Posted By: BrownsFan337 XBoX 360 Problem - 07/21/08 04:54 PM
Well, I went out and bought NCAA 2009 at lunch last week and when I got home and put the kids to bed I popped it in,,,then it happened. My 360 started making this God awful noise that I can only describe as a grinding noise. I am like "what the hell", so I eject it and pop it in. Same thing, grinding noise and I just get the 360 dashboard and the disc is unreadable. I pop it out and put in Madden thinking it's the new game. Same crap, I hear it spin and then the noise. And I'm talking very loud. After a while Madden loads though. So I take out Madden and pop in NCAA and after a while of that noise it loads. It played for a while and then I got a disc read error and thats all she wrote.

So, I pretty much figured out my DVD just took a crap on me for some reason. Has anyone replaced the DVD drive or know a good write up on doing this? How hard is it,,and will it void anything if I open it up? It has been almost a year since I bought it and am very mad that this has happened. I am just hoping maybe it's dirty or the tray got off track somehow, but I have never messed around inside a XBoX before and wondered if I was best off sending it to Microsoft. I need to find my receipt b/c I am almost positive I bought a Best Buy extended warranty when I bought it. If thats the case I will just exchange it there but if not I need to do something soon. It sucks that I can't play that game when I just got it
Posted By: DeepThreat Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/21/08 04:56 PM
Too bad. It really is a great game. If you had a PS3 you wouldn't have this problem.
Posted By: FreeAgent Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/21/08 04:57 PM
Sorry man, that sucks.

Check out your extended and manufactur warranties and see if either one will fix it or replace it for free.
Posted By: BrownsFan337 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/21/08 05:10 PM

Too bad. It really is a great game. If you had a PS3 you wouldn't have this problem.

Gee, thanks for the help

I have begun thoughts of selling what I have and going that route. I need to dig thru my records and hope I bought that warranty. I am almost positive I did b/c my old X-BoX took a crap as well.
Posted By: DeepThreat Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/21/08 05:18 PM

Gee, thanks for the help

You're very welcome. The problem here is that you are trying to fix the symptoms not the disease. The disease is the X-Box, the symptoms are the system breaking down. The only true solution to your problem is to get a PS3.

And if I knew anything about what you were trying to do, I would help, but I don't, so I won't.
Posted By: BrownsFan337 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/21/08 05:29 PM
Yeah yeah, I know I waited a while to get it and got one of the newer ones that fixed the cooling issues, but now they prob have a DVD tray issue hehe. Evil Microsoft strikes again,,ahhh. I have let it be known that I want the PS3 this christmas so I can have em both which I know nobody will buy it for me so it's my best buy CC to the rescue woohoo!

Well, good news for me is I found my receipt in my files and I did in fact get the 2 year replacement plan, so Best Buy will be seeing me later on today!
Posted By: Thebigbaddawg Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/21/08 05:49 PM

Well, good news for me is I found my receipt in my files and I did in fact get the 2 year replacement plan, so Best Buy will be seeing me later on today!

I don't know if that's good news or bad news for you. Best Buy's replacement plan is terrible. Probably the worst i've ever seen, as they will try any way to get out of replacing it for you.

Don't let them treat you like a fool, because they will try as hard as they can to get out of the replacement plan.
Posted By: ndutyme Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/21/08 06:36 PM
Keep playing discs until you finally get the three red lights. It just happened to me...that way, MS will fix it for free!
Posted By: BrownsFan337 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/21/08 07:33 PM
Really? The orig X-Box I had broke on me and I walked in and got a new one like that. All they have to do is turn it on and pop in a disc and theres no mistaking whats going on. I have the elite version and it still looks brand new so you can tell I didn't beat on it or anything. If they try anything I will raise some hell for sure. I hate people who make a scene but it may come to that if they play games,,especially when I can't b/c of this POS.
Posted By: bradmss Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/21/08 11:23 PM
But then what would he play games on?
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/21/08 11:31 PM
i'm not sure what exactly your problem is, but i do know that microsoft has extendedt their warranties on all consoles for the next few years... i would register your console and then talk to them...

that's really the only downside to the 360, its durability is questionable, otherwise it is the best console on the market.
Posted By: BrownsFan337 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 12:27 AM
Well, good news is I got the new 360 with no problems what so ever. Walked in and they said that the #1 problem they are seeing with these are the DVD drives taking a crap The good thing is the system I got back was the same and I kept my HD, but the box I got 2 free games with it. Plus I forgot I lent the HDMI cable to a buddy of mine and forgot to pack one of the connectors so I have 2 of each now and 2 free games hehe

So I guess you can say I made out in the deal
And, LBJ I am going to register this one with Microsoft just in case it happens again b/c I can only use the Best Buy plan one time. The bad thing is I bought this system Aug of last year so it didn't last even 1 year and I had to use it. But well worth the money I guess.
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 01:50 AM

Well, good news is I got the new 360 with no problems what so ever. Walked in and they said that the #1 problem they are seeing with these are the DVD drives taking a crap The good thing is the system I got back was the same and I kept my HD, but the box I got 2 free games with it. Plus I forgot I lent the HDMI cable to a buddy of mine and forgot to pack one of the connectors so I have 2 of each now and 2 free games hehe

So I guess you can say I made out in the deal
And, LBJ I am going to register this one with Microsoft just in case it happens again b/c I can only use the Best Buy plan one time. The bad thing is I bought this system Aug of last year so it didn't last even 1 year and I had to use it. But well worth the money I guess.

that's really stupid that they limit the amount of times you can use a policy you paid for to just once.

if you are going to pay into an extra policy, you should be covered for the entire period of it, regardless of how much your purchase takes a dump on you, otherwise they should just charge you for the time you did have the policy, prorate it...

yeah, you should definitely register any console you own these days, ps3, wii, 360, whatever.

not only for repair purposes, but if you ever get it stolen, you can report it to both micrsoft (or sony, or nintendo) as well as to the authorities...

you have very little chance of really finding a stolen console, but if there were ever an argument over it, you have proof that it was yours...
Posted By: WinslowBodden Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 03:40 AM
Eh... Just an FYI 1 in every 3, yes 33%... of every XBOX360 breaks, time to call Microsoft and have them fix it.

Sorry man.
Posted By: WinslowBodden Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 03:40 AM


Gee, thanks for the help

You're very welcome. The problem here is that you are trying to fix the symptoms not the disease. The disease is the X-Box, the symptoms are the system breaking down. The only true solution to your problem is to get a PS3.

And if I knew anything about what you were trying to do, I would help, but I don't, so I won't.

^^^ exactly what he said....

Make the PS3 your primary system, thats what I did, then I went and bought a 360 for $170 off ebay, and if it doesnt work ill just have microsoft fix it.
Posted By: AndraDavis 4 MVP Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 03:58 AM
I would see if it was still covered by Microsoft. If its not, wrap your x-box in towels and leave it on. This will cause it to overheat thus making it three red ring on and thus it will be covered and then you can get it fixed for free.
Posted By: OSU Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 05:31 AM

Too bad. It really is a great game. If you had a PS3 you wouldn't have this problem.


- Very good advice Andra Davis
Posted By: tastybrownies Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 03:32 PM
Should have gotten the Ps3.
Posted By: RABIDAWG07 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 07:26 PM
Yo Lee call 1-800-4my-xbox, they have a warranty program. If you didnt fill out and send in your warranty information just tell the person on the line you bout it within the last 6 months, and give them the serial #. Theyll put it under warranty for you, then theyll send you a box. Send the 360 to tghem and youll have it back in 4 weeks.....

by the way mine started doing the exact same thing, it ruined 2 copies of madden 08 and a copy of NBA live 07.... Im currently working with X box to get reimbursed

they have a good warranty program (lord knows they need it) theyll take care of you

<rant on> And for all you PS3 humpers...your comments about how 360 sux are not needed. youre showing your ignorance. When people are on here asking for help about thier very expensive broken machine, they dont want to hear your smart assed remark. They want someone thatll point them in the right direction to get thier 300-600$ machine fixed.Mommy and daddy may have helped you buy both your systems but they arent free,...so if you dont know anything about the 360 why comment? <rant off>
Posted By: DeepThreat Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 07:37 PM
It didn't seem to bother 337 so I don't see why it should bother you.
Posted By: RABIDAWG07 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 07:40 PM
because everytime anyone has an issue with X-box 360 there YOU are spouting off, not helping at all...its foolish and ignorant and I felt it was time for me to point it out
Posted By: RABIDAWG07 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 07:42 PM
I mean even Free agent offered something..... you brought absolutely nothing to the table
Posted By: RABIDAWG07 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 07:43 PM

I would see if it was still covered by Microsoft. If its not, wrap your x-box in towels and leave it on. This will cause it to overheat thus making it three red ring on and thus it will be covered and then you can get it fixed for free.

itll be covered, Microsoft is having so many issues, they are pretty much covering everything for the next year or so
Posted By: DeepThreat Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 09:12 PM
I really don't recall every saying anything like that in a 360 thread before. And since when is joking around illegal? I have almost never gotten into the 360 PS3 debats and now I make one joke and all of a sudden I'm foolish, ignorant, and bring nothing to the table.
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 10:11 PM
i own both, so i can just sit back and laugh at the fanboys fight
Posted By: BrownsFan337 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/22/08 10:55 PM
It's all good man. And Rabid, good lookin bro
Posted By: WinslowBodden Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/23/08 02:37 AM

<rant on> And for all you PS3 humpers...your comments about how 360 sux are not needed. youre showing your ignorance. When people are on here asking for help about thier very expensive broken machine, they dont want to hear your smart assed remark. They want someone thatll point them in the right direction to get thier 300-600$ machine fixed.Mommy and daddy may have helped you buy both your systems but they arent free,...so if you dont know anything about the 360 why comment? <rant off>

You do know that 1 of every 3 xbox 360 breaks? It's becoming a joke, and to be honest I've heard more people say "Should have gotten a PS3" that are 360 owners lately.

To be honest, I work at a game store and when a customer asked which XBOX model was the best I said "The PS3" and me and my manager laughed but of course went on to help him select the appropriate system.

360 has great games just an absolutely terrible system.
Posted By: bradmss Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/23/08 06:07 AM


<rant on> And for all you PS3 humpers...your comments about how 360 sux are not needed. youre showing your ignorance. When people are on here asking for help about thier very expensive broken machine, they dont want to hear your smart assed remark. They want someone thatll point them in the right direction to get thier 300-600$ machine fixed.Mommy and daddy may have helped you buy both your systems but they arent free,...so if you dont know anything about the 360 why comment? <rant off>

You do know that 1 of every 3 xbox 360 breaks? It's becoming a joke, and to be honest I've heard more people say "Should have gotten a PS3" that are 360 owners lately.

To be honest, I work at a game store and when a customer asked which XBOX model was the best I said "The PS3" and me and my manager laughed but of course went on to help him select the appropriate system.

360 has great games just an absolutely terrible system.

Oh... you're one of THOSE guys at the game store
I keed.. kinda...
Although the failure rate IS too high, it isn't 30%, it's 16%.
And if you're buying the system to play games more than watch movies, the library for the 360 is inarguably better for the average gamer. Obviously, if someone HAS to have Halo, or HAS to have MGS, then there isn't a real choice to be made. They have to go with the console that has their favorite franchise. But if someone just looking for the better library overall, if there isn't just one exclusive franchise that they HAVE to have..Then the overall better game library is that of the 360.

Of course the best option is both systems. (Or all three! Or either and a Wii.. although my Wii has been gathering quite a bit of dust lately.) But that's not feasible for many people. If the exclusives you're interested in are only on 360, than the whole, "get a PS3" especially doesn't hold water. My grandma's VCR will play Gears of War just as well as a PS3. Why get a system that can't play half the games one wants to play? It's better to take a chance at the possibility of having some temporary down time while it's replaced than to not get one in the first place and NEVER play those games at all...

Even if the failure rate WAS 30%.. even if it was 40%... that still means it is more probable that yours will not have issues.
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/24/08 01:39 PM
my new xbox no longer sounds like a boeing when loading a disc
Posted By: Dawgpound017 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/25/08 04:25 AM
I think I have a solution. Buy a PS3, and your gaming system won't crap out on you.

You get what you pay for.

I've seen numerous threads and talked to numerous people who've had their 360's crap out in multiple ways.

It's a shame, it's a solid system with a great line up, but I think it's a raw deal for the people buying the system. Another reason 360 sales are high, people have had to buy 2 systems.
Posted By: WinslowBodden Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/25/08 06:38 AM
http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/gaming/xbox-360-failure-rate-30-says-retailers-271487.php 30%
http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/200...lectornics.html 30%

Ur article was on a sample amount in the hundreds it says, not overall bought.

Anyways, I sort of agree that 360's library is better, but not for long, the PS3 is going to have just as good of a lineup by the end of the year...

Also dont try to argue against me that 360 is better or whatever because I just bought a 360, I love the games on the system I just don't like how the system is built.
Posted By: YtseDawg Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/25/08 12:10 PM

http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/gaming/xbox-360-failure-rate-30-says-retailers-271487.php 30%
http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/200...lectornics.html 30%

Did you happen to read your second article? I believe it actually disputes your claim of 30%.

"However, as an industry, consumer electronic failure rates over 3 years commonly exceed 15 percent. Like others, we have read the failure rate for Xbox is 30 percent or higher. We haven't seen that yet, but it is clearly plausible that this 16 percent failure rate we see will increase with claims over time."

There's no doubt the 360 was a poorly conceived design. I guess it really says something about the game library that so many people are content to buy multiple xbox's and deal with the breakdowns rather than getting a PS3, which has LESS of a chance of breaking down.

I'm in the same boat. The PS3 game library, outside of maybe 2-3 games, does little for me. The 360 now has many games I'd like to play, not to mention the entire Live Arcade library, which I think is great. Because of the issues with the hardware, and my huge backlog of games, I've been able to wait on purchasing one. Next month, the 360 will roll-out it's next hardware revision (codenamed Jasper) which will shrink the GPU dye size to 65nm, thus eliminating the heating issue which caused all the RRoD malfunctions.
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/25/08 01:35 PM

I think I have a solution. Buy a PS3, and your gaming system won't crap out on you.

You get what you pay for.

I've seen numerous threads and talked to numerous people who've had their 360's crap out in multiple ways.

It's a shame, it's a solid system with a great line up, but I think it's a raw deal for the people buying the system. Another reason 360 sales are high, people have had to buy 2 systems.

i haven't had to buy 2 systems...

microsoft has been great about fixing/replacing consoles that have crapped out...

mine was out of warranty too, and they still replaced it with a brand new console, no charge, and i'm now covered under a new warranty.
Posted By: Dawgpound017 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/25/08 02:56 PM


I think I have a solution. Buy a PS3, and your gaming system won't crap out on you.

You get what you pay for.

I've seen numerous threads and talked to numerous people who've had their 360's crap out in multiple ways.

It's a shame, it's a solid system with a great line up, but I think it's a raw deal for the people buying the system. Another reason 360 sales are high, people have had to buy 2 systems.

i haven't had to buy 2 systems...

microsoft has been great about fixing/replacing consoles that have crapped out...

mine was out of warranty too, and they still replaced it with a brand new console, no charge, and i'm now covered under a new warranty.

They have to replace it because so many of them have screwed up. They have no choice.

That's the issue I'm talking about, the problems with them. They extended the warranty, but many people were left out and had to buy new ones. They shouldn't be making such a unfinished product that their owners end up either shipping it back or end up buying new ones. (or buying a different console altogether, as that has happened as well)
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/25/08 05:22 PM



I think I have a solution. Buy a PS3, and your gaming system won't crap out on you.

You get what you pay for.

I've seen numerous threads and talked to numerous people who've had their 360's crap out in multiple ways.

It's a shame, it's a solid system with a great line up, but I think it's a raw deal for the people buying the system. Another reason 360 sales are high, people have had to buy 2 systems.

i haven't had to buy 2 systems...

microsoft has been great about fixing/replacing consoles that have crapped out...

mine was out of warranty too, and they still replaced it with a brand new console, no charge, and i'm now covered under a new warranty.

They have to replace it because so many of them have screwed up. They have no choice.

That's the issue I'm talking about, the problems with them. They extended the warranty, but many people were left out and had to buy new ones. They shouldn't be making such a unfinished product that their owners end up either shipping it back or end up buying new ones. (or buying a different console altogether, as that has happened as well)

it's really their only downfall, i don't argue that at all

what i'm saying is most people have had their xbox either fixed or replaced for no charge.

i'm on record as saying that microsoft's products have always lacked durability...

aside from that, it is the best console on the market right now.

i had problems with the first xbox as well, and i actually had to pay for that to be fixed, their customer service has improved 500% (at least) since the first xbox was their centerpiece.
Posted By: Slimdog Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/26/08 05:30 PM
I had the exavt same problem with my 360 reading the discs. I was under warranty and I sent it back and Microsoft sent me a brand new Xbox within 3 weeks. If you are under warranty, they'll over it.
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/26/08 07:19 PM

I had the exavt same problem with my 360 reading the discs. I was under warranty and I sent it back and Microsoft sent me a brand new Xbox within 3 weeks. If you are under warranty, they'll over it.

even if you are out, you are fine...

mine was a first generation console, and it was out of warranty, i got a brand new one sent to mine...

they were really good about it, i can't say the same when i had to pay 80 dollars to have the original xbox fixed....
Posted By: WinslowBodden Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/26/08 10:26 PM

Did you happen to read your second article? I believe it actually disputes your claim of 30%.

My point was I wasn't just making stuff up, I had actually read it before
Posted By: BrownsFan337 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/27/08 02:27 AM

I think I have a solution. Buy a PS3, and your gaming system won't crap out on you.

Thanks a lot Captain Obvious Actually, I have asked for a PS3 for Christmas this year. Whats going to happen is the wife will buy it for me,,using my Credit Card lol I always have wanted both systems.

All is good with my new 360 now. I have been playing a lot of NCAA and Bad Company since I got it earlier in the week. It was so weird that my old one broke. It worked flawlessly and all the sudden it started making that noise.
Posted By: Dawgpound017 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/27/08 02:33 AM
I have the Bad Company demo. Solid game, seemed like it'd be fun online. I used to play Battlefield 1942 back in the day until my computer started getting to be a POS.

Well, when your wifey gets you a PS3 this Christmas, we'll have to shoot each other up online.
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/27/08 05:45 PM
i got hooked up with bad company yesterday, pretty fun game...
Posted By: bradmss Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/28/08 05:11 AM


Did you happen to read your second article? I believe it actually disputes your claim of 30%.

My point was I wasn't just making stuff up, I had actually read it before

What are you talking about? First you said "Ur article was on a sample amount in the hundreds it says, not overall bought."

My article was actually based on a study.. done by the company that actually fulfills warranties... that was based on over 1000 warranties. AND the story mentions that chances are even THAT number is skewed high.

Your first article isn't even based on a study at all. It's a blurb and a link to an Australian web site that said over 100 Australians contacted them about problems with Xboxes. So they called a couple local gamestop-type stores who spouted off some numbers. (And we already know that sometimes game store employees can quote incorrect numbers ) Of course people w/ problems are going to be more vocal than those who don't. That's a given.

Your second link is an article who is using the same Squaretrade report as mine to CONFIRM the 16% number. But for some reason, you still put the "30%" number next to it.

It sure didn't seem like you were just trying to show WHY you were using your (incorrect) number. I understand why you may have quoted it in the past.. because that's what you had read. It seemed more like you were still trying to convince us that the number was 30%. And it's clearly not! I'm not going to say there aren't higher than average numbers, or that they haven't been a problem. But they haven't been 30%. The numbers show that. So I would hope (especially as a salesperson of that system) that you wouldn't keep propagating that figure. Obviously, to millions of people, any problems have been well worth it because of the great number of games they're able to buy.

What's more, hardware isn't what makes money in this business anyway! It's software. And the Software to Hardware tie-in ratio for the 360 has been considerably higher. So not only are there more 360s than PS3s out there... people buy more games for them as well..

If you want to talk about a quality library, the PS3 isn't catching up any time soon... they may have a few good exclusives coming up, but so does the 360. And the new games don't erase the list of great old games. Especially for those who are just now buying the system. Those "old" games might as well be new releases to them!

Take gamerankings.com, for instance. The 360 already has 90 games w/ an average score of over 80%, vs the PS3's 45. If you drop the target score down to 70%, there you've got 193 games to choose from vs 79 for the PS3. The PS3 simply doesn't have enough in the pipe right now to even the playing-field as far as library goes..
Posted By: Dawgpound017 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/28/08 06:03 AM
Well no kidding. It had a year head start.

The lineup for the next year is looking to be highly in favor of the PS3 IMO. The libraries right now are no contest. The 360 has a bigger and better library. They've had much more time to put out games.
Posted By: brownsfan2119 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/28/08 12:22 PM

The lineup for the next year is looking to be highly in favor of the PS3 IMO.

Sounds like a Tribe fan, "wait till next year"

Posted By: Dawgpound017 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/28/08 03:35 PM
Tribe fan? No, more like a Browns fan.

But seriously, look at the games the PS3 has coming out. I think it's a no-contest.
Posted By: ndutyme Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/28/08 05:49 PM
Both systems have a lot of good games on the horizon.

By most people's opinions...360 had a better showing at E3. We'll see just how much that actually matters, but to say PS3 has the better games coming out is a no-contest...

I plan to get a PS3 at some point, and I'll have all three systems.

After the novelty of the Wii wore off..I barely play it. It's hard playing regular games with that damn remote and nunchuk.
Posted By: WinslowBodden Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/28/08 07:28 PM

Tribe fan? No, more like a Browns fan.

But seriously, look at the games the PS3 has coming out. I think it's a no-contest.

PS3 has a brighter future at this point, I'm afraid to say anything though because 360 fans will attack me!
Posted By: ndutyme Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/28/08 09:17 PM
No need to attack...although this thread has been hijack by you PS3 fanboys!

I fail to see, however, why you think the PS3 has a "brighter" future than 360. They're both on even tracks at this point. Most third-party games are multi-platform. Both systems have blockbuster exclusives. So, why is PS3's future brighter?
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/28/08 10:30 PM


Tribe fan? No, more like a Browns fan.

But seriously, look at the games the PS3 has coming out. I think it's a no-contest.

PS3 has a brighter future at this point, I'm afraid to say anything though because 360 fans will attack me!

oh come on, the ps3 kids are just as bad, if not worse...
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/28/08 10:31 PM

After the novelty of the Wii wore off..I barely play it. It's hard playing regular games with that damn remote and nunchuk.

i never bought into the whole wii thing... looks kinda fun, i dont understand the craze of treating it like it were a cure for cancer... someone posted a note on our bulletin board at working trying to sell a used one for almost 400 bucks. please.

i need my sticks, ill take the ps3 or the 360 over the wii ten times out of ten, and this is coming from someone who was raised by mario and luigi.
Posted By: DawgMichelle Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/28/08 11:01 PM
And, I'll take my Wii over your systems any day of the week. If I want to play with old school controllers, I'll drag out my Gamecube.
Posted By: WinslowBodden Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/29/08 04:09 AM

No need to attack...although this thread has been hijack by you PS3 fanboys!

I fail to see, however, why you think the PS3 has a "brighter" future than 360. They're both on even tracks at this point. Most third-party games are multi-platform. Both systems have blockbuster exclusives. So, why is PS3's future brighter?

Im not a PS3 fanboy I just bought a 360 first off!!!

Secondly, I think the PS3 has more exclusives and better overall quality but thats all opinion based.

I like the lineup of Socom, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, FF13 versus, God of war 3, Little Big Planet, White Knight Story etc. and the possibility of a ff7 remake/sequel on the PS3.

Both systems have good titles coming out I just like PS3's exclusives a bit more.
Posted By: ndutyme Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/29/08 01:32 PM

I'm not a PS3 fanboy I just bought a 360 first off!!!

I was just messin with ya man


Secondly, I think the PS3 has more exclusives and better overall quality but thats all opinion based.

Key word...OPINION!


Both systems have good titles coming out I just like PS3's exclusives a bit more.

You could've just said that!
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/29/08 02:59 PM

And, I'll take my Wii over your systems any day of the week. If I want to play with old school controllers, I'll drag out my Gamecube.

you go play with your wii then

oh, that sounds so dirty
Posted By: BuckDawg1946 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/30/08 02:08 PM

i never bought into the whole wii thing...

whoaa this thread is going all over the place,,,,, but

I agree, take wii games.

Tennis, if Im want to swing a stick back and forth, Im gonna find a tennis court and play "real tennis" Its just to much work for me, for a video game.
Posted By: Dawgpound017 Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 07/31/08 02:35 PM

Both systems have a lot of good games on the horizon.

By most people's opinions...360 had a better showing at E3. We'll see just how much that actually matters, but to say PS3 has the better games coming out is a no-contest...

I plan to get a PS3 at some point, and I'll have all three systems.

After the novelty of the Wii wore off..I barely play it. It's hard playing regular games with that damn remote and nunchuk.

Who are "most people?"

The only "people" that I heard say they thought Microsoft won E3 were on G4.

IGN said Sony had a better lineup.

Dawgpound017 thought Sony won it as well (doesn't that count the most? )

AOL said it as well.

And this little quote I picked up today on Gamedaily.com :

"After hearing all these announcements, it's clear that Sony has the best lineup. Little Big Planet offers gobs of family fun, MotorStorm is easily one of the year's hottest racers and Resistance 2 looks epic. Sorry Microsoft and Nintendo, but you blew your chance to upstage PlayStation. Indeed, 2008 is the year of PS3."
Posted By: WinslowBodden Re: XBoX 360 Problem - 08/01/08 01:41 AM
I still think Sony has the biggest lineup and did a great job but Microsoft had the biggest announcement by stealing an exclusive.

If Halo had been announced at E3 they would have probably won in most peoples books, but they didnt announce it.
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