Posted By: lampdogg Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 02:30 AM
You guys after get fed up with repeated poor service and swear off that establishment for life?
Well, I do.

Today I went to McDonald's, used the drive thru and they screwed up my order once again.
Third straight time, among many others.

I go to McDonald's maybe once a month and it's usually because my wife loves their fries. I don't paw through the food at the drive thru because I shouldn't have to - When I say "only cheese and onion on the quarter-pounder" they should be able to get that right.

Which they did today, but instead of root beer I get ice tea, which I didn't discover until I got home (I'm literally a three-minute drive from the Golden Arches).

So I called them up and said I'm never going there again, goodbye, don't apologize because I don't care.

They are on my banned list, just like Tim Hortons, a popular coffee shop chain in Canada and also, I believe they have outlets in the US.

Last summer I got poor service from Tim's for the last time. Not going back.

I'll miss the bacon and egg mcmuffin, but see ya, Ronnie.
Posted By: FATE Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 02:46 AM
Posted By: lampdogg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 02:47 AM
That's funny - it's one of my wife's favourite songs....,
Posted By: clwb419 Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 02:52 AM
I've stayed away from fast food burger joints for the most part the last few years (with exception of McDonalds breakfast)...had McDonalds lunch or dinner a couple times this year and it was terrible. The burgers don't taste like meat, the filet o fish is just awful (used to love them), and even the fries weren't very good. If I do fast food now, it is either local (burgerville), popeyes, or taco bell.

This being said, I still really like the sausage and egg mcmuffin, though the hashbrowns aren't as good as they used to be.

Regarding your service point, I agree. I go in and order on the kiosk and double check before I leave the counter. Screwups have decreased dramatically.
Posted By: FATE Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 02:53 AM
I feel you though. Once you get on the "hit list" as I call it - I'm done with you. I own a restaurant, I know how hard it is to be perfect all the time, most fast food chains simply don't care to even aspire to greatness, let alone perfection. They claim they do in the boardroom, but it never happens where the rubber meets the road.
Posted By: lampdogg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 03:00 AM
Oh I understand that people make mistakes, and I'm sure a fast-food environment can be hectic at peak times... But after so many screw-ups.... I gotta ban them on principal.

And once I do, I'm a stubborn-enough arse that they stay on my banned list, which is why I don't listen to Alice Cooper anymore (long story, won't bore you with it). And it sucks because I like his music. Somewhat.
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 03:08 AM
My problem with McDs is their drive thru is way too slow.

When I was a teen I worked there, and I was the drive thru queen.

Back then they used to have goals for how many seconds it takes a car to get through the drive thru.

These days they dont care if you grow old and die before you get through drive thru.

So, therefore, I go to Taco Bell.
Posted By: jaybird Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 03:10 AM
I like their breakfast and fries... their service is awful...
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 03:23 AM
I absolutely LOVE McD's sausage egg and cheese biscuit. In the last year, I've had 1. Because I don't eat at McDonalds much. Obviously.

Truth be told, I haven't even eaten today. At all.

Coffee this morning. Work. Water. Double header softball game tonight.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 03:33 AM
I like McD's Sausage McMuffin with Egg .... and I admit to an occasional Big Mac when they have them 2 for $5.

Their service does stink, though, and their quality of generally inconsistent.

I wish Wendy's had breakfast.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 03:42 AM

Posted By: EveDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 03:55 AM
My general complaint with all fast food restaurants, is that every time, without fail, is that I'm stuck behind the SUV who has to order every thing in the store to feed their family of 20. And takes for.ev.er.

I have no patience for that.
Posted By: Milk Man Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 04:06 AM
Originally Posted By: YTownBrownsFan
I wish Wendy's had breakfast.

They do. In certain locales and airports. It's not good.

Fast food, in general, is nearly inedible.
Posted By: THROW LONG Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 04:15 AM
People should watch the movie "Supersize Me"

Flash Frozen beef served over 60 billion, ... Bring back the flash frozen beef in the quarter pounder size!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: CHSDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 04:30 AM
You gonna start eating depression meals from BK?

I hate McDonalds but I'm such a mark for their ice coffees that it's not even funny. I usually run up there two or three days a week and get one.
Posted By: lampdogg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 04:34 AM
The main point of this thread was to discuss poor service, getting fed up with it, and drawing a line in the sand.
I will miss their hot fudge sundaes, too.
Posted By: CHSDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 05:44 AM
Yeah, I just wanted to get some people talking about the mental health meal that BK offers tongue

I go grocery shopping at Wal Mart sometimes just because it's between me and my work. Tonight I went, got a bunch of groceries, talking at cart filled to the brim. Got frozen stuff, got regular stuff, but way too many things to go self checkout which is my usual move. Anyway, I go to the front and there are only three cashiers working at around 6:30 PM. I'm thinking, whatever, they're always short on cashiers. This isn't ideal, but whatever. Hop behind a large group of three women each and their children, thinking that they'll have the most hands on deck and we'll get through the misery of shopping at wal mart together. So I wait 5 minutes and look around, none of the lines are moving at all, but slowly growing as more customers come and try to check out. The family in front of me are going crazy, the kids are running from the checkout lane other departments to get more stuff to buy. I'm thinking this is hella rude, but I bite my tongue. I'm in no position to accost three women and their children. I'll just wait my turn in line. Another 5 minutes pass creepily and no dent has been made in this line. There is an old woman behind me who looks like your traditional wal mart shopper to a stereotypical T, is whining to anyone who listens about the speed. It's so bad. She sounds like a water buffalo giving birth venting her frustration. I'm thinking in my head, whatever. I'll just hop on my phone, check twitter, IG, DT and I'm sure I won't even notice the time passing. So I'm making the cycle, firing off some crap posts here. 10 more minutes pass, and nothing has happened. I look up to see what's going on. The cashier had just turned on the blinking light to get a manager's attention. I'm really started to get aggravated now, but I look around, see all the other lines have barely moved, and am like, well at least I'm not really getting the short end of the stick. Talk myself off the ledge, while I see manager approach the cashier. He goes and sees what the problem is, and the family is paying on what of those EBT cards, which IDC, because needing assistance isn't shameful and I would never shame anyone for it. However, it seems like they got some non covered things, that they're trying to void, so they can pay and leave. I hear the manager say, "If we void these things, we're going to have to go back and scan every item again." Dude, I could not hide my boiling rage at this point. I started making primal animal noises like the old woman behind me. It was bad. I swore to myself if they start rescanning this cart, I'm going off. I'm just dropping my cart in the aisle and walking through the doors. I don't care, bro. There's a CFA down the street that I'll have for dinner. It's 7:50. I've been waiting in line for too damn long to move up two steps. The woman paying with her EBT card is flustered and is also throwing a fit, but after 30 seconds she just says she'll pay for it and whips out some cash, pays her bill and is now waiting for the woman in front of me to get done shopping. Now, I'm a person away from checking out. I can finally see the bright light in front of me. The end is here. Not. Two of the children come running out of nowhere like a pack of wolves, with t shirts and jeans in their mouths looking like savage beasts. They cut the woman in front of me, pay for their clothes in cash. I'm irate. This is exactly what the self checkout is for. But the cashier processes their order quickly and the children have the cash in their hands, so the transaction goes fast enough that my anger can't boil over. Now the woman in front of me starts putting her stuff on the belt. Finally, I'm coming around 3rd. I can start putting my stuff on the belt as fast as I can, and again, I got a lot of stuff. $120 worth in wal mart groceries. I got beef and veggies that's been getting to room temp, ice cream that's melting, beer that is warming up. I got the works, and I feel how wet they all are while I'm putting it on the belt. The woman in front of me is with her son, and he's not helping her, so it's going slow once again, but I'm distracted enough by putting my items on the belt as I think about berating this 9 year old boy that he should be helping his mother. I decide against it as I look up and see that the wal mart cashier has scanned most of the items. I look back down and next thing I hear is "Stop. Let me see that." I look up to see that the mother is holding a can of pringles reading off the ingredients list before handing it back to the cashier after 20 seconds of analyzing the various preservatives found in pringles. Dude, I had to wash my chin when I got home, because my jaw was on the floor. The audacity. I was bamboozled. I turned into a Stephen A Smith reaction meme after seeing such a thing. I still have no idea what she was looking for and thinking about it just makes my blood boil. To do that at checkout! Unheard of. Unprecedented. Completely disregarding the norms and customs that have made snack food so prevalent and the checkout line to work so seamlessly. Anyway, as she did that the cashier got the majority of her items scanned, and she got processed out after a couple of minutes of more minutes. Now, I'm the person checking out. Finally, I'm Pete Rose coming around 3rd base and sliding into home. All my stuff is on the belt, my cart is empty and ready for bags. And like the iconic image of Pete Rose sliding into home, I was stuck in midair for about 5 minutes. I go up to the cashier and see that she is high as a kite. Clearly on some Oxy or Vicodin. She is moving at a snails pace. She is bagging 3 small items before opening up a new bag to put 3 other items in a new bag. At one point, she put two small bags of yeast in a plastic bag, then opened up a new bag to put things in. It was so infuriating that I just had to tell her that she needed to put more items in my bag. To make matters worse, she's skipping bags on the carousal, so I'm trying to find my items like a Parent tries to find their child on a packed merry go round. I'm spinning the thing as fast I can to make sure that I didn't miss a bag. Anyway, after 10 minutes, she finally checks me out. It's now 7:10, I've been in line for 40 minutes. I run to my car to start packing crap up and what do I see? That group of 8 parked right next to me, still loading their groceries into their cars! I throw my stuff in my car, throw my cart into parking spot and whip my ford focus as fast it could go through that parking lot. That's how heated I was. I got home at 7:30, immediately chugged the beers to cool off, pizzing off my girl in the process, because she needed them to make beer bread tomorrow and went back to working outside to blow off some steam. So I'm never going to Wal Mart ever again and am now shopping only at Aldis and Kroger.
Posted By: AZBrown Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 06:09 AM
I enjoyed "Supersize Me" as well .

Though too much of anything will probably make you sick.

As far as their service goes, I believe it's more of a work ethic thing for that particular generation .
Posted By: 1oldMutt Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 08:38 AM
Originally Posted By: archbolddawg
I absolutely LOVE McD's sausage egg and cheese biscuit. In the last year, I've had 1. Because I don't eat at McDonalds much. Obviously.

Truth be told, I haven't even eaten today. At all.

Coffee this morning. Work. Water. Double header softball game tonight.

You sound like me. I'm a one meal a day
guy and it works for me. I eat between 4 and 7 PM and that's it. More of a choice than busy.

Don't do much fast food but have knocked other businesses out of my way. Direct TV, Target, Longhorn Steak to name a few. I know our lack of patronage isn't going to sink them but it's the one Avenue we do have to travel. Not a boycott guy, just will be a patron of places that try to satisfy rather that exasperate and cheat me.
Posted By: GMdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 10:22 AM
I wish Wendy's had breakfast.

They do

It's called a single with ketchup and onions, large fry, and a large Chocolate Frosty. thumbsup
Posted By: jfanent Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 10:51 AM
Maybe a couple times a year I'll get some McDonalds nastiness because I love those double cheeseburgers. I feel like crap after I eat them, and my fix is satisfied for months
Posted By: rockyhilldawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 10:53 AM
"Leaving so soon lamp?"

Posted By: Tulsa Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 11:16 AM
Originally Posted By: jfanent
Maybe a couple times a year I'll get some McDonalds nastiness because I love those double cheeseburgers. I feel like crap after I eat them, and my fix is satisfied for months

Right there with you on the # of visits to that place a year. I don't really care for fast food at all. Popeyes or Churches fried chicken are the only fast food restaurant we visit with any regularity. Everything else I like to make at home. My charcoal grill produces much better tasting food and the Instant Pot makes fantastic, one pot dinners.
Posted By: GMdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 11:58 AM
I see you still love your pot.
Posted By: Tulsa Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 12:02 PM
Posted By: Dawgs4Life Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 12:14 PM
I haven't eaten at a fast food place in probably 15 years ... it surely tastes good, but would always feel crappy after the meal. I'm not sure it would even taste good to me anymore
Posted By: Versatile Dog Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 12:29 PM
I haven't eaten at McDonalds in longer than I can remember. I don't eat fast food, except for one sandwich from Chck-fil-A that I had while traveling several months ago.

I don't eat at those places because the food is absolutely terrible for you and I don't want to put that crap in my body. Which is a bit strange considering I poison myself w/alcohol too often.

As far as service goes........I am not the type to complain and make a scene. I just never go back to a place that doesn't have good service.
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 01:50 PM
IMO, you get what you pay for. If you're buying 2 Big Mac's for $2, don't expect perfection, even by "fast food standards".

I eat 99% of my meals at home. My UC tends to give me fits when I eat out, it's hard to know everything they put in the dish, so it's safer to eat at home. Every once in a while I'll get sushi (cooked stuff) or I'll order a piece of salmon with S&P on it.

I feel like Albert Einstein sometimes with how I eat. He famously owned several variations of the same grey suit so he didn't have to spend any mental energy on dressing each day. For me, I eat basically the same 10 things and I rarely think about food anymore. Kind of sad.
Posted By: MemphisBrownie Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 02:19 PM

Just had McDonald's breakfast.....

Posted By: CapCity Dawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 03:41 PM
I do the same.

The local Tim Horton's is the worst. My kids love it, especially for breakfast when they have friends sleep over. They would mess up the order far more than they got it right. It got to the point where I would go in to order and take the bag apart to make sure it all was correct. Then I got attitude for that. So I no longer go there. Terrible service.

Speaking of McDonald's ... several years ago I was teaching an evening course at a college in downtown Columbus. A student came in to class with a bag from the McDonald's across the street. They got the order wrong so he ran over there during the mid-class break. He told me they gave him a voucher for a free meal.

The next week he tried to use it, but the same manager who gave him the voucher said that his location does not honor them.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 03:44 PM
Originally Posted By: lampdogg
The main point of this thread was to discuss poor service, getting fed up with it, and drawing a line in the sand.
I will miss their hot fudge sundaes, too.

I get your point and sometimes it is frustrating. Yet at the same time I try to keep things in perspective. I have two grandsons currently working in fast food. One works at Hardee's and one works at McDonald's. Now where we live, fast food places can't seem to get enough help. Many of the kids around here aren't required to work by their parents seem to have no motivation to do so.

So I get it. Most of the fast food places around where i live are just happy to find a warm body that will show up for work. My daughter and son in law are different. When it comes to the kids getting their first care, they will match them up to 2k. But they have to work and save that 2k in order to receive matching funds.

The older of the two has a pretty good work ethic. He actually seems to take his work seriously. The younger one? He wouldn't be there if he didn't have to make that 2k in order to get a car. He spends more time looking at the girls that work there and the girls who come in and out of the place than he would ever look at your order.

It is what it is. I fully understand the situation. I understand that most of the employees are a bunch of kids who wouldn't be there if their parents coddled them or gave them money all the time. They're not mature enough to actually care about their work.

Right now you can get QB'er with Cheese, Big Macs or fillet of fish two for five. I think one should remember that you get what you pay for. You don't want to pay much? Don't expect much. It sounds like you would do well being a Red Robin kind of guy. It will cost you a lot more but they'll get your order right and the service is good. But you'll pay for it.

BTW - For anyone who does a McD breakfast, you really need to try a Hardee's breakfast biscuit. They are the bomb!
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 03:51 PM
No Hardees around YTown.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 03:57 PM
It was pretty much the same in the Dayton area. None north of town. The only time I was around one was when I worked south of Dayton. But down here? They're everywhere!
Posted By: Dave Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 04:04 PM
I don't do McDonalds that often, but sometimes I just have to have a Big Mac or a Quarter pounder, and/or Fish sandwich and fries. My two rules for McD's are: (1) don't try to special order because they'll screw it up and you'll wait 20 minutes and (2) check your bag at the window just to make sure you got everything you ordered. I don't open the sandwich boxes, just open the bag, peek in, and make sure everything's there. If its wrong, I hand it back right then for them to fix it. I don't usually have a complaint, although one time I asked the girl if it was especially difficult to put the fries in right side up ...
Posted By: FATE Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 04:16 PM
Hardees Mushroom Swiss Burger FTW!! Best burger in fast food!

I understand everything you're saying Pit, but frankly, those are poor excuses. It's not our job to excuse substandard service and product because of price. If you can't deliver the product you say you will - you shouldn't be in business. I don't hear people complaining because the burger is too small, or the value isn't there. They are complaining because they are not getting what the were promised or paid for - big difference in my eyes.

If management is satisfied with a "warm body that will show up for work", that's on management. Either sharpen your training and be more involved with making sure the menu is executed or raise your pay rates and prices to reflect the quality standards you are promising the consumer.

I understand that the days are gone of three well-placed pickles and cheese centered on the burger lol. That I can live with. Giving me the wrong food 50% of the time, with a piss-poor attitude... And then acting like I'm the idiot when I want you to make it right is an absurd approach to foodservice.
Posted By: Tulsa Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 04:43 PM
Originally Posted By: Dave
I don't do McDonalds that often, but sometimes I just have to have a Big Mac or a Quarter pounder, and/or Fish sandwich and fries. My two rules for McD's are: (1) don't try to special order because they'll screw it up and you'll wait 20 minutes and (2) check your bag at the window just to make sure you got everything you ordered. I don't open the sandwich boxes, just open the bag, peek in, and make sure everything's there. If its wrong, I hand it back right then for them to fix it. I don't usually have a complaint, although one time I asked the girl if it was especially difficult to put the fries in right side up ...

When I was single and it was just me and Smokey, my schnauzer, we had a deal, he got the bag fries. He loved it when they dumped the fries in like the bag was a trashcan.
Posted By: rockyhilldawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 05:02 PM
This reminds me of the last time I bought a plain McDonald's hamburger.

Actually I bought 4 of them.

It was probably ~ 1998.

McDonald's had a "throw-back price" of 4 hamburgers for a buck ($1).

They handed me the bag at the window.

I had my lab Willie in the back seat. I threw the bag of burgers on the seat with Willie and said "OK Willie...OK Willie...Good Boy!!!"

On the ride home Willie very meticulously unwrapped each burger one at a time and scarfed them down in shear ecstasy.

It was cheaper than dog food.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 05:04 PM
I'm not really trying to make excuses for it. I just understand that's the way it is.
Posted By: FATE Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 05:41 PM
I feel you brother. You spelled it out exactly as I see it. Just a shame that is the way it is.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 05:46 PM
It certainly is. And the bottom line to all of this is that most people are definitely driven by cost and/or habit. So the odds that fast food places will actually pay any price for their poor service is slim.
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 06:02 PM
My dog refuses to eat anything from McD's.
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 08:51 PM
My dog eats his dog food. And any food my wife or daughter 'accidentally' drop when we're eating. And paper. Kleenex, paper towels, dryer sheets - he'll stand by the dryer when we're folding clothes, just hoping 1 will fall. Paper plates. Hair ties.
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 08:54 PM
You have a beagle. They are garbage disposals.
Posted By: lampdogg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 08:55 PM
Sorry pit, I'm not on board with the 'you get what you pay for' thing.

I don't care if it's cheap, I want my order as i requested it to be.
I always figured the burgers were cheaper because of the small amount of mystery meat they use.
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 08:59 PM
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG

It is what it is. I fully understand the situation. I understand that most of the employees are a bunch of kids who wouldn't be there if their parents coddled them or gave them money all the time. They're not mature enough to actually care about their work.

Right now you can get QB'er with Cheese, Big Macs or fillet of fish two for five. I think one should remember that you get what you pay for. You don't want to pay much? Don't expect much. It sounds like you would do well being a Red Robin kind of guy. It will cost you a lot more but they'll get your order right and the service is good. But you'll pay for it.

Like you said, it is what it is. We rarely eat fast food. Not that we're health freaks or anything - we just rarely do. Mostly, when we're traveling, be that on vacation, or even going to my daughter's games. (1 thing I insist on is the drive thru - saves time - eat in the vehicle while putting miles down)

If, at home, we're in the mood for 'fast food', there's a podunk, hole in the wall bar about 3 miles from our house. Awesome burgers. Hand formed from fresh ground beef. It's not as fast as traditional fast food, obviously. But man..........thick, juicy, and GOOD! $5.25 for a burger and fries.
Posted By: Squires Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 10:12 PM
Good. People should stop doing business with companies that don't do things right. I wish more people would vote with their wallet.

Last November I ordered a bunch of things from Amazon on black friday. They lost 6 of the items. They refused to reship them. They said they would give me a refund and I could repurchase. By that point the sale was over so I'd have to pay higher price for everything. I said screw'em. I canceled my prime account. On May 27 I will be clean of Amazon for 6 months.
Posted By: lampdogg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 10:34 PM
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
My dog refuses to eat anything from McD's.

Fast food, and most of what people eat, isn't good for dogs. I know that some dog-owners need 12, 14 years to kill their pet with people food, but.....
Posted By: Dave Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/24/19 10:47 PM
McDonalds hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and quarter-pounders have onions on them. Onions are toxic to dogs.
Posted By: Versatile Dog Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 12:36 AM
We don't give our dogs people food because of the risk of tumors. The only exception is blueberries, because they are supposedly good for dogs. Actually, I don't give them blueberries, but my wife might give them a couple if she is making a fruit salad. It's rare, though.
Posted By: OldColdDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 01:53 AM
5-6 years ago, when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I radically changed my diet to fresh fruits, fresh veggies, and meats. We buy almost zero boxed or canned foods and we try to avoid certain ingredients in anything we do buy.

I used to love big macs, but since changing my diet ANY McDonalds food except their fries just destroys my digestive tract. I simply can't eat it. Most other fast foods are tolerable, but I eat very little of them.

So I got sworn off McDonalds that way and I honestly never miss it at all.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 02:05 AM
Originally Posted By: lampdogg
The main point of this thread was to discuss poor service, getting fed up with it, and drawing a line in the sand.
I will miss their hot fudge sundaes, too.

I have a story from about 1994. It involves Burger King, bib overalls, bare feet, and an almost 911 call to the local Maumee police department.
It would be a wall of text and take an hour to write properly. I'm really tired from a lot of recent work.
If this thread still has legs in a few days, perhaps I'll add it to the narrative. It's a doozy, for sure.

(wow... this thread really took me back. What a memory. I've not thought about this scene in years.)
Posted By: lampdogg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 02:28 AM
Originally Posted By: rockyhilldawg
"Leaving so soon lamp?"

That was cool, sorry I forgot to respond to this post last night rockyhilldawg.
Posted By: Tyler_Derden Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 03:35 AM
Originally Posted By: lampdogg
You guys after get fed up with repeated poor service and swear off that establishment for life?
Well, I do.

Today I went to McDonald's, used the drive thru and they screwed up my order once again.
Third straight time, among many others.

I go to McDonald's maybe once a month and it's usually because my wife loves their fries. I don't paw through the food at the drive thru because I shouldn't have to - When I say "only cheese and onion on the quarter-pounder" they should be able to get that right.

Which they did today, but instead of root beer I get ice tea, which I didn't discover until I got home (I'm literally a three-minute drive from the Golden Arches).

So I called them up and said I'm never going there again, goodbye, don't apologize because I don't care.

They are on my banned list, just like Tim Hortons, a popular coffee shop chain in Canada and also, I believe they have outlets in the US.

Last summer I got poor service from Tim's for the last time. Not going back.

I'll miss the bacon and egg mcmuffin, but see ya, Ronnie.

Special orders and fast food go together like ike and tina...you can try and try and try but it never works out.....

I stopped going to Mcdonalds once my gf recovered from throat cancer....she needs to drink fluids whenever she eats to aid in swallowing, and the thicker, the better...so milkshakes are a perfect consistency to get things to go down the right tube....well....everytime we tried to go to the golden arches, and we ordered a milkshake...their shake machine was out of service...literally, every time.....

So, we stopped going there....

I never really cared for Mcdonalds anyways, but it was really frustrating for her....thinking she could get a quick meal, only to find out that she wouldn't be able to eat....

On a side note....both her and I learned really fast that you don't ever really beat cancer, you just survive it......and you get to deal with a host of issues that really compromise your quality of life.....but that's another story....
Posted By: W84NxtYrAgain Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 08:12 AM
Originally Posted By: FATE
For all this time, I thought that was a Hall and Oates song.
Posted By: Ballpeen Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 09:39 AM
I love McDonalds. McDonalds was my Apple.
Posted By: GMdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 12:47 PM
McDonald's Sucks

Posted By: Tulsa Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 12:55 PM
I like backyard burgers, from my backyard. Weber and charcoal briquettes are your best friends.
Posted By: GMdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 01:08 PM
Charcoal shocked

I'm sure it comes as no suprise to anybody around here, but I prefer gas.
Posted By: Dave Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 01:14 PM
Originally Posted By: Ballpeen
I love McDonalds. McDonalds was my Apple.

Back in the early 60's, my father had a chance to join a group that was on the ground floor with McDonalds start ups in this area, but the buy-in was more than he could afford even if he took out a second mortgage. I'm guessing that group of early owners left some wealthy heirs behind.
Posted By: PortlandDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 01:35 PM
Originally Posted By: Dave
Originally Posted By: Ballpeen
I love McDonalds. McDonalds was my Apple.

Back in the early 60's, my father had a chance to join a group that was on the ground floor with McDonalds start ups in this area, but the buy-in was more than he could afford even if he took out a second mortgage. I'm guessing that group of early owners left some wealthy heirs behind.

The old adage rings true. It takes money to make money.

I don’t eat fast food except the occasional breakfast. Fast food burgers suck. For a couple bucks more I can get a 5 Guys burger, or here in PDX there’s a small franchise called Killer Burger... man they’re good.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 03:13 PM
Gas is certainly more consistent and predictable, but charcoal is an art. Love that extra flavor that charcoal imparts.

Posted By: FORTBROWNFAN Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 04:39 PM
Fast food service does not have the best reputation. I find the bad is not consistent. I rarely go to McDonald's because I don't care for condiments and growing up if I wanted my sandwich special ordered, I usually received my food when everyone else was done eating.

FF burgers prefer Wendy's and BK anyway although Wendy's I usually get chili & baked potato (yep I know the chili horror stories, actually got food poisoning from it once).

I have had horrible service from almost all FF places and had great service from them.

Now to my soapbox, I have never ever gotten poor service from Chick Fil A . I have worked customer service jobs since I was 8 years old and I really notice outstanding service. I used to think Chick Fil A must pay their help more but they don't . So I assume either they are amazing at spotting great young people or their training is awesome.

Someone mentioned Red Robin earlier and I hope to never go back there. Not that I need extra fries but when you tout as some major attribute to your restaurant unlimited fires, I would think the waitress would make frequent stops at your table to see if you want more. My daughter liked the place so I have been there maybe 8 times and not once have I or anyone at my table been asked if we wanted more fires. Its not like we had some on our plates or whatever holds them and we were still eating the sandwiches.

Also big box cashier's run the gamut also. I always try to strike up a conversation with WM, Target, Kroger cashiers because it would have to be a long day if no one spoke to you. WM are the worst. Maybe one in ten is capable of carrying on a conversation.

I was at a convenience store in our small town recently waiting in line while the cashier and her friend in front of me were carrying on a private conversation. I was completely ignored for 2-3 minutes but I did manage to learn what the responsibilities are for a baby daddy who knocks up a girl. They had those facts down solid.

Anyway, service is inconsistent at best but in closing I must say some customers can treat cashiers like crap. People are rude and getting more rude every day.
Posted By: Dawgs4Life Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 05:39 PM
Red Robin was something that i really disliked ... terrible service as well

Hardees is not around here, but one of my favorite stops when going south
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 05:44 PM
Chick-Fil-A hires nice people, and trains them to be service superstars.

When I ran my Wendy's, I got rid of some highly competent people, who didn't know how to be nice to my customers. I hired nice people. I could train people to be competent, but I couldn't train them to have a base level of niceness. I wanted my people to always say "please" and "thank you", and also "have a great day!" when the guest left the counter, or the drive thru window. I also empowered my people to immediately correct a problem for a guest. I wanted to be alerted afterwards, but i didn't want my guests to have to wait for our mistake to be corrected. My DM was sure that I would have my employees taking advantage of us to give their friends free food, but our food cost was usually in line.

I wanted my guests to know my employees. I often had guests calling my window people by name, and I had people who came in 3-5 times/week for lunch.

Friendliness is the least expensive, and most effective way to build sales. Cleanliness is also vital, as is food quality, but people will forgive a screw up here and there, if their problem is fixed right away, and with a smile and apology.
Posted By: jfanent Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 06:23 PM
I could train people to be competent, but I couldn't train them to have a base level of niceness.

Isn't that the truth. A lot of people just have no clue how they come across to others, and wonder why they get negative reactions. There are also people that see niceness/politeness as a sort of weakness.
Posted By: Tulsa Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 06:44 PM
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
Charcoal shocked

I'm sure it comes as no suprise to anybody around here, but I prefer gas.

I have a gas grill too, I named it GM. I should put a name plaque under the starter button, Pull My Finger.
Posted By: AZBrown Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 07:02 PM

My favorite growing up in Oberlin was Burger Chef.

Best bacon cheeseburger around.
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/25/19 08:01 PM
I like Panera Bread. There is a lot to be said for eating clean healthy food.

But its so damn expensive there. Who is gonna pay 12 dollars (not including tip) for a turkey sandwich and some chips.

I now buy the ingrediants at the grocery store, including fresh crusty bread from the bakery, and the fancy meat from the deli, for way less than 12 dollars a sandwich. And its just as good.

Probably better because Panera turkey is very bland, and the handsliced deli turkey is seasoned/spiced and tastes really good.
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 01:00 AM
I don't eat McDonald's all that often, but the ones around me are really good, we actually live less than a mile from one that is open 24 hours.

I prefer burger king more if I am going to get fast food, but the ones around me tend to mess up. Love a good whopper though
Posted By: ohio1974 Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 01:33 AM
I eat Wendy's Mr.Hero and subway. I like the baconator way more then the whopper and big mac.
Posted By: THROW LONG Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 01:41 AM
You made me realize, even though I always meant to, I've still never been inside a Panera Bread,

Do they have anything in there except loaves of fancy bread?
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 01:47 AM
Its upscale fast food that tries to be healthy. So mainly sandwiches, salads, and soups.


It's way over priced, but quality food.

I like it once in a while.

It gives me inspiration to shop better at the grocery store. wink
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 01:49 AM
Bland soups.
Flavorless sandwiches.
Attractive, if somewhat 'corporate/sterile' dining areas.

I suggest you step into one just to see what it looks like. If you step out immediately, you will not have missed a single thing worth experiencing.

Posted By: THROW LONG Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 01:54 AM
I do understand the 12 dollars for a sandwich and chips, found that at a greek deli once,

hmm, ended up a small bit of meat, a slice of lettuce and tomato between two slices of white bread served in a fancy, heavy piece of paper wrap, and the chips were the smallest size bag that's commonly made,

but it tasted unique, I've been back 7 or 8 times in 20 years, oh well, I guess 12 dollars doesn't mean that much these days.
Posted By: THROW LONG Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 02:01 AM
Mark Twain said he would not join a club that would have himself as a member. Think about it, Panera is a slight bit more pristine, (in my eyes), that I've never darkened it's doors. grin
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 02:04 AM
You can do way better at the grocery store.

I used to only get prepackaged sandwich meat at the grocery store, then I got mad at Panera Bread for charging me 12 dollars for a sandwich.

So I tried the grocery store deli meat, and it was like stepping into a new tastebud universe. That meat is all seasoned and spiced. They will let you sample it before you buy it.

I tell you....once you go deli you never go back to prepackaged stuff.
And way tastier than Panera. Way cheaper.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 02:14 AM
So.... Panera was your 'gateway drug?'

I get it.
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 02:16 AM
Originally Posted By: Clemdawg
So.... Panera was your 'gateway drug?'

I get it.

Basically lol.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 02:40 AM
Originally Posted By: Clemdawg
Bland soups.
Flavorless sandwiches.
Attractive, if somewhat 'corporate/sterile' dining areas.

I suggest you step into one just to see what it looks like. If you step out immediately, you will not have missed a single thing worth experiencing.


I went into one years ago. I ordered a half sandwich and a soup for something like $14, with a drink. I got this tiny sandwich with 1 slice of lunch meat on it, which had very little flavor to it, with some lettuce and tomato ...... and a thimble of very pedestrian soup.

People around me are commenting on how great the food was .... and I'm like "what???".

I might have had a better assessment of the food if it had cost like $3 ...... but for the money, I'd rather go have a real meal. I could go to a higher end restaurant like the Springfield Grille, and get a nice lunch for about $5 more, or go to many other mid range sit down restaurants and have a decent meal for about the same price.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 02:43 AM
Posted By: Iluvmyxstripper Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 02:57 AM
everytime I get fast food I remind myself Im dealing managers that are overworked and employees that are undertrained.
if they make a error. whatever.
i politely tell them what happened and they
make it correct.
every person thats working at a fast food establishment is trying to make money...pay bills etc.
no different than me.
I can choose to eat it or not.
the other day I went to BW3s.got 12 tenders and Dr.Pepper.
my bill. 13 dollars and change.
Im.never eating their again.
talk about zero.value
Posted By: Frenchy Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 04:00 AM
We probably eat more fast food than we should, no real complaints with any chain. BK has the best sandwich, the chicken parmesan is absolutely delicious. McD’s has the best fries. Wendys the best burger. Nuggets all the same. Tenders McD’s by far. We love Arby’s but they are so expensive, love their mozz sticks, curly fries with a cheddar cup yummy. DQ’s toast is really good.

Wendy’s has $.50 frosty’s right now.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 04:04 AM
I put Burger King's chicken nuggets about a mile below McDonald's or Wendy's.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 04:43 AM
I only eat this stuff when I'm pressed for time and can't make something at home.

I rate local 4- and 5-star restaurants against what My Wife can make at home.

BK and me are not boys.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 06:11 AM
Burger King has good breakfast. (Croisanwiches)
Posted By: GMdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 09:38 AM
Originally Posted By: Clemdawg
Gas is certainly more consistent and predictable, but charcoal is an art. Love that extra flavor that charcoal imparts.


To each their own buddy. thumbsup I don't like that extra flavor or smell from charcoal.
Posted By: DiamDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 09:57 AM
IMO Panera is the food version of Starbucks with bad coffee and muffins ....

I went to both establishments exactly once .... the only difference was at least the hot chocolate and muffin at Starbucks were good .....
Posted By: SuperBrown Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 04:33 PM
Posted By: Dawgs4Life Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/26/19 05:24 PM
I will eat at Sheetz occasionally ... great fries
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/28/19 01:13 AM
Originally Posted By: THROW LONG
You made me realize, even though I always meant to, I've still never been inside a Panera Bread,

Do they have anything in there except loaves of fancy bread?

The bagels are really good, I bought some for my group at work and they were outstanding.

I love their breadbowls. I get the cheddar broccoli soup and dip their bread in it. Quite tasty

I do not go there very often though
Posted By: willitevachange Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/30/19 05:11 PM
I only order a few things from McD's

McChicken is my go too
McNuggets as well.

Everyyyy once in a while ill order a big mac - but im disappointed afterwards as its always nasty.

I go more than I should - maybe 2-3 times a month.
Posted By: ohio1974 Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/30/19 05:18 PM
Am I the only one that thinks McDonald's McNuggets are nasty?
Posted By: AZBrown Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/30/19 05:23 PM
Except for KFC, I think most fast food chicken nuggets are nasty.
Posted By: willitevachange Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/30/19 05:24 PM
Originally Posted By: ohio1974
Am I the only one that thinks McDonald's McNuggets are nasty?
yes, yes you are. . . .

I don't know of a better mcnugget. and I think the fact that everyone calls them MCnuggetts, when technically that McDonalds twist on the name of Nuggett, says they are the best.

Ever go to a wendys and order McNuggetts? They know what you want. . . rofl
Posted By: ohio1974 Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/30/19 05:31 PM
The only chicken nugget I eat is Chick-fil-A or homemade.
Posted By: Southwestdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/30/19 05:32 PM
I use to shop at Sears when their tools were good. I had been doing yard work and couldn't get my chainsaw to start. The filter was needing to be replaced so I went to Sears to get a new one. I'm in a flannel shirt and work pants that both have years of paint and other stains on them so looked like a little ragged.
I couldn't find the filter I needed so went to the single staff member in that section who was helping a customer. I waited until he was done and as soon as he was done some one came by and walked up to him and he took off with this other guy. He knew I was standing right there because I told him I needed some help as soon as hew was done with the lady he was serving.

I blew a gasket. I let him know that I was there first and was not happy he didn't bother to even ask me what I needed. I went to Customer Service and asked to see the manager. He was the manager, go figure. I asked them how much I owed on my account. They told me, I pulled out my check book and paid it off then told them to close my account. That was 25 years ago and I have never went back. Just so you know, my son worked for Sears at this time in the the electronics section. Sears called me asking why I closed my account I told them, they said they were very sorry and I said "Too bad".
Posted By: ohio1974 Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/30/19 05:41 PM
Ever go to a wendys and order McNuggetts?

No I'm not braindead.
Posted By: willitevachange Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/30/19 07:15 PM
Originally Posted By: ohio1974
Ever go to a wendys and order McNuggetts?

No I'm not braindead.
wendys nuggest aint bad, the point im making is that most people call chicken nuggets Chicken MC Nuggetts.

When you cut your finger you do you ask for a band-aid or an adhesive bandage?

When you sneeze do you ask for a Kleenex or a facial tissue.

That's the point im making.

I find it hard to believe you have never ordered a "McNuggett" elsewhere while trying to order chicken nuggets.
Posted By: ohio1974 Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/30/19 07:35 PM
I find it hard to believe you have never ordered a "McNuggett" elsewhere while trying to order chicken nuggets.
No I never have have you? saywhat

the point im making is that most people call chicken nuggets Chicken MC Nuggetts.
Not on this earth lol.
Posted By: 1oldMutt Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/30/19 10:20 PM
On that chainsaw check the rubber hose I your fuel tank. They rot quickly with Ethanol and the saw won't suck fuel.

Back to Chicken McSquirtgets.
Posted By: GMdawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/30/19 10:26 PM
Originally Posted By: ohio1974
Ever go to a wendys and order McNuggetts?

No I'm not braindead.

It's better than ordering their fries.
Posted By: lampdogg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 12:39 AM
Originally Posted By: Southwestdawg
I use to shop at Sears when their tools were good. I had been doing yard work and couldn't get my chainsaw to start. The filter was needing to be replaced so I went to Sears to get a new one. I'm in a flannel shirt and work pants that both have years of paint and other stains on them so looked like a little ragged.
I couldn't find the filter I needed so went to the single staff member in that section who was helping a customer. I waited until he was done and as soon as he was done some one came by and walked up to him and he took off with this other guy. He knew I was standing right there because I told him I needed some help as soon as hew was done with the lady he was serving.

I blew a gasket. I let him know that I was there first and was not happy he didn't bother to even ask me what I needed. I went to Customer Service and asked to see the manager. He was the manager, go figure. I asked them how much I owed on my account. They told me, I pulled out my check book and paid it off then told them to close my account. That was 25 years ago and I have never went back. Just so you know, my son worked for Sears at this time in the the electronics section. Sears called me asking why I closed my account I told them, they said they were very sorry and I said "Too bad".

Beauty!! sometimes you just have to boycott and make it permanent.
Posted By: UrbanaDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 12:39 AM
Poor service is getting to be the normal thing with all big business. This comes from the Top people running the companies. They are making the customers do the work instead of their own employees. From McD's and their kiosk ordering to Walmarts / big box stores and their self scan check out (while they pay someone to watch you do it). Non of these places give a crap for the customers. Just separating the money from our hands and making their pockets fatter. I may be ol' fashioned but I believe the customer should come first and not do the work for YOUR employees. If I should have to work in your stores then pay us customers or give us a discount. Tired of this Crap but as consumers, What can we do? We have to buy stuff that is needed. Sorry if this was a little off topic but I thought it falls in line with poor service.

One more thing to add, I get really ticked off when I'm in the drive thru at a fast food place and when I'm at the window they ask me to pull up past the window because they were waiting on getting my fries done. This happened once and I waited 20 min. and had to go inside to get my food because they forgot. From now on I don't do it. They have my money now give me my food. everybody else can wait like me. So I apologize ahead of time, If you are behind me in the drive thru lane and they try to make me pull up. I won't and will wait for my food next to the window every time till I get it.
Posted By: FORTBROWNFAN Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 12:52 AM
Originally Posted By: UrbanaDawg
Poor service is getting to be the normal thing with all big business. This comes from the Top people running the companies. They are making the customers do the work instead of their own employees. From McD's and their kiosk ordering to Walmarts / big box stores and their self scan check out (while they pay someone to watch you do it). Non of these places give a crap for the customers. Just separating the money from our hands and making their pockets fatter. I may be ol' fashioned but I believe the customer should come first and not do the work for YOUR employees. If I should have to work in your stores then pay us customers or give us a discount. Tired of this Crap but as consumers, What can we do? We have to buy stuff that is needed. Sorry if this was a little off topic but I thought it falls in line with poor service.

I am not saying you individually, but we are getting just what we deserve. WE as a country stopped going to locally owned hardware stores, clothing stores etc. Instead we flocked to Wal Mart and Kohls for the cheapest prices. Small stores died out.

Price was king, then we realized service lacked and good luck finding someone who actually knows anything about the product you want to buy.

These small local businesses that supported our schools and organizations no longer exist and the Wal Marts of the world can't replace the assistance and sponsorships the small business owners provided.
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 12:54 AM
You know why McDonalds has self ordering kiosks? It works every day.

Where my wife works they just recently got about a $20 million machine that replaced 30 employees. That company offered the displaced workers jobs in different departments, at the same pay rate. That company has sever difficulty finding employees that can pass drug tests AND show up for work, 40 a week.

Couple of weeks ago I was at my brother's business. He took me on the floor and showed me the latest purchase. Automatic saws, and computer operated sorting, etc. I have no idea what the cost was, though. But, it replaced - on 3 shifts - 9 people on the saw alone. That doesn't include the sorting/stacking.

He didn't get rid of any employee - just moved them to other production where, get this, they couldn't find people that could pass drug tests AND show up for work.
Posted By: UrbanaDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 01:07 AM
You know why McDonalds has self ordering kiosks? It works every day.

So your happy doing the work for free? Doing something what another person was getting paid for? It might work out for you and your wife but I have a problem going though these self scan areas and kiosks and there is someone standing there to make sure YOU are doing it right! It is their job to do it , not mine!
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 01:14 AM
Originally Posted By: UrbanaDawg
You know why McDonalds has self ordering kiosks? It works every day.

So your happy doing the work for free? Doing something what another person was getting paid for? It might work out for you and your wife but I have a problem going though these self scan areas and kiosks and there is someone standing there to make sure YOU are doing it right! It is their job to do it , not mine!

Honestly, you can make more money mowing lawns than working at McD's.

I'm ok with the self scanners, but probably because I abhor lines.

If I have a few things I rather go through the self scanner at the grocery store.

They kinda make it so if you have a bunch of stuff you'd be better off going to a proper cashier line. Cashier + Bagger is always faster if you have a bunch of stuff.
Posted By: UrbanaDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 01:22 AM
I am not saying you individually, but we are getting just what we deserve. WE as a country stopped going to locally owned hardware stores, clothing stores etc. Instead we flocked to Wal Mart and Kohls for the cheapest prices. Small stores died out.

I agree with what your saying, but small stores are things of the past where I live. I try to buy local but can't. Its Walmart or we as a town have to travel 12 miles or more to go to another store. Matter of fact Walmart and Kroger both in my town have killed all its competition. As for our closest Kohls ( which I like because it competes against Walmart) store 12 miles away, its all check out with a person doing it , no self check out. As for our local hardware store, They close the doors @ 5 p.m. daily. usually after everyone gets off work. I guess they believe that no body works on projects around the home after work and I have to go to a big box store like Lowes or Home Depot 12 miles away. Yes the Lowes, Home Depot and Kohls are all in the same area 12 miles away all for our convience.
Posted By: UrbanaDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 01:35 AM


Honestly, you can make more money mowing lawns than working at McD's.

I'm ok with the self scanners, but probably because I abhor lines.

If I have a few things I rather go through the self scanner at the grocery store.

They kinda make it so if you have a bunch of stuff you'd be better off going to a proper cashier line. Cashier + Bagger is always faster if you have a bunch of stuff.[/quote]

But thats the thing , we all had small item lines ( 15 items or less) where someone did their job, usually a senior citizen or retiree running it making extra money on the side. The lines were never long for these lines . Now we have to do it while some one gets paid to watch us do it. And even worse they are replacing the Walmart greeters with cart checkers , shaking down the customers before they are leaving to make sure we aren't stealing merchandise. Some of you may not see this yet in your Walmart but you will. They are replacing the greeters with people that are checking the receipts to the carts. This is even after watching you go through the lines and paying for the merchandise, self scan and employ scan. This is what I believe to be POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE.
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 01:47 AM
I don't know about that. My Kroger usually has more express cashier lanes (15 items or less) open than regular lanes.

And they will funnel the full carts to the express lanes when there are too many full carts.

The self scanner customers usually just have a hand basket of items. Not a cart.

I don't go to Walmart enough to know about Walmart.

I agree that small/medium retail is being crushed as far as brick and mortar stores go. HOWEVER, they are killing it by selling on Amazon. When one door closes, another opens.

Also, local service jobs/businesses are booming. I hire a lot of local mom and pop businesses for various things.

For example, I have a lawn guy and his wife come do my yard. They rock. Tons of people in my neighborhood hire local lawncare. Pays a lot better than minimum wage and you set your own hours.
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 02:11 AM
Did I say I was happy about it? Or did I say WHY it's happening?

And also, it's not doing 'the work for free' as you state. It's keeping costs of running a business down, which helps keep the costs of the product down.

I've said this for years on end...........I'll try 1 more time.

Everyone here wants to be paid more. I get it.

Yet, everyone flocks to buy the cheap stuff. Or, the stuff that is cheapest. It's "pay me more, so I can save by buying cheaper." That isn't how it works.

Saw a facebook post today about how China is the number 1 producer of solar panels. Don't know if it's true or not.........but, my guess is, IF true, it's because the Chinese work for pennies on our dollar. Do those workers get paid vacations, sick days, paid holidays, health insurance, pensions, matching 401k's, you know, all the things American workers demand, yet still won't can't fill a $15 an hour starting off job?

Pay me more, so I can go buy stuff from a big box store that bought there stuff from China because it's cheaper.

That'll work. Work, sending more jobs over seas.

Pay the fry cook $15 an hour.......but bitch when you have to push a few buttons? Other choice is, pay a bit more for your food from McDonalds. You choose.
Posted By: lampdogg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 02:35 AM
I think I'd enjoy a landscaper - type job.
Posted By: Dave Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 11:09 AM
Originally Posted By: lampdogg
I think I'd enjoy a landscaper - type job.

Those zero-turn mowers look like a lot of fun. I watched a commercial landscape guy do a business's small front lawn and tree lawn while I was sitting at a long-ish red light one day. Zip, zip, zip, zip, done.
Posted By: Bard Dawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 01:18 PM
My wife likes soup from them. I like that they really help our Rainbow Table with their donations. I like some bread there. Salads are solid as well.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 01:38 PM
Poor service is getting to be the normal thing with all big business. This comes from the Top people running the companies. They are making the customers do the work instead of their own employees.

Kind of funny because I think service, especially at fast food places, has gotten a lot better. Department stores and such, not so much.

If I should have to work in your stores then pay us customers or give us a discount.

Whether you realize it or not, you are getting a discount. Places like grocery stores and Wal-marts are very price competitive, they are using self-check out to try to keep prices down and allow folks to get in and out quickly. I can have 1 person per register (or two if I have the cashier and the bagger) helping one person at a time... or I can have 1 person monitor 6 self-check outs with no baggers... pretty simple economics. That helps them keep prices down, which you get the benefit, even if you don't use the self-check.

Also means the person with 1 thing doesn't have to stand in line behind the person with a full cart full of stuff...

One more thing to add, I get really ticked off when I'm in the drive thru at a fast food place and when I'm at the window they ask me to pull up past the window because they were waiting on getting my fries done. This happened once and I waited 20 min. and had to go inside to get my food because they forgot. From now on I don't do it. They have my money now give me my food. everybody else can wait like me. So I apologize ahead of time, If you are behind me in the drive thru lane and they try to make me pull up. I won't and will wait for my food next to the window every time till I get it.

So you will tick off an entire line full of people because one time in the past somebody messed up and forgot you were waiting on some fries? Boy that sounds extremely spiteful and vindictive.. not to mention you are punishing the wrong people.
Posted By: ExclDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 02:15 PM
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN

If I should have to work in your stores then pay us customers or give us a discount.

Whether you realize it or not, you are getting a discount. Places like grocery stores and Wal-marts are very price competitive, they are using self-check out to try to keep prices down and allow folks to get in and out quickly. I can have 1 person per register (or two if I have the cashier and the bagger) helping one person at a time... or I can have 1 person monitor 6 self-check outs with no baggers... pretty simple economics. That helps them keep prices down, which you get the benefit, even if you don't use the self-check.

That's what I shake my head at these days. If you want to see what the discount is, then shop at a place that uses a full-service check-out lines with baggers and carry-out service. That larger difference in price? That's what you're saving when you bag it yourself.

People complain about things like airlines treating people like cattle. But you know, you can avoid that by going to airlines that charge a much higher price but give you great customer service. Yet consumers would rather get the cheapest thing available and somehow expect them not to skimp.

The old adage is usually true: You get what you pay for. And most consumers would rather not pay much. So this is what we get.
Posted By: PortlandDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 02:22 PM
Originally Posted By: Dave
Originally Posted By: lampdogg
I think I'd enjoy a landscaper - type job.

Those zero-turn mowers look like a lot of fun. I watched a commercial landscape guy do a business's small front lawn and tree lawn while I was sitting at a long-ish red light one day. Zip, zip, zip, zip, done.

I have a zero turn mower. I actually like mowing my yard because of it. So much fun. So much easier than a traditional tractor. Mows while moving both forward and backward. Can turn on a dime.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Done with McDonald's - 05/31/19 02:27 PM
The old adage in the construction industry applies to many other industries as well..

We can build your building to the highest quality, at the lowest price, and on time.

**Pick any 2.

Because it's impossible to provide all 3 simultaneously, yet that is what folks expect.

Your airline analogy is dead on... Expedia, travelocity, and cheap-o-air don't exist because people want great quality, they want the cheapest flight.

And you'll notice that Cathay Air, Air Emirates, and Singapore Air never seem to appear on those discount websites, because they are expensive.. the planes are amazing and the service is 5-star... but it's expensive.
Posted By: Squires Re: Done with McDonald's - 06/01/19 01:42 AM
I don't entirely agree on the airlines. Last time I flew I could but $100 ticket on frontier or an $800 ticket on Delta. Both tickets got me a "smashed in like sardines" seat.

I do agree with the general point. People are cheap and are always looking for the lowest price to pay.
Posted By: lampdogg Re: Done with McDonald's - 06/01/19 01:49 AM
When I order root beer, I want root beer. Not ice tea.

When I ask for no pickles on my burger I don't expect to crunch into one. I realize I'm not dining at the Ritz, but if I pay money for a commodity, I expect to get what I asked and paid for.
Posted By: UrbanaDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 06/01/19 02:12 AM

One more thing to add, I get really ticked off when I'm in the drive thru at a fast food place and when I'm at the window they ask me to pull up past the window because they were waiting on getting my fries done. This happened once and I waited 20 min. and had to go inside to get my food because they forgot. From now on I don't do it. They have my money now give me my food. everybody else can wait like me. So I apologize ahead of time, If you are behind me in the drive thru lane and they try to make me pull up. I won't and will wait for my food next to the window every time till I get it.

So you will tick off an entire line full of people because one time in the past somebody messed up and forgot you were waiting on some fries? Boy that sounds extremely spiteful and vindictive.. not to mention you are punishing the wrong people.

No I'm not punishing the wrong people. If I'm in line and an establishment already took my money at the first window, there is no reason that I should have to wait any longer than the people behind me at the second window... especially if we are all getting the same thing. If it was a special order I can understand , but fries at McD's is not a special request. Its a sure bet that everyone behind me is getting fries also. Its a drive thru and I'm in the hurry like everybody else, and everybody has a turn in line. If people are getting mad at me for that so be it. If you was in line some where and paid for something, then turn around and watched the people behind you get service before you, you would be mad too.
Posted By: UrbanaDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 06/01/19 02:16 AM
Originally Posted By: lampdogg
When I order root beer, I want root beer. Not ice tea.

When I ask for no pickles on my burger I don't expect to crunch into one. I realize I'm not dining at the Ritz, but if I pay money for a commodity, I expect to get what I asked and paid for.

HERE HERE I agree 1000%
Posted By: ohio1974 Re: Done with McDonald's - 06/01/19 05:37 AM
I went there tonight to be funny because of this post and I'm glad I did. I got a quarter pounder and a big mac on the 2 for $5 menu. Well the big mac wasn't very hot almost cold so I took it back up and asked them to put it in the microwave and they did and it was fine after that. Wasn't very happy but no big deal. Now the quarter pounder it was so fresh it was steaming when I opened the box the meat was juicy and so hot the cheese on the top and bottom bun was almost melted and it was absolutely delicious the best sandwich I ever had at McDonald's. The cool part the manager came up and asked what was wrong I told her it was almost cold and never got a sandwich that cold before and she said she's sorry and she's replacing my 2 for 5 and I said thanks but there was nothing wrong with the other sandwich and I told her how good it was and she said she was sorry again. So for $6 dollars Because I got a pop with it I ended up with 4 sandwiches. I just want to say thanks lampdogg for making me go there tonight.
Posted By: Tulsa Re: Done with McDonald's - 06/01/19 10:35 AM
Originally Posted By: Ohio1974
I just want to say thanks lampdogg for making me go there tonight.

Now Lamp can bravely go to his grave, armed with the knowledge he made someone go eat dog food for people, and they enjoyed it.
Posted By: rockyhilldawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 06/01/19 12:48 PM
For many years I went to McDonald's 5-6 times a year.

Only in March and only for one product.

(they only had Shamrock Shakes in March)

I love Shamrock Shakes. And I think they're only about 100 calories. (per tablespoon)
Posted By: Rishuz Re: Done with McDonald's - 06/01/19 01:22 PM
Originally Posted By: Milk Man

Fast food, in general, is nearly inedible.

When my kids were born, nearly 6 years ago now, we went to a 95% organic diet. We've since slacked on that but we would not let our kids eat fast food. The first time they had McDonald's was at 5.5 and only because they were attending a party there. We were not happy about it but it was unavoidable unless we wanted to be jerks, and this was one of my wife's close friends. So we let the kids have it. They weren't that impressed.

Our only exception is In and Out. And I don't consider that your traditional fast food. Amazing business model, amazing service, and amazing cooked to order, never frozen food. My kids have been eating the fries from there since they were little. In and Out is my weakness.

I think the rest of the fast food joints are subpar and generally make me feel like crap.
Posted By: lampdogg Re: Done with McDonald's - 06/01/19 08:50 PM
Originally Posted By: Tulsa
Originally Posted By: Ohio1974
I just want to say thanks lampdogg for making me go there tonight.

Now Lamp can bravely go to his grave, armed with the knowledge he made someone go eat dog food for people, and they enjoyed it.

Hahaha, I'm happy to be an inspiration.
Posted By: Milk Man Re: Done with McDonald's - 06/04/19 04:36 AM
Originally Posted By: Rishuz
Our only exception is In and Out. And I don't consider that your traditional fast food. Amazing business model, amazing service, and amazing cooked to order, never frozen food.

My super hot take: In and Out is terribly overrated.

My wife and I were in Scottsdale several years back and due to the hype, headed to an In and Out for lunch. We took a bite and it was very, "meh."

And the "secret" menu...how pretentious.

In and Out is certainly no Swenson's. tongue
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Done with McDonald's - 06/04/19 04:38 AM
I just want brats at sports bars. Why is that too much to ask?
Posted By: Ballpeen Re: Done with McDonald's - 06/07/19 11:50 PM
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
I just want brats at sports bars. Why is that too much to ask?

I want no bras at sports bars.....wait.....wait, forget the comment...braTs are good....I agree.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Done with McDonald's - 06/09/19 06:36 PM
Unless it's the kind of brats that run around the bar screaming while you're trying to watch the game. Someone should have just hired a baby sitter.
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