Originally Posted by lampdogg
Just a thought. Should we retire eotab’s “what I saw” thread, or have someone continue it as a way for us to honour him? I think the latter, but I’m only one vote.

Just thinking out loud. I could be off base, so those who knew him personally please correct me if i'm wrong. Eo loved that thread, he loved talking football and loved hearing others talk about what they saw from that weeks game. I'm sure he's up there now looking down saying, the hell your not, I want to hear (and those others who didn't get to see the game) what was seen in the game.

I know it might not be easy as some might jump the gun (meaning starting threads), but as a connection (and honor) to him, it could be called "EO's What I saw" or something to that nature. In generalization terms, I know some cheers Ravenkiller when the Browns beat the Ravens. To me, it sounds like a cheers to Eo.

Cheers Eo, you have some legendary Browns players and coaches to discuss the game with up there.