Posted By: OldColdDawg Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 12:48 PM
This Congresswomen stated the constitution was 400 years old! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? She holds one of the highest offices in the land and doesn't even know the basics about our country's history? Scary doesn't even begin to describe the thoughts I have about this...

Watch the video.

web page
Posted By: Swish Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 12:54 PM
people make mistakes....

but she has made far too many of them. aint that the same woman who said she use to be a slave or something?

it boggles my mind how she still has a seat. who keeps voting for her?
Posted By: 1oldMutt Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 01:07 PM
"Guam will tip over"...Hank Johnson

"My first long trip after I got my drivers license was to Hawaii".....Cory Booker

There's no end to the gaffes.
Some think these folks are smarter than most because they're in office.
Means nothing.
Sheila Jackson Lee is the congresswoman that asked NASA if the Mars Rover could show her the flag the astronauts planted. Here's an article on her.

web page
Posted By: Dave Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 01:25 PM
Must be something in the water in DC ...

"I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." - Barack Obama

"Look, John's last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number-one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S, jobs." - Joe Biden

Ehh, people say dumb things sometimes, especially under stress, or from fatigue. I sure Obama knows how many states there are. I'm fairly sure Biden knows jobs is a 4-letter word. Jackson-Lee, on the other hand, might really think the Constitution is 400 years old. From everything I've observed and read, she's as dumb as a bag of hammers.
Please stop insulting bags of hammers.

people make mistakes....

That is not a mistake, that is complete ignorance of the very thing she is supposed to represent.
Posted By: Tulsa Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 02:48 PM
Wasn't it Hillary who said she was shot at in Bosnia?
Posted By: CHSDawg Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 03:30 PM
That's funny. It reminds me of when people talk about how long ago slavery was.
Yes, but that was a lie, not ignorance.
Posted By: Dawg_LB Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 03:33 PM
Makes me wonder why there aren't term limits on Congress

Makes me wonder why there aren't term limits on Congress

Or some sort of competency testing... I mean you can't go from grade to grade in school without it, to college without it, enter the military, go to work for the post office or many other positions without at least taking a civil service exam. Shouldn't literacy and basic competency be a part of holding higher office?

This Congresswomen stated the constitution was 400 years old! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? She holds one of the highest offices in the land and doesn't even know the basics about our country's history? Scary doesn't even begin to describe the thoughts I have about this...

Watch the video.

web page

It's actually an accomplishment for her to speak the English language.
People, especially at the local level, tend to vote for people most like them.

She doesn't set the bar very high, so people in her district don't have to try very hard to keep up.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 04:35 PM

Just sayin'. Nothing new about it.

Posted By: Dawg_LB Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 04:38 PM
At least George can spell the word 'respect'
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 04:39 PM
Are you sure about that?

Posted By: I_Rogue Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 04:48 PM

Sheila Jackson Lee is the congresswoman that asked NASA if the Mars Rover could show her the flag the astronauts planted. Here's an article on her.

web page

She also railed about hurricane names at one time. She claimed they were all "lilly white" names.
Posted By: Tulsa Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 04:49 PM

Yes, but that was a lie, not ignorance.

Don't you have to be pretty damned ignorant to lie like that?


Yes, but that was a lie, not ignorance.

Don't you have to be pretty damned ignorant to lie like that?

No, that would be called stupidity.
Posted By: PDR Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 05:23 PM


Yes, but that was a lie, not ignorance.

Don't you have to be pretty damned ignorant to lie like that?

It wasn't that long ago that she probably would've gotten away with a claim like that.

And if I were a politician, I'd probably underestimate what I could get away with. It's a gig where an entire room can know that you're lying, but let it go, anyway.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 07:40 PM
We've always misunderestimated him...
Posted By: PDR Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 10:20 PM
''Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.''

Just sayin'. Nothing new about it.

Bush is famous for his Bushisms. He wasn't very intelligent.

I wasn't a fan of his, even when he was my governor.
Posted By: Dawg_LB Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 11:19 PM

Are you sure about that?

Well, I wouldn't put money on it
Posted By: 214dawg Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/13/14 11:48 PM

Bush is famous for his Bushisms. He wasn't very intelligent.

It bothers me when people claim this. W graduated from Yale with a BA in history and then received an MBA from Harvard. The man is very intelligent.

He definitely struggled with articulation when giving a speech. But that shouldn't be confused with his intelligence.

Here's and article from a Stanford professor that worked in Bush's administration. It's titled "George W. Bush is smarter than you"
Posted By: Swish Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/14/14 01:12 AM


Bush is famous for his Bushisms. He wasn't very intelligent.

It bothers me when people claim this. W graduated from Yale with a BA in history and then received an MBA from Harvard. The man is very intelligent.

He definitely struggled with articulation when giving a speech. But that shouldn't be confused with his intelligence.

Here's and article from a Stanford professor that worked in Bush's administration. It's titled "George W. Bush is smarter than you"

he also dodged vietnam. so there's that.


Bush is famous for his Bushisms. He wasn't very intelligent.

It bothers me when people claim this. W graduated from Yale with a BA in history and then received an MBA from Harvard. The man is very intelligent.

He definitely struggled with articulation when giving a speech. But that shouldn't be confused with his intelligence.

Here's and article from a Stanford professor that worked in Bush's administration. It's titled "George W. Bush is smarter than you"

Don't get me wrong, I liked the guy on a personal level. I think he was a good father. Politically speaking, he wasn't a good governor nor a very good president.

Obama graduated from Harvard but still pronounces the word 'corpsman' as 'corpseman' and his degree aside and all that mumbo jumbo, isn't very intelligent at all. He's an elitist that thinks that just his spoken words are enough to convince people. We see how well he's doing on his domestic and foreign policy fronts. Nobody even cares what he has to say anymore. Not domestically and internationally, he's even more of a laughingstock.

Bush was more 'down to earth' than the Emperor Obama, but that doesn't equate to intelligence. He could no more relate to common Americans than his father.

I know a man going to the Tuck School at Dartmouth who I would certainly say is light years ahead in intelligence than either of them. Funny how he grew up in Brooklyn, went into the military, attended Hofstra and now is at the Tuck School.
Posted By: CHSDawg Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/14/14 02:36 AM
At the end of the day I'd rather have a bunch of Bushes than one Frank Underwood type of President.
Posted By: Rishuz Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/14/14 06:56 AM
I struggle finding the correlation of intelligence with where someone went to school.

Some of the smartest people I know never went to college or went to a no name school. Some of the dumbest, most incompetent people I know went to schools known for "smart people".

I think the notion that a school somehow proves intelligence is one of the great myths there is.
Posted By: Kingcob Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/14/14 09:22 AM

Check out young Bush in 1994. He doesn't really resemble the bumbling president he turned into. Granted I think 99% of politicians are scumbags so I don't really care how eloquent they sell their scumbaggery. We need a constitutional ammendment that has term limits and hanging at the end of said term
Posted By: I_Rogue Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/14/14 01:48 PM
I think it is all in how comfortable someone is in the public arena. Obama seems more confident in it than "W". Then again, take away his teleprompter and we've seen where he can go sometimes. Wasn't there a poll that showed more people are afraid of public speaking than dying?
Posted By: Dawg_LB Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/14/14 01:51 PM

Granted I think 99% of politicians are scumbags so I don't really care how eloquent they sell their scumbaggery.

Haha but truth...
Posted By: CHSDawg Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/14/14 02:11 PM
Bush's mumbling side probably tested much better than the elegant side.


Makes me wonder why there aren't term limits on Congress

Or some sort of competency testing...

There is competency testing to attain higher office in this country, only it's the voters competency, not the candidates, that is tested and we fail more often than not.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: Can't believe the idiots in Washington! - 03/14/14 07:12 PM



Makes me wonder why there aren't term limits on Congress

Or some sort of competency testing...

There is competency testing to attain higher office in this country, only it's the voters competency, not the candidates, that is tested and we fail more often than not.

I see your Shelia Jackson and raise you a Virginia Foxx....
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