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#2067495 05/01/2024 8:40 PM
by keithfromxenia
As we have watched everything unfold it would have been funny if not so sad that a lefty on here felt the need, in the face of the ongoing antisemitism of the looney lefties, aka Biden voters, out there, to suggest we need to have great concern for “right wing antisemitism “. But of course, nothing out there more prevalent than that!! The poster even included a video of Charlottesville.

Wanting to get a full appreciation of this right wing antisemitism, I watched the Charlottesville video. A bunch of white males were marching and chanting. The only words I could make out were “Jews will not replace us”. They kept repeating that. I am not sure what that was related to. But that is what they repeated. I am sure some racial slurs were made there’s as well.

After the video I read up on Charlottesville. The list of “white supremecist groups was long. Neo Nazi, kkk, and a bunch of others. They had coordinated this event and I am sure they intended to make a strong impression. It was only when I got to the end of the article did I read this. “There were hundreds in attendance”. Hundreds. Another article estimated 5-600. All these racist groups coordinating to make a big show and all they can get are a few hundred guys chanting “Jews will not replace us”.

This Charlottesville thing reminded me a bit of another “white supremecist” demonstration from years ago. Some may remember it. It was in Skokie Illinois and the nazis wanted to march thru the town which had a substantial Jewish population. They were having trouble getting a permit but if my memory is correct the ACLU intervened on their behalf and the nazis got their permit. Back then the ACLU really believed in freedom of speech. Anyway my memory of that March is there were 25-30 nazis marching and hundreds of folks poking fun at them, screaming at them, maybe a few tomatoes thrown. As with Charlottesville, this March demonstrated the absolute minimum support there is in America for nazis, antisemites and white nationalists.

Now in comparison these looney lefty antisemites, aka Joe Biden voters, who took over college campuses, shut down graduations, and prevented classes from taking place numbered in the thousands. They assaulted Jewish students. They probably do not know want tobe replaced by Jews either, but that is not what they were chanting. They were saying “death to Israel, death to America, kill the Jews”. Those kind of thought were being expressed by these lefty loons, aka Joe Biden voters. They repeatedly expressed support of Hamas and what they did in October. Some college professor was quoted that the October attack made him feel proud. Now those these folks are some serious antisemetic, Jew hating words by thousands of Jew hating lefty looney , aka Joe Biden voters. But topping was the poster calling for “the final solution “. Anybody not know that reference?

I think in summary the “right wing anti semites” are minor league stuff, class A baseball, the Dayton Dragons. These looney lefties are major league Jew haters , the New York Yankees of hatred . We need to deal with them.

One thing for sure. If you participated in this crap and you are not an American citizen, you get a ticket on the first bus home.
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#2067592 May 2nd a 04:20 PM
by PitDAWG
Keep in mind he just renewed his #snowflake hunting license. You don't need to actually make a positive identification of one to shoot at it. There is however a bag limit of four per day. naughtydevil
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#2067502 May 1st a 09:06 PM
by jfanent
People really need to shed their preconceived notions and trench mentalities of A = good no matter what and B = bad no matter what. That is honestly the biggest thing that is both being exploited by politicians and dragging this country down.

This x10.
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#2067810 May 4th a 02:08 PM
by OldColdDawg
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#2068059 May 8th a 06:02 PM
by keithfromxenia
Actually it is the “get those lefties into the current decade” strategy. But before I do that there is this. You being you, I doubt you will recognize the……. perhaps irony, of your remark but I am pretty certain most everyone else did. Let me quote you.
“yet you have only pointed the finger in one direction “.

This coming from a guy who has pointed his finger in the same direction for eight years. Eight years!!! And you get worked up when someone points there finger in a different direction. You lefties have spent the past eight years feeling a smug superiority. Look at the hatred and antisemitism of those right wingers. And then, and then, spilling out of the lefty closet comes the nastiest, foulest, ugliest antisemetic hatred of Jews I have seen in a long while. And it is coming from a bunch of your kindred spirits, lefty students who have been indoctrinated by those leftist professors. Nasty nasty people. Just read of a chant at GWU calling for beheading of the school president. Hmm nice people.

As for this idiotic suggestion that Trump called the white supremicists “good people” anyone not wearing lefty glasses knows what he was saying. There were actually three groups of people at Charlottesville. There was a group of mostly local folks who were there to protest the removal or destruction of their historical monuments. There was a group there, a mix of local and outsiders who were there to call for the removal of these monuments. There were good people on both sides. Then there was a third group, mostly outsiders, who were white supremicists., about 500 or so. Trump was not addressing them.

Finally I appreciate you making my point for me. Let’s review. We are currently seeing Jewish students being assaulted and prevented from going to class. I have heard dozens of them say they fear for their life. I have seen signs calling for death to Jews, death to Israel, kill the Jews, from the river to the sea. All of that is going on right now! Current events. And you bring me something eight years old. Can’t you at least find something this decade?? Better yet, all of this started with the October attack on Israel. Obviously that attack brought these leftie looney antisemetic Jew haters out. So surely that has been a perfect opportunity for the klan or neo nazis to come out “in force” . So surely you can point out some examples of Jewish people being assaulted by these right wingers. You can show them marching with kill the Jews signs, death to Israel sign. Or maybe these groups you fear so much have been neutered so much by time and the changing attitudes toward race in America that they just don’t have much of a presence.

But these leftie haters are young and college educated. They are threats to watch out for in the future.

But cheer up, pit. To slightly paraphrase the immortal words of Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca, “you’ll always have Charlottesville “.
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