Posted By: YTownBrownsFan New "Avengers" Trailer - 02/29/12 05:44 PM
Oh man, this movie looks like it is going to rock!

I haven't gone to see a movie in a theater in years ...... but I think that this one will convince me to get out and enjoy an $8 Pepsi® or 2 , and $10 bags of popcorn.

Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 02/29/12 05:46 PM
one of the few movies where going to the IMAX 3D and paying the $12/ticket that it costs to do that won't make me cringe.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 02/29/12 05:56 PM
Well, regular tickets today are how much now? I think that the last movie I went to was $8 .... and that was probably 4 or 5 years ago. $12 for IMAX doesn't sound horrible. (Assuming that IMAX is all I have heard it is)
Posted By: Damanshot Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 02/29/12 07:14 PM
Was that the one that was partially filmed in Cleveland?
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 02/29/12 07:31 PM

Hope they cleaned up after they left.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 02/29/12 08:19 PM

Well, regular tickets today are how much now? I think that the last movie I went to was $8 .... and that was probably 4 or 5 years ago. $12 for IMAX doesn't sound horrible. (Assuming that IMAX is all I have heard it is)

movie tickets here are $6.5 for matinee, $8 for evening, $11 for 3D, $12 for IMAX-3D (though it's not 'that' much different in most. the true curved screen IMAX movies are only in a few spots and too far a drive for me to know how much they cost)
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 02/29/12 08:50 PM
WOW. This looks like it might be the best TRUE comic book movie ever made. When I say TRUE, I mean looks and feels EXACTLY like the books. There are many good ones, but they all take a lot of liberties like making them darker or sillier or more real-world.

The battle scenes in this look fantastic. My ticket was bought when I saw the Hulk save Iron-Man from hitting the building.

And somehow, seeing Black Widow . that Glock, I don't see a very mighty addition to the team. At least she's purty to say the least . . .
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 02/29/12 08:59 PM

WOW. This looks like it might be the best TRUE comic book movie ever made.

yeah, and....

my favorite screenwriter wrote it (Joss Whedon - of Toy Story fame)
my favorite storyline (Avengers being my favorite superhero line from youth)
and was filmed partially in my favorite city

Is it May yet?
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 02/29/12 09:23 PM

Is it May yet?

That was a big surprise for me. I knew it was finally out this year, but assumed it would be June or July.

Sooner than I thought!
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 02/29/12 09:31 PM
Every superhero team needs a sneaky spy type, and a "normal" highly trained guy to go along with the super powered types.

The Justice League had Batman as the sneaky spy type, and Green Arrow as the highly trained guy. The Avengers have the Black Widow and Hawkeye in those roles.
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/01/12 07:05 AM
The only thing I'm skeptical about is how they got Thor back into this dimension... With his bridge broken and all, I hope they don't just weasel their way through that...

Why are you wasting your time saving people when NATALIE PORTMAN HAS BEEN WAITING FOR YOU..
Posted By: Bard Dawg Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/01/12 01:36 PM
Wow! Y'all get your popcorn ready! I am DEFINITELY going to see this one. I love most of the comicsflix, but I have collected Marvel and liked them best since I was a kid. Hope it doesn't disappoint! Avengers, assemble!
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/01/12 03:17 PM

The only thing I'm skeptical about is how they got Thor back into this dimension... With his bridge broken and all, I hope they don't just weasel their way through that...

Why are you wasting your time saving people when NATALIE PORTMAN HAS BEEN WAITING FOR YOU..

they set that up with S.H.I.E.L.D. funding her research. but yeah, they are pretty much going to have to fly through their re-union to get to the main story.
Posted By: I_Rogue Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/02/12 06:19 PM


The only thing I'm skeptical about is how they got Thor back into this dimension... With his bridge broken and all, I hope they don't just weasel their way through that...

Why are you wasting your time saving people when NATALIE PORTMAN HAS BEEN WAITING FOR YOU..

they set that up with S.H.I.E.L.D. funding her research. but yeah, they are pretty much going to have to fly through their re-union to get to the main story.

This movie needs to be a two part-er or 3 hours long! I was not that interested in comic book translations into movies, but when I heard they were filming this in Cleveland I went ahead and watched all the previous movies (in order) just to see this flick. I was greatly surprised by all the movies and loved them all. I think we will be disappointed in how fast they piece it together. We won't be disappointed in the rest. Just my $0.02
Posted By: PrplPplEater Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/02/12 06:43 PM
I wouldn't bet on that too much, except in that I think that The Avengers will also be more of a genesis movie, like the others.

It is to simply set up their beginnings - and then there will be more Avengers movies later, as well as more movies in each character line... and those will just keep getting more involved, I'd expect.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/02/12 06:44 PM
Marvel really is putting out the best comic book adaptation movies right now. The Fantastic Four movies were pretty bad .... along with the 1st Hulk ..... but the Ghost Rider, 2nd Hulk, Spider-Man series, Iron Man movies, Captain America, and Thor (especially) have all been very good.
Posted By: I_Rogue Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/02/12 07:11 PM

I wouldn't bet on that too much, except in that I think that The Avengers will also be more of a genesis movie, like the others.

It is to simply set up their beginnings - and then there will be more Avengers movies later, as well as more movies in each character line... and those will just keep getting more involved, I'd expect.

Well in that case, I hope you are right, but how often can you pull that cast together to do more flicks?
Posted By: PrplPplEater Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/02/12 07:14 PM
Probably, to one degree or another, at least for the next decade. Almost every actor is very young with the lone exceptions being Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Downey, Jr. ... but both still have at LEAST 10 more years with their current looks to keep it rolling, which also buys time to set up a hand off to a next generation, if needed.

In 10 years, across what... 4 or 5 different franchises plus the Avengers label, they should easily be able to squeeze out almost another dozen movies total. Easily.

And as for keeping the same actors, they've already replaced Hulk - it was originally Ed Norton, Jr.

There is already Iron Man 3 coming and Hulk 2... I think Avengers 2 is already green lighted, as is Thor 2??
They're creating a monster
Posted By: I_Rogue Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/02/12 07:24 PM

There is already Iron Man 3 coming and Hulk 2... I think Avengers 2 is already green lighted, as is Thor 2??
They're creating a monster

According to Wiki, Thor 2 is a go.
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/02/12 07:31 PM

The Fantastic Four movies were pretty bad .... along with the 1st Hulk ..... but the Ghost Rider, 2nd Hulk, Spider-Man series, Iron Man movies, Captain America, and Thor (especially) have all been very good.

I agree on Fantastic Four.

Both Ghost Riders were absolute garbage. Unless the parts I missed after walking out of Ghost Rider 2 were any good. . .

I thought Daredevil stunk, too . . .
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/02/12 07:37 PM
I really liked the 2007 Ghost Rider. I thought it was really well done, and faithful to the comic.

I didn't see the 2nd one.

I thought Daredevil was OK. I mean, what are you really going to do with a blind guy with no real super powers?
Posted By: PrplPplEater Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/02/12 08:06 PM
I enjoyed the first Ghost Rider. Haven't seen the 2nd, either.

DareDevil.... what do you expect with Ben Affleck? Seriously.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/02/12 08:11 PM

Marvel really is putting out the best comic book adaptation movies right now. The Fantastic Four movies were pretty bad .... along with the 1st Hulk ..... but the Ghost Rider, 2nd Hulk, Spider-Man series, Iron Man movies, Captain America, and Thor (especially) have all been very good.

there have been alot of bad ones too. but most of the bad ones were done outside the Marvel-owned sphere (1st Hulk, Spider-Man 3 was Sony, Daredevil, Elektra, etc.)

I agree the current line straight from Marvel Entertainment has been fantastic.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/02/12 08:12 PM

how often can you pull that cast together to do more flicks?

as long as these movies keep raking in $$$, the actors will keep begging to get in them.
Posted By: FreeAgent Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 03/02/12 08:15 PM
X-Men 3, Wolverine, Daredevil and Elektra were all pretty bad IMO.

Don't get me started on the Fantastic Four. I own every issue of the FF from 195 - 500. Someone bought me the DVD for my birthday and I have yet to even put it in my player because I saw it in the theaters and I refuse to watch it. Never even saw part 2.
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 03:11 PM
Tomorrow night for me!

Hulk SMASH!!!!
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 03:22 PM
to get a ticket at Alamo Drafthouse (dinner theater here in Austin), I had to wait until Sunday morning. Sunday Brunch while watching the Avengers sounds pretty good though
Posted By: Pepper52 Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 03:25 PM
their having a Marvel marathon at the Cinema at Richmond then the premiere ..cant smell a ticket
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 03:31 PM

their having a Marvel marathon at the Cinema at Richmond then the premiere ..cant smell a ticket

Daredevil, Elektra, and the Ang Lee Hulk movies leading up to the Avengers?

think about how much better the Avengers would seem after sitting through 6 hours of those other movies
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 03:34 PM
I work with a lot of people in BA and I guess it was released there already (big holiday this past weekend).

This guy on my team, who is a big comic and Star Wars movie fan, said it was amazing. He said the Hulk was the best part. I guess they finally made him not look like Shrek.

...and I already asked, Scarlett Johansson leaves her clothes on.
Posted By: Pepper52 Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 03:39 PM


their having a Marvel marathon at the Cinema at Richmond then the premiere ..cant smell a ticket

Daredevil, Elektra, and the Ang Lee Hulk movies leading up to the Avengers?

think about how much better the Avengers would seem after sitting through 6 hours of those other movies

LOL..hoping its Thor, Cap, Ironman 1 and 2, & maybe some X-Men or Spiderman
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 03:53 PM
I'd assume they would want to do the backstory of the 4 main characters, so

Iron Man (likely the 1st)

But, if you cap that off with the Avengers, then that is close to 10hours of watching movies. I don't think I could do that.
Posted By: Arps Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 04:19 PM
looks good!
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 04:38 PM

to get a ticket at Alamo Drafthouse (dinner theater here in Austin), I had to wait until Sunday morning. Sunday Brunch while watching the Avengers sounds pretty good though

Are you an Aint It Cool talk-backer by any chance?
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 04:47 PM
i have no idea what you just said. i don't talk during movies though (if that was what you are getting at)
Posted By: HewDawg Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 04:48 PM

looks good!

I have to change my pants now. Can't wait!!!!!!!
Posted By: RocketOptimist Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 05:03 PM

Got a ticket for tonight. I'm hoping this is halfway decent.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 05:07 PM
No way can I sit through a packed house to see the opening night ...... but I think that this is one movie I will see before it's theatrical run ends.
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 05:34 PM

i have no idea what you just said. i don't talk during movies though (if that was what you are getting at)

Not at all.

Aint It Cool News is the king of all movie, tv, geek sites. It's creator, Harry Knowles, is an Austiner and he sees all movies and has all AICN screenings at the Alamo Drafthouse.

The Aint It Cool posters are Talk-Backers. Just as we are Dawg-Talkers . . .

Such a geek, am I . . .

Got my Avengers ticket. 8 PM tomorrow night . . .
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/03/12 05:45 PM
aha! I knew that I just didn't get what you were saying.

no, I don't get out to movies enough or follow them closely enough to know about all of that. until now. thanks for the site.
Posted By: RocketOptimist Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/04/12 03:29 PM
Go see this movie. The ending could use a little work but it's a very good film. The characters each get times to shine. Joss Whedon did a phenomenal job with a film I thought wouldn't work.

You'll laugh, cheer, and maybe cry during this film.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/04/12 03:47 PM
I'll go once the crowds thin out a little.

I have to get up frequently if I am sitting, and bend, stretch, etc. Can't do that in a packed theater.

I may have to wait for weeks before I can go see it.
Posted By: jaybird Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/04/12 03:48 PM
yeah - i really want to see it but no way I'll go this weekend... I'll wait until maybe next week or the week after and go see a matinee on a friday
Posted By: Phone Dr Re: Local Heroes in Avengers Movie - 05/04/12 04:38 PM
just found this looking for something else in the news.
Pretty Cool & I know some of you guys will say "OH Man I wish..."

Just watched the trailers & I can't tell which one is DAD??

Posted By: Pepper52 Re: Local Heroes in Avengers Movie - 05/05/12 01:23 AM
j/c.anyone get to see it today??
Posted By: mamuhmia Re: Local Heroes in Avengers Movie - 05/05/12 04:33 AM
Saw it....LOVED it!!! I would pay to see it again.
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: Local Heroes in Avengers Movie - 05/05/12 06:07 AM
Saw it today. Really. Really good.

IMO the only way it could have been better would have been them being able to get Ed Norton to play Hulk again, I thunk Ruffalo did a GREAT job, I just have a mancrush on Norton...

*Spoiler* > Hulk grabbing Loki and smashing him repeatedly on the floor was possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen... That and the random shot to Thor after they both got through beating up bad guys... So much subtle Hulk comedy in this movie made it great.. < *Spoiler*
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: Local Heroes in Avengers Movie - 05/05/12 12:26 PM
Man, did I LOVE this movie. Lived up to the hype, for sure. I also want to see it again. NOW. Unfortunately, I don't have the time. Blu Ray purchase for sure though.

I've seen a LOT of comic book flicks, but this one felt so much more ripped straight from the pages of a comic book. I was expecting all the great action, but it was the humor that surprised me. There were so many lines and scenes that had the whole theater rolling. I won't spoil anything.

Did anybody stick around til after the credits? I know there was an extra scene and what it showed, but had to split as soon as the movie ended. I'm going to search for it online . . .
Posted By: Bard Dawg Re: Local Heroes in Avengers Movie - 05/05/12 01:16 PM
Saw it last showing last night (er, and this morning, I guess). I have seen most of the movies from Stan Lee's stable; these were from myjunior high and high school days, so the echoes are loud and clear from my youth. I also did some comix collecting, trading, and selling until I sold it off . This movie puts the MARVEL in marvelous. Hard to spread enough action in for these heroes, and the humor is pretty good touches in several spots. Blu-ray fer shure. Get the big popcorn, it is a romp once it gets going.
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/05/12 04:42 PM
Going to see it in a few hours!
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 02:08 AM
Wow! Guess they're going to make their investment back ......

Something tells me we'll see a sequel .........

Box Office Shocker: 'Avengers' Opens to Record-Shattering $200.3 Million - The Hollywood Reporter

The Disney and Marvel Studios tentpole makes history in nabbing the biggest opening of all time in North America; globally "Avengers" has earned a massive $641.8 million in 12 days.

Joss Whedon's The Avengers has set a new bar in opening to a walloping $200.3 million at the domestic box office, the largest debut ever and kicking off summer 2012 in high style.

The 3D tentpole -- marking a major victory for Disney and Marvel Studios -- easily dethroned Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, which opened to $169.2 million last summer, then the largest number in history.

Avengers opened a week ago overseas, earning a whopping $441.5 million through Sunday. The pic's worldwide total of $641.8 million has already surpassed the lifetime totals of Captain America: The First Avenger ($364 million), Thor ($449 million), Iron Man ($585 million) and Iron Man 2 ($624 million).

The pic -- whiich assembles Marvel superhero characters Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Captain America (Chris Evans), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) -- earned a glowing A+ CinemaScore.

Avengers is now positioned to reach $1 billion in global grosses in a much-needed win for Disney, which posted a $200 million loss after John Carter cratered at the box office earlier this year. It's also a validation of Marvel's strategy to build a franchise by turning out single titles -- Iron Man, Thor and Captain America -- and then bring the characters together.

Avengers also could reboot The Hulk film franchise.

Among other records, Avengers is the first film in history to cross $200 million in only three days of play at the domestic box office. It also scored the biggest Saturday gross of all time in earning $69.7 million.

"It's been a fantastic weekend on every single front," Disney executive vice president of distribution Dave Hollis said.

Hollis said the slim 13 percent drop from Friday to Saturday reflects great word of mouth, as well as the fact that all segments of the audience are turning out, including families. Roughly 52 percent saw it in 3D.

The tentpole played evenly in terms of age, with 50 percent of the audience under the the age of 25 and 50 percent over. Couples made up 55 percent, families 24 percent and teens 21 percent. Males represented 60 percent of the audience.

IMAX theaters reported record business, generating north of $15 million in ticket sales domestically to tie with Deathly Hallows Part 2 for the biggest opening weekend in the circuit's history. IMAX expects to finish the weekend with a worldwide cume of $31.2 million.
Avengers is the first Marvel title marketed and distributed by Disney since buying Marvel.

Paramount distributed Marvel's previous films and, in exchange for ending its output deal early with Marvel, will receive a mininum of $115 million in distribution fees for Avengers and next summer's Iron Man 3.

Avengers was the only wide release of the weekend. At the specialty box office, Fox Searchlight looked to counterprogram with The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which opened in 27 theaters in 12 markets. Marigold grossed $750,301 for a pleasing per location average of $27,789.

Fox Searchlight's Sheila DeLoach said the film -- which has already a stellar $72 million overseas -- succeeded in luring baby boomers, evidenced by sold out matinee and early evening shows. Marigold stars Judi Dench, Bill Nighy and Tom Wilkinson.
For full box office results, see below.

Domestic box office, April May 4-6 Look at the drop off from 1 to 2

Title/Weeks in release/Theater count, Studio/Three-day weekend total/Cume

1. The Avengers, 1/4,349, Disney/Marvel Studios, $200.3 million.

2. Think Like a Man, 3/2,011, Sony, $8 million, $73 million.

3. The Hunger Games, 7/2,794, Lionsgate, $5.7 million, $380.7 million.

4. The Lucky One, 3/3,005, Warner Bros., $5.5 million, $40 million.

5. The Pirates! Band of Misfits, 2/3,358, Sony/Aardman, $5.4 million, $18.6 million.

6. The Five-Year Engagement, Universal, 2/2,941, $5.1 million, $19.3 million.

7. The Raven, 2/2,209, Relativity/Intrepid, $2.5 million, $12 million.

8. Safe, 2/2,271, Lionsgate/IM Global, $2.5 million, $12.9 million

9. Chimpanzee, 3/1,531, Disney, $2.4 million, $23 million.

10. The Three Stooges, 4/2,174, $1.8 million, $39.6 million.
Posted By: RocketOptimist Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 02:14 AM
Take out the 3D surcharge and I don't think this sets a record. Still, it is a very good film.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 02:33 AM
In fairness .. the economy sucks too.

I was amazed at the fact that the sales numbers dropped from $203 million to $8 million from 1st to 2nd places as much as anything. That's a Grand Canyon type drop there.
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 02:53 AM
I loved it, aside from a few extra corny one liners from Downey Jr, it was awesome.

Loved Loki, and what they did with the Hulk was awesome.
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 03:26 AM
I loved it as well. I don't remember one supervillain off the top of my head who played their role better than the actor who played Loki. I'll even include the Batman villains with that as well.

Well, maybe General Zod.
Posted By: FloridaFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 12:39 PM

Take out the 3D surcharge and I don't think this sets a record. Still, it is a very good film.

That's why I don't understand why they go by dollars instead of tickets sold. That's like selling 30k tickets at Dallas Stadium and claiming they had better turn out than Cleveland who sold 60k tickets, because Jones charges 3x the price.

When I saw the original Star Wars it was $1.50 a ticket. Now tickets at my local theater are $10.00, of course records are going to be broken, and in the case of Star Wars it could be done with 1/5 the amount of ticket sales.
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 12:40 PM
I seriously wanna go see it again on the IMAX. We just went regular screen on Saturday.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 01:35 PM
there are plenty of sites that have "adjusted" ticket sales which account for just that.

there are also more people, more theaters, and a worldwide greater reach of movies, so they still will be smashing those old records.
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 02:34 PM

I loved it as well. I don't remember one supervillain off the top of my head who played their role better than the actor who played Loki. I'll even include the Batman villains with that as well.

Well, maybe General Zod.

KNEEL befor Zod!!!
Posted By: FloridaFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 03:24 PM

there are plenty of sites that have "adjusted" ticket sales which account for just that.

there are also more people, more theaters, and a worldwide greater reach of movies, so they still will be smashing those old records.

I know, but if you want true data you should use the primary statistic that matters, and that is butts in the seats (aka # of tickets sold), then it doesn't matter if they went to a $7.00 matinée (That seems even more ridiculous when you type it out) or $20.00 for a super duper 3d smell-o-vision extravaganza.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 03:47 PM

I did see Avengers yesterday, and it was really good. I mean there is only so much plot development you can do in a film like this one where there are so many players to feature, but I thought they did a pretty good job enveloping that into the feature spots.

and the Hulk finally returned. I liked the Ed Norton reboot, but it still lacked the pure hilarity of the slapstick moments that Hulk is supposed to provide. it was great that they added that element back in.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 04:03 PM
I never saw the Hulk as a comedic figure.

I always saw him more as an unrestrained child, who refuses to be told no, and who really has no idea of his own strength. He isn't afraid to take on a bully (the military and police who try to capture him) but quickly loses interest in them after he either smashes them, or leaves.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 04:08 PM

I never saw the Hulk as a comedic figure.

I always saw him more as an unrestrained child, who refuses to be told no, and who really has no idea of his own strength. He isn't afraid to take on a bully (the military and police who try to capture him) but quickly loses interest in them after he either smashes them, or leaves.

I see both as true. His character was always taken as a purity of the "id" concept from Freud (which is the same idea that you noted - willing to do what he wants when he wants with no thought of repercussion). However, there are great moments (in the comics/cartoons, etc.) to use this idea to create comedic moments. It helps provide more of a dichotomy from the sullen brooding Bruce Banner.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 04:32 PM
I always saw Banner as the controlled adult ..... afraid of what he could do and become, yet oddly enough, more destructive (the "Gamma Bomb") than his alter ego could ever be. I think that Banner was afraid of quite a lot in the world, including himself.

The Hulk just did whatever he wanted. He didn't worry about consequences. In many ways, the Gamma Bomb was Banner's attempt to not have to worry about consequences. of course, then he had to deal with the consequences in a manner he never imagined.
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 06:54 PM


I loved it as well. I don't remember one supervillain off the top of my head who played their role better than the actor who played Loki. I'll even include the Batman villains with that as well.

Well, maybe General Zod.

KNEEL befor Zod!!!

As much as I love the Superman movie, I can't help but think of Mallrats when I hear that line, haha
Posted By: FreeAgent Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 07:36 PM



I loved it as well. I don't remember one supervillain off the top of my head who played their role better than the actor who played Loki. I'll even include the Batman villains with that as well.

Well, maybe General Zod.

KNEEL befor Zod!!!

As much as I love the Superman movie, I can't help but think of Mallrats when I hear that line, haha

Come Son of Jor El....KNEEL Before Zod......snoochie boochies!!!
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 11:34 PM
Kinda mad, my girlfriend said there was an extra scene after the credits that teased Thanos as the next bad guy.

Man I can't wait. Too bad it's probably 2-3 years away.
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/07/12 11:48 PM
There is also ANOTHER scene after the complete end of the credits...

I'm hoping Thanos is only in Thor 2. And they bring back Red skull for Avengers 2.

Posted By: Brownoholic Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 01:56 AM
Thanos is too big for just a Thor movie. I'm guessing he's the Avengers 2 bad guy.

And I hear you on Red Skull. That guy needs more screen time . . .
Posted By: Pepper52 Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 02:15 AM
Spoiler Alert......sort of

Posted By: Pepper52 Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 02:32 AM
heres his stats...

Real Name:Thanos
Weight:985 lbs.
Place of Birth:Eternal colony, Titan (moon of Saturn)
First Appearance:Iron Man #55 (1973)

Heres the link

Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 02:43 AM

Weight:985 lbs.

Wow, he's really slimmed down. Last I saw he was over 1200 pounds ......

Guess dating death will take the weight off.
Posted By: Pepper52 Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 02:45 AM
Posted By: FreeAgent Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 03:23 AM
The infinity gauntlet is the best cross over story I've ever read. Have the complete series in original books and the reprinted booklet. Only thing that sucks is that the Fantastic Four was part of the half of the universe that died. But then again if Mr. Fantastic had been left alive he would have came up with an easy plan to defeat Thanos.
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 03:37 AM
How long until Tony Stark calls him a Purple Monkey?
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 03:40 AM
how could they do the infinite gauntlet story in 1 2hr movie?

i'd hope they would do it true justice and do one of those November Pt.1 and May Pt.2 releases like the last couple Harry Potter movies did.
Posted By: Pepper52 Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 03:45 AM
thts what I was hoping they would do with The Phoenix but..oh well
Posted By: FreeAgent Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 04:44 AM

how could they do the infinite gauntlet story in 1 2hr movie?

i'd hope they would do it true justice and do one of those November Pt.1 and May Pt.2 releases like the last couple Harry Potter movies did.

Never said that they were? I only brought it up because of Thanos. Infinity Gauntlet had tons of people in it. It was one of the biggest crossovers ever done. They would have to make it four movies and add tons of people and kill off a few Avengers too IIRC.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 04:47 AM


how could they do the infinite gauntlet story in 1 2hr movie?

i'd hope they would do it true justice and do one of those November Pt.1 and May Pt.2 releases like the last couple Harry Potter movies did.

Never said that they were? I only brought it up because of Thanos. Infinity Gauntlet had tons of people in it. It was one of the biggest crossovers ever done. They would have to make it four movies and add tons of people and kill off a few Avengers too IIRC.

it's a logical conclusion to having Thanos there. they could do it over several movies with each of the characters being sent to the distant worlds, etc. as they do in the comics. seems a bridge that might be too far though for what they are doing. I am not sure if they want to go down that road.

I think they could re-work the story but they'd have to do it in 2 segments even then (and they can work the F-4 out of the story IMO)
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 04:50 AM
I thought it was more a cosmic cube type story?
Posted By: FreeAgent Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 12:54 PM
Again I was just reminiscing about one of my favorite comic book series which Thanos was the main catalyst. I did not mean to imply that the next avengers story with Thanos would be the Infinity Gauntlet story line.

The Cosmic Cube story line seems correct since that is why he first came to the Earth.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 01:18 PM
well yeah, that and the Infinity Gauntlet storyline is so much better.
Posted By: Kendall Storm Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 05:11 PM
watching the Avengers movie reminded me of a Marvel team that Black Widow was part of in the mid 70's.
They were called "Champions'.
They consisted of Hercules, Iceman,Ghost Rider and Angel....I think DarkStar was part of it.
anyhow I have their 1st issue somewhere in a box buried.
They didn't last too long,like 15,16 issues.
I had the one issue where they fought Dr.Doom and Magneto.
I was always a Defenders fan more than Avengers.
Call me crazy I guess.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 10:16 PM
So .... now we have Men in Black III coming out soon as well?
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 10:19 PM

So .... now we have Men in Black III coming out soon as well?

if you refuse to acknowledge it's existence, then it doesn't exist. there is no spoon
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/08/12 11:16 PM
Josh Brolin does a pretty good Tommy Lee Jones.
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/09/12 01:48 AM
I'm actually surprised that I never noticed how much they look alike when I watched No Country for Old Men.
Posted By: ~Con~Artist~ Re: New "Avengers" Trailer - 05/09/12 04:39 AM
I must say, I think I'm to the point where I will watch anything that Joss Whedon does, the guy is just hilarious.

I've seen exactly two movies in the theatre in the past year, all my other theatre-going is live. Those two are, The Cabin in the Woods, and The Avengers. And I've never laughed so hard in either. And I think he did it tastefully and respectfully in the Avengers so that it added to the movie and not detracted from it.

My first real exposure to Joss was during the writers strike when he just randomly created Dr. Horrible's Sing A-Long Blog. I didn't know who he was but that it was brilliant. Then I looked back and saw all of the goldmines that he was involved in: Toy Story, Buffy, Firefly, etc.

I'm in theatre and I can't stand Shakespeare, and my wife works at a large regional Shakespeare Festival. It's just not my cup of tea. But I'll tell you this, I can't wait to see his Much Ado About Nothing film this year.

He just makes me laugh and I've gotten to the point where I'll go see anything he does because I know it will be gold.
Posted By: Pepper52 ‘Avengers’ sequel is happening - 05/09/12 03:51 PM
We figured it was only a matter of time before we got the official word, but this quickly?

Aw, yeah.

Disney's Bob Iger has answered every fanboy and fangirl's biggest wish, today confirming plans for an "Avengers" sequel.

And if that wasn't enough, the Disney CEO had even more exciting news. Here's what he had to say (during a conference call with analysts, mind you):
•"Marvel's The Avengers" shattered U.S. box office records with $207.1 million in its opening weekend.
•It has brought in more than $702 million globally to date.
•Some Disney theme parks are making room for "Avengers"-based attractions.

[Related: 'The Avengers' spoiler: Who was revealed in the final scene?]

Iger also repeated previous anouncemnts made by Marvel Studios:
•The third "Iron Man" is scheduled for 2013.
•"Thor" numero dos is also on the slate for 2013.
•A "Captain America" sequel should happen in 2014.

While we now know there is, in fact, an "Avengers" sequel in the works, Iger did not disclose a date for it. (Though Reelz.com has speculated it could very well be May 16, 2014, as the studio has already reserved that release date.)

Joss Whedon has yet to say whether he's writing and/or directing the next installment. But he has been quoted recently as saying, "You know what, I haven't really thought about it. It's time for me to rest, and then see if that's even feasible."

And no one has spoken yet on which actors are returning for the sequel.

For now, we'll have to savor the tease to part II that was revealed in the final scene: During mid-credits of "The Avengers," the franchise's next villain was revealed to be... [ SPOILER ALERT !!!

the death-worshiping Thanos -- a villian that first appeared in Marvel Comics in 1973.

Posted By: Brownoholic Re: ‘Avengers’ sequel is happening - 05/09/12 04:05 PM

‘Avengers’ sequel is happening

Coulda announced that over a year ago . . .
Posted By: Pepper52 Re: ‘Avengers’ sequel is happening - 05/09/12 04:11 PM
Just adding to the thread Mr. Speilberg

alot of good stuff in that link, but there are some things that may be considered spoilers, so I'll just post the confirmed stuff here and leave it to you if you want to delve into the rest.


The next three films confirmed on the schedule for Marvel Studios are Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 in 2013, then Captain America 2 in 2014. Marvel has also booked another film for 2014 that hasn’t been identified yet, though speculation points to another Hulk movie (based on the character’s popularity in The Avengers), a solo spinoff from one of the other Avengers characters (like Hawkeye, Black Widow, or Nick Fury), or a completely new character or team, such as Dr. Strange, The Inhumans, or The Guardians of the Galaxy (which have all been mentioned by Marvel execs recently). A sequel to The Avengers would then hit after that.

There’s also been enough talk of the long-gestating Ant-Man movie written by Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish, that we can probably expect to see that project in the next few years, too.

Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/movies/whats-next-for-marvel-studios-after-the-avengers/#ixzz1uOCoHYRD />

They need to bring on Black Panther.

And people make fun of Ant-Man, but I say get his solo movie going (Edgar Wright is awesome) and give him an Avengers supporting role, too.
the Ultron storyline that was completely ripped off for "I Robot" is a good one.

and my sons love "Bee-Girl" in the cartoons (Wasp)
Are you saying that Issac Asimov ripped off the Ultron concept back in 1950 when he first wrote the I,Robot short stories? (or is it the other way around)

Because Asimov's work would have pre-dated the creation of Ultron who first appeared, according to Wiki, in 1968.
could have sworn when that movie came out they said it was the other way around.
Posted By: Pepper52 Re: ‘Avengers’ sequel is happening - 05/09/12 05:48 PM
Had a similar discussion about "I am Legend" vs "Omega Man" ..."I am Legend" was the books title but "Omega" was more spot on to the novel..nerd overload
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: ‘Avengers’ sequel is happening - 05/09/12 06:09 PM
And don't forget that I Am Legend was terrible. Smith did a good job, but I can't think of a movie w/ more unnecessary CGI. CGI lions and CGI deer.There was a scene where they used a CGI SUV. What the heck for????

Is this the Avengers thread?

Is this the Avengers thread?

how much more discussion would you like on the Avengers without giving away any spoilers for those who haven't seen it?
Posted By: Pepper52 Re: ‘Avengers’ sequel is happening - 05/09/12 06:58 PM
oops !! if i did sorry

oops !! if i did sorry

i've seen it, I just assume some that peruse the thread may have not.
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: ‘Avengers’ sequel is happening - 05/10/12 02:12 PM


Is this the Avengers thread?

how much more discussion would you like on the Avengers without giving away any spoilers for those who haven't seen it?

I was just poking fun of myself for my I Am Legend tangent.

I'm not spoiling anything.
Posted By: Tyler_Derden Re: ‘Avengers’ sequel is happening - 05/10/12 02:21 PM

I was always more of a fan of Image and Valiant comics moreso than Marvel. Can't say why...I just liked them better....Then when I turned 15 I became more of a fan of girls than comic books so my days of reading comic books kind of drifted away....


I was always more of a fan of Image and Valiant comics moreso than Marvel. Can't say why...I just liked them better....Then when I turned 15 I became more of a fan of girls than comic books so my days of reading comic books kind of drifted away....

comic books are easier to read than girls



I was always more of a fan of Image and Valiant comics moreso than Marvel. Can't say why...I just liked them better....Then when I turned 15 I became more of a fan of girls than comic books so my days of reading comic books kind of drifted away....

comic books are easier to read than girls

Isn't that the truth?
Posted By: PrplPplEater Re: ‘Avengers’ sequel is happening - 05/10/12 04:55 PM



I was always more of a fan of Image and Valiant comics moreso than Marvel. Can't say why...I just liked them better....Then when I turned 15 I became more of a fan of girls than comic books so my days of reading comic books kind of drifted away....

comic books are easier to read than girls

Sanskrit & Aramaic are easier to read than women.

I finally got to see The Avengers last night. Saw it in a Cinemark XD-3D theater, and holy cow, is that the BEST viewing experience I've ever had. Beats the snot out of the IMAX 3D screens.
The movie absolutely ROCKS! Totally worth every penny.

p.s. Skin-tight leather-clad Scarlett on a giant screen in 3-D.... umm, more please??!!!!??!!!
There were a few nice butt shots of Scarlett too. Just sayin

There were a few nice butt shots of Scarlett too. Just sayin

Is there such a thing as a "not nice" butt shot of Ms Johansson?
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: ‘Avengers’ sequel is happening - 05/10/12 10:31 PM
The Inquisition of Mr. Marvel On the (surprisingly complicated) legacy of Stan Lee


Q: People ask, "Is Stan Lee still with Marvel Comics." Are you still with us?

STAN LEE: Sure! Especially on pay day!
— Marvel Age magazine interview, 1983



There were a few nice butt shots of Scarlett too. Just sayin

Is there such a thing as a "not nice" butt shot of Ms Johansson?

Well there's a nice shot, and then there's a shot of her in yoga pants
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