This time, the substance was benign.
But- the impulse (and message) that led this person to take these steps still lives out there- in others.

The 'rabbit hole' extends as deeply as fools want to take it.
We live among anonymous fools who will act upon their deepest fears and hatreds.

We all should be concerned about s# like this.
If it could happen to state Supreme Court judge, it could happen to any one.

Local politicians.
Local poll workers (read: your patriotic next-door neighbor).
People who do not have the protective resources that currently protect Arthur Engoron.

If my next-door neighbor can't feel safe working the local polls on election day in my own neighborhood, our democracy is in peril.
If my elected precinct rep can't do his/her job without mortal fear, our democracy is in peril.

In almost 70 years of life on this planet, I never once feared for the future of the country that raised/protected/sustained me.
I can no longer confidently say that now.

What a world we have built for ourselves.