
"Found." (NBC/Peacock)

The female lead in this story is the head of a private investigation agency dedicated to finding victims of criminal abduction, and reuniting them with their families. She is single-mindedly (obsessively) devoted to this mission, and has manned her crew with people who are similarly dedicated to her cause. The unifying reason they are all so similarly dedicated: they too are all victims, broken by circumstances beyond their control, and in various states of self-repair, just like she.

The one fact that separates The Boss from those who solve these 'missing-people mysteries' with her:
She has found, captured... and imprisoned in her basement, the deranged genius who held her in captivity during her childhood/adolescence. And- she uses his criminally genius abilities, in exchange for sustenance/survival. Yes- her prisoner actually assists her inclosing cases.

Several plot inconsistencies nag at me, like: "how does Sir do his bathroom stuff, down in that basement?" -but the fiction is really fun to run with, if I suspend all disbelief (after all- ain't that what 'fiction' is supposed to be all about?).

Not sure how a show like this could survive >2-3 seasons, but it's been a fun romp this inaugural season.

Weekly police procedural, with evolving (flashback) dramatic backstory.

My vote:

Fun, but it prob won't last long.
