And there is more to this -Biden helped getting the Intel plant started outside Columbus-There is supposed to be more about additional grants for this at the State of the Union address in a couple weeks. We cannot have all of our chips manufactured in Taiwan and S. Korea. The intel plant is supposed to be a total investment of 20 billion to 100 billion-They are going to have a hard time finding enough trades in those locals around Columbus. I hear they are going to pull from as far away as Cleveland for trades for this.

Also, there is another project I have been quite busy with in northern WV. It is a factory that will build multi day long energy storage. That is also being built with some state and federal funds. The fed money is coming from Biden/DOE long duration energy storage and grid resiliency grants. It is supposed to be about 750-800 million total investment when we are all done and the average starting wage is around 63k and they are already having job fairs for the plant.