
Odell Beckham says he’ll be at mandatory minicamp

Posted by Mike Florio on May 31, 2019, 11:32 PM EDT

New Browns receiver Odell Beckham Jr. has stayed away from most of the voluntary portion of the team’s offseason program. He’ll be there for the mandatory minicamp that begins on Monday.

Via Mary Kay Cabot of Cleveland.com, Beckham made his intention clear in a social-media post that responded to a fan who told Beckham to “cut out the crap and get to camp.’’

“I’ll be there on the 3rd, u coming?” Beckham replied.

Beckham has attended only two days of his new team’s offseason program. He was there on the first day of Phase One, and also on the first day of Phase Three — Organized Team Activities. He chose not to show up for the extra voluntary minicamp afforded to each team with a new head coach.

It’s unclear why Beckham has been so scarce. After he was abruptly traded to the Browns, reports emerged suggesting that he wants an adjustment to his contract. It’s possible that he stayed away to send a message that he indeed would like the Browns to sweeten the deal that he signed with the Giants last August.

He’s got every right to do that; it’s what he did two years ago, once Beckham became eligible for a new contract with the Giants and the Giants dragged their feet.

Still, there’s no reason to believe Beckham will refrain from showing up for the mandatory minicamp or training camp, regardless of his reason for skipping most of the voluntary workouts.
IMO, the fan who said this...

a fan who told Beckham to “cut out the crap and get to camp.’’

...I agree with that fan.

What a great guy ... sure am glad he’s “ready” ... rolleyes

Not showing up was a SELFISH/DIVA move that in the grand scheme of things will amount to a BIG OLD NOTHING ...

The fact it won’t matter in the long run does NOT CHANGE THE FACT it was a SELFISH/DIVA move ...

From ALL accounts he is an OUTSTANDING and EXEMPLARY TEAMMATE ... in this case he was NOT A GOOD TEAMMATE ...

He was well within his rights to not show up ... so in that regard he did NOTHING WRONG ... it don’t change the fact he should have been here THIS YEAR ...

Its his first year on a new team ... if he was NOT A DIVA he would have been here ...

Best part is ... all u guys that like me realize its no big deal but can’t admit it was a selfish/diva move will be the first ones saying atheletes get to many breaks and there mollycoddled ... a wee bit ironic don’t u think ... *L* ...

U know it is possible for something not to matter even a little bit and still be a dick move .. this was one of them ... ya’all that can’t admit it was a diva move are behaving like were saying this can’t be overcome and will be a problem when at least I AM saying and know its no biggie ...

Next week this becomes a HUGE NOTHING BURGER and is the smallest thing in that rear view mirror Freddie don’t like to use ... *L* ..

I for one can’t wait for next week ... thumbsup
Originally Posted By: DiamDawg
What a great guy ... sure am glad he’s “ready” ... rolleyes

Not showing up was a SELFISH/DIVA move that in the grand scheme of things will amount to a BIG OLD NOTHING ...

The fact it won’t matter in the long run does NOT CHANGE THE FACT it was a SELFISH/DIVA move ...

From ALL accounts he is an OUTSTANDING and EXEMPLARY TEAMMATE ... in this case he was NOT A GOOD TEAMMATE ...

He was well within his rights to not show up ... so in that regard he did NOTHING WRONG ... it don’t change the fact he should have been here THIS YEAR ...

Its his first year on a new team ... if he was NOT A DIVA he would have been here ...

Best part is ... all u guys that like me realize its no big deal but can’t admit it was a selfish/diva move will be the first ones saying atheletes get to many breaks and there mollycoddled ... a wee bit ironic don’t u think ... *L* ...

U know it is possible for something not to matter even a little bit and still be a dick move .. this was one of them ... ya’all that can’t admit it was a diva move are behaving like were saying this can’t be overcome and will be a problem when at least I AM saying and know its no biggie ...

Next week this becomes a HUGE NOTHING BURGER and is the smallest thing in that rear view mirror Freddie don’t like to use ... *L* ..

I for one can’t wait for next week ... thumbsup

This should not come as a surprise to anyone. We knew what to expect. Yep, would have been great if he showed up in those extra days afforded to new HC.

But lets get real. Outside of getting the Vocabulary down a veteran WR has the least to learn out of any other position. Not that he doesn't have stuff to learn. My point is that it is not rocket science stuff and as long as he attends all of training camp along with the mandatory workouts prior - he will have it all down pat.

As far as who he is...we all should have known who he is or better yet how he rolls. Doesn't mean he won't be a good team mate or that he will be a Cancer in the locker room or anything like that.

Pure and simple...He is who he is!
His mind and body must be right.

Just in time.
I would have liked him to be there, but in the end I don't care.

Does everybody understand what voluntary means?
Originally Posted By: Ballpeen
I would have liked him to be there, but in the end I don't care.

Does everybody understand what voluntary means?

I don't think the Cleveland media does.

My goodness are they a terrible bunch. I mean incompetent is a word that comes to mind.
While I certainly agree about the "chemistry" thing among players starting at OTAs, this year there's just as important chemistry being developed in the coaching staff. Just about every coaching position has changed from last year. On top of that, the HC is a first-time HC!

Yeah, I would rather OBJ had been through the OTAs, but at least he's coming in after the coaching staff has had a chance to "practice" being a team. Ha...am I looking too hard for a silver lining in this cloud?
Since this is a new offense for the team, and a new team and offense for OBJ, I would prefer that he would be here ..... but I think that him coming in for mini-camp, and working with Baker, Jarvis, and others later this summer, will help get him ready.

Ideally, though, I wish all of our players, including OBJ, were here for all team activities.
From what I have heard, the local media had largely stopped asking about Beckham's absence from OTAs. It was a national media member who asked Freddie about him the other day, and Freddie used the opportunity to express his feelings about it. He was asked "What has he (Beckham) missed?" and Freddie answered "A lot. The offense.". He later made what I consider to be a veiled reference to Beckham when he was asked about McCoy visiting other teams. He said they were glad McCoy was visiting other teams because it would mean that if he came here, he would be "all in".

So, IMO, if people have a problem with this being talked about, their problem is with the coach, not the local media. Tony Grossi gets a lot of heat here and elsewhere for voicing his opinions, but he is employed by ESPN-Cleveland as an analyst, not a reporter. They pay him for his opinions. Mary Kay Cabot, whatever you may think of her, works her ass off to try to bring info to print and to the airwaves. Others like Nate Ulrich and Scott Petrak also do a really solid job.
Originally Posted By: Ballpeen
I would have liked him to be there, but in the end I don't care.

Does everybody understand what voluntary means?

Ballpeen...if your understanding of what "voluntary" means is consistent then you would be ok if Mayfield didn't show up, right?
Odell Beckham, success in America and the right to do it your own way

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The phrase “He broke all the rules” takes on either a negative or positive connotation based entirely on the status and success of the person to which it applies.

If you’ve failed, it’s because you were too stubborn or too stupid to follow them. If you’ve succeeded, it’s because you were too creative and too original to adhere to them. Success against the grain is a virtue in American life. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Sean “Diddy" Combs all dropped out of college before earning their riches, and their iconoclasm is hailed by every college freshman sick of going to class.

The act of dropping out isn’t the point. It’s that success is its own justification, and it can be applied to every path. In most walks of high-profile American life, success also justifies at least some level of jerkness in business, in entertainment, in politics, in music, in writing. Ask the most successful journalists how they take to being edited. Ask how many columnists have screamed into the phone if someone had the temerity to suggest a word change.

In Hollywood, what does every successful director demand and receive at the peak of his or her powers? Final cut. Once they’ve succeeded, once they’ve proven their skills and made their bosses money, they want power. And they get it. Musicians crave creative control. Artists want to be free, unencumbered by corporate sensibilities.

And bosses? Bosses in America are villains, most often characterized as overbearing and uninformed, asking too much and respecting the worker too little. Who really knows best? The person at the top calling the shots, or the people on the ground, doing the work? The worker. Watch a TV show or movie. Let me know when the boss is the hero.

This is how we view things. No one roots for “the man.” No one roots for the company. We cherish the individual, believe in ingenuity, admire entrepreneurship and tolerate impoliteness while striving for greatness. Much of the time, when success is reached, and especially when success is repeated, we forgive everything else.

So ... why was Browns receiver Odell Beckham supposed to come to voluntary OTAs?

I wrote at the start of OTAs that everyone should relax about Beckham’s attendance. But he only made one of the sessions, and so the story has lingered. It’s not only that obsessing over Beckham’s absence from OTAs is uptight. It goes against how we view success at the highest level.

Team sports are a tricky business, supposedly cohesive groups made of elite individuals. Some of those elite individuals are all about the team concept. Wonderful. But mandating that every special talent subscribes to rules put forth by a boss isn’t just foolhardy, it might be contrary to winning.

On a 53-man roster, you need a few guys who are different. I remember former Indians GM Mark Shapiro saying of Jim Thome that it made your team better when your best player was also your best person. That can work. It can also make your team better when one of your best players is the guy no one can figure out. Let Baker Mayfield lead the Browns. Let Beckham inspire the locker room through his refusal to conform.

Because I guarantee you this ... there are young Browns who will look at Beckham and say, “I want to be that.” And what is that? Someone so talented, so accomplished, someone who holds himself to such a high standard and lives up to it, that he can break the rules.

I’m gonna bust my tail to be as good as Odell ... so I can miss OTAs one day, too.

This isn’t a lesson you’ll read in any coaching manual, but why is anyone other than a coach reading a coaching manual? Just observe American society. Vice wrote a story about Kanye West three years ago that includes a cuss word in the headline, but the gist was whether he was a genius or a jerk. In it, the story explained the “Advanced Genius Theory," which doesn’t actually apply all that well here, but makes a point.

Sometimes, stars are so good, and have succeeded for so long, if we now think something is wrong with them, it’s not about them. It’s that we’ve lost the ability to understand them. West has proven his musical genius. If a football receiver can be a genius about his profession, Beckham may be one.

If you’re still reading, and you’re hard-working and kind-hearted, you may have already started your nasty email. Maybe you don’t want to excuse Beckham. Maybe you believe he’s letting down his teammates. So maybe don’t forgive his absence. But understand it, and realize it won’t ruin the Browns.

Former Ohio State coach Urban Meyer publicly and proudly explained how he treated the best players in his program differently. Hard work and high achievement were used to divide players into status levels, and while some criticized Meyer for that, he viewed it as a fundamental part of his success.

The best earn different treatment.

I heard a major league manager decades ago explain his rule about forbidding players from bringing golf clubs on road trips. When asked what he’d do if his team acquired one of the golf-happy Atlanta Braves aces -- Greg Maddux, John Smoltz and Tom Glavine -- he said he’d let them golf every day they weren’t pitching if they wanted to. Because they knew how to do their jobs.

The best earn different treatment.

If it sounds like I’m trying to spin Beckham’s absence into a plus, I’m not (except that some teams suffered key injuries in OTAs, and guys who aren’t there aren’t likely to get hurt). But it’s not a minus. It’s just different, and different is good. Beckham missing OTAs is certainly not a sign that he’s afraid to work. It’s a sign that he doesn’t think it’s a necessary part of his preparation. (He was in Monaco on Sunday for a Grand Prix. I’d take that over an OTA.)

“Work Smarter, Not Harder” is the business axiom. It’s not “Work Harder Because Everyone Else Thinks You Should Work Harder Because Voluntary Isn’t Really Voluntary."

Beckham got famous four years ago by making a one-handed catch off a bad throw. That specific play was not something he could have worked on with his QB in OTAs back in 2015. But you know what he did work on by himself? One-handed catches.

So when Browns coach Freddie Kitchens said Thursday that Beckham had missed a lot, I think he did sound ticked. I’m not disputing that Kitchens might be peeved. Remember those coaching manuals? It’s part of the job. I’m saying it doesn’t matter that much, because pleasing your boss isn’t the goal.

Succeeding is. And that’s not the same thing. Success can please your boss. But pleasing your boss doesn’t mean you’ll succeed.

Beckham has been arguably the best receiver in the NFL for five seasons. Is he different? Heck yeah. Hard to handle? Of course. A little selfish maybe? No doubt. Does he disregard norms, buck convention, invite criticism, inflame passions and create drama?

Absolutely. Because he’s an American success story.


I agree with your post.

Teams are still made up of individuals. No one is going to be the same as the next.

What is important is that you are ready when it is time.

He missed voluntary. Ok, from this point on it is mandatory.

Odell does not have a reputation of being unprepared. I expect him to use all the upcoming time to be fully prepared.

From everything I have read about Odell he is driven to win.

Well now comes the test.

I doubt we will be disappointed.
This debate has been so stupid, that I wish everyone just talked about Hue and Sashi instead. Seriously this thing was as stupid as can be.
Everyone is anxious and desperate for a winner and ANYTHING remotely negative take on a much more serious than it may be tone. This fanbase is apprehensive that things might fall apart. We've come to expect that what could go wrong will. I don't blame them much...
Originally Posted By: Dave
From what I have heard, the local media had largely stopped asking about Beckham's absence from OTAs. It was a national media member who asked Freddie about him the other day, and Freddie used the opportunity to express his feelings about it. He was asked "What has he (Beckham) missed?" and Freddie answered "A lot. The offense.". He later made what I consider to be a veiled reference to Beckham when he was asked about McCoy visiting other teams. He said they were glad McCoy was visiting other teams because it would mean that if he came here, he would be "all in".

So, IMO, if people have a problem with this being talked about, their problem is with the coach, not the local media. Tony Grossi gets a lot of heat here and elsewhere for voicing his opinions, but he is employed by ESPN-Cleveland as an analyst, not a reporter. They pay him for his opinions. Mary Kay Cabot, whatever you may think of her, works her ass off to try to bring info to print and to the airwaves. Others like Nate Ulrich and Scott Petrak also do a really solid job.

I disagree with both paragraphs.

As for Grossi, I have defended him in certain capacities on here before. I actually enjoy him on the radio and think he does a good, objective job in that capacity. As a writer he taps into his alter ego of Johnny Fanatic and becomes the opposite of objective. He's actually hard to read.

As for MKC, perhaps she does work hard. I don't see the end result of that hard work. That's actually a worse indictment than someone who doesn't work hard. It just means they aren't very good. And listen very carefully to MKC during press conferences...she has two objectives...one, make everything about the QB, even if she's talking to the punter...and two, create as much controversy as possible. It's not that hard to pick up on.
Why not just simplify this silliness and make all training camp activities MANDATORY?
rofl ....

Cause talking about Sashi and Hue witch is ANCIENT HISTORY at this point isn’t stupid and is always chalk full of new info and interesting discussion ... rolleyes .... this is senseless also but at least its current and has an expiration date ... based off how long the Couch/Holcomb debates lasted, Sashi/Hue’s expiration date isn’t even in the foreseeable future .... *LOL* ...

Sashi scheduled for anymore of the analytics podcasts ... rofl ...
I have a lower opinion of Cabot than you expressed. Grossi tries. Just feel some Cleveland coverage has too much artificial drama and goes looking for negativity. We have some great stories that never get covered because folks want to pick at some problems. Sure beats doing a solid job.
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
This debate has been so stupid, that I wish everyone just talked about Hue and Sashi instead. Seriously this thing was as stupid as can be.

If this debate is so stupid, then you would be ok with Baker Mayfield skipping these OTAs, right?

I ask that question to everyone who believes it's ok for Bjr to skip all these workouts.

Originally Posted By: mac
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
This debate has been so stupid, that I wish everyone just talked about Hue and Sashi instead. Seriously this thing was as stupid as can be.

If this debate is so stupid, then you would be ok with Baker Mayfield skipping these OTAs, right?

I ask that question to everyone who believes it's ok for Bjr to skip all these workouts.

OBJ is a seasoned Pro Bowl player with his own trainers and work out method.

Baker is just past his his rookie year with much to learn. Plus, he is the QB.

Apples and Oranges.
Originally Posted By: mac
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
This debate has been so stupid, that I wish everyone just talked about Hue and Sashi instead. Seriously this thing was as stupid as can be.

If this debate is so stupid, then you would be ok with Baker Mayfield skipping these OTAs, right?

I can't believe anyone is even talking about him not going to early voluntary practices.
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Originally Posted By: mac
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
This debate has been so stupid, that I wish everyone just talked about Hue and Sashi instead. Seriously this thing was as stupid as can be.

If this debate is so stupid, then you would be ok with Baker Mayfield skipping these OTAs, right?

I ask that question to everyone who believes it's ok for Bjr to skip all these workouts.

OBJ is a seasoned Pro Bowl player with his own trainers and work out method.

Baker is just past his his rookie year with much to learn. Plus, he is the QB.

Apples and Oranges.

I didn’t think we were handing out cookies
Brothers, you couldn’t build a wall between Jarvis and Odell if you tried, good luck.
The way I look at it as long as OBJ is here when he is suppose to be and works there is no issue. From his history there is no reason to think otherwise. He is a big asset to our Browns and will be a big reason we will become winners.

At first I looked at this as "no huge deal but to put his best foot forward, he should be here. New coaches, new team, new system to learn".

But then PPE brought it to may attention he and we may be best served this early in the process if OBJ were working with specialized trainers. People who know how best to work with putting OBJ in the best possible shape imaginable going into mandatory camp and the off season program.

There's certainly something to be said for both sides of the coin here.
The only prima donna in that story is the fan who thinks he gets to tell Odell what to do. THAT is ego run amok.

Is Duke Johnson acting like a diva? Why aren't Callaway and Njoku being questioned? What the hell have they accomplished.

OBJ is not a cookie-cutter player. I thought people admired that? I thought they liked guys who march to the beat of a different drummer?

Same old BS! Actually, I think OBJ training w/his own personal trainer is more beneficial than attending "voluntary" OTAs.

Let me supply an analogy. I charge $120 an hour to tutor students one-on-one. I give discounts to families who can not afford that price, but I ask them to not tell anyone else. The point is that I never made anywhere close to earning $120 per hour when I was working in the classroom.

One-on-one instruction trumps group instruction every day of the week when things are "voluntary."
Originally Posted By: mac
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
This debate has been so stupid, that I wish everyone just talked about Hue and Sashi instead. Seriously this thing was as stupid as can be.

If this debate is so stupid, then you would be ok with Baker Mayfield skipping these OTAs, right?

I ask that question to everyone who believes it's ok for Bjr to skip all these workouts.

This debate IS stupid, and no I wouldn't care if Baker skipped them. I actually have a hunch, as early as next year Baker will start skipping OTAs.

not surprising what has transpired thus far; he'll be here when he's paid
I assume it wasn't intentional, but the word "paid" might be a bit misleading for some folks, given that OBJ is actually "paying" someone to train with. I don't think his absence from OTAs involves money.
To many, voluntary means unpaid. He is not punished financially for missing OTAs as he could be missing mandatory camp. Perhaps a way to make sure sure someone came in for OTAs would be to put a "bonus" into the player contract, noting that OTAs are voluntary, but they would earn an attendance bonus if they came in for them. That may, however, be a violation of the Player's Union contract ...
Originally Posted By: Rishuz
Originally Posted By: Ballpeen
I would have liked him to be there, but in the end I don't care.

Does everybody understand what voluntary means?

I don't think the Cleveland media does.

My goodness are they a terrible bunch. I mean incompetent is a word that comes to mind.

Same for some fans...
Originally Posted By: mac
Originally Posted By: Ballpeen
I would have liked him to be there, but in the end I don't care.

Does everybody understand what voluntary means?

Ballpeen...if your understanding of what "voluntary" means is consistent then you would be ok if Mayfield didn't show up, right?

mac...sometimes you remind me of Yogi Berra just maybe not as funny...smh lol laugh
I think I read that Tom Brady does not got to OTAs. There just may be a certain level of competence where it really doesn't matter.
I think we are use to a bunch of not so known talent vying for a starting position and an opportunity for a life time that we did not experience as fans many missing OTA's. So its pretty much a NEW THING for us hey I think its part of evolving into a talented team... wink

Let's hope all the "personal training" that Jr is getting pays off and that his conditioning is up to par with his teammates.

It would be a shame if Jr tweaked a hammy and could not participate.

I wonder how persona non grossi and the human iud (mkc) are going to gas light the fans today now that OBJ will be at practice.
correct, by "paid" I meant obligated by contract
Maybe I'm being simplistic, but I'm just damn happy he's on the team! The team and OBJ can handle the details, just show us the wins!
Originally Posted By: mac

Let's hope all the "personal training" that Jr is getting pays off and that his conditioning is up to par with his teammates.

It would be a shame if Jr tweaked a hammy and could not participate.

Since he didn't show up for OTA's when he was with the Giants and he's one of the top 5 WR's in the league, it seems to have worked well for him so far.
Originally Posted By: SuperBrown
Why not just simplify this silliness and make all training camp activities MANDATORY?

Because these things have been collectively bargained and teams can only do what is in the agreement.
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Originally Posted By: mac

Let's hope all the "personal training" that Jr is getting pays off and that his conditioning is up to par with his teammates.

It would be a shame if Jr tweaked a hammy and could not participate.

Since he didn't show up for OTA's when he was with the Giants and he's one of the top 5 WR's in the league, it seems to have worked well for him so far.

He missed out on some reps with his new QB that I wish he had been there for.... that's really about it. Maybe a chance to get to know his teammates a little better.

The NY media was also running with it, talking about how "the drama has started", etc... they will do anything to try to save face and make it look like they didn't get taken to the woodshed on this deal.
Originally Posted By: Dawgs4Life

not surprising what has transpired thus far; he'll be here when he's paid

No, he's here when it is required.

How often do you show up to the office to practice your job voluntarily?

Originally Posted By: mac

Let's hope all the "personal training" that Jr is getting pays off and that his conditioning is up to par with his teammates.

It would be a shame if Jr tweaked a hammy and could not participate.

Probably far less likely than any internet critic tweaking a thumb while banging on their keyboard.
Originally Posted By: mac

Let's hope all the "personal training" that Jr is getting pays off and that his conditioning is up to par with his teammates.

It would be a shame if Jr tweaked a hammy and could not participate.

Why do you have "personal training" in quotes?
Originally Posted By: jfanent
Originally Posted By: mac

Let's hope all the "personal training" that Jr is getting pays off and that his conditioning is up to par with his teammates.

It would be a shame if Jr tweaked a hammy and could not participate.

Why do you have "personal training" in quotes?

My guess is that he doesn't believe "Jr" is working out.
Originally Posted By: mac
Originally Posted By: Ballpeen
I would have liked him to be there, but in the end I don't care.

Does everybody understand what voluntary means?

Ballpeen...if your understanding of what "voluntary" means is consistent then you would be ok if Mayfield didn't show up, right?

It would be the same. If it isn't mandatory, I am not going to get all bunched up if players skip voluntary practices.

I would like for them to be there, and it is pretty important for players on the bubble to be there, but OBJ is going to start from game one. Not going to these workouts isn't going to change a thing.
Originally Posted By: mac

Let's hope all the "personal training" that Jr is getting pays off and that his conditioning is up to par with his teammates.

It would be a shame if Jr tweaked a hammy and could not participate.

You are just attempting to make something out of nothing... I have no idea why?
Sorry if this drags on or is a bit rambling. I always struggle on how I feel about these types of issues. I obviously have never been A pro athlete so I have no idea how they think or feel about their jobs.

I assume a rookie or second string type player uses vol workouts as an opportunity to show coaches what they can do and to work on their game so they seem to have the most to gain.

My other thought about this group is their "impression" of OBJ or others for that matter skipping them. I assume that is why Vers mentioned Duke & Njoku and one other player because they are skipping Vol camp also? I thought they might think "I can't wait to get good like OBJ so I can skip volunteer camp". But then I thought that most, or at least a large percentage of good athletes are driven to succeed and may think "I need to work really hard so I can reach OBJ's level".

My point in all of this is I really don't think it matters much if he is here for his playing ability reasons. I only question team chemistry and I don't think OBJ or the other guys have a reputation for being lazy so they can still lead by example when they are here. If a player who notoriously slacks off skips them they should probably not be on the team anyway.

In all honesty, I am more concerned in how Zeitler's position will be filled, and a few LB & DB spots. My biggest concern is Ward's concussion health. He may never suffer another but that thought scares me a bit.

Should be fun to see how it all plays out. Much different this year than prior ones when I had to talk myself into "we could be 8-8 if everything falls right" knowing I was hoping.
persona non grossi and the human iud (mkc)

oh, snap, Dawg.


Grossi's a douche. Nowhere did JT say or even try to imply that OTA's were unimportant.
LOL From AP's Tom Withers:

Now that it seems fairly certain that OBJ--or "Jr"--as mac likes to call him is going to be at camp, lets speculate what he can do to trigger the wrath of guys like Grossi, mac, and Diam?
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Now that it seems fairly certain that OBJ--or "Jr"--as mac likes to call him is going to be at camp, lets speculate what he can do to trigger the wrath of guys like Grossi, mac, and Diam?

Have you seen what he looks like? He is a walking trigger.
These reporters are jerks
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Now that it seems fairly certain that OBJ--or "Jr"--as mac likes to call him is going to be at camp, lets speculate what he can do to trigger the wrath of guys like Grossi, mac, and Diam?

Ya, i been really brutal ... incredibly harsh ... definitely in the same category as grossi and mac ... with brutally harsh statements such as ...

- this doesn’t matter one iota in the grand scheme of things and will be forgotten about by next week
- he works his arse off and will be prepared ... thats not an issue and won’t be come sundays in the fall when it actually matters ...

Yup, grossi, mac and I are like 3 peas in a pod when it comes to this subject ... notallthere ...

Not sure what i was thinking that IMO a dude that gets traded to a new team oughta be there for the install of the new O ... i was way out line with that line of thinking ... sorry about that .... rolleyes

To align my views with grossi and mac’s ... thats very device like ... nice job ... thumbsdown
Bro, you are calling him a "diva" for working out w/a personal trainer rather than attending "voluntary" workouts. You haven't liked him from the get-go and that's fine. I just think you have some double standards going on.

I will put this as plain as I can for you............working out w/an individual trainer is far, far superior to working out in a group setting.

Once the real deal starts, as in it's mandatory, then all should be there. I don't seem to remember you having an issue w/Josh Gordon missing mandatory camp time last year. But, damn man..........OBJ is a diva for paying someone to work out with individualized workouts and skipping "voluntary" workouts that are run at half speed.

Get outta here w/that BS, bro!

My argument is OTAs have a certain value, but so does training the body and recharging the mind. It’s important to place the proper value on all of the off-season activities and then weigh them against each other when deciding how to spend your time to make yourself...

...the best Cleveland Brown when the season starts. Only @obj can properly assign the value to those activities, so he is the only one who can weigh the activities and make the best decision for himself and his team.

If the equation was OTAs vs laying on the couch and eating bon-bons, I’d say get your ass to OTAs, if the equation is OTAs vs elite and customized training tailored specifically to your body by a trainer who’s known you and worked with you for years, it’s a more nuanced question

And, you, I, the Browns, any @NFL coach player or teammate can’t properly evaluate the decision because we aren’t OBJ and don’t know how important that customized training is to his game readiness.

I just think overlooking that fact is short sighted and deems off-season training unimportant.

Back to your question...Here’s why I attend OTAs for the Browns every year.

1) I was a long term Browns player who developed a great relationship with the strength staff, and felt our relationship (built during the seasons prior) helped them understand the best training methods for me. @obj doesn’t have that yet...

2) I lived in #Cleveland year round. I believe @obj lives in LA and would have to uproot his life (just traded) and go back and forth every week to make the OTAs. The stress and travel would lead to less than ideal training conditions

3) Workout bonus

4) The last 3-4 years of my career, I didn’t participate in the OTA practices. This was primarily because of the accumulated wear and tear, and to minimize any further damage when it didn’t directly effect a real game, but a huge benefit was being able to “train thru” OTAs.

“Training thru”- old track term used to describe continuing to train hard without tapering for a meet because the meet is unimportant. OTAs are too hard and the sport is too dangerous to train hard and practice at the same time, so the training suffers when you practice on field

By not practicing, I was able to maximize my training sessions (improve much greater strength, flexibility, injury resistance, speed, quickness, etc) and come out of the spring sessions a better version of myself then if I had practiced and had less intense training.

5) Offensive line is so much more technical and requires many more years of technique than does the WR position. Much quicker to master the WR position vs OL. So in order to get to a level of proficiency at OL where there is a law of diminishing gains, it takes a lot longer.

6) I liked the free food in Berea...see draft day this year. Don’t ever turn down a free meal

methinks Mr. Grossi bit off more than he can chew with Mr. Thomas ... naughtydevil
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Bro, you are calling him a "diva" for working out w/a personal trainer rather than attending "voluntary" workouts. You haven't liked him from the get-go and that's fine. I just think you have some double standards going on.

I’m calling him a DIVA and SELFISH for not showing to a voluntary team event where it would have been his first chance to hang with his new teammates and be here for the first install of the new O ... not cause he missed some workouts ...

I also said its no biggie and should be forgotten by now ...

So lets see here ...

Mac/Grossi’s take = OBJ missing OTA’s is a big deal and he’s a jerk for missing them ...

My take = OBJ missing OTA’s is a selfish diva move but is no big deal what so ever ...

Vers take = OBJ missing OTA’s is no big deal and its a non issue ...

Seems to me the fact U and I both agree its no big deal would align my views more with yours than mac and grossi’s ...

What u did was BS and u know it ...

Double standards ... your comparing OBJ missing OTA’s to Josh Gordon missing OTA’s ... rofl ... other than playing WR and missing OTA’s there situations aren’t remotely close in any area ...

I will put this as plain as I can for you............working out w/an individual trainer is far, far superior to working out in a group setting.

Gee, thanks for making it as plain as u can for me ... rolleyes ...

This wasn’t about the workouts ... when asked what he missed Freddie said ... and i quote ....


But whats he know ...

OBJ is a diva for paying someone to work out with individualized workouts and skipping "voluntary" workouts that are run at half speed.

Ya ... thats the sole reason why he’s a diva ... it has nothing to do with:

- beating up water coolers, heaters and various other inanimate objects during games ...
- throwing his QB, HC and GM under the bus to the press on multiple occasions ...
- being a top 3 WR in the game entering the prime of his career who just a signed a contract the season before that made him the highest paid WR in football was deemed trade worthy for NO WHERE’S NEAR HIS WORTH ....

Your ASSumptions here are wrong in every aspect but one ... your right in that before the trade i did not want him ... i figured the cost was going to be two first rounders and that was too high for my blood ... if u told me basically this years #1 and Peppers ... in a heartbeat ...

Not sure how u lump me in with those two ... thats the BS here ... either U and the two who liked your post didn’t read what i said or really need to work on your reading comprehension skills if u think my views align with grossi and mac’s on this ...

I’m with tabber ... THIS WAS TO BE EXPECTED cause IMO he is a DIVA and the reasons why i believe that are well laid out above weather u agree with them or not ..

When he misses ota’s next year u won’t here a peep out of me ... ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SITUATION ...

Since the trade i’ve been nothing but thrilled cause i realize he’s gonna be well worth the “ BS “ distractions like this cause were gonna be WINNING and he’s gonna be a big art of the reason why ... thumbsup

Go ahead and tell me why MY OPINION’S wrong and i’m Holding OBJ to a different standard cause u don’t agree with it ... u can have the last word ... like i said ... this should be forgotten by now ... i’ll Heed my own advice and put it behind me ...

I’m out ...

LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo .... thumbsup
I think Joe Thomas is saying the same thing as I am in regards to this matter and it's what you are missing.

If the equation was OTAs vs laying on the couch and eating bon-bons, I’d say get your ass to OTAs, if the equation is OTAs vs elite and customized training tailored specifically to your body by a trainer who’s known you and worked with you for years, it’s a more nuanced question

Btw-------------Josh Gordon missed mandatory TC, not OTAs.
just clicking ...

I have stayed out of this thread. i am wondering why it is "news" that a player says he will be at a mandatory camp.

there are players who skip the voluntary ones, whatever. i agree that these are more important for some than others, and one needs to have reached some sort of "level" before one can start skipping these optional ones in favor of other, personal workouts.

OBJ did not attend most of the OTAs. That should not have surprised many. But did anyone think he would blow off mandatory workouts? It would be news if someone said they were *not* attending the mandatories.
Originally Posted By: mac
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
This debate has been so stupid, that I wish everyone just talked about Hue and Sashi instead. Seriously this thing was as stupid as can be.

If this debate is so stupid, then you would be ok with Baker Mayfield skipping these OTAs, right?

I ask that question to everyone who believes it's ok for Bjr to skip all these workouts.

I am ok when a players does what he is supposed or not supposed to do.

It was not mandatory, meaning if it was soooo important, it would be MANDATORY.

I haven't read grossi or anyone for that matter, that influenced my opinion that Jr's lack of interest in what the Browns are attempting to achieve is important and deserves to be taken seriously by him and all involved..

Ownership, management, coaches and the players...

I believe ownership finally gets it...

I'm certain that the Browns management gets it...

I believe our new HC sure as hell "gets it"...

Most of the players get it...

If the Browns are going to achieve their ultimate goal of winning a Super Bowl, it's going to take the entire team working together toward that goal.

As the Browns new Head Coach said when asked what Jr has missed by blowing off 8 of the 9 OTAs and the 3 day mini camp...

Freddy Kitchens said, "He's missed alot"...

I welcome Kitchens to the club that believes Jr needs to "get it".
The only ones that don't get it are the ones that are bent out of shape about him missing OTA's.

The coaches, players, and OBJ get it WAY better than you do.
prp...so you believe Freddy preferred that Jr "not show up"?

I believe Freddy wanted Beckham to show up for every OTA and mini camp.

Freddy seems to believe that OBJr "MISSED ALOT"...and you believe Jr blowing off all the OTAs wasn't a big deal.

I think Freddy has a better handle on what it takes to win a Super Bowl than you do.

When an important part of your offense decides to blow off the opportunities to learn a new offense, it puts the entire offense behind...something a coach understands.
"As the Browns new Head Coach said when asked what Jr has missed by blowing off 8 of the 9 OTAs and the 3 day mini camp..."

The mini-camp has not started yet, how did he miss it ?
Originally Posted By: mac

I haven't read grossi or anyone for that matter, that influenced my opinion that Jr's lack of interest in what the Browns are attempting to achieve is important and deserves to be taken seriously by him and all involved..

Ownership, management, coaches and the players...

I believe ownership finally gets it...

I'm certain that the Browns management gets it...

I believe our new HC sure as hell "gets it"...

Most of the players get it...

If the Browns are going to achieve their ultimate goal of winning a Super Bowl, it's going to take the entire team working together toward that goal.

As the Browns new Head Coach said when asked what Jr has missed by blowing off 8 of the 9 OTAs and the 3 day mini camp...

Freddy Kitchens said, "He's missed alot"...

I welcome Kitchens to the club that believes Jr needs to "get it".

I don't think Kitchens actually believes that. He's just smart enough to understand that a significant portion of NFL fans love to point at millionaire athletes and mock them for being entitled and lazy, lacking dedication and discipline, and just not getting "it."

Kitchens knows that when OBJ is amongst the NFL's leading receivers on one of the NFL's most electric offenses in a few months, nobody is going to give a damn that he missed a couple of voluntary practices that a lot of veterans miss.
No, I believe that Kitchens would have preferred the media stop hounding him over a non-issue, and that belief is backed up by people from Berea following Kitchens' interview.

Go read everything from Joe Thomas, then read it again and keep repeating until you actually UNDERSTAND it. Especially the parts about "he didn't miss anything, everything will be repeated multiple times", "veterans have to have their mind right and avoid boredom", "working on timing in OTA's is overrated because you aren't going full speed", "WR is easy to learn", and lastly "you are better off working with a personalized training program and trainer that knows you".

Wait, who am I kidding? You will not pay attention to any of that and you will continue to beat your same tired drum - ya know, because you know better than a professional athlete actually living it.
Originally Posted By: Halfback32
"As the Browns new Head Coach said when asked what Jr has missed by blowing off 8 of the 9 OTAs and the 3 day mini camp..."

The mini-camp has not started yet, how did he miss it ?

Facts. LOL.
Originally Posted By: CapCity Dawg
Originally Posted By: Halfback32
"As the Browns new Head Coach said when asked what Jr has missed by blowing off 8 of the 9 OTAs and the 3 day mini camp..."

The mini-camp has not started yet, how did he miss it ?

Facts. LOL.


Below, the Browns 2019 offseason schedule...

Voluntary Minicamp: April 23-25

OTA Offseason Workouts: May 14-16, May 21-23, May 28-31

Mandatory Minicamp: June 4-6

Cap City, Halfback32 and others...Beckham missed the April minicamp, noted above.

The voluntary camp, the one he wasn't required to attend.
Yep. He didn't "miss" anything.

I read today that OBJ was in constant communication with Kitchens on what he was doing and when he was coming in. MISSING has several implications - he was not A.W.O.L. OBJ was in touch with his coaches. No big deal.

Thread title caught my eye ....


Published: June 5, 2019 at 06:10 p.m. Updated: June 5, 2019 at 09:16 p.m.

Odell Beckham adjusting to Baker Mayfield's arm

Herbie Teope

Wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr., finds himself adjusting to a new team, a new offense and new surroundings as he gets in work during the Cleveland Browns' three-day mandatory minicamp.

On top of all that, the three-time Pro Bowler has to acclimate to a new quarterback and the velocity of Baker Mayfield's passes after not experiencing the throws during voluntary organized team activities, which Beckham elected to miss.

"I'm going to have to get adjusted to the speed because he's got an arm," Beckham told reporters Wednesday. "He's throwing that ball hard, so just catching it from him from the first day it was like, 'Wow, this is completely different.' It just takes time. Again we play in September, so it's a good thing."

The two have plenty of time to get accustomed to each other before games count in the win-loss column, and Mayfield will also need to use the time between now and September to figure out the nuances of Beckham's game.

But once the two build the all-important chemistry, the rest of the league should be treated to offensive fireworks out of Cleveland, especially when considering Mayfield already has a rapport with Jarvis Landry.

Meanwhile, Beckham took a moment Wednesday to double-down on a previous high complimentary comparison on what he's seen in Mayfield.

I loved Brett Favre growing up and Baker has a lot of similarities to him," Beckham said. "They put the highlights together. It looks the same. But obviously he's going to have to go out and put the work in for however many years he plays. Hopefully I can help him put up numbers, whatever he needs to do, win championships. But in my eyes he has the talent to do whatever he wants to do. Whatever he wants to do with it, that's what will happen."

Beckham, who caught passes from Eli Manning with the New York Giants, also expressed an appreciation of Mayfield's willingness to speak his mind, a trait Beckham said is "definitely different" from what he was previously accustomed to.

"I know that I'm always going to back him, right, wrong, indifferent," Beckham said of Mayfield. "You know the whole T.O. joke, 'That's my quarterback'? That's my guy. Baker was a friend, a brother to me before I got on this team and now for him to be my quarterback, I'm always going to back him.

"So for him to speak his mind, it's always good for the leader of your team to kind of have that and everybody follow that lead. If he steals off, that's what this team is here to guide him on the right path. But I don't see him really doing anything too wrong. He speaks his mind. Freedom of speech. You have your right to your own opinion. So that's what he does and I personally love it."

So far, so good in Cleveland with the growing love-fest between Beckham and Mayfield.

While Beckham's presence was missed during OTAs, the duo has clearly been busy making up for lost time and have the entire summer to strengthen the relationship.
I am sure we will see a group of the guys meet somewhere for a 2-3 day mini camp before regular camp opens in late July.
Originally Posted By: DiamDawg
Thread title caught my eye ....
Odell Beckham adjusting to Baker Mayfield's arm

That thing with Bake and OBJ is really cool ...

Did u make it or get it somewhere? ...
Ty sir ... thumbsup
OBJ is the most talented WR the Browns have had since Paul Warfield. Jarvis Landry is in the top five I believe. They will be ready in September. All this other crap is just reporters trying to make a story out of nothing. OBJ is where he is supposed to be when he is supposed to be there. smile I can't wait to see what those two can do together. Can you imagine how huge the holes are going to be for Chubb with D's having to guard our WR's?
Going forward, I propose a one week ban for anyone whom continues to debate OBJ and OTA smile I suppose the alternative could be Corey Coleman and Dwayne Boe
Can we add Trent Richardson?

OBJ: Couldn't reach 'full potential' with Giants

4:35 PM ET


Cleveland Browns wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. says his departure from the New York Giants was necessary because he felt he "wasn't going to be able to reach my full potential there."

Beckham addressed leaving the Giants in an interview with Complex published Thursday, saying the opportunity to join the Browns will allow his on-field production to flourish.

"I just felt with the Giants I was just stuck at a place that wasn't working for me anymore," Beckham said. "I felt like I wasn't going to be able to reach my full potential there. Mentally, physically, spiritually, everything I felt capable of doing, I just couldn't see it happening there. So I think allowing me to be in an environment where I can be myself and give it a different approach, I feel like my football will benefit. I'm just excited about being able to play football again and not have to deal with all the other stuff and politics that came with my previous role."
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Beckham had a tumultuous exit from New York, traded in March after a 2018 season in which he openly questioned quarterback Eli Manning's ability and less than a year after signing a five-year deal with the Giants worth up to $98.5 million.

To Complex, Beckham touted the culture in Cleveland and again expressed excitement about pairing with former LSU teammate and fellow wide receiver Jarvis Landry.

"They've got players over there who I just know I'm gonna click with," Beckham told Complex. "Jarvis is a brother of mine, and we dreamed of this moment. It's just crazy that it's actually happening. The percentage of people that make it to the NFL is less than 1%, so the chances of me playing with one of my brothers on the same team is a dream manifested, for sure."

Beckham has previously shared his joy over being a member of the Browns, saying June 5 that he was "almost giddy" to be in Cleveland.

As he prepares for his sixth NFL season, Beckham says he is on a social media hiatus, posting in an Instagram story Thursday that he is "goin away till July 1st for trainin." He told Complex that he is looking forward to the "fresh start" that comes with playing for a new team.

"I've been waiting to explode in games, and I've been working extremely hard [to take] my game to the next level," he said. "That's exactly what I think I can do at the Browns."

The Complex interview was conducted while Beckham was in London last weekend and participated in tryouts for the NFL Academy.


Positive: Glad he is happy here and it puts to rest the nonsense that he didn't want to play in Cleveland.

Negative: I was hoping he, Baker, and some other dudes were working out together during this time off.
Not sure where you get those guys haven't or aren't going to do that?

I took the going away to train comment as he wouldn't be posting for a while. I also think part of that training will include some time with the boys playing catch.

I agree, it will be a negative if they don't get together for a few days at some point this summer.
I wonder if he brought his personal trainer to London with him ... naughtydevil

Bake, VG and OBJ have all stated they’ll be getting together during this “dead” period around Bakes wedding ...

They got this dawg ... thumbsup
Superstars are always under the media microscope. Better get used to it. OBJ has fans and haters everywhere.

I've been reading reports how Tom Brady is currently working out w/Josh Gordon and other NE WRs, but have not seen anything about Baker and our WRs working out together in this dead period. Then again, the Pats have more to prove than the Browns.

In the link you will find where it was stated by both Baker and O where they will be working out in LA, where both guys live.

It doesn't say anything about others joining them, but I am sure it will be a open invite to all the others to join.
well, if you haven't seen anything, that clearly means it isn't happening.

May as well cancel the season, now :'(
Not sure why you are being snarky?

OBJ is in London, so I assumed they are not working out right now. I don't think that is a big stretch. I also was making the point that I think the "New England way" is something to be aware of. Brady has accomplished more in his career than any other qb in the history of the game and he is working out w/his teammates right now.

Maybe because you cite one reference to one QB working out with one WR as your means of saying that our QB and our WRs aren't doing enough when you actually have no idea what they are and are not doing during this period. You then complete it by snarky in the form of "Then again, the Pats have more to prove than the Browns."

Maybe you should ask the author of that article for the whereabouts and doings of the 31 other QBs and 100+ WRs they didn't write about?
Vers I think that is an old news story rehashed by some hack too lazy to make their own story.

From what I read they are meeting up in California, pretty sure OBJ specifically was mentioned - working out together with Baker.

The article was posted on June 21st, but perhaps the interview was from when OBJ was in London earlier? I'm not sure. I just assumed he was in London now.

I see that Purp didn't like me posting my opinions on this subject, but I do have some built-in concerns w/how much hype we have been receiving w/out actually winning.

I just hope that these guys aren't buying into the hype and realize that hard work is more important. I can't lose some of the feelings I had when I was coaching. Hype surrounding your team is something almost all coaches worry about. I don't think my comments were out of line. I've seen several reports about Brady throwing to various guys over the course of this summer.

I do feel better seeing the report that OBJ and Baker are going to hook-up in LA.
I'm totally buying into the hype. It's right this time. The pieces are there, we have a qb and a slew of weapons. I've had cautious optimism since 1999, where has that gotten me? I'm all in. 12-4 baby.
Hopefully you listened/saw the interview with Kitchens and Donovan I believe GratefulDead posted it.

Kitchens stated that everyone (meaning the Bozos) are building the Browns up cause they want to tear us down. Its the new Shock News stuff going on with Tweets and hits and all that jazz.

He said we aren't buying into that stuff. He said we got the talent but we are going to work hard to make the best out of it. The Building up stuff is just for Bozo's to get hits waiting for us to fall down. So as I'm a Homer I am trying to curb my enthusiasm...oh it still is very high but that is me pulling in the reigns.

As for as Purp that is between him and you. But it was mentioned by Diam that Baker is getting married??? I know I read that they were going to be working out together so that is pretty good, not a negative that even with a wedding involved our QB is making sure his priorities are in order...lol laugh

Btw marriage has a maturing effect on individuals, I think his wild party days of college are over, like most of us if you think of it. We don't EAT, DRINK, PURSUE GIRLS, etc like we did when we were in college. Especially after we got Married. Last big binge drink for me was my Bachelor Party!
Hope his will not have any problems as I'm sure OBJ and others will be there as well. I'm hoping for Cigars and 50 year old Brandy will be the highlight!
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog

I've been reading reports how Tom Brady is currently working out w/Josh Gordon and other NE WRs, but have not seen anything about Baker and our WRs working out together in this dead period. Then again, the Pats have more to prove than the Browns.

I wouldn't read to much into this, the guy is getting married, I'm sure he has a lot on his plate right now. Also, it's been a whole week since they left minicamp, and they got plenty of time to get together. They did last year and Odell wasn't even on the team.

I know you don't like him, but the suggestion I got from your post is that you feel he is not going to do it. I think that is unfair. It has been stated by him and Odell both that it will happen, I see no reason to lead people to believe it won't.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Not sure why you are being snarky?

OBJ is in London, so I assumed they are not working out right now. I don't think that is a big stretch. I also was making the point that I think the "New England way" is something to be aware of. Brady has accomplished more in his career than any other qb in the history of the game and he is working out w/his teammates right now.

Ok, he is in London. People take vacations. Good for him.

If you are expecting these guys to work out together every day from now until camp, your expectations are unrealistic.

Just saying....not being snarky, disrespectful, or anything negative.
I am concerned about the following:

1. The hype. I can almost guarantee the team is going to get off to a rough start. I just have a feeling about it. I actually think the O is going to struggle out of the gate. I think Baker is going to play average to below average.

2. Baker's incessant need to mix it up in the media with everyone he doesn't like. Now he's going after a college kid. Geesh. Think of attention span as a dime, 10 cents. That's all you have to give to everything in your life. Even spending one penny on something unimportant takes away from the important stuff. It's a real thing. Wasting effort on crap like that is just dumb.

3. Although only mini camp, watching videos and reading about it Baker struggled a bit. I think he's too comfortable in his own skin right now and not completely dialed in (see point #2).

4. Steve Wilks and the D. Not sure about this guy. Doesn't give me a bunch of hope when he talks. D players seem to be liking the system so far just based on comments so hopefully it works out.

5. Why did we hire an offensive coordinator again? I wish we would have gone with the Jets model. I feel like there are too many chefs in the kitchen. If things start off slowly on O, Monken will be the sacrificial lamb. He'll be gone by midseason.

On the positive side, we have the talent to overcome some of these things so maybe they won't be a big deal, but the above concerns me.

Please don't tell me what I am thinking and then labeling me as being unfair. I am not insulting anyone. I am not breaking board rules. We don't all have to think the same way.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog

I see that Purp didn't like me posting my opinions on this subject

You should know plenty well by now that I don't care about your opinion, if you post it or if you don't, lol.... and, for the record, you didn't post an opinion at all. You posted info about Tommy Terrific and used it to take a sideways shot at Baker/OBJ while initiating the snark you wanted to complain about.
You don't care about my opinion, but you choose to blast it. Alrighty then.

It helps explain the toxic climate on here.
This happens a lot on here.

A poster makes a comment about the Browns or another subject and does not mention one single poster. Afterwards, a poster--or posters--rip the first poster's opinions and make it personal. If the first poster replies to the critical posters, he/she is in the wrong and confrontational. Ban me, if you like...............but, I am not going to allow you to talk to me like that.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
This happens a lot on here.

A poster makes a comment about the Browns or another subject and does not mention one single poster. Afterwards, a poster--or posters--rip the first poster's opinions and make it personal. If the first poster replies to the critical posters, he/she is in the wrong and confrontational. Ban me, if you like...............but, I am not going to allow you to talk to me like that.

What you leave out is that the "1st poster" usually posts snarky comments or backhanded insults in their posts and then get butt hurt when people respond.

There is one "1st poster" here at is involved in 99% of the confrontations and drama here.
What’s OBJ not arguing about ... *L* ..

I have NO CLUE what he’s referring too ..

U know .. back when we had NO TALENT the off season chatter was a lot less dramatic than it is now that we should be good ... not sure weather to *L* or cry ...

Regardless .. Sunday afternoons will be a lot more enjoyable .. although coming from where we were ... LAST YEAR WAS AWESOME ... and were sooooooo much better now .. thumbsup
I was wondering as well.

Both he and Baker live in LA. Maybe he popped over to Bakes house...saying he's moving in.

Sounds like they are working out together.
And yet another poster who jumps in. I don't recall saying one word to you.

I voiced an opinion that I think it's relevant that Tom Brady, who is generally regarded as the greatest qb of all-time and who has won SIX Super Bowls is constantly working out w/his receivers this summer and that perhaps our second year qb should do the same.

I don't think that was an attack on any poster. I don't think it was snarky. The Browns haven't won squat and the Patriots have won a lot. I am not going to change my opinion on that no matter who tries to act like I'm wrong for having a damn football opinion.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog

It helps explain the toxic climate on here.

Coming from YOU, of all people, that's just rich.
Originally Posted By: cle23
There is one "1st poster" here at is involved in 99% of the confrontations and drama here.

I'm rather disappointed that I'm only getting credit for 1%.

Last I heard baker was getting married any day now. I have no problem with him not working out getting ready for the game of his life against the most fierce opponent he will ever face - his soon to be wife smile

All reports have been Baker and OBJ will be working out this summer - which they did last year and they WERE NOT teammates. So I have no concern or issue with him taking some time off to focus on his family and his soon to be wife. This is supposed to be the biggest event in his life - even more so than getting drafted or winning any football game - so I think maybe we as fans should cut the kid some slack and let him enjoy this moment, it only happens 2 or 3 times in a lifetime for most rofl rofl
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Originally Posted By: cle23
There is one "1st poster" here at is involved in 99% of the confrontations and drama here.

I'm rather disappointed that I'm only getting credit for 1%.

You need to up your game.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
And yet another poster who jumps in. I don't recall saying one word to you.

I voiced an opinion that I think it's relevant that Tom Brady, who is generally regarded as the greatest qb of all-time and who has won SIX Super Bowls is constantly working out w/his receivers this summer and that perhaps our second year qb should do the same.

I don't think that was an attack on any poster. I don't think it was snarky. The Browns haven't won squat and the Patriots have won a lot. I am not going to change my opinion on that no matter who tries to act like I'm wrong for having a damn football opinion.

It's been reported Baker and the receivers have stuff planned. It's also been reported Brady and Gordon are going to work out, what, once?

Either way, it's June. As others have said, Baker is going to or just got married. You're making a big deal out of it just to rile people up. Did you check the other 30 teams for workouts? Is Darnold getting the Jets together? Roethlisburger? Goff? Kyler Murray?
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Originally Posted By: cle23
There is one "1st poster" here at is involved in 99% of the confrontations and drama here.

I'm rather disappointed that I'm only getting credit for 1%.

You split you're time with the "1st poster."

Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
And yet another poster who jumps in. I don't recall saying one word to you.

I voiced an opinion that I think it's relevant that Tom Brady, who is generally regarded as the greatest qb of all-time and who has won SIX Super Bowls is constantly working out w/his receivers this summer and that perhaps our second year qb should do the same.

I don't think that was an attack on any poster. I don't think it was snarky. The Browns haven't won squat and the Patriots have won a lot. I am not going to change my opinion on that no matter who tries to act like I'm wrong for having a damn football opinion.

Hey. I never said your name. Don't blame me if you take offense to a general comment towards a "1st poster."
Seen in the wild by my brother at Disneyland:

The bandwagon is full steam ahead.
Please don't pretend to understand my motives. I didn't make the initial post to rile people up. I made it because I am hoping that our guys will work out on their own.

Later, I said I was encouraged after someone told me that there were reports of Baker and OBJ planning to work out.

Some of you just look to start fights w/me and I'm tired of it. I would gladly never have a conversation w/you again. That way we don't have to subject others to this nonsense. Deal?
I'm just annoyed that OBJ isn't at training camp, yet.
Originally Posted By: PrplPplEater
I'm just annoyed that OBJ isn't at training camp, yet.

Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Please don't pretend to understand my motives. I didn't make the initial post to rile people up. I made it because I am hoping that our guys will work out on their own.

Later, I said I was encouraged after someone told me that there were reports of Baker and OBJ planning to work out.

Some of you just look to start fights w/me and I'm tired of it. I would gladly never have a conversation w/you again. That way we don't have to subject others to this nonsense. Deal?

So you admit to knowing they have workouts planned, yet still complain about OBJ being in London. And posting concerns is one thing. Posting about how New England is doing it, and wording it as "the Browns obviously are proven and the Patriots aren't" sarcasm is where people get annoyed. You say 1 positive about Baker, then trash everything he does after that. He isn't perfect. He needs to improve as a player and a person, just like most everybody else.

I don't look to start fights. I honestly don't post much, and it's been probably weeks since I said anything to you, but I will when you start conflicts and drama they cry victim.
Odell is already posting and liking on IG.
Originally Posted By: GratefulDawg

June 22nd... "We Workin"

Gee wonder what that means.
I think some posters owe Baker and crew an apology.

Nah...I doubt it. Well sometimes OPINIONS are prove flat out WRONG. Vers you just took a hit.
Keep it up.
OMG ..Is Beckham still coming to Mandatory Mini-Camp ? I thought it was over ... Isn't it about time to close and lock this thread ? Unless, of course, you are referring to mini-camp 2020 ...
He's just talking football.
Originally Posted By: eotab
June 22nd... "We Workin"

Gee wonder what that means.

The thing is, we don't know what it means. We can only speculate.
Originally Posted By: CapCity Dawg
Originally Posted By: eotab
June 22nd... "We Workin"

Gee wonder what that means.

The thing is, we don't know what it means. We can only speculate.

Prior to that tweet when the vacation started for the Browns it was said by both Baker and OBJ that they will be working out together in California where both are living during the vacation. Among other Browns getting together with Baker. In between his Wedding of course.

Did anyone see this?


'Odell Beckham Jr., Unguarded'

Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Did anyone see this?

I saw the report about OBJ catching passes from Kaep on a sport's show earlier today. When did it happen. And why was he catching passes from Kaep rather than Baker?

No one else has even wondered about that? Well, cfrs probably has. LOL

Odell Beckham: Hip injury “prevents me from opening up and sprinting”

Posted by Josh Alper on September 5, 2019, 3:21 PM EDT

The Browns didn’t list wide receiver Odell Beckham on Wednesday’s injury report and head coach Freddie Kitchens said that the wideout is ready to go for Sunday’s game against the Titans, but Beckham painted a less rosy picture about his condition on Thursday.

Beckham spoke to reporters from the Browns facility and said that the hip injury he’s been dealing with in recent weeks is “something that prevents me from opening up and sprinting.”

“It’s like an extremely fast car with the alignment off,” Beckham said, via Cleveland.com. “The car can still go, but it’s dangerous.”

That’s not an ideal description for a team’s top wide receiver a few days ahead of the season opener, but Beckham said he hopes the adrenaline of a game will help him find the top gear that he’s been missing. That suggests he’ll be in the lineup despite any difficulties he might be experiencing and that his effectiveness in his Browns debut will be something to monitor come Sunday.

just came here to say that Antonio Brown is making OBJ look like an honor roll student.
Antonio Brown...he's acting like a fruit loop...

Beckham...I hope he's 100% on Sunday and doesn't disappoint.
12-4 if the three, remain relatively healthy.

I think the Denzel Ward story is underrated, that’s my dawg.
Posted By: 3rd_and_20 Re: Odell Beckham - 09/10/19 12:50 PM

NFL to probe Browns star Odell Beckham Jr. after he wore $350,000 watch while playing the Titans and violated a league rule against wearing hard objects on the field

That $350,000 watch worn by the Cleveland Browns' star receiver Odell Beckham Jr. in Sunday's loss to the Tennesse Titans got the NFL's attention.

Wearing the Richard Mille time piece violated a league rule against wearing hard objects on the field, NFL Network's Ian Rapoport tweeted on Thursday.

League officials now want to have a word with Beckham and the team.

'WR Odell Beckham Jr, who took the field with $350K Richard Mille watch, violated a league rule prohibiting hard objects, I'm told,' wrote Rapoport in the tweet,' noting as well that 'there is no rule against jewelry.'

Read more:

Posted By: TrooperDawg Re: Odell Beckham - 01/22/20 12:02 AM


Cleveland Browns wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. underwent surgery Tuesday to repair a hip and groin injury that hampered him throughout this season.
Dr. Bill Meyers performed the surgery in Philadelphia.

Beckham's recovery timeline figures to be similar to that of Browns running back Kareem Hunt, who underwent sports hernia surgery in training camp but was ready to play after serving an eight-game suspension.
Beckham had 74 receptions, 1,035 receiving yards and four touchdowns this season playing through the injury.
The Browns also said Pro Bowl receiver Jarvis Landry will not have surgery on a hip injury that slowed him during Cleveland's 6-10 season. Landry recently underwent an MRI and consulted with a specialist. He's been cleared to play in the Pro Bowl.
If he had needed surgery, which Landry called "a last resort,'' he could have been sidelined for eight months. He had a team-high 83 receptions for 1,174 yards and six touchdowns last season.
Posted By: Dawgs4Life Re: Odell Beckham - 01/22/20 10:36 AM
Let’s hope he can be at as much as possible ... if for no other reason than to quell any drama again
Posted By: TrooperDawg Re: Odell Beckham - 01/22/20 04:06 PM
I still scratch my head at how two receivers, let alone just OBJ, could have 1,000+ yards on THIS team last year. From drops, to bad passes, to route errors, to poor play-calling...and a 1,000 yard rusher to boot. Plus whatever effect these injuries Odell and Landry experienced all year long had. It gives me hope that the new staff may not have to make major tweaks to the system to put us on a route to success. IMHO, better game-planning and play-calling will make for a major upgrade in results, along with personnel improvement. Well, maybe those ARE major tweaks!
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Odell Beckham - 01/22/20 04:20 PM
Maybe, even with their injuries, they weren't as bad as some people made them out to be.
Posted By: willitevachange Re: Odell Beckham - 01/22/20 05:06 PM
it helped they both had a day of 160+ yards smile
Posted By: Bard Dawg Re: Odell Beckham - 01/22/20 06:08 PM
I had the same questions about big yards given the line, the massive interceptions, Freddie, and all the other circumstances. With better prep work and coaching, I expect to realize more upside than I probably have any right to expect. But, like the Beach Boys, "Wouldn't it be
nice. . . ?" Hope that I am surprised. If we overachieved, not sure what we can realistically expect. But, I am willing to risk it.
Posted By: BuckDawg1946 Re: Odell Beckham - 01/25/20 10:22 AM
Double down, I heard blasphemy on RBS today, and for a bit now

Jarvis and Odell and are the core of this team. Those that beg to differ, need to check themselves.

They are some of the hardest working Cleveland Browns. If you believe otherwise, let’s rebuild now, trade down.
Posted By: Halfback32 Re: Odell Beckham - 01/25/20 11:50 AM
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Maybe, even with their injuries, they weren't as bad as some people made them out to be.

It's all about expectations, as fans, we went into the season expecting an unstoppable juggernaut, a Blitzkrieg that would sweep aside all opposition. What we got was two very very good 1000 yard plus receivers. Very good, but merely mortal. Football is a game played by mortals, so perhaps we should not be expecting Gods.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Odell Beckham - 01/25/20 03:41 PM
What amazes me the most is that we now know both of them were injured. Throughout the season we saw a lot of people that seemed to unjustly give them hell. Some even after knowing both were injured.

I believe some didn't even believe OBJ was injured and was just using it as an excuse. Hopefully now that it's obvious both were injured people will shut the hell up about their production. Considering their injuries, with both getting over 1000 yards under those conditions, I felt was not only a pretty great feat, but also displayed their toughness and dedication to the team.

I'm not a fan of OBJ's antics like most. But he's not out there getting suspended, arrested or making disparaging comments about the team.
Posted By: PrplPplEater Re: Odell Beckham - 01/27/20 04:38 PM
a fan of OBJ's antics

There's the rub.... his antics aren't even really antics. He isn't half the drama that gets stirred up around him; almost all of it is just overblown blabbering. So much overthinking of things by people; so much faux-drama.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Odell Beckham - 01/27/20 04:55 PM
I'm not one who really thinks his antics are that serious. Some of them are a little immature and I would rather not see them, but in the grand scheme of things they aren't serious and it certainly doesn't enter into whether I want him here or not.

He's a great talent who was injured this year. Anyone trying to be objective would certainly take that injury into account in regards to his concentration and production on the field.
Posted By: Homewood Dog Re: Odell Beckham - 01/27/20 05:11 PM
Agreed. I'd like to see what OBJ and the rest of our O weapons can do with a good offensive scheme and coaches that know what they are doing. I wouldn't trade him at this point but you don't know what our new regime is thinking and what offers they may get.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Odell Beckham - 01/27/20 05:16 PM
I don't know what they're thinking. Neither does anyone else on this board. That's why I'm firmly in wait and see mode.
Posted By: CleVeLaNd_sTrife Re: Odell Beckham - 01/27/20 05:46 PM
Originally Posted By: PrplPplEater
a fan of OBJ's antics

There's the rub.... his antics aren't even really antics. He isn't half the drama that gets stirred up around him; almost all of it is just overblown blabbering. So much overthinking of things by people; so much faux-drama.

A smart coach would recognize that most of OBJ's antics are fabricated by the media.

I think we have a smart coach. I think we keep OBJ.

Also... Isn't it time for a new OBJ thread? This one is old and very confusing. Mods can we start a new one?
As a Browns fan and supporter, let's get into your feelings on the new coach and direction of the team. How are you feeling about it?

You know, it's going on year seven for me now, but this business teaches you that anybody's replaceable and there's always going to be new coaches coming in and new staff, unless you're in one of those places where it just happens to not be like that. But where I've been at, unfortunately I've been on some teams, not-so-good teams, so we've kind of reestablished it. And with the new coach coming in, just seeing what he did with the Minnesota Vikings for a long time with Thielen and Diggs. These are people who I've watched closely on their film, and just seeing the things that he did and meeting him and seeing where his mind's at for Jarvis and myself of how this will all work out, I have a good feeling about it, you know?

And I'm always optimistic and looking on the brighter side of things. And I'm hoping that it's a tremendous season for us. We were so close last year, but yet so far away, and it shows you how being so close can land you from 10-6 to 6-10, you know? It's really a game of inches. So it's just little things we need to correct. I'm excited about the opportunity, excited to work on it.

Something I recently talked with Jarvis about was you and him recreating that Thielen and Diggs sort of role in Kevin Stefanski's offense. Is that the goal?

Yep. I think that's the plan, and I'm hoping that that's the game plan. It takes an army to get a team right. There's no one player who—it's not basketball. Basketball is a little different. One player can can dominate an entire game, offense, defense, and the team pitch in here and there and they still could win the game. Football is not like that.


Baker did some TV recently. He talked about how he got humbled a little bit this past season. Everyone is saying Baker needs to be fixed going into next season. Is that the sense you're getting?

The thing is, people don't get to where they're at by not being who they were to get here. So when people say they need to fix me or they need to fix this person, I don't believe in fixing anybody. Improving somebody is definitely more the word that I would say. I think myself as well had a slice of humble pie this year, because I was hurt all year. I couldn't really say I was hurt. I didn't want to make it seem like I'm having an excuse, but I really couldn't do what I wanted. I just couldn't move the way that I wanted to, so I think that's why I'm more motivated now than ever. This is probably day nine or 10 after surgery and I'm just starting to move around and just mentally get ready for the process all over again, and just put my best foot forward. So I don't think there's really changing anybody, but I definitely think you'll see a more focused, improved version of himself. Not what someone else wants him to be. And myself as well next year.

My fault for reading through this old thread.

Ole Joker Cleats. If he ain't at voluntary camp this year after that embarrassment of a season, I would get rid of him for anything I could get. Please don't recite to me his 1000 yard stat absent a list of his big, game changing catches last year. Hope Stafanski can get this guy going. Otherwise, I think Joker Cleats will run him and his nascent HC career over before it starts.
Lol @ trading one of the best in the league bc he doesnt participate in VOLUNTARY camp.
I think he missed the memo of how OBJ fought through an injury all season during his "lousy above 1000 yard receiving season".
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
I think he missed the memo of how OBJ fought through an injury all season during his "lousy above 1000 yard receiving season".

I won't argue that, but unless he had a brain injury he could have learned the playbook and where to line up. wink
In my opinion, OBJ was not close to being "one of the best receivers in the league" last year. I did not see many game changing catches. Did you guys? I have no idea how much an injury played into that. It is also my opinion that OBJ missing "voluntary" mini camp hurt the team and his performance big time. He did not seem to be on the same page in many instances last year. It could not have helped.

I hope he comes in and actually plays up to his potential next year. Skipping voluntary camp would not be a good sign for me. More like same old same old. I would also like to see less distractions. I think joker cleats and wrist watches and the lot detracted from the mission of winning last yar. You are free to disagree, but I think this guy did not live up to the hype...him and many others last year.

Everyone on the squad needs to look in the mirror and figure out changes toward team improvement. I would think that starts with the so-called team leaders. If I were Stephanski I would deman this from everyone starting right now, not starting beginning of training camp.
While we may feel that way, certain parts of the events the team undertakes are "voluntary" by contract and not required of the players. While I agree it would be nice if every player participated in such events, their contracts state they don't have to.

OBJ will always be OBJ. There will be some minor distractions. I, much as yourself prefer players be more dedicated and participate in all team events. And from his lack of lining up correctly in many instances it certainly is evident that having participating in those events would have been helpful.

I don't know if the injury was prevalent then or not. Due to that question being up in the air, I'm certainly not going to jump to conclusions as some have decided to do.

I do wonder how much of the lining up incorrectly had to do with OBJ not knowing the plays, and Freddie not calling the plays practiced during the week before the game. I do not recall OBJ lining up incorrectly during the first 15 plays of the game. He may have, I just do not recall it happening, though I do know it appeared to happen frequently in the second half of games.
Originally Posted By: Halfback32

I do wonder how much of the lining up incorrectly had to do with OBJ not knowing the plays, and Freddie not calling the plays practiced during the week before the game. I do not recall OBJ lining up incorrectly during the first 15 plays of the game. He may have, I just do not recall it happening, though I do know it appeared to happen frequently in the second half of games.

I literally never put that 2 and 2 together, and it makes total sense. More sense than any other notion put forward to date.
Yes very interesting take on the lining up incorrectly. I got the idea Freddie was constantly faking himself out. Perhaps he also was faking out his whole entire O. I hope that is right, becuase that has already been fixed with his firing.
Why isnt this, another prima wide receiver situation, right?

I hope you have a best friend, do you guys leave, or stay together?

Originally Posted By: BuckDawg1946
Why isnt this, another prima wide receiver situation, right?

I hope you have a best friend, do you guys leave, or stay together?


Anyone know what he's trying to say/imply? I can't figure it out.
Sounds like he's calling OBJ and Jarvis primadonnas... and sarcastically pondering whether or not they're sitting in a hot tub somewhere, plotting their next move.

I think he's also saying, in a sense, that most of us, don't really, use enough, commas, when we're communicating.
Trying to, but I can't see the forest for the commas. Still working on it. Seems, you know, tone, well, deep. A little help, because I think it is a serious observation worth serious consideration.
I, noticed that, also.
Its seems that he's all, like, no way, or something, and I'm all, like, wait, what, or something?
I’ll try harder, lo siento.

Jarvis and Odell are boys. I’d be shocked if they don’t play together, and push each other over the next 5 years.
Gonna redact the 5 years proclamation, too many player to pay, more like 2-3 years.
Jarvis and OBJ with a focused and protected Baker, along with the combo of Chubb and Hunt, is quite possibly the most scary offensive attack in the NFL. It all starts with Baker....
Originally Posted By: KashDawg
Jarvis and OBJ with a focused and protected Baker, along with the combo of Chubb and Hunt, is quite possibly the most scary offensive attack in the NFL. It all starts with Baker....

sounds like last years hype
Originally Posted By: Steubenvillian
Originally Posted By: KashDawg
Jarvis and OBJ with a focused and protected Baker, along with the combo of Chubb and Hunt, is quite possibly the most scary offensive attack in the NFL. It all starts with Baker....

sounds like last years hype

You are not wrong. I am still on that train though. I think the coaching sucked last year and that set us back. Was Baker terrible?Yes, but he was put in bad situations. The kid is sill young and his coach is responsible to build his confidence and make him better. Neither happened last season.
Not to sound cliche, but this is the pivotal, show me year. A lot is riding on the symbiosis of Baker, Jarvis, and Odell.

It’s the only realistic super bowl path, I can see in 3 years
I agree ... the chemistry just wasn’t there on the field and it ruined the season. I called them the Three AmEGOS all season

I'm kinda on the fence with OBJ, should we keep him or trade him? I think they'll keep him and that's okay with me but I wouldn't be mad if they traded him either... Not at all.
I'm curious as to why you would want to trade him?

He is one of the very best WRs in the NFL. He didn't make waves last year and he probably had a right to. He played through a core injury. He didn't disrespect teammates in the medial. He did not trash other NFL players, former NFL coaches, college players, etc. He didn't storm away while talking to a reporter. played w/a qb who was probably the worst in the league and still had over a 1,000 yards while keeping his mouth shut.

Btw............would you be okay w/trading Baker?
The difference is everyone knows Baker isn't going anywhere. The same can't be said for OBJ. I'm sure the right price would get it done.

You want the same logic applied to every single situation. Real world doesn't work that way.

But you know that. I think you do anyway.
I do know that...........and when the "real world" doesn't match up with "reality," I will point that out. I think you know that. Or, at least I hope you do.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
I'm curious as to why you would want to trade him?

He is one of the very best WRs in the NFL. He didn't make waves last year and he probably had a right to. He played through a core injury. He didn't disrespect teammates in the medial. He did not trash other NFL players, former NFL coaches, college players, etc. He didn't storm away while talking to a reporter. played w/a qb who was probably the worst in the league and still had over a 1,000 yards while keeping his mouth shut.

Btw............would you be okay w/trading Baker?

Concerning OBJ, I was really excited that we got him at first, but I think because of who he is Baker looks to throw to him more often, even when he shouldn't. Also OBJ seems to be injury-prone. Plus there is that diva mentality, which wasn't that bad last year, but still.... I guess that's basically it. With that said I'd be fine if we traded OBJ and put Higgins in his place. But like I said, I'm okay if we keep him too.

Of note, I noticed on the cleveland.com/browns website they removed the comments section. Usually the would roast OBJ there.

I'm thinking the Browns will probably keep OBJ and maybe trade Higgins. I hope we keep the latter.

As far as Baker goes, keep him for another year, see how he does. If it's like last year? Ut-oh.
Higgins is an UFA. He can't be traded.
IMO, I look for the front office to deal OBJ if they can get decent compensation in return.

It does make sense, especially if OBJ is not happy in Cleveland. Don't buy into the public display of love between the Browns and OBJ..that could be planned to promote and escalate OBJs value.

Amazing stuff. LOL
Yeah, Higgins couldn't hold OBJ's jockstrap and OBJ handles himself much better than Baker, yet to read this board people live in an alternative universe.
Originally Posted By: YTownBrownsFan
Higgins is an UFA. He can't be traded.

Okay, you're right, but he can still sign with another team:

'Rashard Higgins expects to test the free-agent market, but Browns want him back at the right price, source says'

He's a fine #3 unless he has regressed. We really don't know. We know he didn't get much playing time but we have no real idea why.
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
He's a fine #3 unless he has regressed. We really don't know. We know he didn't get much playing time but we have no real idea why.

Really? I would think most people on here would say it was because he was in Freddie's Doghouse, as to why I agree we really don't know but it was Freddie that made that call ... JMHO
People do say it. But it's pure conjecture on their part with nothing of substance behind it. Freddie had no problem playing him in 2018.
Originally Posted By: PastorMarc
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
He's a fine #3 unless he has regressed. We really don't know. We know he didn't get much playing time but we have no real idea why.

Really? I would think most people on here would say it was because he was in Freddie's Doghouse, as to why I agree we really don't know but it was Freddie that made that call ... JMHO

Which is a long-winded way of saying "We really don't know. We know he didn't get much playing time but we have no real idea why.", lol!
Keep OBJ. Giving up on him after a year is silly.

This means they will move OBJ as well as Schobert...:(
Originally Posted By: mac
IMO, I look for the front office to deal OBJ if they can get decent compensation in return.

It does make sense, especially if OBJ is not happy in Cleveland. Don't buy into the public display of love between the Browns and OBJ..that could be planned to promote and escalate OBJs value.

he has said a few times that he is happy in CLE and doesn't want to leave


he has said a few times that he is happy in CLE and doesn't want to leave [/quote]

[color:#FFFFCC]Like I tried to point out...

"Don't buy into the public display of love between the Browns and OBJ..that could be planned to promote and escalate OBJs value."

The Browns wouldn't want to appear as if they were looking to unload OBJ from day one...just that they were offered a deal they felt they could not pass up.

If they can get a first rounder and maybe something more to make a deal look good, OBJ could be a one and done in Cleveland.
Proof. LOL
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Yeah, Higgins couldn't hold OBJ's jockstrap and OBJ handles himself much better than Baker, yet to read this board people live in an alternative universe.

I guess it depends on how you define "handles himself". Sure OBJ wasn't clashing with other NFL personalities, but it was OBJ clashing with the League over stupid crap like shoes and visors.

Baker didn't put in the off season work that OBJ did, but (at least pre-snap) Baker appeared to have a better idea of what he was doing than OBJ did come game time.

This isn't to say one was any better than the other or a "what about"ism. Both of them clearly could have done things that would have helped the team more than they did.
While I certainly can't and won't dismiss what you're saying, I also think what's good for the goose is good for the gander. It seems that some are of the opinion, as we can see right here in this very thread above, that the assertion is that Baker was hesitant due to Freddie running plays that had not been practiced. If that theory is true, then wouldn't it also hold true that the other players were also confused by the play calling?

I don't really buy into that theory and think both of them should have been better prepared as you seem to suggest. I'm just sayin'. wink
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Proof. LOL

Just a question,, does it bother anyone that he says he'll be at Mandatory camp, but doesn't say anything about being a Voluntary camp?
No. If the NFL demands he be there, it should be mandatory. The thing is, most of the people this does upset wouldn't risk injury that would derail their season for free.
Originally Posted By: Damanshot
Just a question,, does it bother anyone that he says he'll be at Mandatory camp, but doesn't say anything about being a Voluntary camp?

Like legendary Cleveland Browns coach, Pat Shurmur, once said, "control the controllables."
Did OBJ say he was skipping the 2020 Voluntary Camp? I didn't see that.

I ask because I am wondering if Daman is confusing last year w/this year, since the original article in this thread was during the 2109 off-season.

I apologize if I missed the news that he has already said he won't be at the 2020 Voluntary Camp.
With both OBJ and Landry having surgery, I don't want either out there until their bodes are 110% (not possible, but you know what I mean). I get there's going to be a new playbook, but those 2 need to be fully recovered and then a little longer just to be sure. They can work on some of the offense install from the sideline.
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
While I certainly can't and won't dismiss what you're saying, I also think what's good for the goose is good for the gander. It seems that some are of the opinion, as we can see right here in this very thread above, that the assertion is that Baker was hesitant due to Freddie running plays that had not been practiced. If that theory is true, then wouldn't it also hold true that the other players were also confused by the play calling?

I don't really buy into that theory and think both of them should have been better prepared as you seem to suggest. I'm just sayin'. wink

Point taken.

I could be parsing things too much, but I get players being confused or being hesitant (let's just say not very confident) in a series of disjointed play calling. It's hard to find a rhythm, it's hard to find things in the DEF to exploit, it's hard to find out what will work for you.

But even if Freddie calls 5 completely different plays, a player should still at the very least know the formation and where he's supposed to line up. It just seemed to me that OBJ more often than any other player had to be directed where to line up.

I don't know which is more frustrating. Sucking because you lack the talent, or having the talent and sucking?
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Proof. LOL

Patriots will call Browns about trading Odell Beckham Jr., says NBC analyst

Today 9:37 AM
By Troy L. Smith, Cleveland.com

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Speculation about Tom Brady and Odell Beckham Jr. possibly playing for the same team, whether the Patriots, Browns or otherwise, probably won’t go away until the next NFL Season starts. But it’s certainly proving to be a dream scenario for some.

On Tuesday’s edition of NBC Sports’ “ProFootballTalk Live,” NFL analysts Mike Florio and Chris Simms spoke about what it might take for Brady to return to New England. Both agreed the Patriots would have to make a major move for a pass catcher. Simms has someone specific in mind.

“Odell Beckham Jr. is my first pick,” he said. “If you want to keep Tom Brady, damn. I don’t think this is actually realistic because I think Cleveland is going to hang on to Odell Beckham Jr. But I think New England probably calls Cleveland to see what it might take to get him.

“I don’t think New England is the type of team that’s going to offer up anything crazy,” Simms continued. “[But] that would be a move where Brady would go, ‘See ya San Francisco. See ya Tennessee Titans. I’m staying in New England and going to win my seventh.’”

Whether the Patriots would actually try to acquire OBJ wasn’t the issue for Florio. He simply doesn’t think it would be a good fit.

“I don’t think it would work for Odell Beckham Jr. in New England,” Florio said. “You have to leave your entire individuality at the door.

“The first thing he’ll hear from Bill Belichick -- if Bill Belichick even wants Odell Beckham Jr. – is, ‘I don’t want any more of this crap…all of this stuff over time that Beckham has used to express himself is gone, it’s over. It’s done. You are now a cog in a machine that should not in any way stand out.’ I don’t know if [Beckham] can conform to that.”

This qualifies as proof?
Well, someone said that someone else said that someone may be thinking about it.

That's what we call Dawgtalkers proof. Not enough forensics to prove a crime, but more than enough to impress the jury. wink
Ha! I love that last line. I'm going to steal that.

Re: the article... it's hard to pick something out of it that was actually accurate or true. Way way more wrong in there than right.
It all depends on Brady...doesn't it...
Simms is not a very good #mediaexpert.
Originally Posted By: mac
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Proof. LOL

Patriots will call Browns about trading Odell Beckham Jr., says NBC analyst

Today 9:37 AM
By Troy L. Smith, Cleveland.com

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Speculation about Tom Brady and Odell Beckham Jr. possibly playing for the same team, whether the Patriots, Browns or otherwise, probably won’t go away until the next NFL Season starts. But it’s certainly proving to be a dream scenario for some.

On Tuesday’s edition of NBC Sports’ “ProFootballTalk Live,” NFL analysts Mike Florio and Chris Simms spoke about what it might take for Brady to return to New England. Both agreed the Patriots would have to make a major move for a pass catcher. Simms has someone specific in mind.

“Odell Beckham Jr. is my first pick,” he said. “If you want to keep Tom Brady, damn. I don’t think this is actually realistic because I think Cleveland is going to hang on to Odell Beckham Jr. But I think New England probably calls Cleveland to see what it might take to get him.

“I don’t think New England is the type of team that’s going to offer up anything crazy,” Simms continued. “[But] that would be a move where Brady would go, ‘See ya San Francisco. See ya Tennessee Titans. I’m staying in New England and going to win my seventh.’”

Whether the Patriots would actually try to acquire OBJ wasn’t the issue for Florio. He simply doesn’t think it would be a good fit.

“I don’t think it would work for Odell Beckham Jr. in New England,” Florio said. “You have to leave your entire individuality at the door.

“The first thing he’ll hear from Bill Belichick -- if Bill Belichick even wants Odell Beckham Jr. – is, ‘I don’t want any more of this crap…all of this stuff over time that Beckham has used to express himself is gone, it’s over. It’s done. You are now a cog in a machine that should not in any way stand out.’ I don’t know if [Beckham] can conform to that.”


Kinda misleading, for one - they didn't say it was even going to happen, they were discussing what it would take to happen.

Not a single thing in this article stated it was actually talked about between anyone on either team. SMH. Troy L Smith needs to quit his job.
Originally Posted By: cfrs15
This qualifies as proof?

Originally Posted By: cfrs15
This qualifies as proof?

It's like using Snopes.com as a source.
Lol at Josina on RBS. Douse the OBJ trade rumors

“I’ll stop you there, Odell wants to play in Cleveland”

If Odell isn’t wearing orange and brown in 3 years, it’s not because he doesn’t want to.
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