Yes, it was his choice to make, but don't be obtuse. It isn't hard to see that he didn't want to be here when he rejected us outright. The ONLY reason he is here is because his agent would have killed him if he rejected a 100% guaranteed 1/4 Billion dollar offer

I will start with Prp's quote, as Bone responded to it and kind of put the wheels in motion.

I am not disagreeing with either of you about why he made his choice and the events and article you posted I shows that.

Why I said I don't agree is b/c of the wording. As Bone said, we don't know if it is 100% factual, he did not want to be here.
This is the two options to that wording:

1. He rejected our offer - he did not want to be here
2. He rejected our offer - we were not his top choice, he may have liked the organization, however warm weather, being closer to home or the south trumped. That is why he had NO, CAR, and ATL.

I am viewing this from my own experience. When I had to change duty stations, I received a list and had to rank the sites. My top 5 places were 1. FL 2. TX, 3. FL 4. TX 5. HI. I wanted warm weather and ocean/beaches. FL and TX were my top 4 b/c I can hop in my car and drive back to Ohio any time to visit family. Hawaii would've been my #1, but family rules. Long story short, Army told me I am going to HI. I love it here, I would have loved the other places. It just wasn't my top choice due to distance of parents.

Why I brought this up, the one thing missing from that article is he spent "supposedly" a few hours with Stef going through how they would utilize him. He told Stef to push him and don't hold back. Supposedly the meeting went well. However, when he made his top 3 list, warm weather, and his personal needs were why he chose them. Naturally once Cleveland made the contract offer that changed everything.

My point was just the wording: The way I am reading it come off as he didn't want any part of us, and the "only reason he is here" is b/c of money. It's just coming off to me as he's hating it here, but that money is good.

Why I am bringing the wording up: Not saying either of you are stating this, but through media and other means people are using that as another negative about him. When it is possible he is happy here and he's working just as hard as he would for the other teams he chose for his top 3.

I hope my point is clear, I am kind of multitasking right now.