Oh, I'm not defending "the list" as real or false. Nor will I call it "b.s." just because you say it is. The link above contains much more than a list though. It gives a pretty solid overview of much of his online activity. There isn't always a perfect wall of fact. In fact, 'seldom' would be the best description. That's when we have to apply common sense. In the world we live in now -- one man's common sense is another's conspiracy theory.

I'm more infatuated with the never-ending need to paint everything as MAGA. It's truly the most bizarre thing I've ever seen in my life.

Dude went off the deep end. He was probably always close, seems the loss of his mother caused him to actually jump.

Meanwhile, the media and drive-by-know-it-alls will try anything they can to link this to Trump... a dude setting himself on fire after clearly saying the entire political power palace was in cahoots to take us all over by collapsing cryptocurrency. saywhat

I'm also always enamored by the way we can ignore truth when clinging on to conspiracy... while analyzing a person consumed by conspiracy theory. Read any manifesto and you basically consume 70-80% fact, strung together into some strange fantasy by the thoughts of a 'lunatic'.

In this case, on the sad side, we shuffle through all his conspiracies and ignore the largest fact pervading today's political landscape:

"Liberals mock the hypocrisy of conservatives; conservatives mock the hypocrisy of liberals, and our collective circumstances erode," ~ Max Azzarello

While millions try to paint him as a "Trumper" or find a crumb to losely link him to far-right ideology.

Insanity is in the eye of the beholder.