Exactly. Basically, all these injuries have ruined what had been a very promising season.

...says the Brown "fan" whose favorite team currently sits at 8-5.

In December. When s# actually counts.

A team that currently owns the top spot in the Wild Card race.
At a time in the NFL season when Browns fans traditionally are already talking about next year's draft.

I get it. I understand your "howls of protest" against The Fates dropping the injury card on this season's poker table.
I've been the victim of "Battered Dawg Syndrome" myself.

But, damn, Dawg...
What more do you need to get behind these guys, and give them your unequivocal support? Right now, in 2023?


I've watched all the games you've watched. I've seen this team beat back the same crap that has beaten down former Browns teams... and still, we fans find Our Team in the hot mix of tournament talk.

This 8-5 team hasn't given up.
They deserve fans who haven't given up on them.

Just sayin,'