It’s been a tremendous amount of hard work to get here. I’ve essentially worked 6 days a week since 2008. Working as a nurse Monday through Friday. Then Saturdays and or Sundays at my shop. Along with many weekday evenings too. In that time I’ve taught myself to weld. This opened doors to creating BIG art. Which we now do for city parks and such.
In that same time I’ve pretty much given my paid time from work to support my art. Traveling to music festivals as an installation artist. Traveling to take interviews to get jobs. Traveling to install completed art. In just the past couple of years I’ve been to Nevada, Colorado, Oklahoma, Florida, and Riyadh Saudi Arabia(!)… crazy. It limited my time to go home to Ohio to see family. Or to go fishing. Or camping. Or many of the other things I love. The sacrifice has been hard, and real but I always believed it’d pay off. If by nothing else except being able to share my creativity with a larger and larger audience. It’s now become so much more than I ever could have dreamed.

I hope to never be owned by another company in exchange for pay. I hope to never have to ask for time off again. Or ration my time off in such ways that limit my life to fit in with the corporate world.

I hope I’ve broken those shackles for good.