Originally Posted by dawglover05
There you have it. It's not just "Russia, Russia, Russia." He's repeating well-known talking points introduced by Trump, spread through the media, and other subservient politicians. That ish is dangerous. I'd also be curious to see what his Ukraine resources are for them all being Nazis.


That was one brain washed ignorant individual.

I think there have always been people like that - we just see and hear them now. [1] Because of social media and everyone has a camera [2] Because there are a lot more of them [2a] We have a lot more of them because we have politicians like Trump and his ilk who willfully constantly lie with impunity, knowing that somewhere someone like this fool will buy it and spread the same hate and falsehoods.

This is where the notion that all politicians and parties are the same falls down. Yes both sides have corruption. Both sides have politicians out for themselves and try to line their pockets more so than serving the country or their constituents. . . . . What we don't have is both parties with a group of people spewing the outright lies that (as Clem just posted) undermine and erode the very democracy of the country.