Posted By: PDR Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 05:19 AM

Anderson posted on his FaceBook page Friday night: "Looks like it is time to make a return to a familiar place for some unfinished business"

Anderson went on to say: I would be honored to return to Cleveland to play football if the fans would have me.

Posted By: bigdatut Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 05:25 AM
Posted By: BADdog Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 05:26 AM

I would be honored to return to Cleveland to play football if the fans would have me.

yes you would ... no we wont


Quoted for truth.
Posted By: Adam_P Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 05:31 AM
At least we know that if he came back here the backup QB would no longer be the most popular guy in town.
Posted By: jaybird Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 05:31 AM

Anderson went on to say: I would be honored to return to Cleveland to play football if the fans would have me.

No thanks...
Posted By: OverToad Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 05:32 AM
Jumpin' Jesus...we'd have Brandon Weeden and Brandon Weeden Light.

Hey, Derek, remember this quote?

“The fans are ruthless and don’t deserve a winner,” Anderson said. “I will never forget getting cheered when I was injured. I know at times I wasn’t great. I hope and pray I’m playing when my team comes to town and [we] roll them.”

How about you start by hoping and praying you're not selling Hoover's door-to-door, because as it stands right now, the only way you're getting into Cleveland Browns Stadium is if you buy a ticket.
Derek Anderson is the best player in NFL history.
Posted By: PDR Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 05:34 AM

How about you start by hoping and praying you're not selling Hoover's door-to-door, because as it stands right now, the only way you're getting into Cleveland Browns Stadium is if you buy a ticket.

Toad, I'm guessing that if he's making these statements publicly, that Chud has already made the phone call.

Not sure if he'll be back for sure, but I'd venture to guess he's been given a call regarding interest.

Brace yourselves?
DA is credited with being a very good mentor for Cam Newton while in Carolina. I do wonder if he'd come in as the backup, or if he thinks that he'll have a chance to compete for the starting job. If he comes in as the clear backup/mentor, then I have no problems with him coming here. If he comes in with the idea of competing for the starting job, then I would have to pass.
Posted By: PDR Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 05:41 AM

DA is credited with being a very good mentor for Cam Newton while in Carolina. I do wonder if he'd come in as the backup, or if he thinks that he'll have a chance to compete for the starting job. If he comes in as the clear backup/mentor, then I have no problems with him coming here. If he comes in with the idea of competing for the starting job, then I would have to pass.

Personally, I'd rather close the door on him for good and not have him back, but if he were to return, I'd see no reason why he wouldn't have a viable competition with Weeden ... they're pretty much of the same mold, same age, and DA has more experience, and a HC that is comfortable with and confident in him. And Weeden doesn't exactly trump him with upside, which would be his real edge here.

I don't want him back, but if he does return ... get ready for multiple DA v. Weeden threads (and a lot of losses).

This, of course, presupposes Weeden will be a Brown next season, which is a 75-25 proposition at this juncture.
Posted By: jaybird Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 05:45 AM

DA is credited with being a very good mentor for Cam Newton while in Carolina. I do wonder if he'd come in as the backup, or if he thinks that he'll have a chance to compete for the starting job. If he comes in as the clear backup/mentor, then I have no problems with him coming here. If he comes in with the idea of competing for the starting job, then I would have to pass.

If he wants to come here and mentor Weeden then fine... but i don't want to hear his whining when he gets booed mercilessly during preseason when he goes in...
If he comes here at all I would have to question everything good I said about Chud and Haslam and although I thought Banner a horrid person in power for the Browns this would entrench my thinking on him totally to the wrong side of the river.
Posted By: OverToad Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 06:00 AM


How about you start by hoping and praying you're not selling Hoover's door-to-door, because as it stands right now, the only way you're getting into Cleveland Browns Stadium is if you buy a ticket.

Toad, I'm guessing that if he's making these statements publicly, that Chud has already made the phone call.

Not sure if he'll be back for sure, but I'd venture to guess he's been given a call regarding interest.

Brace yourselves?

I get the whole mentor thing, but C'mon...the backup QB has to be able to play just a little bit.

As hard as it is to believe, McCoy is twice the QB Anderson is.

I suppose if we're talking about him as the 3rd stringer, maybe, but to be perfectly honest, I don't have very good feelings about Derek Anderson yuckin' it up on the sidelines as we're totally getting our butts kicked.

I'll try and brace myself, but sheesh, you're asking alot of me, PDR...
lol j/c
if this becomes true then I want to hunt down all those Haslam/Banner are better then Lerner/Holmgren/Hekert people and get a drink of what they were drinking.
No way that could be better then what we had.

Well at least we will get a better introductions while watching this. Good thing Haslam is all about winning and not marketing.
Posted By: PDR Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 06:14 AM



How about you start by hoping and praying you're not selling Hoover's door-to-door, because as it stands right now, the only way you're getting into Cleveland Browns Stadium is if you buy a ticket.

Toad, I'm guessing that if he's making these statements publicly, that Chud has already made the phone call.

Not sure if he'll be back for sure, but I'd venture to guess he's been given a call regarding interest.

Brace yourselves?

I get the whole mentor thing, but C'mon...the backup QB has to be able to play just a little bit.

As hard as it is to believe, McCoy is twice the QB Anderson is.

I suppose if we're talking about him as the 3rd stringer, maybe, but to be perfectly honest, I don't have very good feelings about Derek Anderson yuckin' it up on the sidelines as we're totally getting our butts kicked.

I'll try and brace myself, but sheesh, you're asking alot of me, PDR...

3rd stringer a la Dorsey mentor role may be the plan?

I'm hoping so.
Posted By: OverToad Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 06:16 AM
Well, being serious here for a moment, by now it should be obvious that we're not likely to keep both Weeden and McCoy.

(Dude...seriously...you know what I typed? This damned topic gave me such a brutal flashback that I literally wrote this:

"It should start dawning on people that we're not going to keep both Anderson and Quinn"

Seriously...I wrote that then caught it and deleted it.

If McCoy truly threw dirt-balls just to give his guys a break, he's purchased his ticket out of town. I don't know what we're gaining by going into a second straight year with a deposed, disgruntled starter chewing on his bottom lip again. So we will need a backup. I just hope that backup isn't Anderson, unless we plan on drafting a kid at some point, in which case it would make some kind of sense.
I know what you mean I also have to keep myself grounded in the here and now instead of having a relapse myself. IDK this would take me so far back to the abyss im not sure I could recover.
Lets hope for all our sakes this is just some crazy talk.
I want to believe
I need to beleive
why am I in a state of disbelief

Anderson posted on his FaceBook page Friday night: "Looks like it is time to make a return to a familiar place for some unfinished business"

Anderson went on to say: I would be honored to return to Cleveland to play football if the fans would have me.

I like Norv Turner as OC, I'm taking a wait and see/have confidence in the Front Office approach with Chud. But god is this hard to stomach. Bring back DA? Really?

I hope he never sees the field. If he's coming in to be backup, I sure hope we get another guy in here too. Cause I actually like Colt, and there's something about DA that I just can't stand

May be this is karma for the actions of the fans at that Colts game (which, sadly, I was a part of). Definitely not a fan of this move, but I'll wait and see. I just pray he doesn't start for us, I didn't even think this guy was still in the league
Posted By: Tubby_Dawg Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 08:09 AM
Bring him back.....seriously i would have no issues. The guy plays with his heart and soul, he works hard everyday, what you think this is funny? Nothing is funny to me!

Knucklehead or not he would be a good backup if Weeden was to go down as he is close to him in his skill set. The guy had an arm and he wouldnt be throwing to Braylon, he would have Gordon who catches pretty much everything thrown his way.
Posted By: Loki Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 08:46 AM
I wouldn't mind bringing back DA in fact I would can see the positives

1) First and foremost He's in my sig That I haven't changed since that fantastic season
2) He knows Chud's offense and basically had a Pro-bowl year in it. Seriously how many backup's in the Nfl can say that? He could either compete with Weeden to be the Starter. Look Chud has no attachment to Weeden and if the backup is the better player, he should play...San Fran is an example of why the better player should play.

If the Browns draft a QB early then they are going trade or cut Weeden leaving DA to mentor him.
3) He said something wrong but he was youngish, had just been booed when he got hurt and was basically ran out of town.

If he can forgive Browns fan for booing, Browns fans should extend the same courtesy. With that said he should expect to be booed forever. If I was Lawyer or PR guy I would tell him to do a ton of Charity work to help restore his image.
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 09:09 AM

If he can forgive Browns fan for booing

Who asked for his forgiveness?
Posted By: Loki Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 09:13 AM


If he can forgive Browns fan for booing

Who asked for his forgiveness?

I did, and so should ever person who booed when he was injured. You can boo a player for a lot of things but one should never boo a player who is injured. If you do, you are a short step from a Roman Citizen in the Coliseum clamoring for life and blood to be spilled.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 09:40 AM

I did, and so should ever person who booed when he was injured. You can boo a player for a lot of things but one should never boo a player who is injured. If you do, you are a short step from a Roman Citizen in the Coliseum clamoring for life and blood to be spilled.

I think saying you're being dramatic would be a gross understatemnt here. I also believe people's memories of the event are more than slightly foggy.

Derek Anderson and Tim Couch Have Both Had Fans Cheer When They Were Injured

The last time Browns fans cheered their starting quarterback going down with an injury the team went to the playoffs. It was 2002, and then-face of the franchise Tim Couch was in the process of getting "Wally Pipped" by Kelly Holcomb. History repeated itself on Sunday, except this time, there will be no postseason. Just a bunch of guys limping through the final month of the season.

Yesterday, some fans at Cleveland Browns Stadium happily voiced their pleasure after Derek Anderson crumpled to the turf and suffered what looks like a season-ending knee injury. Predictably, neither Anderson nor his teammates were impressed.

"They were cheering the fact that I was hurt," said Anderson after the 10-6 loss to the Colts. "They don't like me. That's well known." ...

"We care about each other and that was very disappointing," said receiver Josh Cribbs ... "We love our fans, but that just wasn't needed. Hopefully Derek isn't hurt too bad and he'll get back and they can cheer for him the next game."

To Anderson's credit, he didn't cry, something Couch couldn't say back in October 2002:

"I went to dive on the ball and got hit in the back of the head, and the next thing I remember, the fans are cheering when I'm lying on the field hurt, and I think it's (nonsense), to be honest with you," Couch said quietly but firmly sitting in front of his locker, struggling to maintain his composure. "But they've got their own opinion, so if they don't like me, then, well, that's all I'm going to say about it." ...

"I've been here going on four years now," he said, "and I've laid it on the line for this team and this city, and for them to turn on me and boo me in my home stadium is a joke - a joke. I've worked my (butt) off here and ..."

Tears filled Couch's eyes before he continued, haltingly. "It's hard to take, man," he said.
Thanks, Cleveland. Jerks.

While I know there's not much joy in being a Browns fan right now, it's probably worth trotting out the ol' "be careful what you ask for" cliche. Because with Brady Quinn and Anderson on the shelf, it's Ken Dorsey Time.

Of course, anybody half-paying attention could point out that things couldn't get any worse with Dorsey, which, frankly, is hard to dispute. And now that I think about it, Cribbs, who played quarterback in college, will serve as Dorsey's backup, and I'd be interested in seeing him run the offense. Maybe he's the Browns Quarterback of the Future.

Fans Cheered, Not Booed

I was at the game where Couch was injured and the fans cheered. What has been left out of the story, and it seems the memory of so many, is that it was a very vocal minority of the fans in the crowd who reacted this way, not all of the crowd or even the majority of it. (Not meaning you per say, just in general.)
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 10:09 AM
Fans didn't cheer for Couchs injury.

They cheered for Holcomb coming in the game.

And while those are the same thing, they are also completely different.

Anderson played like crap. We're fans supposed to be dissapointed that they were not going to get to watch him play like crap?

Dudes a bum with a bum attitude.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 10:27 AM

Fans didn't cheer for Couchs injury.

They cheered for Holcomb coming in the game.

I would accept that, but the cheers came right after the injury, yet well before Holcomb was coming onto the field of play.

I've heard the same excuse you have stated by others. Yet when watching games for 40+ years, the QB coming into the game gets cheered as he is coming onto the field, not well before the injured QB leaves the field.


And while those are the same thing, they are also completely different.

In the case of Browns fans, I believe they know and understand when is the appropriate time to cheer a player, and that time is when a player comes onto the field. Cheering while an injured player is still crumpled on the field of play being attended to by the medical staff, is a totally different matter.

I have heard some Browns fans try to use that excuse, but when witnessing the timing as to how that unfolded, the sentiment of some of the fans that day was quite obvious.


Anderson played like crap. We're fans supposed to be dissapointed that they were not going to get to watch him play like crap?

Dudes a bum with a bum attitude.

And there are times when some of the people surrounding such a situation react in a certain way that also leads to them looking like a bunch of classless bafoons.

So I guess one would need to weigh which one of those is worse. Being a bum or being a classless bafoon.

I don't see either as being a good thing.
Posted By: Kingcob Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 11:53 AM
I have no beef with DA or the fans. He had some bad games and the fan's aren't always supportive of their players. It happens all the time to a lot of players.

DA had a probowl year and only by fluke did not get us into the playoffs. He fits Chud's system and I have no problem with him coming in. I suspect we can get a better QB and that Weeden is a better QB, but Anderson as a mentor and potential player seems like a great fit.

I am ridiculously happy about bringing in the Vertical Attack offense long term. So happy with with Chud hire If Chud wants DA it is probably a good decision.
Posted By: Mourgrym Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 12:06 PM
I have no problem with DA returning as a backup. DA was busting getting his ass handed to him play after play and when he went down fans were cheering his injury. I dont blame him for being upset and ripping the fans. I blame him for the crazy throws lol
Posted By: jfanent Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 12:19 PM
Could you imagine the boos the first time he throws a pic or a 110mph curve ball at Little's feet on a short slant? Let alone the overall negative impact bringing DA back will have on the new regime's image. There are better options out there....in this case no option is a better option.
Posted By: Damanshot Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 12:23 PM
FWIW, I'm not anderson fan but think about it, he's virtually the same QB that Weeden is except I think Weeden is more accurate and probably smarter.

But they are essentially big arm,, can throw it through a wall kinda guys.

SO if Weeden ends up being the Starter, and you don't want to change what you do with your back up if needed, it kinda then makes sense to have Anderson as a back up.

Man, talk about circular logic

Posted By: Bard Dawg Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 12:58 PM
No, no, no! I am still in therapy from Mr. Potato Cannon's ProBowl exhibition. How many marginally mobile QB's do we need? And the quotes I remember from DA trashed fans badly. Please, make it stop.
Posted By: The Big G Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 01:02 PM
It'd be fine with me to bring DA back. Fans were wrong to cheer for him getting injured, and he's right to be pissed about that. Guy threw 29 TDs in Chud's offense. He can come here and back up Weeden.
Posted By: Arps Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 01:14 PM
Im OK with DA coming back. He proved he can make things happen under the right circumstance. He has been around a bit and I believe could possibly beat out Weeden for the starting spot.
Posted By: Tulsa Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 01:26 PM
Maybe they'd bring back DA to teach Weeden how to feather one in there.
Posted By: bigdatut Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 02:01 PM
General Reply...

- Enough of the "no one boo'd Couch or anyone's injury - they were cheering for the other guy" argument. Get the hell outta here... it may not have been many but their were people cheering a player getting hurt.

- I never did it, I'll never do it - if you or anyone did it you're a loser.

- I don't hate Derek Anderson for his comments (though I'll admit they're hard to get past) - I hate the man for the way he folded like a cheap tent in Cincy because of the wind. Dude had one big chance and failed.

- He's done nothing.... NOTHING... since that moment worth being in the NFL. To bring him back here to be a "mentor" would be a joke. A bad one.

- If DA is brought back, in any capacity, it's gonna get real ugly for Haslem and his front office real quick in every media outlet that this city has to offer.
Posted By: illegalmoe Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 02:07 PM
If Chud called DA about a job here he should already be fired.

If Chud called DA about a job here he should already be fired.

The calm and measured response expected from all Browns fans.....
Posted By: Tulsa Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 02:14 PM

Maybe we could bring back Quinn too.

Golly gee, wouldn't that be swell to have all the old gang back again!
Posted By: Dave Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 02:18 PM
Maybe the Jugs machine in Berea is broken, and Chud thought "Hey, Derek's not doing anything ...". Seriously, though, with both Weeden and McCoy having had shoulder problems, and while trying to install a new "vertical" offense, we're going to need someone to throw a lot of balls in all the mini-camps - and DA does have a bionic arm. If there's any competition, I would guess its between DA and McCoy, not Weeden. Let the best man win.
Posted By: Dave Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 02:21 PM
Weeden and DA could have a clay pigeon competition to see who'd get to wear #3. I'd pay to see that.
Posted By: Adam_P Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 03:54 PM

General Reply...

- Enough of the "no one boo'd Couch or anyone's injury - they were cheering for the other guy" argument. Get the hell outta here... it may not have been many but their were people cheering a player getting hurt.

- I never did it, I'll never do it - if you or anyone did it you're a loser.

- I don't hate Derek Anderson for his comments (though I'll admit they're hard to get past) - I hate the man for the way he folded like a cheap tent in Cincy because of the wind. Dude had one big chance and failed.

- He's done nothing.... NOTHING... since that moment worth being in the NFL. To bring him back here to be a "mentor" would be a joke. A bad one.

- If DA is brought back, in any capacity, it's gonna get real ugly for Haslem and his front office real quick in every media outlet that this city has to offer.

I agree with all of this EXCEPT that in that Cincinnati game, on the last play of the game he threw a great pass into the endzone that Winslow would've caught if he wasn't loafing it on his route.

I agree with all of this EXCEPT that in that Cincinnati game, on the last play of the game he threw a great pass into the endzone that Winslow would've caught if he wasn't loafing it on his route.

I missed the first 2 quarters of this game and some of the 3rd because of a funeral. I remember it because I didn't really know the guy and I was in debate to not go.

Anyway, from what I remember from highlights and the 3rd/4th quarter, DA threw like 2 or 3 interceptions. Yes, he threw one good pass to Winslow on the final drive that Winslow missed, but the rest of the game he sucked. Just looked at the stats 4 INTERCEPTIONS in the game that would have gotten us to the playoffs.

Yeah, that always pissed me off. I remember Braylon Edwards complaining that season that we didn't get into the playoffs, he was like, "Man, the Redskins got into the playoffs. We would definitely beat them!" I thought the same thing. I always blamed DA for us not getting into the playoffs. Winslow, Edwards, Lewis, they were all stellar that season. O-Line of Thomas, Steinbach (right?), Fraley, Tucker, and Schaffer, it was among the best in football. Our receivers made plays non-stop, and DA had it as easy as anyone could have it. Plus our schedule was so easy. Yet he was awful in the game that meant the most.

It's all because the Colts started Jim Sorgi week 17 vs the Titans and Kerry Collins. 4th quarter, they were down by a TD, and they weren't even running a hurry up offense. So what did I do, I got tickets to the Colts Browns next season (revenge game). It was before the season that I got the tickets, so I thought we were gonna be good. I thought we'd get the Colts back for their lack of desire to win vs the Titans. Man was I wrong.

Colts verses Browns, I show up wasted because what's the point, the Browns sucked that year (that and I was a college kid). And our defense held the Colts to like 3 or 6 points, yet DA couldn't do anything. We had like 3 points ourselves. DA goes down with an injury, and the stadium became a very ugly site.

People can say what they want, it was a mess. Tons of boos and cheers. Either way, it was very clear to DA what the fans thought of him. But that's more the coach's and organization's fault. That's the guy they gave us all season, that's what's going to happen. People are sick of garbage football.
After 2007 he was about as useless as a screen door on a submarine.

No thanks, DA.
Posted By: ClayM57 Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 04:23 PM

Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.......
Posted By: Adam_P Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 04:37 PM

Anyway, from what I remember from highlights and the 3rd/4th quarter, DA threw like 2 or 3 interceptions. Yes, he threw one good pass to Winslow on the final drive that Winslow missed, but the rest of the game he sucked. Just looked at the stats 4 INTERCEPTIONS in the game that would have gotten us to the playoffs.

That's all well and good, but down 19-0 he threw two second-half touchdown passes and would've had a third if the intended receiver hadn't given up with 1 second left in the game.


I always blamed DA for us not getting into the playoffs. Winslow, Edwards, Lewis, they were all stellar that season. O-Line of Thomas, Steinbach (right?), Fraley, Tucker, and Schaffer, it was among the best in football. Our receivers made plays non-stop, and DA had it as easy as anyone could have it. Plus our schedule was so easy. Yet he was awful in the game that meant the most.

That's kind of silly. We lost 5 other games that season, any of which, had we won, would've put us in the playoffs. Nobody seems to get upset that Dawson had a field goal blocked against Oakland, or that our defense couldn't stop Ben from running for a crucial third-and-long conversion in Pittsburgh.
For everyone who hates Derek Anderson and rips on him, look at it from his perspective.

Easily had the best season as a Browns QB since 1999, the fans still did not like him and were clamoring for Brady Quinn throughout the season and at the begging of 2008. Never did anything to earn the dislike besides have a backup qb that was more popular in the town than him, then played poorly as we had an overly large amount of injuries and problems in 2008. When Brady Quinn got hurt, and he got back in the starting position late in the year, he's in a tight game against Indy, and gets hit while throwing and injured/knocked out of the game. Fans cheer his injury.

You're Derek Anderson, how would you feel towards the fan base in that instance?
Posted By: WooferDawg Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 05:23 PM
Just a general question.

Which QB is more typical for the offense run by Chud and Norv?

DA or McCoy?
Posted By: Dave Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 05:30 PM
IMO, Anderson does, although I don't agree with what seems to be a board consensus that McCoy couldn't run a vertical offense. I think his arm better than most people think it is. I think both our QBs were stunted by Shurmur's offense; there's no other explanation for McCoy's regression in 2011 after some fairly impressive games as a rookie in 2010.

IMO, Anderson does, although I don't agree with what seems to be a board consensus that McCoy couldn't run a vertical offense. I think his arm better than most people think it is. I think both our QBs were stunted by Shurmur's offense; there's no other explanation for McCoy's regression in 2011 after some fairly impressive games as a rookie in 2010.

No run game which lead to defenses being able to pin their ears back and blitz the hell out of him.

One of the worst right tackles in the league.

Rookie wide receiver #1 target.

Offseason lockout without much time to learn the system.

There are a few reasons for you.
It's not only about the arm with McCoy, it's also with his eyes and brain. He takes his eyes from downfield and freezes when blitzed and he's late pulling the trigger. Pretty much every deep ball he has thrown turned into a jump ball with the WR and DB standing around or slowing down and waiting for the ball...he just doesn't have it...can we move on? please? Can't wait for the day he's on another team and I can finally say "go root for X" to his fanboys. Really, he is this board's Justin Bieber: crap artist, but still "liked"
Posted By: Dave Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 05:38 PM
I was aware of those things as reason he didn't succeed, but he actually got worse in 2011. It was the offense itself, imo.
Posted By: Dave Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 05:41 PM
I'm not a fanboy, just trying to be fair. I have moved on, but if he's here and he plays, I'm rooting for him. Could you say the same?

I was aware of those things as reason he didn't succeed, but he actually got worse in 2011. It was the offense itself, imo.

I don't know if you can really say someone got "worse" from one year to another when they lose the top 2 running backs the have a rookie starting at WR that was a year out of the game had one of the worst right tackles in the league like I said AND on top of it have to learn a new offense with limited time.

What is it this past three weeks with all these ghosts from Cleveland Browns' past being dredged up? People wanting to bring back previous coaches and players like Rob Ryan, Romeo Crennel, and Derek Anderson... seriously? I thought the whole idea of getting better is upgrading the parts of the organization each year, not bringing back past failures. Where's the graemlin shooting itself when you need it?
Posted By: SunDawg Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 10:50 PM

DA is credited with being a very good mentor for Cam Newton while in Carolina. I do wonder if he'd come in as the backup, or if he thinks that he'll have a chance to compete for the starting job. If he comes in as the clear backup/mentor, then I have no problems with him coming here. If he comes in with the idea of competing for the starting job, then I would have to pass.

To be a mentor, isn't some degree of success required? DA sucked in Ctown, Phoenix, and couldn't see the field in Carolina. What exactly would he mentor Weeds on? How to throw two pick six's in a row with one minute left in the half? What value would this clown have to offer?

I am getting a bad, bad feeling about the Chud hire....seems like he wants to recreate all his previous situations. Bringing in Turner AND Pagano, your old HC and DC? Plus a unrespected journeyman loser QB? Really?

Chud, did you get the job to recreated your SD experience? Really? Turner, Pagano AND DA? Please, someone tell me it isn't so....
Posted By: dawg66 Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 11:25 PM

Thats what a newly hired coach does. He hires coaches he's worked with before to be his assistants. Every new Head Coach does it so i fail to see why that is a problem.
Posted By: Damanshot Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/13/13 11:38 PM


DA is credited with being a very good mentor for Cam Newton while in Carolina. I do wonder if he'd come in as the backup, or if he thinks that he'll have a chance to compete for the starting job. If he comes in as the clear backup/mentor, then I have no problems with him coming here. If he comes in with the idea of competing for the starting job, then I would have to pass.

To be a mentor, isn't some degree of success required? DA sucked in Ctown, Phoenix, and couldn't see the field in Carolina. What exactly would he mentor Weeds on? How to throw two pick six's in a row with one minute left in the half? What value would this clown have to offer?

I am getting a bad, bad feeling about the Chud hire....seems like he wants to recreate all his previous situations. Bringing in Turner AND Pagano, your old HC and DC? Plus a unrespected journeyman loser QB? Really?

Chud, did you get the job to recreated your SD experience? Really? Turner, Pagano AND DA? Please, someone tell me it isn't so....

Help me out here,,, has it been confirmed that Chud is going after DA? Cauxe all I've seen is media speculation and a report that DA would come back if the fans would have him.
Posted By: Ballpeen Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 12:00 AM


DA is credited with being a very good mentor for Cam Newton while in Carolina. I do wonder if he'd come in as the backup, or if he thinks that he'll have a chance to compete for the starting job. If he comes in as the clear backup/mentor, then I have no problems with him coming here. If he comes in with the idea of competing for the starting job, then I would have to pass.

To be a mentor, isn't some degree of success required? DA sucked in Ctown, Phoenix, and couldn't see the field in Carolina. What exactly would he mentor Weeds on? How to throw two pick six's in a row with one minute left in the half? What value would this clown have to offer?

I am getting a bad, bad feeling about the Chud hire....seems like he wants to recreate all his previous situations. Bringing in Turner AND Pagano, your old HC and DC? Plus a unrespected journeyman loser QB? Really?

Chud, did you get the job to recreated your SD experience? Really? Turner, Pagano AND DA? Please, someone tell me it isn't so....

I don't think it is required Sun.

Most coaches played football to some unsuccessful degree.

No doubt you have your Ditka's, but from my observation most good coaches were at best minimally good players.

DA has experience. That can't be disclaimed. Weeden has little NFL experience. It might be a perfect marriage.



DA is credited with being a very good mentor for Cam Newton while in Carolina. I do wonder if he'd come in as the backup, or if he thinks that he'll have a chance to compete for the starting job. If he comes in as the clear backup/mentor, then I have no problems with him coming here. If he comes in with the idea of competing for the starting job, then I would have to pass.

To be a mentor, isn't some degree of success required? DA sucked in Ctown, Phoenix, and couldn't see the field in Carolina. What exactly would he mentor Weeds on? How to throw two pick six's in a row with one minute left in the half? What value would this clown have to offer?

I am getting a bad, bad feeling about the Chud hire....seems like he wants to recreate all his previous situations. Bringing in Turner AND Pagano, your old HC and DC? Plus a unrespected journeyman loser QB? Really?

Chud, did you get the job to recreated your SD experience? Really? Turner, Pagano AND DA? Please, someone tell me it isn't so....

Help me out here,,, has it been confirmed that Chud is going after DA? Cauxe all I've seen is media speculation and a report that DA would come back if the fans would have him.

Pretty sure its just speculation that said I could see Chud bringing him in, DA is obviously familiar with his system and if he is willing to (and I have to believe he can't possibly think it would be more) be the backup he can probably help Weeden pickup the system.


Anderson posted on his FaceBook page Friday night: "Looks like it is time to make a return to a familiar place for some unfinished business"

Anderson went on to say: I would be honored to return to Cleveland to play football if the fans would have me.


" Mr.Anderson..I'd be honored to see the Matrix make me invinceable...but it ain't happening either.".Mr.Smith..
Posted By: E.Ryze19 Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 02:50 AM

I am getting a bad, bad feeling about the Chud hire....seems like he wants to recreate all his previous situations. Bringing in Turner AND Pagano, your old HC and DC? Plus a unrespected journeyman loser QB? Really?

Chud, did you get the job to recreated your SD experience? Really? Turner, Pagano AND DA? Please, someone tell me it isn't so....

The guy has not hired anybody yet. How do you know what he is doing.
Let's see ....... Turner is a well respected offensive coordinator, even though he's been a lousy head coach ......... Pagano is a very well respected DC, who led the Chargers defense to a top 10 finish last year ...... (#9 against the run, IIRC)

We sure wouldn't want that.

DA would probably be a backup if he was even brought in ...... and that's no guarantee.

I do think that it speaks well of Chud that a guy (DA) who pretty much swore that he wanted anything ever again to do with Cleveland would want to follow him back to town.

Maybe Steve Smith will want to follow Chud too.

I do think that it speaks well of Chud that a guy (DA) who pretty much swore that he wanted anything ever again to do with Cleveland would want to follow him back to town.

Does DA have a job without Chud? That's what I wonder
Posted By: Rishuz Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 04:32 AM
Haven't read through the whole thread, but I think DA would make the perfect back up here.

Never really understood all the venom showed to the guy. He provided me with the most enjoyment I've had as a Browns fan in the last 10 years ... by far. It was the only season where I never feared we wouldn't score. My only question was how much would we score. Name me another season like that since the return. Hell, how about the last 20 years.

Yeah, he screwed the pooch in Cinci. His WRs bailed him out from time to time ... you know, they did their jobs. But there are more good memories from that season than the last 5 combined. And he was a big part of that.

But it's typical because people don't appreciate anything anymore. I've already told the story of a guy who works for me who's a Pats fan. He thinks Brady and Billy are terrible on almost a weekly basis.

People just aren't ever happy with anything.


I do think that it speaks well of Chud that a guy (DA) who pretty much swore that he wanted anything ever again to do with Cleveland would want to follow him back to town.

Does DA have a job without Chud? That's what I wonder

He was able to back up Cam in Carolina and I would bet he is better than a lot of the back ups in the league. If Chud wants to bring DA back that either says a lot about his progress in the couple of years, or that Chud is insane.
It's quite possible that Mr. No Touch matured and has been humbled after being in the league on a couple other teams.. I mean he had Larry Fitzgerald of all people to throw to and still couldn't get it done.

That type of experience has to have humbled him. Right?
Posted By: The Big G Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 10:56 AM
I also don't get the hate for Anderson. Sure he choked in a big game, but everyone before or since (after '99) has failed to get us even close to that point. Statistically, he had a far better 16-game regular season than Bernie Kosar EVER had for us. (No, I'm not saying he was better than Bernie).

I don't blame him for being ticked off at some fans, and I like that he admitted he was bad at times. Seems pretty stand-up to me. And I'd rather see him come in as an injury replacement in a tough game than Colt, who I really like but just can't throw the deep pass.

Chud knows DA, and if he wants to bring him back, that tells me it is a good idea.
Posted By: clevesteve Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 02:46 PM

Never really understood all the venom showed to the guy. He provided me with the most enjoyment I've had as a Browns fan in the last 10 years ... by far. It was the only season where I never feared we wouldn't score. My only question was how much would we score. Name me another season like that since the return. Hell, how about the last 20 years.

I agree with Rish and The Big G.
He was a flash in the pan.

I'm not in favor of bringing him back. I'm also not in favor of keeping Colt McCoy.

Brandon Weeden gets one more year, in my eyes. Chud's offense fits him well, so if he can't show us something next year, he probably never will.

That leaves a spot available on our team for another QB (if it were up to me). We have lots of money to spend, but we'd have to give up a pick for Smith right? I don't want Mike Vick. Does anyone have a list of available Restricted/Unrestricted QB's for this upcoming FA period? Maybe there is some unsung guy who we could get on the cheap, with some kind of qualities.

I also wouldn't mind drafting a QB with a later on pick, but having one less high pick because of Gordon (whom I still love that pick) makes it tougher because we still have many needs.

If it's McCoy next year, whatever. I just don't see him as a reliable backup, and now with a new offense in town, he's borderline worthless.
slim pickings....as always at QB


Tarvaris Jackson?
Matt Moore?
Jason Campbell?
Tyler Thigpen?
Luke McCown?
Drew Stanton?

Those are the "biggest" names in FA and I'd be ok if we bring in any of those guys to "compete" with Weeden, although that competition shouldn't last long. Stanton has some "upisde" appeal, probably because he hasn't played for 2 seasons lol....but he has a strong arm and would be a good fit

I would have no problem with DA either

slim pickings....as always at QB


Tarvaris Jackson?
Matt Moore?
Jason Campbell?
Tyler Thigpen?
Luke McCown?
Drew Stanton?

Those are the "biggest" names in FA and I'd be ok if we bring in any of those guys to "compete" with Weeden, although that competition shouldn't last long. Stanton has some "upisde" appeal, probably because he hasn't played for 2 seasons lol....but he has a strong arm and would be a good fit

I would have no problem with DA either

Wow, that's a really bad list. As much as I dislike DA, you can argue he's at the top of that list, or near it. I would probably narrow it down to DA/Matt Moore.

I just hope Jimmy agree with most of us that Weeden should get another year. I hope he doesn't fall in love with Barkley or Geno Smith or any of these other QB's projected in the top 15-20.

I think he should definitely sit on it for a year. Next year could bring some better names.
Posted By: Dave Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 04:23 PM
I remember being impressed with Drew Stanton in a pre-season game with Detroit a couple years ago. Good size at 6-3, 240 and it seemed to me he has a pretty strong arm. I also could see Jason Campbell in a Chud offensive scheme.
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 04:53 PM
Regarding DA.....NO. If he never made those comments as he left, I'd entertain the idea of a homecoming. But he did say those things, so he's a poophead in my book. (and for the record, I don't think fans ever "cheer" for an injury to their own, they're cheering that the backup is coming in....the circumstances as to how/why are irrelevant)

I'd want Weeden as #1 and maybe selecting one of those read/option guys later in the draft (something to grow).
Posted By: jb52 Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 05:20 PM

I also could see Jason Campbell in a Chud offensive scheme

Oh great, now you have went and done it. Hurry and delete this before Toad reads it.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 05:37 PM

I'd want Weeden as #1 and maybe selecting one of those read/option guys later in the draft (something to grow).

I don't really see how that works.. if you are designing an offense around an immobile strong armed guy, why would you want a mobile running QB backing him up? You can't just flip a switch on the offense if the guy has to come in to finish a game or play for a week or 2.

When it comes to RBs, having complimentary skills is great, when it comes to QBs, I want my back-up as similar to my starter as possible.

This is not, in any way, an endorsement of DA...
Posted By: Damanshot Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 06:00 PM


I'd want Weeden as #1 and maybe selecting one of those read/option guys later in the draft (something to grow).

I don't really see how that works.. if you are designing an offense around an immobile strong armed guy, why would you want a mobile running QB backing him up? You can't just flip a switch on the offense if the guy has to come in to finish a game or play for a week or 2.

When it comes to RB's, having complimentary skills is great, when it comes to QBs, I want my back-up as similar to my starter as possible.

This is not, in any way, an endorsement of DA...

The Redskins did! and if reports on RGIII are close to correct, it could take a while for him to return....

DA is Weeden in so many ways. Yet DA was Cam Newtons back up which is pretty much the same thing you describe in reverse. that's the beauty of Chud. he takes what he's got to work with and modifies things to fit the talent available.

I guess in a perfect world if your starter is slow afoot with a rocket arm and accurate, you would want your back up to have similar attributes.. Makes sense in that you wouldn't have to change everything as much if your starter goes down.

But that's exactly the opposite of what Chud had with DA and Cam Newton. Go figure.

regarding DA in general.., Yeah,, he yapped off after he got cut. He was ticked off, there was a bonus due him that because he got cut, he never received. So yeah, the Browns took him for some money. That would kinda tick me off also. It probably didn't help that what they brought in to replace him wasn't any better.. (well, on paper he was, but those skills had long since gone by by as it turns out)

As a professional, he should have said something more like, "I'm sorry they didn't see fit to give me another chance and see if we could move forward, but it's a business and I know that"!

And since that time, he's apologized to the fans and the Browns.

that's not to say I want to bring him back. I'm just saying, he blabbed a little more than he should have but who among us when we were in our 20's didn't do something or say something we regretted almost the instant we said it? I sure have.

So if people don't want him here because they don't think he's good enough,,, Cool. But to not want him here because he made a verbal blast that many of us might have made,,, ahh, I'm not going to hold that against him,.'
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 06:13 PM

The Redskins did!

Not really. Cousins is no where near the QB RGIII is, which is why they were drafted several rounds apart.. but Cousins is athletic, though not a runner, he's very accurate and he makes good decisions.. he's not too dissimilar from RGIII..


DA is Weeden in so many ways. Yet DA was Cam Newtons back up which is pretty much the same thing you describe in reverse. that's the beauty of Chud.

DA threw 4 passes in 2 years, it's pretty hard to tell whether that would have worked or not...


I'm just saying, he blabbed a little more than he should have but who among us when we were in our 20's didn't do something or say something we regretted almost the instant we said it? I sure have.

I'm well past my 20s and I still do it on a regular basis.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 06:31 PM

Never really understood all the venom showed to the guy. He provided me with the most enjoyment I've had as a Browns fan in the last 10 years ... by far. It was the only season where I never feared we wouldn't score.

Took the words right out of my mouth....

Posted By: Damanshot Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 06:51 PM

The Redskins did!

Not really. Cousins is no where near the QB RGIII is, which is why they were drafted several rounds apart.. but Cousins is athletic, though not a runner, he's very accurate and he makes good decisions.. he's not too dissimilar from RGIII..

My point is, he's not the dynamic athlete that RG is. not close really.


DA is Weeden in so many ways. Yet DA was Cam Newtons back up which is pretty much the same thing you describe in reverse. that's the beauty of Chud.

DA threw 4 passes in 2 years, it's pretty hard to tell whether that would have worked or not...

You misunderstood the point, my point was that Chud had DA as Cams back up. You are right, he wasn't used much, but they couldn't be any more different in style and ability.

What's to say he won't do that here.


I'm well past my 20s and I still do it on a regular basis

You are not alone in that regard.....LOL
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 07:04 PM


I'd want Weeden as #1 and maybe selecting one of those read/option guys later in the draft (something to grow).

I don't really see how that works.. if you are designing an offense around an immobile strong armed guy, why would you want a mobile running QB backing him up? You can't just flip a switch on the offense if the guy has to come in to finish a game or play for a week or 2.

Not only the Redskins, the 49ers did it too. Alex Smith was not running the same offense as Colin Kaepernick (and yes, I had to google his name to spell it right....he's two wins away from everyone in the US from memorizing that spelling). And the same could be said for the Vikings too (Ponder versus Webb).

Meaning, it's likely to have 2 or 3 QBs that run a different system. Sure, it would be an extra burden on the OC to prepare every week.....but it would also be an extra burden on the opposing DC too. And it also gives the team an opportunity to play around with the 2nd QB for a few plays to throw the defense off a bit (something the Jets promised but never really did).

And heck, you never know. Just like in San Fran, you might find gold in a backup QB and then he'll take you to the NFCCG.

I do find it funny, as mentioned before, that many people were predicting Tebow to bring a paradigm shift to what a QB can do in the NFL. And here we are, witnessing Kaepernick, RG3, Wilson and others shift the NFL QB mindset with their dynamic play.........and little Mr. Tebow is probably going to be without a team in 2013 (well, there are teams in the CFL that might offer him a job).

And yes, I laughed my arse off when the Jags new GM made those comments last week. "Even if he was released", in a whisper.

I remember being impressed with Drew Stanton in a pre-season game with Detroit a couple years ago. Good size at 6-3, 240 and it seemed to me he has a pretty strong arm. I also could see Jason Campbell in a Chud offensive scheme.

To me Jason Campbell is the opposite of a Chud type QB. He is more like an Alex Smith type. He is at his best when he is protected, and asked to do no more than he is absolutely comfortable doing.
you know what Weeden and Anderson have in common?
Both are not NFL starter material.
14 years since the return and the Browns QB position is defined by a 29 year old who had no business being drafted in the 1st RD and the possible return
of a journeyman who had a great 2/3's of one season.
until the Browns can find a replacement for Weeden,being in last place will be
common place yet again.
If either QB is taking snaps this year, that can't be good news in either case.
This franchise is better off trying to acquire someone like Phillip Rivers and drafting his replacement.
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 07:58 PM
Nah, I think Weeden has a "2007 year" in him. And if he does, Chud will pull it out of him.

The Broncos thought they solved their QB position by signing Manning.....but it turned out they signed a choking playoff QB. So, do they dump him tomorrow? They aren't as bad off as you or I think...and neither are we.

Relax. Let Chud work with Weeden while there is a QB competition. If he continues to tread water, dump him. But I'm not dumping him after one season.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 08:01 PM

The Broncos thought they solved their QB position by signing Manning.....but it turned out they signed a choking playoff QB.

LOL.. seriously?
I think that was tounge in cheek due to all the over reacting to our QB being labled the biggest bust to ever walk onto a football field by some people after his rookie season. I could of course be way off base but thats how I took it.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 08:27 PM
I was hoping that is what he meant...

However.. I will say that having questions about whether or not he is the future of the Browns and whether or not he is the biggest bust to ever walk on a football field are 2 completely different things. You can ask the first without believing the second....
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 08:37 PM


The Broncos thought they solved their QB position by signing Manning.....but it turned out they signed a choking playoff QB.

LOL.. seriously?

Yes, seriously (with a little tongue in cheek...go with me here).

Manning threw a STUPID pass across his body that resulted in an OT loss on Saturday, he lost the Super Bowl with his pick-6 a few years back, and most of his pre-Super Bowl win playoff games were terrible.

Yes, he did play extremely well in that comeback win against the Pats in the AFCCG. And he did play "well enough" in the Super Bowl win against the Bears. Look, I'm not calling him a bust. He's maybe one of the best QB of all time.....but really think about it. Do his regular season accolades stand up against his playoffs results? He hasn't really set the world on fire with his postseason wins and stats.

Heck, until yesterday, most of the country knew Matt Ryan as a excellent regular season QB that disappeared in the playoffs. I'd still take him on the Browns in a heartbeat....but before that FG went through the uprights, he was known as a choker.

And yes, Manning is settling back into that place where the fans and media are questioning his playoff performances (and how that affects his overall legacy). In some ways, I'm starting to view Manning and Favre in the same light....great stats, great arm, tons of regular season wins, only one Super Bowl each and a ton of flameouts in the postseason. Again, I'd take that for the Browns in a plank second but I would bet the fans of Denver didn't think they were signing a QB that would thrown ANOTHER horrible late game interception to lose the game.
i'd add in for Peyton's performance that something seems wrong with his arm. he's got plenty of speed on the shorter throws (as the announcers made sure to point out over and over and over again), but he only attempted 2 passes over 15yds in length. the entire 5 and half quarters played.

2 passes thrown over 15yds in length.

Flacco threw 10 over that distance (185yds 3TDs)


I was hoping that is what he meant...

However.. I will say that having questions about whether or not he is the future of the Browns and whether or not he is the biggest bust to ever walk on a football field are 2 completely different things. You can ask the first without believing the second....

Im in that camp as well, of asking question 1 while wondering if 2 is the answer. Thats why I hate the jump to 2 (not by you, but some) before 1 is even remotely considered.
I'm not down on the guy and im not sold on the guy.

I'm willing to take the car for another test drive but if the person paying for the car says I want to look at other models I wont lose any sleep over it either.
Ok I can see your point. Hes like the Kosars Ryans Romos Rivers McNabb Moon Marino Fouts Stabler Shuab (sp?) now can be added to the list etc for whatever reason always will get you a ticket to the dance but hardly ever actually dance's with you for the last dance.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 10:29 PM

Yes, seriously (with a little tongue in cheek...go with me here).

Oh I get where you are going... but he gave them a 7-0 lead.. he gave them a 21-14 lead... he gave them a 28-21 lead, he gave them a 35-28 lead... and the defense kept giving it back... He had the Broncos with a 35-28 lead with a minute to go and they gave up a 70 yard TD pass.... who does that?

He took a defense that averages giving up 21 and hung 35 on them and lost..... How many times do people expect him to be able to win the same game?
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 10:33 PM

Ok I can see your point. Hes like the Kosars Ryans Romos Rivers McNabb Moon Marino Fouts Stabler Shuab (sp?) now can be added to the list etc for whatever reason always will get you a ticket to the dance but hardly ever actually dance's with you for the last dance.

Essentially, yes. Except, he won one Super Bowl (though, I'd argue he managed the game just enough to give Grossman the opportunity to lose it....but whatever, a win is a win).

Ya know, of that list....I kinda miss Moon the most (2nd to Kosar, goes without saying). My memory of him seems to be of complete perfection.
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 10:37 PM


Yes, seriously (with a little tongue in cheek...go with me here).

Oh I get where you are going... but he gave them a 7-0 lead.. he gave them a 21-14 lead... he gave them a 28-21 lead, he gave them a 35-28 lead... and the defense kept giving it back... He had the Broncos with a 35-28 lead with a minute to go and they gave up a 70 yard TD pass.... who does that?

He took a defense that averages giving up 21 and hung ã5 on them and lost..... How many times do people expect him to be able to win the same game?

And that's the logical argument in return, you're right. That's reality. But perception is....Manning threw a costly interception very late in a playoff game that cost his team the win, again. That isn't supposed to happen to a QB of his caliber.

To be an NFL QB.....very rough. You get all the praise when you win, even when it's your defense that does all the work. And you get all the crap when you lose, even if you played well in the loss.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 11:21 PM
That being said, Manning does have his issues.. he's what, 0-7 or something like that in playoff games where the temp is below 40 degrees... granted most of those came in New England but still...

That is one of the reasons people questioned his moves to the Broncos, the guy is not a great cold weather player evidently...
Posted By: clevesteve Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/14/13 11:23 PM


Yes, seriously (with a little tongue in cheek...go with me here).

Oh I get where you are going... but he gave them a 7-0 lead.. he gave them a 21-14 lead... he gave them a 28-21 lead, he gave them a 35-28 lead... and the defense kept giving it back... He had the Broncos with a 35-28 lead with a minute to go and they gave up a 70 yard TD ass.... who does that?

He took a defense that averages giving up 21 and hung 35 on them and lost..... How many times do people expect him to be able to win the same game?

Two of their touchdowns were scored on special teams.
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/15/13 12:11 AM
Wilbon on PTI just mentioned that Manning is 9-11 in the playoffs. I thought it was bad, but not that bad.

8 of those loses are 1-and-done losses.
3 of those were in one postseason.

Wilbon on PTI just mentioned that Manning is 9-11 in the playoffs. I thought it was bad, but not that bad.

Problem being you need 2 or 3 wins to make the super bowl but only 1 loss to be eliminated. I agree didnt think it was that bad. Thats 11 times you got in and were taken out.

Wilbon on PTI just mentioned that Manning is 9-11 in the playoffs. I thought it was bad, but not that bad.

8 of those loses were in the first round.
3 of those were in one postseason.

And yet I would love to have a QB on my team with that same record in the playoffs. That would mean every year I get to watch them play meaningful football during the playoffs and have a Super Bowl ring.
Posted By: Tulsa Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/15/13 12:28 AM

That being said, Manning does have his issues.. he's what, 0-7 or something like that in playoff games where the temp is below 40 degrees... granted most of those came in New England but still...

That is one of the reasons people questioned his moves to the Broncos, the guy is not a great cold weather player evidently...

Don't be surprised if Elway and Co., begin building the dome over Donk Stadium very quickly.


Wilbon on PTI just mentioned that Manning is 9-11 in the playoffs. I thought it was bad, but not that bad.

8 of those loses were in the first round.
3 of those were in one postseason.

And yet I would love to have a QB on my team with that same record in the playoffs. That would mean every year I get to watch them play meaningful football during the playoffs and have a Super Bowl ring.

No offense because a SB win trumps all but watching 8 1st round outs isnt my idea of watching meaningful football during the playoffs. If Romo wins one 6 years from now would Dallas fan have been happy watching all the losses?

Elway got there 3 times and lost (the SB) and Kelly got there 4 times (having never won) I would have taken that over being 1 and done year after year. I want to go deep into the playoffs not just be a team that makes it.

Again Im only taking about the 1 and done seasons.
Posted By: bigf00t Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/15/13 12:54 AM
back to the topic at hand......

Did DA's touch improve any since he left Cleveland? I loved it when he would rifle the five yard pass, a blaze of fire that nobody could catch. He had no touch on the short stuff, and no accuracy on the long stuff.... why is he being talked about again?

back to the topic at hand......

Did DA's touch improve any since he left Cleveland? I loved it when he would rifle the five yard pass, a blaze of fire that nobody could catch. He had no touch on the short stuff, and no accuracy on the long stuff.... why is he being talked about again?

Because he got old and cant throw that hard anymore?

Wilbon on PTI just mentioned that Manning is 9-11 in the playoffs. I thought it was bad, but not that bad.

8 of those loses are 1-and-done losses.
3 of those were in one postseason.

How many of those losses were to New England?
Easier this go one and done when you always skip would card weekend
Posted By: SunDawg Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/15/13 02:33 AM
I really like the idea of Turner as OC, and can understand Pagano as DC, but DA? I just do not understand how anyone can advocate this horribly inaccurate QB, who was caught laughing on the sideline in Phoenix while his team was getting trounced, coming BACK to the town he vehemently criticised, to be a MENTOR

I know it is pure speculation at this point, but DA? He'd be one snap away from being our starting QB!
but hey. it's not like he also took to twitter to further mock and criticize Browns' fans. oh wait, nevermind.
Your right. It was a much better experience watching the Browns and all of our great QB play in the playoffs every year. Those poor Colts fans that had to deal with the crappy win loss record of Peyton Manning.

Do you even read the stuff you type? You're really complaining about his record in playoff games. Mind you that he has played in 20 more of them than the team we cheer for has.
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/15/13 02:42 PM

Your right. It was a much better experience watching the Browns and all of our great QB play in the playoffs every year. Those poor Colts fans that had to deal with the crappy win loss record of Peyton Manning.

Do you even read the stuff you type? You're really complaining about his record in playoff games. Mind you that he has played in 20 more of them than the team we cheer for has.

That's not the argument. OF COURSE any Browns fan would gladly trade the past 15 years of Cleveland football for the last 15 years of Colts football. Do you really think that's up for debate? Come on.

When you're comparing the all-time QB greats.....Montana, Brady, Manning, Marino, Favre, Graham, etc. When looking at Manning, somewhere in the first or second paragraph you're going to see his below average playoff record (when held up against the others). And yes, that's going to "hurt" his legacy (assuming he doesn't win another Super Bowl in the coming years).

Come on, his own brother has an additional Super Bowl, played better in those Super Bowls and has a better overall record in the playoffs and he's been in the league a lot less time. If you're comparing the two, I would guess most would take Eli in the playoffs.

And technically, Peyton has played in 20....the Browns played in 1 since 1999. So it's only 19 more than us.

[If you're comparing the two, I would guess most would take Eli in the playoffs.

agreed. but, most would also take Peyton to get them to the playoffs. Peyton is the more consistent QB, but Eli has been able to rise up to the challenge better.

i'd add in for Peyton's performance that something seems wrong with his arm. he's got plenty of speed on the shorter throws (as the announcers made sure to point out over and over and over again), but he only attempted 2 passes over 15yds in length. the entire 5 and half quarters played.

2 passes thrown over 15yds in length.

Flacco threw 10 over that distance (185yds 3TDs)





Steve Wyche of NFL.com relayed from one Ravens source that safety Ed Reed played in the deep center field the entire game. The Ravens were daring Manning to go deep, but he didn't test them.

Ravens cornerback Corey Graham, who picked off Manning twice, said Manning's patience to dink and dunk gave Baltimore confidence.

"Graham said that the Ravens' defensive backs became more brazen as the game went on, since they weren't being challenged deep," Wyche wrote. "As the possessions increased in importance, it seemed as if Denver was more intent on moving the chains than taking chances."

Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/15/13 06:15 PM


i'd add in for Peyton's performance that something seems wrong with his arm. he's got plenty of speed on the shorter throws (as the announcers made sure to point out over and over and over again), but he only attempted 2 passes over 15yds in length. the entire 5 and half quarters played.

2 passes thrown over 15yds in length.

Flacco threw 10 over that distance (185yds 3TDs)





Steve Wyche of NFL.com relayed from one Ravens source that safety Ed Reed played in the deep center field the entire game. The Ravens were daring Manning to go deep, but he didn't test them.

Ravens cornerback Corey Graham, who picked off Manning twice, said Manning's patience to dink and dunk gave Baltimore confidence.

"Graham said that the Ravens' defensive backs became more brazen as the game went on, since they weren't being challenged deep," Wyche wrote. "As the possessions increased in importance, it seemed as if Denver was more intent on moving the chains than taking chances."

So, in so many words, Manning's career as "Peyton Manning" is over. He's now "Peyton Manning the Dink N's Dunk Game Manager". Right (assuming this wasn't just the offensive gameplan by the coaches but their gameplan because Manning either doesn't have the confidence in his arm OR his arm IS indeed crap)?

I did find it odd that Denver ran the ball so much, especially on a few 3rd downs. We were all saying, "You're one of the greatest QBs in the history of the game....and you're checking out of a pass into a run on 3rd and 6 in the playoffs? Come on, trust your stuff. You're "Peyton Manning". Sling it braj!"

And that weak ass kneel down with 30-something seconds left and 2 timeouts was the worst! While Matt Ryan had to sling it in the same situation because he was down a point, he proved you can score in that amount of time. Manning, and his coaches, had so little faith in his arm that they thought the odds of him throwing a pick-6 were probably higher than him driving for a winning score. Too bad.

And again, I'd take Manning over the crap we've had the past 15 years. Heck, I'd trade Weeden for him right now.....even knowing he's "done". He's still one of the best QB in the game right now. But on the biggest stage with the biggest pressure on the biggest drive, the dude just doesn't have it anymore (and didn't really have it much to begin with - all those 1-&-done playoff exits).
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/15/13 07:10 PM
And this is why I hate perception...

If Denver doesn't play the WORST defensive play I've ever seen with 30 seconds and 70 yards to go (seriously, where did they think Baltimore was ganna throw it?)

We're talking about how Manning has still got it and it's Manning vs Brady...
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/15/13 07:18 PM
You're right. This isn't golf or tennis. Some things are completely out of your control.

You can have the game of your life and still lose.

My favorite example of this is Tom Brady a few seasons back. It was a regular season game, before the new OT rules took effect. Anyway, the opposing team won the toss and received. They drove the length of the field and kicked the FG for the win. So the network quickly jumps to Brady walking off the field and says, "that kick means Brady is now 0-3 in OT games on the road" (something to that effect). Tom never had a chance to touch the ball in OT and the media was so quick to mark the OT loss on his record, not the coach or the team.

So yes, Manning was a bad prevent defense away from being a hero in Denver. So was Bernie in 1986. We can only argue or debate what happened, not what should or could have happened.

After that stupid defense by the Broncs, Manning did quit on the last 31 seconds and also threw the game-ending interception.
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: Derek Anderson Is Desperate For A Job - 01/15/13 07:41 PM
Hell the new OT rules came into play because Manning lost to SD in the playoffs without being able to touch the ball...
He has an MVP caliber season and we're talking that his arm sucks now.


He has an MVP caliber season and we're talking that his arm sucks now.


he's a mid-30s QB who wasn't the strongest deep arm thrower in the first place and is coming back from 4 neck surgeries. it was also suggested (before the game) that the cold could affect his grip on the ball w/ his nerve endings.

the Broncos threw deep twice the ENTIRE game of 5.5 quarters despite the Ravens being in an alignment with only one deep safety (so he could have gotten single coverage deep to one side and he has Decker/Thomas who are bigger than anyone the Ravens have to cover them).

he had a fabulous regular season. heck, he had a pretty decent game on those shorter throws vs. Baltimore. but, why does that mean it's not fair to question if he had issues in that game with the deep ball?
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