, and slow down, as I approach her performance station. I pull into an open space nearby, and place my whip in 'park.'
Her current tune was something by Celine Dion.

It took about 5 seconds to see that this fetching young lady knew two essential things:

1. how to operate a loudass public karaoke machine in a parking lot.
2. how to draw a straight bow across an unplugged electric violin.

The entire thing was cheap theatre, designed to separate rubes from their hard-earned. In a department store parking lot. Almost none of her gestures came close to what real music-making looked/sounded like.

I pulled out, without tossing this comely grifter so much as a farthing from my car's coin trough.
The internet was right, that day. I witnessed it for myself, in my own back yard. |


The following example is the exact opposite of that abomination I witnessed last Summer.

This young lady is extensively trained, and plays at a very high level. She prepared this presentation with hundreds of hours of work, and now can take this 'impromptu street show' anywhere she wants, knowing that she can kill it any time, anywhere.

I present to you, The (buskers) Real Deal.