Are the Browns Super Bowl contenders?

imho, this question has already been answered:

They have won their place in the Second Season... with an 11-5 record.
With a season-long locker room policy of: "we're 1-0... let's go get this next one."

They are pros at this in ways that other teams have not been tested. Our "next men up" have placed this team in the playoffs. And once the playoffs land, all bets are off.
One and done.
Against a team that has played 1-0 ball all season.

I don't care what the active team roster looks like right now.
I don't care how many Game One #1's are currently in rehab.
I don't care what the betting odds are for a CLE SB.

I don't care about any of that.
I'm just having the time of my life watching this story spin out. Elves knocked down 11 wins to lock down a ticket to the ball.

Oh, bros- consider this: the '23 Browns locked their playoff berth before the regular season had even played out.

I'm not predicting anything.
I'm asking:

"Why not?"

After everything we've seen... after all the haymakers this team has taken from The Injury Fates...
after dragging Gramps off the couch to blaze a 4-game late-season win streak...
to winning the last 2 games without our ST #1's?

Why not?

As crazy as this season has been, why should we expect the laws of logic, reason, or even physics to start kicking in now? rofl

I am having an absolute blast being a Browns fan this season.
For as long as this season persists, I'm gonna live on the edge of my seat, not worry about the next game, and be thankful that I stuck with'em long enough to cheer like I used to.

This is what being a Browns fan used to feel like all the time.
I'm glad to still be around to feel it again... no matter how this season plays out.

I've finally gotten my wish:
the Cleveland Browns have established a FO/Coaching/locker room culture that is built to compete/excel in the NFL. I can enthusiastically live with that, going forward.
