Born into it. All my family is Browns fans - other than my 1 brother. (I mean ALL - on my dad's side. Uncles, cousins, heck, even my grandma was). So, from the time I knew what football was, I was a Browns fan.

Went to my first game in 1990. Was hooked on going to the games. Split 4 season tickets with a college friend from 91 till the Browns left. In the pound, of course.

When the team returned, I/we didn't renew the season tickets so I and my wife would go to 1-4 games a year.

I even had an old pickup - took the bed off and replaced it with a wood bed. Stained it dark brown. Painted the cab and hood like the Browns helmet, had my brother in law make a brush guard that strongly resembled a face mask. Loved it.