Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg

And the continuous divisiveness, hate, bigotry, and malice that it takes to author tweets like this daily does not frighten you at all? smh

Cut and paste from a different thread - hope you do not mind OCD.

So ... AOC was born and raised in New York and she's not white.

What would any of you do if your kids went on a tirade about another person they met - and based on the color of their skin told them to go back "to where you come from " .... ?

I know what the hell I would tell my kids and the discussion that would ensue.

It's despicable. It's most definitely racist. And this is our POTUS ... and I have no doubt the Trump stooges will be applauding. Just wow.
There's no excuse for it. But we both know people will make one up or try to find one. And most of the very same people will vote for him again. It's obvious the type of people he's really trying to cater to with this. But the GOP seems to be fine with it.
There is no excuse for it but there may be a good reason.

Unfortunately, Pit has shut down all conversation on this issue with his post.
That's never stopped you before. You always find some lame excuse.
Didn't stop you from opening your pie hole.

So... what reason could you imagine?

This should be good...
No its not acceptable but the problem is most of them in DC do/say things like that. We need to set term limits for all of Congress and to regulate the lobbying. I think Trump says/does a lot of stupid things but the reason I am for him is that I wanted someone who was not a career politician in charge for once, I think that is the only way we can clear up this mess.
The problem is, there are a lot of fine human beings to choose from that are not politicians. Upstanding people who do not say vile things and attempt to constantly divide our people through their rhetoric.

I can understand the idea of not wanting just another career politician. But the lengths you went to in order to accomplish that was terrible.

And no, most in DC do not say things like that. You may find a few, but not the many you claim.
Right on Trump!

Tell these Anti-Americans where to get off!

Anti-Americans are 100% of the Democratic Party with a lot of Republicans too.
I can understand the idea of not wanting just another career politician. But the lengths you went to in order to accomplish that was terrible.

I disagree, While I find some of the things Trump says or does despicable he does do some good things and I think he's done a good job at running the country plus I think that if Hillary had won this country we would be in an even bigger mess both in how the country is running and in the Political aspect.
I will comment and voice my opinion, but I refuse to engage in tit for tat arguments with people on here.

No, this is not acceptable. It's racist (all but one who he is targeting with this tweet were born in America). Omar is the only one who was born abroad, however, she is a US citizen just as much as you and I. So, it is horrible, disgusting and appalling that this is even acceptable. It's also sexist as he often targets women and, in particular, women of color. The Republican Party should have the back bone to denounce this immediately. Whether or not they will remains to be seen.
Originally Posted By: SuperBrown
Anti-Americans are 100% of the Democratic Party with a lot of Republicans too.

This makes no sense. It’s not surprising coming from Sir Likeshisownposts.

So as to not confuse you. Something can not be 100% something’s fault... but also some other things fault too. 100% means all. So if the Republicans are ‘a lot’ of the anti Americans then it’s impossible for the Dems to be 100% at fault.

Did you not learn this basic stuff in school. Or did you go to Wharton, or trump U? I ask because you communicate as coherently as the turd in chief.

Or are you implying that all Democrats are anti American. If so that’s as absurd as claiming trump isn’t racist.
He is a pathetic human being.
Originally Posted By: BADdog
He is a pathetic human being.

Hey... just because Super supports the lying racist pile of stacked crap with a bad hair cut and an equally laughable tie it doesn’t make him a pathetic human bei... oh I see... you were referring to trump. Proceed.
why does it have to be an 'either/or' thing?
Originally Posted By: PDXBrownsFan
I will comment and voice my opinion, but I refuse to engage in tit for tat arguments with people on here.

Omar is the only one who was born abroad, however, she is a US citizen just as much as you and I.

Will Chamberlain
‏ @willchamberlain


Ilhan Omar pled for leniency for 9 men convicted of attempting to join ISIS

She argued for “including” and “rehabilitating” wannabe Islamist terrorists

She may be American, by law

But her politics are un-American
I don't see anything racist. He is merely telling them to put up or shut up. He is telling them to go back to their district and fix things up so great so you cna show the rest of us how its done. Of course people like AOC couldn't manage a lemonade stand let alone fix a Congressional District.

Even Pelosi doesn't like these 4 morons. Thankfully they are one term and outs they won't get back in, the Democratic Party higher ups will ensure that.
well this thread went exactly as expected.
I do not like the personal attacks in Trump's twitter. There is no place for that. But, I also do not like all of the hate I see coming from the left. They can say anything they want about Trump, Republicans, and conservatives. If Trump, a Republican, or a conservative say anything they disagree with they scream racists, bigot, etc....

For crying out loud many democrats are so small in their thinking they refuse to visit the White House when they win championships. Grow up!

If you do not like the President it is OK to disagree with him and debate what is right and wrong. But, this 3 years fit throwing exercise from the left is beyond tiring.
I won't get into the tit for tat debate, but those comments are very upsetting. They are racist and meant to incite. There are no justifications for such rhetoric.
Originally Posted By: SuperBrown
Right on Trump!

Tell these Anti-Americans where to get off!

Anti-Americans are 100% of the Democratic Party with a lot of Republicans too.

Anti-Americans... if you are not with trump you are Anti-Americans. If you are not a bigot you are Anti-Americans. If you want change that helps people you are Anti-Americans. More divisive rhetoric from the Trump camp and the brown shirts love it... smh

SuperBrown (shirt) doesn't have a clue what it is to be a true American. He thinks Trumps hate is true American. If it were not so childishly small minded and pathetic, it would be laughable. But this "Anti-American" Potus is killing democracy one subpar intelect at a time.
So, the people that call everyone that disagrees with them racists, bigots, homophobes, misogynists, etc., are always given a pass, but the rest of us are just supposed to accept it. These 4 dems in question are the most antisemitic people in congress. The dems will vote them in over and over again if they get the chance, and never see their hypocrisy.
President Trump should attack socialism as anti-american and not the individual. I agree with that.

What I do not agree with is his comments as racist or sexiest where progressives always run to for protection.

These freshman congresswomen are grown ups and have thrown quite a few stones themselves. They have thrown hate at Jewish people and have no room to scream racist in my opinion.
President Trump should attack socialism as anti-american and not the individual. I agree with that.

What I do not agree with is his comments as racist or sexiest where progressives always run to for protection.

These freshman congresswomen are grown ups and have thrown quite a few stones themselves. They have thrown hate at Jewish people and have no room to scream racist in my opinion.
You can say that again! thumbsup
Originally Posted By: Knight_Of_Brown
I don't see anything racist. He is merely telling them to put up or shut up. He is telling them to go back to their district and fix things up so great so you cna show the rest of us how its done. Of course people like AOC couldn't manage a lemonade stand let alone fix a Congressional District.

Even Pelosi doesn't like these 4 morons. Thankfully they are one term and outs they won't get back in, the Democratic Party higher ups will ensure that.

Oh I'm sure Trump meant 'district' when he said go back where they came from thumbsup People like you are the problem.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
You can say that again! thumbsup
He did.
And I agree with both statements.
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell
So, the people that call everyone that disagrees with them racists, bigots, homophobes, misogynists, etc., are always given a pass, but the rest of us are just supposed to accept it. These 4 dems in question are the most antisemitic people in congress. The dems will vote them in over and over again if they get the chance, and never see their hypocrisy.

The only good that comes out of these outrageous trumpian episodes is the spotlight certain people are happy to shine upon themselves... #TrueColorsShiningThrough
One thing we can all agree on is that if anybody needs proof of our broken system the Twitter war between Trump, Pelosi and AOC is it. Instead of tweeting at each other perhaps it would be best to sit down and actually discuss how to work together to solve the issues at the border. First world problems = Social Media feuds/wars. Meanwhile, people are inhumanely imprisoned and dying on the border.
Its just sad that our political establishment has turned into this nonsense. Disagreement is a vital cog in the political machine that moves this country forward.

It is absolutely essential that people from both sides work together to produce solutions that can be acceptable to those from both sides of the aisle.

But the past decades have seen political discourse fall into a state of continual quarreling over which side is incapable of reasonable discourse....


At this point, neither side is trying to address contemporary issues with the harmonious coordination that is necessary to steer the US towards a prosperous future. Neither side wants to concede an inch, while they repeatedly point fingers across the aisle for the current state of affairs.

The left and the right both share the core common characteristics required for progress....they are both made up of politically-minded human-beings, supposedly committed to public service.

However, it seems the whole of American political culture has devolved into tit-for-tat stupidity that places more value on assigning blame, discrediting opposing opinions through endless quibbling without any regard for reasoned discourse, and instead focusing on a deluge of unsubstantiated half-truths and audacious misrepresentations...

Its become a grade-school debate and the moderators are out to lunch. And the American people just eat it up...

I dont feel the President should be acting like unprofessional twitter trash, any more then the Congress people should be acting like unprofessional twitter trash.

They ALL need to grow tf up. You people are government officals, arent you? Start acting like it.
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell
So, the people that call everyone that disagrees with them racists, bigots, homophobes, misogynists, etc., are always given a pass, but the rest of us are just supposed to accept it. These 4 dems in question are the most antisemitic people in congress. The dems will vote them in over and over again if they get the chance, and never see their hypocrisy.

The only good that comes out of these outrageous trumpian episodes is the spotlight certain people are happy to shine upon themselves... #TrueColorsShiningThrough

You can take your true colors and go finger paint with them. If you can't see the screaming racists dems for what they are (people that want to shut down debate), then you are useless in any argument.
Originally Posted By: EveDawg

I dont feel the President should be acting like unprofessional twitter trash, any more then the Congress people should be acting like unprofessional twitter trash.

They ALL need to grow tf up. You people are government officals, arent you? Start acting like it.

They are supposed to be representatives of the people and judging by these threads, they are doing just fine!
No. Thats like saying the inmates should run the asylum.

I have a higher expectation of our govt, than to act toxic online.

Nice posts by PDX and Tyler. Eve's first post was good, too.
You are right you know. thumbsup
jc again

The even sadder part of all this....If you apply for a professional job of some kind in todays society, they will frequently background check your social media.

If you behave online ANYTHING like our govt officials do, you will never have another professional job again.

How pathetic is that.
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
jc again

The even sadder part of all this....If you apply for a professional job of some kind in todays society, they will frequently background check your social media.

If you behave online ANYTHING like our govt officials do, you will never have another professional job again.

How pathetic is that.

I agree completely.
Originally Posted By: SuperBrown
Right on Trump!

Tell these Anti-Americans where to get off!

Anti-Americans are 100% of the Democratic Party with a lot of Republicans too.

100% correct.
Check the source.

This is the same region, that fought against segregation, not one generation ago.
Originally Posted By: Knight_Of_Brown
I don't see anything racist. He is merely telling them to put up or shut up. He is telling them to go back to their district....

Stop covering for the racist POS. .

He made his racist intent known in other tweets...
“So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all)....”

He’s correct in one part of his diatribe. They do come originally from a place where there’s a barely functioning government. The US.... because trump and his band of corrupt malcontents are running it. .
Originally Posted By: Knight_Of_Brown
I don't see anything racist. He is merely telling them to put up or shut up. He is telling them to go back to their district and fix things up so great so you cna show the rest of us how its done. Of course people like AOC couldn't manage a lemonade stand let alone fix a Congressional District.

Even Pelosi doesn't like these 4 morons. Thankfully they are one term and outs they won't get back in, the Democratic Party higher ups will ensure that.

Have you read the tweet? He doesn't say "go back to your districts" he literally says "who originally came from countries whose governments..." and he later says "why don't they go back where they came" and then finishes saying "free travel arrangements".

Don't kid yourself and say the language he uses is about going back to the Bronx, Michigan, Minnesota or Massachusetts. This is pure and simple racist, hateful and derogatory vitriol being spewed by our President at 4 American women of color. It's disgusting, but sadly something we have seen him do many times before.
Three of the four congressmen he attacked were born in the USA.. One in NY, one in Ohio and another in Michigan.

So at least in those cases, they are doing what he says they should do... trying to fix their home land.

Trump is an idiot, moron and racist... He can't deny it any longer.

The real question is, where are the republicans.... Why are NONE of them standing up to him..

Originally Posted By: Damanshot
The real question is, where are the republicans.... Why are NONE of them standing up to him..


They have never stood up to him. Paul Ryan was outspoken in his criticism during the campaign, but when Trump won Ryan couldn't run fast enough to him. Even with tail between his legs he put on some lame charade acting all chummy like Trump was his new best friend. You can name on two or three fingers the number of Republicans who have actually stood up to him and one of them is now deceased.

They are spineless and in many respects they are worse than Trump for being spineless sheep.
George Will has a descriptor he uses for them all:

There is no defense for what Trump said. None.

However, we shouldn't fall to that level and make all-encompassing statements about an entire group. We should resort to derogatory labeling that only further the divide.

I think we should use it as an opportunity to improve the political and social climate here in the United States by making positive suggestions and not falling into a perpetual exchange of the sides trading insults.
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell

You can take your true colors and go finger paint with them. If you can't see the screaming racists dems for what they are (people that want to shut down debate), then you are useless in any argument.

People who wish to shut down debate? You mean about trump's name calling on twitter? About his rhetoric designed to divide our nation rather than unite it?

In order to debate that you first have to admit that's what's happening here.
Here's a suggestion that might help to improve things:

Get more than 3 Republicans to stand up and denounce low-class rhetoric like this. Every time they stand on the sidelines when he does this, they send a message to America that this is perfectly acceptable behavior.

It's a great idea for adults to 'set a good example,' but when the brat is acting out, first order of business is to throttle the bad behavior.

He will continue to act like this until he's made to pay a price for it. As long as the GOP sits in silence, it will be treated as a partisan issue instead of a moral and ethical one. He needs all adults to sit him down or spank that ass.
Unfortunately the GOP have made their bed. You can read it by members on this board who support the president. Rhetoric such as "Democrats are unamerican, and most republicans are too" etc. If any republican goes after Trump, the machine will work to primary that candidate away as early as possible.

Republicans say nothing because they want to hold onto the little power they do have.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
There is no defense for what Trump said. None.

However, we shouldn't fall to that level and make all-encompassing statements about an entire group. We should resort to derogatory labeling that only further the divide.

I think we should use it as an opportunity to improve the political and social climate here in the United States by making positive suggestions and not falling into a perpetual exchange of the sides trading insults.


Nobody wants to hold hands when both sides think the other has cooties... but whatever, we all get your point each and every time you try to make it. just doesn't seem that many are buying into it.
Originally Posted By: PDXBrownsFan
Originally Posted By: Damanshot
The real question is, where are the republicans.... Why are NONE of them standing up to him..


They have never stood up to him. Paul Ryan was outspoken in his criticism during the campaign, but when Trump won Ryan couldn't run fast enough to him. Even with tail between his legs he put on some lame charade acting all chummy like Trump was his new best friend. You can name on two or three fingers the number of Republicans who have actually stood up to him and one of them is now deceased.

They are spineless and in many respects

Ryan seems to be speaking out now, where was his backbone when he was in office?
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
There is no defense for what Trump said. None.

However, we shouldn't fall to that level and make all-encompassing statements about an entire group. We should resort to derogatory labeling that only further the divide.

I think we should use it as an opportunity to improve the political and social climate here in the United States by making positive suggestions and not falling into a perpetual exchange of the sides trading insults.

I respect what you are saying, but with this president, there is no opportunity to fix any of that. He created it, he pushes it and he thinks that is what makes him a winner.. he won't work with anyone...

Well he's spewing again. He just said that those women seem to never be happy. So if they aren't happy, they can leave.

I guess he doesn't understand the history of this nation. But then again, who would be surprised by that?

I guess maybe when our forefathers weren't happy, they should have just left?

When blacks fought for civil rights they should have just gone back to Africa?

Maybe when women were unhappy about not having the right to vote they should have went back to Womanlandia?

Maybe when the gay community fights for the right not to be treated like second class citizens thay should go back to Gaylovakia?

This nation has always been about people standing up for the wrongs they see. About fighting to change America for the better.

What he just said is about as unAmerican as anything a president could say.
What he just said is about as unAmerican as anything any citizen could say

Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
There is no defense for what Trump said. None.

However, we shouldn't fall to that level and make all-encompassing statements about an entire group. We should resort to derogatory labeling that only further the divide.

I think we should use it as an opportunity to improve the political and social climate here in the United States by making positive suggestions and not falling into a perpetual exchange of the sides trading insults.

Vers, I have said similar things before.

As time has gone on I have become more vocal with the republicans in other positions on the federal and state level that represent me that remaining silent on stuff like this is no longer an option.

I hold little hope that Trump is ever going to change, in fact he seems to be getting worse if that's possible. What is at stake now, from my perspective, in other races for house/senate and state and local positions is what were you willing to stand up for. Running as a republican in the next election, while remaining silent on your feelings about Donald Trump, isn't going to cut it for me.

I would never rule out voting for a particular party simply because of the letter behind them.... but if you are going to have an "R" behind your name and you want my vote... then I want to know what kind of position you took on Trumps buffoonery.
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
There is no defense for what Trump said. None.

However, we shouldn't fall to that level and make all-encompassing statements about an entire group. We should resort to derogatory labeling that only further the divide.

I think we should use it as an opportunity to improve the political and social climate here in the United States by making positive suggestions and not falling into a perpetual exchange of the sides trading insults.

Vers, I have said similar things before.

As time has gone on I have become more vocal with the republicans in other positions on the federal and state level that represent me that remaining silent on stuff like this is no longer an option.

I hold little hope that Trump is ever going to change, in fact he seems to be getting worse if that's possible. What is at stake now, from my perspective, in other races for house/senate and state and local positions is what were you willing to stand up for. Running as a republican in the next election, while remaining silent on your feelings about Donald Trump, isn't going to cut it for me.

I would never rule out voting for a particular party simply because of the letter behind them.... but if you are going to have an "R" behind your name and you want my vote... then I want to know what kind of position you took on Trumps buffoonery.

Wow! I never thought I'd read that out of you. I know you are not a fan of Trump but you seem to be a strongly rooted moderate conservative and I struggle to imagine you voting for anyone left of moderate center left. I would even have thought that the most centrist candidate running on the left would be too far left for you to consider tbh.
Trump can't help but double down when he gets major pushback from the left, even when other republicans are wincing. I thought Lindsey Graham's comments were a little nuts today too.

Wow! I never thought I'd read that out of you. I know you are not a fan of Trump but you seem to be a strongly rooted moderate conservative and I struggle to imagine you voting for anyone left of moderate center left. I would even have thought that the most centrist candidate running on the left would be too far left for you to consider tbh.

Center left isn't a problem. Left of center left and it starts to get more difficult.

I think most of my positions are fairly moderate and I look for a candidate, like most people do, who are close to me in the most important issues... but I also want to vote for a person of reasonable character... Trump fails miserably at meeting that criteria as would anybody who hasn't taken a position on him.... They don't have to attack him with vitriolic hatred, but if they don't have a track record of calling him out when he crosses the line, then I will interpret that as one of two things... either passive agreement you are afraid to vocalize... or spinelessness that you fear losing some right wing votes more than you want to do the right thing. Neither of which is acceptable.
So if the election were held today, who would you support for president out of the declared field?
I have to be anonymous on my twitter for espousing very mild non PC opinions on politics. Had I posted something like this, under my real name, on the internet most companies would black ball me. Zero chance I would say this on a verified, account with my name associated with it and not be at a minimum called into HR.

The same guy who pounds the table with "come here LEGALLY" telling people who did to go back because he doesn't like their rhetoric. While I understand the point he is terribly trying to make, the idea that you left your horribly oppressive country to come here for a better life. That does not mean they have to toe your line of thinking. Something Americans more and more do not handle well....fair and honest criticism. I can't tell you how often my fair and honest critique is met with fire and brimstone.

I might not like Ohmar and I generally don't think AOC is very calculated (all heart no head). That doesn't mean every criticism they have is anti American, sometimes they are just right. Even if they are completely off base and deluded, it's good to at least try to understand the points they are trying to make and the same goes for Trump.
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
So if the election were held today, who would you support for president out of the declared field?

I haven't looked into each of the dems enough to make that declaration. I have heard some things I've like and some things I didn't from pretty much all of them. Kind of hoping you can weed out about 8-10 of them and get it to a more manageable group for me to look into.
Hmmmm.........it seems posters are thinking I am defending Trump? I wasn't. Not even close. I just don't think assigning labels and being narrow minded is very productive.

I get that OCD and others say no one is listening to me and I'm okay w/that. I am just voicing my opinion on things. I am not asking others to follow along. I am just not the type of person who follows along.

I would have never supported slavery back in the day. I would have never hated Jews had I lived in Germany. I would not have hated someone who had a different religion than mine had I lived in Ireland or Bosnia. I'm just not wired that way.

And again, I am NOT asking anyone to agree w/me about treating other folks as individuals instead of assigning labels and categorizing them into large, shapeless groups, but I"m going to tell all y'all something......I'll voice my opinion on how I feel any damn time I please.
I can't believe this guy. I have no idea how anyone can defend the things he says. Check out these latest comments:


Trump says congresswomen he insulted should apologize to him
Kadia Tubman 9 hours ago

President Trump apparently called on four newly elected congresswomen of color to apologize to him after he said they should “go back” to their “broken and crime infested” countries. The comments were widely condemned as racist — and three of the four were born in the U.S.

“When will the Radical Left Congresswomen apologize to our Country, the people of Israel and even to the Office of the President, for the foul language they have used, and the terrible things they have said,” Trump tweeted Monday. “So many people are angry at them & their horrible & disgusting actions!”

Trump’s “foul language” jab was apparently referring to Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., who once vowed that Congress would “impeach the motherf***er.” Trump lashed out again against “foul language” in a following tweet.

“If Democrats want to unite around the foul language & racist hatred spewed from the mouths and actions of these very unpopular & unrepresentative Congresswomen, it will be interesting to see how it plays out,” he wrote.

His comments came after Democrats, including presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Beto O’Rourke, along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, denounced the inflammatory tweets as racist.

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” Trump tweeted on Sunday. “Then come back and show us how it is done.”

The nativist rhetoric “go back to your country” is often used in racist and xenophobic attacks, including a hate crime in New York City last week in which a female Hispanic construction worker was attacked and told, “You’re here taking jobs from Americans.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., one of the “‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen” Trump was referring to in his tweets over the weekend, hit back at the president on Sunday, reminding him that she was born in the United States.

“You are angry because you can’t conceive of an America that includes us,” wrote Ocasio-Cortez, who has the same birthplace as Trump’s father. “You rely on a frightened America for your plunder.”

The four newly elected Democratic women, who call themselves “the squad,” are Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. Omar became a refugee at age 10 when a brutal civil war devastated Somalia, a predominantly Muslim country in East Africa, and became a U.S. citizen in 2000.

The first Somali-American in Congress and first hijab-wearing Muslim member of the House, Omar, who has faced fierce opposition over her controversial statements about Israel, also responded to Trump Sunday, tweeting: “You are stoking white nationalism [because] you are angry that people like us are serving in Congress and fighting against your hate-filled agenda.”

Trump had interjected an ongoing feud between House progressives and the Democratic establishment over a border spending bill when he called out the four freshman congresswomen. Last week, after Ocasio-Cortez had accused the speaker of the House of persistently “singling out” women of color, Trump defended Pelosi. “I'll tell you something about Nancy Pelosi that you know better than I do: She is not a racist,” he said.
In this combination image from left; Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., July 10, 2019, Washington, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., March 12, 2019, in Washington, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY., July 12, 2019, in Washington, and Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., July 10, 2019, in Washington. In tweets Sunday, President Donald Trump portrays the lawmakers as foreign-born troublemakers who should go back to their home countries. In fact, the lawmakers, except one, were born in the U.S.

Pelosi, however, rejected Trump’s “xenophobic comments meant to divide our nation,” tweeting, “When @realDonaldTrump tells four American Congresswomen to go back to their countries, he reaffirms his plan to ‘Make America Great Again’ has always been about making America white again.”

Later Monday morning, Trump doubled down on his defense by quoting Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., from “Fox & Friends.”

“‘We all know that AOC and this crowd are a bunch of Communists,’” Trump wrote, quoting Graham. “‘They hate Israel, they hate our own Country, they’re calling the guards along our Border (the Border Patrol Agents) Concentration Camp Guards, they accuse people who support Israel as doing it for the Benjamin’s, they are Anti-Semitic, they are Anti-America, we don’t need to know anything about them personally, talk about their policies. I think they are American citizens who are duly elected that are running on an agenda that is disgusting.’”


Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Hmmmm.........it seems posters are thinking I am defending Trump? I wasn't. Not even close. I just don't think assigning labels and being narrow minded is very productive.

I get that OCD and others say no one is listening to me and I'm okay w/that. I am just voicing my opinion on things. I am not asking others to follow along. I am just not the type of person who follows along.

I would have never supported slavery back in the day. I would have never hated Jews had I lived in Germany. I would not have hated someone who had a different religion than mine had I lived in Ireland or Bosnia. I'm just not wired that way.

And again, I am NOT asking anyone to agree w/me about treating other folks as individuals instead of assigning labels and categorizing them into large, shapeless groups, but I"m going to tell all y'all something......I'll voice my opinion on how I feel any damn time I please.

Vers, I don't mind you voicing your opinion one bit. But when you slam me because you want to make a point that your views are better, I'ma slap back every time. wink And you don't like the labels but I bet (FWIW) it wouldn't take much looking to find a label you've put on me.

When others are hitting you with labels like extremist, socialist, commie, lefty, libtard, etc. They are just trying to shut you down and silence you because you think differently and have opposing views. But some posters I expect more from, you are one of those.
Originally Posted By: EveDawg

I dont feel the President should be acting like unprofessional twitter trash, any more then the Congress people should be acting like unprofessional twitter trash.

They ALL need to grow tf up. You people are government officals, arent you? Start acting like it.

100% agree with this... both sides need to act like the leaders of this country.... so sad...
I don't have a label for you. I was just trying to make one up after reading your post, but I drew a blank. And I have no problem w/you "slapping back." I did take the first shot at you the other night.
Originally Posted By: jaybird
Originally Posted By: EveDawg

I dont feel the President should be acting like unprofessional twitter trash, any more then the Congress people should be acting like unprofessional twitter trash.

They ALL need to grow tf up. You people are government officals, arent you? Start acting like it.

100% agree with this... both sides need to act like the leaders of this country.... so sad...

I guess everyone else should just stay silent when the president posts racist, hateful twitter rants because that would be so much better.

July 16, 2019

'The Squad' should apologize to Trump, America, and Israel

By Christopher Paslay

During the recent spat between President Trump and "The Squad" — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts — Trump asked when the four women would atone for their anti-American and anti-Semitic behavior. Early Monday morning, Trump tweeted:

When will the Radical Left Congresswomen apologize to our Country, the people of Israel and even to the Office of the President, for the foul language they have used, and the terrible things they have said. So many people are angry at them & their horrible & disgusting actions!

For Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, this involves making amends for disparaging the officers of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) — the men and women who risk their lives to keep both Americans and immigrants safe — as well as asking forgiveness for disrespecting the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust.

"The U.S. is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly what they are. That is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps," Ocasio-Cortez said in an Instagram video. "The fact that concentration camps are now an institutionalized practice in the Home of the Free is extraordinarily disturbing, and we need to do something about it."

Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement director Mark Morgan was insulted by the comment. "It's completely inappropriate, it's reckless, it's irresponsible, it's misinformed, and it's flat-out wrong," Morgan said in an interview. Josh Holmes, former chief of staff for Mitch McConnell, called Ocasio-Cortez's comments "an alarming and dangerous equivalence that suggests a breathtaking lack of appreciation for the unparalleled evil of the Holocaust."

Ilhan Omar must also apologize. In January, Omar tweeted that Israel had "hypnotized the world" and later stated that American support for Israel was "all about the Benjamins" and involved "allegiance" to a foreign country. As David French wrote in the National Review, "[e]ach of these statements represents a classic anti-Semitic trope, and the latter statements were made after she came under fire for her previous comments. She knew she was under scrutiny and yet doubled down."

At a CAIR event in the spring, Omar callously described the 9/11 terrorist attacks as "some people did something," which sparked a large pro-Israel protest. According to an article in the National Review, CAIR was listed by the Department of Justice as an unindicted co-conspirator in funneling millions of dollars to Hamas, although to this day, CAIR vehemently denies this.

Rashida Tlaib, too, must make amends for her callous comments. Last June, she tweeted, "ICE is terrorizing our communities with zero accountability. ICE is a recent invention that makes our neighborhoods less safe, vindictively and cruelly tearing families apart. I'm proud to stand with the growing movement to #AbolishICE!"

Incredibly, just hours after being sworn in, Tlaib said in reference to President Trump, "When your son looks at you and said, 'Mamma, look, you won — bullies don't win.' And I said, 'Baby they don't, because we're gonna go in there and we're gonna impeach the m‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑!'"

Then there are Tlaib's insensitive comments about the Holocaust. In May, she told a Yahoo News podcast that there's a "calming feeling" she gets when she thinks of the Holocaust, explaining that it was the Palestinians who gave up their land to help Jews.

Although Tlaib's words were taken out of context by some, this didn't excuse her from using the Holocaust for political gain. Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, wrote that "ADL strongly disagrees with the congresswoman's comments" and went on to correct her misinformation; Arabs who lived in British Mandate Palestine did not welcome Jews who fled to their historic homeland after the Holocaust.

Finally, there's Ayanna Pressley, who has some insensitive things of her own to account for. According to the Washington Examiner:

Speaking at the Netroots Nation convention in Philadelphia on Saturday, Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley claimed black and brown people who work for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection are "a cog" in the machine that perpetuates oppression and incarceration of people that "look just like them."

Do these comments — some of which are not only disrespectful to the Office of the President, but also clearly anti-American as well as anti-Semitic — warrant an apology from members of "The Squad"? You bet they do. If these four congresswomen don't take responsibility for their rhetoric, America should send them a message at the ballot box in 2020.

Trump is actually saying, "I'm a racist! Tell me you're sorry!"
No depth is too low... Criticising the 'right' wing government in Israel is not a crime. Being Muslim is not a crime. Being brown is not a crime. Nobody owes Trump a damn thing, he made the racist comments and he doesn't want to own up. So yet again, you march out in his defense like a good little trumpbot.
J\C Did Trump actually say he was a racist or is it just what you gleen from his tweets ?
When someone posts racism, it's plain to see. Are you seriously asking if Trump came out and said he was a racist?

“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” a former employee of Trump’s Castle, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, told a writer for The New Yorker).

The Justice Department’s 1973 lawsuit against Trump Management Company focused on 39 properties in New York City. The government alleged that employees were directed to tell African American lease applicants that there were no open apartments. Company policy, according to an employee quoted in court documents, was to rent only to “Jews and executives.”

elyse goldweber: I went to a place called Operation Open City. What they had done was send “testers”—meaning one white couple and one couple of color—to Trump Village, a very large, lower-middle-class housing project in Brooklyn. And of course the white people were treated great, and for the people of color there were no apartments. We subpoenaed all their documents. That’s how we found that a person’s application, if you were a person of color, had a big C on it.

The Department of Justice brings the case and we name Fred Trump, the father, and Donald Trump, the son, and Donald hires Roy Cohn, of Army-McCarthy fame. [Cohn, a Trump mentor, had served as Senator Joe McCarthy’s chief counsel during his investigations of alleged Communists in the government and was accused of pressuring the Army to give preferential treatment to a personal friend.] Cohn turns around and sues us for $100 million. This was my first appearance as a lawyer in court. Cohn spoke for two hours, then the judge ruled from the bench that you can’t sue the government for prosecuting you. The next week we took the depositions. My boss took Fred’s, and I got to take Donald’s. He was exactly the way he is today. He said to me at one point during a coffee break, “You know, you don’t want to live with them either.”

Everyone in the world has looked for that deposition. We cannot find it. Trump always acted like he was irritated to be there. He denied everything, and we went on with our case. We had the records with the C, and we had the testers, and you could see that everything was lily-white over there. Ultimately they settled—they signed a consent decree. They had to post all their apartments with the Urban League, advertise in the Amsterdam News, many other things. It was pretty strong.

The so-called Central Park Five were a group of black and Latino teens who were accused—wrongly—of raping a white woman in Central Park on April 19, 1989. Donald Trump took out full-page ads in all four major New York newspapers to argue that perpetrators of crimes such as this one “should be forced to suffer” and “be executed.” In two trials, in August and December 1990, the youths were convicted of violent offenses including assault, robbery, rape, sodomy, and attempted murder; their sentences ranged from five to 15 years in prison. In 2002, after the discovery of exonerating DNA evidence and the confession by another individual to the crime, the convictions of the Central Park Five were vacated. The men were awarded a settlement of $41 million for false arrest, malicious prosecution, and a racially motivated conspiracy to deprive them of their rights. Trump took to the pages of the New York Daily News, calling the settlement “a disgrace.” During his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump would again insist on the guilt of the Central Park Five.

In the early 1990s, Trump attempted to block the building of new casinos in Connecticut and New York that could cut into his casino operations in Atlantic City. (All of Trump’s casinos eventually went into bankruptcy.) In October 1993, Trump appeared before the House Subcommittee on Native American Affairs of the Committee on Natural Resources. The subcommittee was chaired by Bill Richardson, later New Mexico’s governor. Trump was there to support an effort to modify legislation that had given Native American tribes the right to own and operate casinos. George Miller, a Democrat from California and the chair of the Committee on Natural Resources, was also present.

Tadd Johnson, of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Bois Forte Band, served as the Democratic counsel on the subcommittee. Rick Hill is a former chair of the National Indian Gaming Association and of the Oneida Tribe in Wisconsin. Pat Williams was a member of Congress from Montana.

Trump began by noting that he had prepared a “politically correct” statement for the committee, but almost immediately went off script. The hearing became loud and acrimonious. “They Don’t Look Like Indians to Me”

Later, using a front organization called the New York Institute for Law and Society, Trump and his associate Roger Stone placed advertisements in upstate–New York newspapers in an attempt to block the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s planned Sullivan County casino. On a page proof of one ad, featuring hypodermic needles and lines of cocaine, Trump wrote: “Roger, this could be good!” Trump, Stone, and the institute would later pay $250,000 in fines for violating disclosure rules governing political advertising. Bradley Waterman served as general counsel and tax counsel for the Saint Regis Mohawks. Tony Cellini was the town supervisor of Thompson, where the casino was going to be built.

“Our current president came out of nowhere, came out of nowhere … The people who went to school with him—they never saw him; they don’t know who he is.” That statement, made at the February 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference, marked the launch of Donald Trump’s public efforts to sow doubt about whether President Barack Obama had been born in the United States. “Birtherism” had been festering for several years before Trump embraced it—supplanting other proponents and becoming its most prominent advocate. In March, on The View, Trump called on Obama to show his birth certificate. In April, he said that he had dispatched a team of investigators to Hawaii to search for Obama’s birth records.

For Trump, the run-up to birtherism had been a controversy that flared when a Manhattan developer proposed building an Islamic cultural center on a site in Lower Manhattan—the so-called Ground Zero mosque. In 2010, on the Late Show, Trump told David Letterman: “I think it’s very insensitive to build it there. I think it’s not appropriate.” Letterman pushed back, saying that blocking an Islamic facility would be akin to declaring “war with Muslims.” Trump answered: “Somebody’s blowing up buildings, and somebody’s doing lots of bad stuff.” Trump offered to buy out one of the investors in order to halt the project. The action made him one of the project’s key opponents and for the first time gave him national visibility on the political right.

Anti-Muslim sentiment animated Trump’s birtherism campaign. He said of Obama on The Laura Ingraham Show in March 2011: “He doesn’t have a birth certificate, or if he does, there’s something on that certificate that is very bad for him. Now, somebody told me—and I have no idea whether this is bad for him or not, but perhaps it would be—that where it says ‘religion,’ it might have ‘Muslim.’ ” 

Sam Nunberg became an adviser to Trump after working with him to oppose the Islamic cultural center. Jerome Corsi, the author of Where’s the Birth Certificate?, and Orly Taitz, a dentist and an attorney, are among the instigators of the birther movement. Dan Pfeiffer was the White House communications director.

A few days later, at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Obama and the comedian Seth Meyers mocked Trump’s birther claims, leaving Trump red-faced and seething at a table in the audience. Jay Carney was the White House press secretary.

Trump did not let up. In May 2012, he told the CNN host Wolf Blitzer that “a lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate.” In August, he called the birth certificate “a fraud.” Finally, in September 2016, under political pressure during his presidential campaign, Trump acknowledged that Obama had in fact been born in the United States. That was not the end of the matter. In November 2017, The New York Times reported that Trump was still privately asserting that Obama’s birth certificate may have been fraudulent.

Roughly six months into Trump’s presidency, on the night of Friday, August 11, 2017, hundreds of neo-Nazis and white supremacists marched onto the University of Virginia’s campus in Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us” and “Blood and soil,” a Nazi slogan. The “Unite the Right” rally was protesting the proposed removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Confrontations arose between members of the so-called alt-right and groups of counterprotesters, including members of the anti-fascist movement known as “antifa.”

Mike Signer, Charlottesville’s mayor, had been dealing with far-right protests all summer. Richard Spencer was one of the key figures behind the “Unite the Right” rally.

David Duke, the former Ku Klux Klan leader, who participated in the Charlottesville rally, called it a “turning point” for his own movement, which seeks to “fulfill the promises of Donald Trump.” Will Peyton, the rector of St. Paul’s Memorial Church, near the UVA campus, hosted an interfaith service in opposition to the rally. As alt-right protesters marched by, the roughly 700 people in the church were advised to stay inside for their own safety.

On August 12, a black man named DeAndre Harris was beaten by at least four white supremacists. At about 1:45 p.m. that day, James Alex Fields Jr., a 20-year-old white supremacist from Ohio, drove his Dodge Challenger into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuring 35 others. Fields was convicted in December 2018 of first-degree murder. In March, he pleaded guilty to 29 of 30 federal hate-crime charges in a separate trial. Speaking on the afternoon of the attack from his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club, Trump denounced “this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides.” He paused, then repeated: “On many sides.” Lisa Woolfork is a UVA professor and an organizer with Black Lives Matter’s Charlottesville chapter. Jason Kessler was an organizer of the rally.

On August 14, Trump walked back his initial statement and specifically condemned “the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups.” A day later, he walked back his walk-back. There were “very fine people on both sides,” he said, adding that the “alt-left” had been “very, very violent.” White-nationalist leaders welcomed his remarks.

In office, Donald Trump followed through on his promise to curb immigration from majority-Muslim countries. He created a commission to investigate voter fraud (virtually nonexistent, according to state election officials), claiming that he would have won the popular vote but for millions of ballots cast by people in the U.S. illegally. He shut down the government for 35 days in an attempt to secure funding for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. He reportedly referred to African countries as “s#!+hole” nations—asking why the U.S. can’t have more immigrants from Norway instead—and complained that, after seeing America, immigrants from Nigeria would never “go back to their huts.” The administration favored victims of Hurricane Harvey, which hit Houston, over those of Hurricane Maria, which hit Puerto Rico, sending three times as many workers to Houston and approving 23 times as much money for individual assistance within the first nine days after each hurricane.

Now this was all before his latest tweets.

If you can't see it, it's because you're not looking at it.

One thing I think needs to be pointed out from Trump's comments is this...

Trump said, "So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world..."

Considering three out of four of these women were born in The United states, I'd have to say that I completely agree with him.
I am so disgusted by this garbage.

Everyone would be doing our country favor and just move along.
Originally Posted By: Riley01
J\C Did Trump actually say he was a racist or is it just what you gleen from his tweets ?

The world and his brother agree that Trump's tweets that are quoted in the original post on this thread are racist.

If Erik and others want to claim that - based on the color of someone's skin, or there last name - someone saying 'go back to the countries where your from' - isn't racist .... that's absolutely fine with me. I have no control of how others bury their heads in the sand and deny and I am not going to worry about it.

And to me it's more than wanting Trump and AOC and others to "grow up" or not act like Twitter Trash ... We could say that comment about Trump from before he took office and every week since. . . . talking about not wanting Trump to post idiotic, divisive, petty, factually inaccurate, combative posts on twitter is not what I think is important here. What he wrote this time is far worse and egregious than the way he's behaved in the past and it needs to be spelled out and isolated all by itself.
Originally Posted By: Riley01
J\C Did Trump actually say he was a racist or is it just what you gleen from his tweets ?

Does anybody shy of the Klan actually ADMIT to being a racist?
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Trump is actually saying, "I'm a racist! Tell me you're sorry!"

Trump goes bully on Twitter calling people names and spewing racially charged statements and lies...

People call him on it (sometimes even a handful of republicans)...

Trump tries to paint himself as the victim of hostile media and personal attacks...

Originally Posted By: mgh888
Originally Posted By: Riley01
J\C Did Trump actually say he was a racist or is it just what you gleen from his tweets ?

The world and his brother agree that Trump's tweets that are quoted in the original post on this thread are racist.

If Erik and others want to claim that - based on the color of someone's skin, or there last name - someone saying 'go back to the countries where your from' - isn't racist .... that's absolutely fine with me. I have no control of how others bury their heads in the sand and deny and I am not going to worry about it.

And to me it's more than wanting Trump and AOC and others to "grow up" or not act like Twitter Trash ... We could say that comment about Trump from before he took office and every week since. . . . talking about not wanting Trump to post idiotic, divisive, petty, factually inaccurate, combative posts on twitter is not what I think is important here. What he wrote this time is far worse and egregious than the way he's behaved in the past and it needs to be spelled out and isolated all by itself.

Well, remember...this is the same person who was caught on tape boasting he sexually assaults women because "they will let you do whatever you want when you are famous". And yet, he was elected! thumbsdown notallthere

So, this recent tirade against women and in particular women of color doesn't surprise me. Sadly, it comes to the point where I am almost no longer shocked by what he says because he has said these things time and time again and yet nobody has done anything about it and the GOP either accept it or make excuses for it.

Pretty disgusting and I agree with Sen. Pressley when she calls him "the occupier" rather than "President". He is simply occupying and claiming squatters rights in the WH.
Sadly, it comes to the point where I am almost no longer shocked by what he says because he has said these things time and time again and yet nobody has done anything about it

There is little anybody can do about it other than call him on it and complain and vote against him... being repulsive and ignorant isn't illegal nor is it grounds for impeachment.

and the GOP either accept it or make excuses for it.

Watch how this plays out... as we approach the next election (past polling screw ups aside)... if it looks like Trump is going to lose, GOPers in all offices will start hammering him hard to distance themselves from him... I believe that most of them are cringing in secret every time he does his stupid crap... and they are smart enough to realize that doing it AFTER he loses gains them very little traction... but if it becomes apparent he is going to lose, they will all come out (too late by my standard) to voice their disgust over his actions...

I have refrained from this forum for many reasons.

However, I feel almost obligated to comment on this latest news cycle.

This person now in the office of the president is a disgrace as a human being, and a American.

He has made a mockery of the office of the presidency and has been an embarrassment on the world stage.
Originally Posted By: mgh888
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg

And the continuous divisiveness, hate, bigotry, and malice that it takes to author tweets like this daily does not frighten you at all? smh

Cut and paste from a different thread - hope you do not mind OCD.

So ... AOC was born and raised in New York and she's not white.

What would any of you do if your kids went on a tirade about another person they met - and based on the color of their skin told them to go back "to where you come from " .... ?

I know what the hell I would tell my kids and the discussion that would ensue.

It's despicable. It's most definitely racist. And this is our POTUS ... and I have no doubt the Trump stooges will be applauding. Just wow.

I applaud. Part of being a American citizen is acting like you want to be an American citizen.

I don't care where they were born. I care about where their hearts are.

You want to line up behind them, get lost is my attitude.

You are losing me man.

I didn't think anyone would even think about defending Trump, but apparently after reading a couple of the last several posts, I was mistaken.
but if it becomes apparent he is going to lose, they will all come out (too late by my standard) to voice their disgust over his actions...

... at which point, they all should be hammered with: "Fine... where tf was your spine 4 years ago? Two years ago?"
And if I was running against any of them, I'd keep that question front & center for the entirety of my campaign.
There have been Republicans who have spoke out against his comments, though.

I mean.....we get the party line thang, right? Someone mentioned it earlier w/the GOP thing, but Bernie backed Hillary after he lost to her.

It's what they do. It's not about right and wrong. It's about promoting and defending your side. That is one of the reasons I don't get caught up in "sides," and why I distrust politicians.
Clem, this is interesting. Trump's approval rating w/Democratic voters fell 2 points since this week. His approval rating fell from 4 out of 10 w/Independent voters to 3 out of 10. Yet, his approval rating among Republican voters rose 5 percentage points to 72%.

This tells us that there are a lot of folks who agree w/him. They are claiming that if you don't like it here, leave. Sounds like BS to me.

The good news is that his overall scores are that 41% approve of the job he is doing and 55% do not.
Everything spoken or written that is not agreed with is not racist. These 4 women call every political attack against them as racist. Heck they even called Pelosi racist just last week.

What Trump said in his tweet was not racist. It was not Peresidental and I do not like personal attacks and do not think that is the right way to do things.

In the long run though. Main stream America does not like these 4 women political stances and their extreme hatred of the country we live and they serve. Trump is putting himself against these 4 women on purpose because it is a winner for him.

Stand up to extremism while placing America first. He will paint whatever Democratic candidate as Democratic extremists in step with these 4 women. Polls show that 2016 independents have an approval rating of under 20% for these 4 women. He will run against extremism.

I would just rather see him call out their political view instead of personal attacks. He just needs to expose the lefts hatred of America and use these 4 as examples to the country.
Come on, man. He said to go back where you came from. Three of the four were born here and all four are US citizens. He is highlighting their race.

That is not cool or defensible in my opinion.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Come on, man. He said to go back where you came from. Three of the four were born here and all four are US citizens. He is highlighting their race.

That is not cool or defensible in my opinion.

These 4 women have offended many people over the last 6 months since taken office. What President Trump said was a personal attack that was in poor taste but it was not racist.
Originally Posted By: Day of the Dawg
these 4 women political stances and their extreme hatred of the country we live and they serve.

Where in the world do people get this thing that they think they can accuse another American of "hating America"? I don't get it. Why do the right and Trump think that these women "hate America"? Interestingly, it's also almost always men who are attacking them.

So, let's look at everything America is said to symbolize and its core values, let's look at the scripture on the base of the Statue of Liberty, let's look at the language in the Bill of Rights. Is Trump truly abiding by, defending and acting as if they mean something to everybody? I think it's fair to say that if we are even questioning this about the President then why are more people not accusing him of "hating America and everything we stand for"?

Just sayin....
I really don't want to argue, but come on, man! They are women of color and he is telling them to go back to where they came from despite 3 of the 4 being born here and all 4 being US citizens. That's racist as can be.
Well, when people want change, they hate America.

Abe Lincoln hated America. Martin Luther King hated America. Ralph Waldo Emerson hated America. Harriet Beacher-Stowe hated America. Booker T Washington and WEB DuBois hated America. Rosa Parks hated America. JFK and Bobby Kennedy hated America.

For the record: This is not me saying I like those four women. This is me saying Trump was out of line and this is me saying that protesting against the status quo does not equate to a person hating America!
There have been a total of 3 Republicans who have spoken out.
Only three that I know of.
Not exactly a groundswell of outrage and morality.

There are times when making partisan observations is entirely appropriate, despite how distasteful you may find it to be. This (to me) is one of those cases.

The percentage of GOP officials who have stood up against this type of deplorable behavior is in the single digits. Of those remaining 'Silent Sams', how many truly hate what he says and does? That's just it- none of us know, because crickets is all we get from them. Some probably do hate what they are seeing, Some might actually love his antics. We won't know who feels what until they finally start saying something- ANYTHING about this d00d. So when they finally grow a vertebra, it's perfectly fair to ask them why now, and not back then. Fair game. Voters deserve to know. After all, they were the ones who hired'em.

The Bernie/Hillary comparison is a false equivalence. Conventional campaign strategy is entirely different than making a moral and ethical call on a standing public official when he breaches mutually accepted behavioral standards.

This is partisan because IQ45 specifically went after 4 Dems in particular... and his statements should rightfully get pushback from all who see it differently. If past practice predicts future behavior, we won't see/hear from practically anyone with an R beside their names. So them stepping up when it's finally safe to do so should earn them no merit badges, imo.

Courage is the willingness to do what's right even when it's hard, inconvenient or even hazardous. Feel free to call it down the center if you'd like, but I'm perfectly willing to call them gutless if they wait to step up only when they see IQ45 limping around wounded (see DC's post above mine for context). Hyenas on the Serengeti serve a purpose in Nature. That sort of behavior has no place in the 202.

Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Well, when people want change, they hate America.

Abe Lincoln hated America. Martin Luther King hated America. Ralph Waldo Emerson hated America. Harriet Beacher-Stowe hated America. Booker T Washington and WEB DuBois hated America. Rosa Parks hated America. JFK and Bobby Kennedy hated America.

For the record: This is not me saying I like those four women. This is me saying Trump was out of line and this is me saying that protesting against the status quo does not equate to a person hating America!

I think trivializing what happened on 9/11/2001 is not protesting against the status quo. I think comparing the United States of America with terrorist organization that killed 3,000 Americans is not protesting against the status quo. Blatant anti Semitic rhetoric about an American ally in Israel is not protesting the status quo.

Trump called them out and did so in a very poor fashion. He should have went after their extreme politics and not them personally. I agree.
I think it is a mistake to try and label large groups of people. I would think that you, of all people, would understand that.

You can choose to be part of the solution or choose to be part of the problem. That is the truly great thing about this country. We have the power of "choice."

Trump is kind of on an island. The rest of the GOP does not have his back or they would have addressed whatever those chicks were complaining about.

This whole presidency, the GOP wants nothing to do with him. You never hear a peep from them.

Is there going to be a coup?
Dude, you quoted me but did not address what I said. I specifically said I wasn't championing those four women. I'm sorry, but you can't tell people of color to go back to where they came from when they are from here. I mean.........My God...how is that hard to understand?

Look, if he wanted to blast their political views, then more power to him. But, he crossed the ethical line.

I better leave this thread because I am getting frustrated w/both damn sides.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Clem, this is interesting. Trump's approval rating w/Democratic voters fell 2 points since this week. His approval rating fell from 4 out of 10 w/Independent voters to 3 out of 10. Yet, his approval rating among Republican voters rose 5 percentage points to 72%.

This tells us that there are a lot of folks who agree w/him. They are claiming that if you don't like it here, leave. Sounds like BS to me.

The good news is that his overall scores are that 41% approve of the job he is doing and 55% do not.


None of this comes as any surprise to me.
Read some of the posts in this place, and you'll get an idea of just how many people agree with him. In their heart of hearts.

I have to constantly remind myself that this forum is not an accurate microcosm of the US at large. Take your exchange with DotD as an example: I know folks from every strata- high class, mediocre, riff raff- and I'm only exposed to his type of rhetoric here. No place else. I have my theories as to why, but I'm not in the 'rabbit hole mood' tonight.

Just like we're told: "Twitter isn't reality"... neither is this place.
I think it is a mistake to try and label large groups of people.

I know you do. I don't have a problem with that. I understand why you believe as you do. That isn't the issue for me.

I'm not talking about large groups of people in this thread. I'm talking about elected Republican public officials specifically. About 300 specific Americans who are answerable to an electorate that hired them into their current jobs.
Well - if you can't understand the concept of calling out racist comments by Trump - without having to be Pro AOC or any of the other 3 that Trump went after with his racist tweet, then I guess I don't know what to tell you.

Just like we're told: "Twitter isn't reality"... neither is this place.

I wonder about that. It would be worthy of a thread in my opinion. I often wonder why there are such extreme points of view on this board? Are people showing their true colors because they think they are anonymous? That's kinda scary, bro.

Hell, you would be laughed at, confronted, and maybe even have your ass kicked if you made some of the comments that are made on here every damn day in public.

One other thing that is kinda related. You often tell me that that this isn't the place to have logical, rational discussions that seek to find solutions rather than partake in an exchange of insults.

I kinda get that. On the other hand, where do we have a larger audience than on here? Are we going to go to our local WalMart or Mall and start speaking about such things? Are we going to run for government office? Are we going to take out political ads in the newspaper.

I don't know, Clem. I have individual conversations w/folks all the time and most come across as moderate and detest the extremists, but they are one-on-one meetings. This is a place where a lot of people congregate.

It seems to me it's a pretty good place to talk about your real beliefs.
I've seen a few say the tweets were not racist....

If you tell someone/anyone, based on their color or last name or whatever, to "go back to your own country" - which is exactly what Trumps tweet said - what is it if not racist?

If you don't think it's racist - what on God's green earth IS racist? You think someone has to use the N word? Or call them a racial slur in order to be racist? Is that what people think.

I looked for world opinion - found this:


How have world leaders reacted?
The leaders of several US allies have come out against the president.

New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she "completely and utterly" disagreed with Mr Trump, while Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau similarly denounced the comments.

"That is not how we do things in Canada. A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian," he said at a press conference.

Both candidates for the British premiership condemned the attacks. Jeremy Hunt said he was "utterly appalled" by Mr Trump's tweets, and Boris Johnson said "you simply cannot use that kind of language about sending people back to where they came from".

Prime Minister Theresa May had earlier said the remarks were "completely unacceptable".
Originally Posted By: Clemdawg
I think it is a mistake to try and label large groups of people.

I know you do. I don't have a problem with that. I understand why you believe as you do. That isn't the issue for me.

I'm not talking about large groups of people in this thread. I'm talking about elected Republican public officials specifically. About 300 specific Americans who are answerable to an electorate that hired them into their current jobs.

LOL..........I like the feisty attitude.

Think about this, though. We just talked about how the Republican voters approval rating went up 5 percent after his comments. Would it be wise for the politicians to upset their constituents?

I think we both agree that they suck. I just say they suck on all sides.

Clem, there will come a day when hoards of Republican politicians rip Trump to shreds. They just won't do it until that ship has sunk.

It's politics, bro.
Talk about your real beliefs? Then get labeled a jerk, an ass? Try to have a conversation with people that do/say the exact same thing they rail against?

Unless you hate trump and say so, there is no discussion here. Just hate.
Then, there is this. I don't feel like cleaning it up. I'm tired. You can click on the link to read a more friendly version of the article.


Anti-Defamation League blasts Trump for 'invoking support for Israel to defend this racism'

Yahoo News David Knowles,Yahoo News 6 hours ago

Reblog on Tumblr

The Anti-Defamation League denounced President Trump’s “racist” tweets telling four Democratic congresswomen to “go back” to the “crime infested places from which they came.”

In an op-ed published Tuesday for NBC News, ADL president Jonathan Greenblatt did not mince words, calling Trump’s rhetoric “ripped straight from a white supremacist manifesto.”

Greenblatt wrote that Trump’s insistence Monday that the four congresswomen — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts — hate America and Israel was troubling.

“Trump’s language was absolutely and unquestionably racist despite his denials to the contrary,” Greenblatt wrote.

The ADL, a civil rights organization founded to “stop the defamation of the Jewish people,” also noted on its website that Trump’s attack on the Democratic lawmakers “was greeted with enthusiasm by white supremacists and other extremists.”
President Donald Trump speaks during a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Tuesday, July 16, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
President Trump at a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin, for instance, applauded Trump on his website, the Daily Stormer.

“Man, President Trump’s Twitter account has been pure fire lately. This might be the funniest thing he’s ever tweeted,” Anglin wrote. “This is the kind of WHITE NATIONALISM we elected him for. And we’re obviously seeing it only because there’s another election coming up. But I’ll tell you, even knowing that, it still feels so good.”

The ADL was not the only U.S. Jewish group to decry Trump’s attacks on the congresswomen. Israel Policy Forum columnist Michael Koplow wrote that invoking Israel to defend Trump’s “vile racism” could ultimately cause more harm than good.

Over the past two days, Trump has launched a campaign against the four congresswomen in what some have read to be a calculated effort to further divide the Democratic Party.

Those efforts have not gone unnoticed by many Jews in Israel.

“It seems the president would like to foment a civil war among Democrats, using Israel as a wedge,” Zev Chafets, a journalist and former senior aide to Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, wrote at Bloomberg.

While Chafets, like Greenblatt, did not defend the views held by the Democratic lawmakers known collectively as “the Squad,” he did qualify them.

“Nothing they say about this country will be any worse than the things you can hear in Israel’s own legislature, the Knesset, every day,” Chafets wrote.


Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Originally Posted By: Clemdawg
I think it is a mistake to try and label large groups of people.

I know you do. I don't have a problem with that. I understand why you believe as you do. That isn't the issue for me.

I'm not talking about large groups of people in this thread. I'm talking about elected Republican public officials specifically. About 300 specific Americans who are answerable to an electorate that hired them into their current jobs.

LOL..........I like the feisty attitude.

Think about this, though. We just talked about how the Republican voters approval rating went up 5 percent after his comments. Would it be wise for the politicians to upset their constituents?

I think we both agree that they suck. I just say they suck on all sides.

Clem, there will come a day when hoards of Republican politicians rip Trump to shreds. They just won't do it until that ship has sunk.

It's politics, bro.

What does that say about the republican voters?
Originally Posted By: Clemdawg
There have been a total of 3 Republicans who have spoken out.
Only three that I know of.
Not exactly a groundswell of outrage and morality.

There are times when making partisan observations is entirely appropriate, despite how distasteful you may find it to be. This (to me) is one of those cases.

The percentage of GOP officials who have stood up against this type of deplorable behavior is in the single digits. Of those remaining 'Silent Sams', how many truly hate what he says and does? That's just it- none of us know, because crickets is all we get from them. Some probably do hate what they are seeing, Some might actually love his antics. We won't know who feels what until they finally start saying something- ANYTHING about this d00d. So when they finally grow a vertebra, it's perfectly fair to ask them why now, and not back then. Fair game. Voters deserve to know. After all, they were the ones who hired'em.

The Bernie/Hillary comparison is a false equivalence. Conventional campaign strategy is entirely different than making a moral and ethical call on a standing public official when he breaches mutually accepted behavioral standards.

This is partisan because IQ45 specifically went after 4 Dems in particular... and his statements should rightfully get pushback from all who see it differently. If past practice predicts future behavior, we won't see/hear from practically anyone with an R beside their names. So them stepping up when it's finally safe to do so should earn them no merit badges, imo.

Courage is the willingness to do what's right even when it's hard, inconvenient or even hazardous. Feel free to call it down the center if you'd like, but I'm perfectly willing to call them gutless if they wait to step up only when they see IQ45 limping around wounded (see DC's post above mine for context). Hyenas on the Serengeti serve a purpose in Nature. That sort of behavior has no place in the 202.


Name them. I only know of one. The ex Navy seal Crenshaw
We just talked about how the Republican voters approval rating went up 5 percent after his comments. Would it be wise for the politicians to upset their constituents?

I don't know about wise... it would be the courageous thing to do.
Imagine that- calling out this kind of reprehensible talk is now considered 'courageous.'

It would be the move that bet big on the chance that most of his constituents felt as he did, and not as 45 did.

We talk about the inherent goodness of American People- this is the perfect litmus test. Right here. Because if not here, then where? What does he have to say that would cause elected officials to express their beliefs as you already have in this thread? That this is unacceptable? What would it take for them to step up just that freakking much? Nobody's even asking them to vote on a measure on the floor, where policy is at stake. Just be a decent citizen, and speak out against talk like this. What would he have to say that finally crossed their own personal lines?

Because to date, he hasn't seemed to bother them at all.

WTF do they stand for? Family values? Christian values? Common decency values? Dude tramples all of these on an endless loop, and- crickets. From ALL of them.

So they don't call him out. They never have, even when he's said outrageous stuff like this before. This indicates to me that they don't even trust their own constituents enough to have their backs when 45 says blatantly offensive stuff like this. Stuff that makes their skin crawl.

Clem, there will come a day when hoards of Republican politicians rip Trump to shreds.

I'm not sure I can believe that at all.
I've seen almost zero evidence that any of them possess the bone and cartilage it would take to be the first in that horde. Like you yourself said: "would this be wise?"

Right now, there are a lot of 'wise' GOP politicians who seem perfectly content to keep their lips clamped shut- as they throw up a little in their mouths, 2-3 times per month.

Good, decent, rank & file GOP electeds choking on his spew in silence is doing none of us any good. This bilious rhetoric is now one short step removed from 'blood and soil.'

He's going to go there next. And I still don't trust any of them to be the first to stand with the rest of us.

George Will called all of them [GOP] "invertebrate."
George was right.

If they don't add their voices to the crowds who mass at The Line Of Decency, they label themselves as 'enablers.'

Sometimes, Vers... labels are absolutely appropriate.

Originally Posted By: mgh888
I've seen a few say the tweets were not racist....

Let's put it this way...he wouldn't and he didn't say it to anybody who is white. So, how people can justify it as anything other than racist is beyond me. And, I'm sorry...but Mitch McConnell needs to go! I don't think there is anybody more out of touch than he is.
Originally Posted By: Day of the Dawg
I think comparing the United States of America with terrorist organization that killed 3,000 Americans is not protesting against the status quo.

Let me pose something to you that will require you to look at something through the eyes of others.

Let's pretend for just a minute that you were an Iraqi citizens when the war in Iraq broke out. America told the world that Saddam had tons of WMD. That he had a nuclear weapons program. Yet your country had nothing to do with 9/11.

So America attacked your country. In the process your home and town was blown to hell. They pretty much destroyed your country and drove it into chaos. Several of your family members were killed. And in the end, those accusations made by America were all false.

In your eyes, who would be the terrorists?

Sometimes I think people need to look at things through the eyes of others. To see that the world has their own reasons to see us much differently than we see ourselves. And at some point we need to step up and recognize it.

That doesn't mean you hate America. It means you're willing to step up and own the mistakes we've made.
There have been a total of 3 Republicans who have spoken out.
Only three that I know of.
Not exactly a groundswell of outrage and morality.

In the recent house resolution to condemn his comments as racists, only 4 republicans and 1 independent (Amash) voted with democrats to condemn what he said.. so you are pretty close..

when one is constantly defending racism and people who state racist things, they completely leave themselves open to the idea that they themselves are racist, or sympathize with them.

its a very simply question with a simple answer: would trump have ever said this to a group of 4 white women?


also, i've increasingly grown annoyed and intolerant of the "both sides" losers in this country. either you support racism or you don't. either you think telling american citizens to go back to their countries based on ethnicity is racist or you don't.

constantly straddling the line is not only weak, its pathetic and does absolutely nothing to help solve issues.

you centrist on this board do so much backflips searching for that ever elusive compromise when there is none. either you support racism and racist or you don't. there's no moral equivalency, no "but the other side", none of that.

only one party is pandering the alt-right, neo nazi, white supremacist/nationalist, misogynist losers in this country, and thats the GOP.

every time any one of you tries to defend it or play "what about", you are sending the message loud and clear to people who look like me that we are still considered second class citizens in this country, and that white americans will always remain superior, not only legislatively, but morally as well.

anyone who defends trump language is a racist. period.
I haven't seen one self described "centrist" not stand up against what Trump said. Not one. I think your issue is with others.
Many Republicans are speaking out...

Ben Carson defends Trump amid feud with House Dems: 'He's not a racist'

HUD Secretary Ben Carson says Trump's record shows he is not racist
President Trump is not racist and neither are his comments on progressive Democrat congresswomen, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson says.

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson defended President Trump from charges of racism Wednesday, saying the Commander-in-Chief is not a racist and loves his country.

"I have an advantage of knowing the president very well, and he's not a racist and his comments are not racist," Carson said on "America's Newsroom."

"But he loves the country very much and, you know, he has a feeling that those who represent the country should love it as well."

Carson said Trump's policies speak for themselves and have lifted minorities out of poverty by expanding employment opportunities and providing affordable housing. He also said a racist wouldn't be interested in helping poor, minority communities whatsoever.

"Look at his policies, you know, under this president you see the rising tide lifting all boats. You see low unemployment ... record-low for blacks, for Hispanics ... for all the demographics of our nation," he said.

The former presidential candidate touted the administration's support for "opportunity zones," which he spoke about alongside Trump at a cabinet meeting Tuesday.

"What's happening in some of these places is just astonishing. And talking to some of those people there ...
they say I didn't think this could ever happen," said Carson.

"And just a couple of weeks ago, the president signed an executive order establishing a council on eliminating the barriers to affordable housing. Who's going to benefit from that? So when you have somebody who's spending this much time and this much effort, trying to elevate those who are vulnerable and who are suffering in our society -- I think we should pay a lot more attention to what they are doing than what anybody is saying."

Carson also decried the idea of victimhood and said the beauty of America is the ability to overcome financial struggles to rise up and be the best you can be.

"I have to look at my own situation, born and growing up in dire poverty with a lot negativity around me, but also, recognizing that I lived in a place where, you know, through the help of my mother, who helped me to realize that I wasn't a victim, that I had access to all kinds of things. And [I] was able to go on, become a neurosurgeon, now a cabinet member, and these are things that we want people to recognize in our nation and that's why we want to create opportunities for them," he said.

"All the policies that we're now espousing deal with creating self-sufficiency in people and in those people who cannot become self-sufficient, making sure that we take care of them in the most efficient and effective manner."

ive seen plenty moral equivalency/both sides arguments from the centrist/moderates/flip floppers, whatever term they wish to be described as.

this entire thread was absolutely disappointing to read through.

sad. really sad.
i mean we got people who SERIOUSLY think we're all gonna "Come together" and we "heal the divide" and all this other hippy crap with a racist actively sitting in the oval.

yea, we're all gonna come together while he's in office. sure. hows that "understanding" BS working out so far...
its a very simply question with a simple answer: would trump have ever said this to a group of 4 white women?

No. He probably would have come up with something similarly vulgar, it just wouldn't have been racist.
And that’s what’s sad.

It’s always something with him. Gotta attack non whites, gotta attack women, gotta attack LBGT.

And it’s not like anybody has to make it up. He’s given us more than enough evidence to accurately describe him as a racist, sexist, homophobic loser.

But like it said, it’s says even more about the people who continue to defend him despite evidence after evidence proving he’s a POS.

I actually agree with PD when he says trump might win again. Trump didn’t need the popular vote last time to win either.

The last few weeks, people telling me that we need to come together and stop the divide have fallen on deaf ears. It won’t happen, not under trump Atleast.

And if he wins again, I wonder what the next excuses will be. I’m sure conservatives will continue to tell me they don’t support racism.

Uh huh.
Originally Posted By: Swish
ive seen plenty moral equivalency/both sides arguments from the centrist/moderates/flip floppers, whatever term they wish to be described as.

Agreed, and I think it's more of the "enlightened centrist" who is OK with Trump using racist rhetoric because they find some false equivalency with the target of his attacks, and then say "see, both sides are just as racist/bad!" It's just a weasel's way of making Trump seem better.

I separate the enlightened centrist from someone who is usually on one side or another but dabbles in walking across the aisle wink


Enlightened centrist might be an accurate description.

Basically it’s the “woke” people who need to take they asses back to sleep.
Originally Posted By: Swish
i mean we got people who SERIOUSLY think we're all gonna "Come together" and we "heal the divide" and all this other hippy crap with a racist actively sitting in the oval.

yea, we're all gonna come together while he's in office. sure. hows that "understanding" BS working out so far...

No we will never come together with him in office. However we were never going to come together no matter who was in office. There are still way to many folks on all sides, black/white/brown/yellow/red and any other color folks come in that want to drive a wedge between each other. I have got laughed at/ slandered/ picked on/ and disagreed with for saying until everybody stops worrying about/pointing out/and dwelling on the difference in skin color then the racist problem will never ever be solved.

WHY.... because y'all just keep throwing gasoline on the fire. I am willing to say most (OH lord not all far from it) just keep poking the bear instead of loving each other. I pray that I live long enough to see the day that none of you even notice or care about skin color. It's just stupid and disgusting from all sides. frown
BTW Bro that was not directed at you. I understand why you get upset about the subject and I agree with you about it half the time.
The last few weeks, people telling me that we need to come together and stop the divide have fallen on deaf ears.

People as divided as they are in this country come together and break the divide for one of two reasons..

1. Positive leadership that sets an example and gives the people a reason to come together.
2. Negative leadership that gets so bad the people come together to overthrow that leadership.

Neither of those are going to happen under Trump.

Well, there is a 3rd but I'm certainly not hoping for it... and that's a disaster (natural or man-made) so horrific that people come together out of necessity...
Originally Posted By: Swish
Enlightened centrist might be an accurate description.

Basically it’s the “woke” people who need to take they asses back to sleep.

The 'woke' people usually refers to the far left.
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
Originally Posted By: Swish
i mean we got people who SERIOUSLY think we're all gonna "Come together" and we "heal the divide" and all this other hippy crap with a racist actively sitting in the oval.

yea, we're all gonna come together while he's in office. sure. hows that "understanding" BS working out so far...

No we will never come together with him in office. However we were never going to come together no matter who was in office. There are still way to many folks on all sides, black/white/brown/yellow/red and any other color folks come in that want to drive a wedge between each other. I have got laughed at/ slandered/ picked on/ and disagreed with for saying until everybody stops worrying about/pointing out/and dwelling on the difference in skin color then the racist problem will never ever be solved.

WHY.... because y'all just keep throwing gasoline on the fire. I am willing to say most (OH lord not all far from it) just keep poking the bear instead of loving each other. I pray that I live long enough to see the day that none of you even notice or care about skin color. It's just stupid and disgusting from all sides. frown

For a month or so right after 9/11 American's all came together, then we started profiling Muslim Americans... rolleyes
In the trump era...this is all totally acceptable by the deplorable people who allow trump to get away with it. The GOP sheep. Enjoy.
You are so full of crap. Tell me who is okay w/Trump's racist comments that isn't a far-right person. Name those people w/your big freaking mouth. If you can't, shut your damn mouth!

I'm so sick of people like you making up profiles for other people that are false.
you're one of the main ones im talking about.

always with this "both sides" BS. always trying to control the narrative when in reality you have a whole lot of nothing to say. you don't make any post that remotely furthers the conversation. just a bunch of "both sides" and " we need to come together and understand" crapfest nonsense.

you lame ass centrist/moderates seem to want to do everything but take a position. its easier to talk to MAGA hatters because atleast they're actually capable of making a decision/choice. meanwhile, we're still waiting since 1776 for you moderates to do anything useful.

edit: my bad. not moderate. you don't deserve that descriptor.

enlightened centrist. there. thats better.
I disagree w/you on that I don't have anything to say. I have a lot to say and just because my rhetoric is not based in hate, resentment, and the world owes me something doesn't mean it's not important.

Guys like you don't like guys like me because I try and find solutions to problems and your hateful ass loves to assign blame.

So Swish, kiss my ass!
You just hate that the moderates are going to determine the election.


Because we, by far, outnumber the extremeists.
but you dont find solutions though lol.

thats whats funny about the whole thing. you dont do much of anything. you just whine about both sides the whole time, while the opposing sides do the debating.
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
You just hate that the moderates are going to determine the election.


Because we, by far, outnumber the extremeists.

havent such much proof of that at all. lol but ok
I don't pretend to know all the answers, but at least I try and make things better. That is very different from hateful souls like you and some others on this board.

You can call me all the freaking names you want, but I'm proud of my character and you can never take that away from me w/your insults.
ok, but you're still pretty useless.
Originally Posted By: Swish
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
You just hate that the moderates are going to determine the election.


Because we, by far, outnumber the extremeists.

havent such much proof of that at all. lol but ok

Yeah, you also thought Hillary was gonna win... because Polls..
well the polls were right, she won the popular vote. polls dont account for electoral college much.

we shall see though.
Originally Posted By: Swish
well the polls were right, she won the popular vote. polls dont account for electoral college much.

we shall see though.

The state of California cant elect a President. Sorry honey.
But back to the discussion. It looks like that 'scream racist at them, and we'll win' shield got a lot smaller today. That's what happens when you use the same gag for everything.
I'm mad at Swish and his big mouth, but what Trump said was racist. There is no debating that.

One more time...........he tells American citizens of color to go back to where they came from. That's racist as can be. Stop defending him. You lose credibility when you do so, just like Swish and others do when they hate everyone w/an open mind.
lol @ thinking fence riding = having an open mind.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
I'm mad at Swish and his big mouth, but what Trump said was racist. There is no debating that.

One more time...........he tells American citizens of color to go back to where they came from. That's racist as can be. Stop defending him. You lose credibility when you do so, just like Swish and others do when they hate everyone w/an open mind.

Oh please. It's not like white people came from the Americas. Did you guys forget that? It's been said throughout the history of this country to those that hate it here.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
I don't pretend to know all the answers, but at least I try and make things better. That is very different from hateful souls like you and some others on this board.

You can call me all the freaking names you want, but I'm proud of my character and you can never take that away from me w/your insults.

Are you sure you're proud or do we all need to come together to help you decide? poke
Originally Posted By: Swish
lol @ thinking fence riding = having an open mind.

I don't ride no fence, Swish.

Allow me to demonstrate. I think loud-mouth, hateful, one-sided, extremists like you and many others who pollute this forum are harmful to America's way of life.

That's my side of the fence, Mouth!
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
I'm mad at Swish and his big mouth, but what Trump said was racist. There is no debating that.

One more time...........he tells American citizens of color to go back to where they came from. That's racist as can be. Stop defending him. You lose credibility when you do so, just like Swish and others do when they hate everyone w/an open mind.

Oh please. It's not like white people came from the Americas. Did you guys forget that? It's been said throughout the history of this country to those that hate it here.

I think the fascist should go back the 1940 Germany.
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
I'm mad at Swish and his big mouth, but what Trump said was racist. There is no debating that.

One more time...........he tells American citizens of color to go back to where they came from. That's racist as can be. Stop defending him. You lose credibility when you do so, just like Swish and others do when they hate everyone w/an open mind.

Oh please. It's not like white people came from the Americas. Did you guys forget that? It's been said throughout the history of this country to those that hate it here.

What? I do not think you are ignorant, but please, don't make such a statement and not expect repercussions.

The whites are the dominant race in this country. We have the most wealth, numbers, and power. Telling American citizens of color to go back to where they came from is racist.

You would be better served to just freaking admit it. Denying it makes you look like a racist and a one-sided extremist.

Btw.........I think we all know that you are one-sided and lacking an open mind on this subject.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Originally Posted By: Swish
lol @ thinking fence riding = having an open mind.

I don't ride no fence, Swish.

Allow me to demonstrate. I think loud-mouth, hateful, one-sided, extremists like you and many others who pollute this forum are harmful to America's way of life.

That's my side of the fence, Mouth!

Wait... what? You picked a side!
lmfao my bro OCD!
Originally Posted By: Swish

refs swept all the jabs out... But I wanted you to watch the video from the page you linked. It describes the far right political mind perfectly.

Um, no... its the alt left extremists "The world owes me a living and free things" because they cant quite elevate out of basic mode.
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Um, no... its the alt left extremists "The world owes me a living and free things" because they cant quite elevate out of basic mode.

This is interesting.

As a middle class dude who has hung w/both rich and poor folks, I can say that there are two types of people [Yeah Clem, I am labeling...LOL] that annoy the crap out of me.

1. The wealthy who think they are entitled to special privileges due to their birth status. They look down at other folks and believe the world owes them something.

2. The poor who choose to not work for a living and instead walk around w/their hand out. As if, just because they were born and have faced hardships, the rest of us owe them something.

I got news from the middle class. [No fence here, Swish.] Both sides suck. We don't either of you squat. Pull your own damn weight and stop breaking our freaking backs.
Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'


I see the MAGA hatters are cosplaying 1930’s Germany. My wife said trumps rhetoric is exactly how Hitler and Mussolini gained support back in those days.

Hyper nationalism mixed with authoritarian power and intolerance for “the others”.

History loves repeating itself.

I see the MAGA hatters are cosplaying 1930’s Germany. My wife said trumps rhetoric is exactly how Hitler and Mussolini gained support back in those days.

Damn bro..............how old is your wife?

And in her country, they dont sugar coat their history. They make it clear from the jump that what happened was racist and one of those worst things that ever happened in the world, never mind their country.

They don’t claim to honor their “heritage”, or make excuses for why they got played by Hitler. They admit to what happened and take the steps needed to not ever repeat that mess again.

Meanwhile in the “slaves were well fed” country....
But, by your own admission, you are not middle class. Due to your Hispanic wife, that you like to brag about.

How many homes do you own again?
Oh, you made it sound like she was alive during that time. My bad.

I will tell you this though, bro. I have a German neighbor. He is the most racist dude I have ever known. When he gets mad, he screams out F.......... N............. I know many Germans and they tend to be far more racist than other folks.

Screw the Germans. They stood by while an entire race was led to slaughter. And that isn't even factoring in the slaying of homosexuals and blacks.

I can tell you this w/certainty, Swish. No way in the freaking world would I stand by for such actions. I would have helped the Jews, just as I would have been part of the Underground Railroad here in the States.

I don't wanna hear about the damn Germans. They are the most racist group of folks who ever walked the face of the Earth.

And to expound..............they lived freely in the USA in WWII while the Japanese were put in camps. That's racism, bro.

I wanna look for solutions, but you if you wanna keep throwing stones, I have boulders that I can throw back.

Is that off the fence enough for you, bro?
Originally Posted By: archbolddawg
But, by your own admission, you are not middle class. Due to your Hispanic wife, that you like to brag about.

How many homes do you own again?

I want everyone to look at that closely. I have no comment. Just look at it and judge for yourselves.
Originally Posted By: Swish

And in her country, they dont sugar coat their history. They make it clear from the jump that what happened was racist and one of those worst things that ever happened in the world, never mind their country.

They don’t claim to honor their “heritage”, or make excuses for why they got played by Hitler. They admit to what happened and take the steps needed to not ever repeat that mess again.

Meanwhile in the “slaves were well fed” country....

Because what else are they gonna say? How exactly does one sugarcoat the halocaust?
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Um, no... its the alt left extremists "The world owes me a living and free things" because they cant quite elevate out of basic mode.

There are way less broke ass liberals than GOPErs.



First link with a real study I found.
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Um, no... its the alt left extremists "The world owes me a living and free things" because they cant quite elevate out of basic mode.

There are way less broke ass liberals than GOPErs.



First link with a real study I found.

Cuz yall got your hands out haha.

Let's try it a different way. You got fired from your teaching position. According to you, the entire school supported you yet you still got fired.

You have spoken about how much your wife makes, and yes, you have spoken about how many homes you own.

Where am I wrong?
You are getting very personal yet again.

I did not get fired.

Also, why do yo always say my "Hispanic wife?"

Look man, I defended you when someone got on you about your son, and it galls me that you think you have the right to talk down about my family and I.

I'll sign off because frankly............you disgust me.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
I'm mad at Swish and his big mouth, but what Trump said was racist. There is no debating that.

One more time...........he tells American citizens of color to go back to where they came from. That's racist as can be. Stop defending him. You lose credibility when you do so, just like Swish and others do when they hate everyone w/an open mind.

Oh please. It's not like white people came from the Americas. Did you guys forget that? It's been said throughout the history of this country to those that hate it here.

What? I do not think you are ignorant, but please, don't make such a statement and not expect repercussions.

The whites are the dominant race in this country. We have the most wealth, numbers, and power. Telling American citizens of color to go back to where they came from is racist.

You would be better served to just freaking admit it. Denying it makes you look like a racist and a one-sided extremist.

Btw.........I think we all know that you are one-sided and lacking an open mind on this subject.

Let me guess, you've never seen a "love it or leave it" bumper sticker in your life? You're too young to have ever heard a WWII vet tell that to a hippie? Hell, even the newly formed American citizens told the British loyalists to go back to England if they wanted a king instead of a president.

The only thing it has to do with race is that you leftists see race in everything. Everyone that ever came here has been told the same thing when they've wanted to try and make this country into th he place they left. If you're missing the oppression of your home country, go back there.
oh that hissy fit was suppose to be hurtful? i laughed the whole way through, and made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

i see you've learned nothing from Eve.
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Originally Posted By: Swish

And in her country, they dont sugar coat their history. They make it clear from the jump that what happened was racist and one of those worst things that ever happened in the world, never mind their country.

They don’t claim to honor their “heritage”, or make excuses for why they got played by Hitler. They admit to what happened and take the steps needed to not ever repeat that mess again.

Meanwhile in the “slaves were well fed” country....

Because what else are they gonna say? How exactly does one sugarcoat the halocaust?

you got clowns in this country now who refuse to even believe it happened.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Originally Posted By: archbolddawg
But, by your own admission, you are not middle class. Due to your Hispanic wife, that you like to brag about.

How many homes do you own again?

I want everyone to look at that closely. I have no comment. Just look at it and judge for yourselves.

Arch can't help it. He keeps a list of every time he feels insulted and lays in wait to pounce on every mistake his enemies make. Got a love him.
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Um, no... its the alt left extremists "The world owes me a living and free things" because they cant quite elevate out of basic mode.

There are way less broke ass liberals than GOPErs.



First link with a real study I found.

Cuz yall got your hands out haha.

One thing I'll say about you Trumpians, you don't let facts slow your troll.
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
I'm mad at Swish and his big mouth, but what Trump said was racist. There is no debating that.

One more time...........he tells American citizens of color to go back to where they came from. That's racist as can be. Stop defending him. You lose credibility when you do so, just like Swish and others do when they hate everyone w/an open mind.

Oh please. It's not like white people came from the Americas. Did you guys forget that? It's been said throughout the history of this country to those that hate it here.

What? I do not think you are ignorant, but please, don't make such a statement and not expect repercussions.

The whites are the dominant race in this country. We have the most wealth, numbers, and power. Telling American citizens of color to go back to where they came from is racist.

You would be better served to just freaking admit it. Denying it makes you look like a racist and a one-sided extremist.

Btw.........I think we all know that you are one-sided and lacking an open mind on this subject.

Let me guess, you've never seen a "love it or leave it" bumper sticker in your life? You're too young to have ever heard a WWII vet tell that to a hippie? Hell, even the newly formed American citizens told the British loyalists to go back to England if they wanted a king instead of a president.

The only thing it has to do with race is that you leftists see race in everything. Everyone that ever came here has been told the same thing when they've wanted to try and make this country into th he place they left. If you're missing the oppression of your home country, go back there.

"Yep! The slave owners never told them darkies to go back to Africer stoopid libs." smh

Your false equivalents do not make a solid defense. You should probably take a break because your post haven't been painting a very good pic of you the last few days. And unless something happened or you're to tired to think straight... well you haven't sounded like you normally do. Just saying.
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
I'm mad at Swish and his big mouth, but what Trump said was racist. There is no debating that.

One more time...........he tells American citizens of color to go back to where they came from. That's racist as can be. Stop defending him. You lose credibility when you do so, just like Swish and others do when they hate everyone w/an open mind.

Oh please. It's not like white people came from the Americas. Did you guys forget that? It's been said throughout the history of this country to those that hate it here.

What? I do not think you are ignorant, but please, don't make such a statement and not expect repercussions.

The whites are the dominant race in this country. We have the most wealth, numbers, and power. Telling American citizens of color to go back to where they came from is racist.

You would be better served to just freaking admit it. Denying it makes you look like a racist and a one-sided extremist.

Btw.........I think we all know that you are one-sided and lacking an open mind on this subject.

Let me guess, you've never seen a "love it or leave it" bumper sticker in your life? You're too young to have ever heard a WWII vet tell that to a hippie? Hell, even the newly formed American citizens told the British loyalists to go back to England if they wanted a king instead of a president.

The only thing it has to do with race is that you leftists see race in everything. Everyone that ever came here has been told the same thing when they've wanted to try and make this country into th he place they left. If you're missing the oppression of your home country, go back there.

"Yep! The slave owners never told them darkies to go back to Africer stoopid libs." smh

Your false equivalents do not make a solid defense. You should probably take a break because your post haven't been painting a very good pic of you the last few days. And unless something happened or you're to tired to think straight... well you haven't sounded like you normally do. Just saying.

Wait, I didn't get called racist. I feel left out, and I'm white.

The brits were told go home, and the irish,the Germans, the poles, the Italians, the Greeks, various eastern europeans, the blacks, the mexicans, other hispanics, cubans, chinese, Japanese, and so on. Get over it. It's not racist. Everyone new, old, and in between have been told the same throughout the history of this country. Being here is a priviledge, not a right. Assimilate and enjoy, or gripe and leave.
thats the best excuse you have?

basically "its always been that way".

yea, women have always been put on the backburner to men, that doesn't make it ok whatsoever.

man, do yall realize the kind of brain dead thinking this is?

if this was 1950's America, Erik would be the one going "blacks have always been inferior to whites, just the way it is".

some of yall are absolutely primitive in your thinking. absolutely no evolution to your thoughts and values whatsoever.
Being here is a priviledge, not a right.

Disagree. I was born here. My citizenship is one of my rights- the most fundamental of my rights.

Assimilate and enjoy, or gripe and leave.

Again, disagree. Gripes are how we get amendments to the constitution. Women can vote because people griped about unequal rights. AfAms can vote because people griped about unfair practices and diminished civil rights.

This country is in a constant state of re-invention, and it's all because we have the right to see how it can be improved... and bitch until it's made better. No gripe = no improvement.

Ricky, you don't have any kind of God given right to tell me or ask me to leave if I don't like what's going on under Trump's rule. This Trumpian concept of 'If you don't like it, leave' is fascist BS. This is MY country. And all of this you're Anti America, Anti-American if you are anti Trump or don't like what's going on at the border or the racist things he says and does... more Fascist BS right out of the Hitler playbook. So when your little gang of brown shirts gets around to knocking on my door, well I've already said it a bunch of times on here... If you want to shut a Nazi up, punch 'em in the mouth.


Believe me when I say that I got somethin' for his punk ass. ~ Sublime
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
I will tell you this though, bro. I have a German neighbor. He is the most racist dude I have ever known. When he gets mad, he screams out F.......... N............. I know many Germans and they tend to be far more racist than other folks.

Screw the Germans. They stood by while an entire race was led to slaughter. And that isn't even factoring in the slaying of homosexuals and blacks.

I can't disagree with you there. Not like every German is racist or anything. But i've spent a lot of time in Germany myself (as i know Swish has).

I was in Munich. And I can tell you, folks there are pretty racist. They aren't openly or outwardly racist, as you might see here. But it's there. Festering. Kind of creepy.

At least that's how i felt.

And my Hispanic Wife (had to throw that in there, lol), who lived there, has gone through some racist incidents in Germany herself.

JMHO though and what i saw when i was there. In many ways what i felt about Central Europe as a whole
I find it interesting that the types of people who say "if you don't like your government you should leave" are the same types of people who tell asylum seekers, "if you don't like your government, you should stay and fix it."

I plan to stay- and fix this mess.
I experienced plenty of intolerance towards foreigners the times I was in Germany.

I dont know if its just culture differences, but I have never been yelled at so many times by foreigners EVER except when I was in that country.

America is a giant soft pillow compared to those hardasses in Germany.
Originally Posted By: Clemdawg
I find it interesting that the types of people who say "if you don't like your government you should leave" are the same types of people who tell asylum seekers, "if you don't like your government, you should stay and fix it."

I plan to stay- and fix this mess.

Cognitive dissonance is a hallmark of our nation. After all, we did throw tea in a harbor because we were sick and tired of the British taking advantage of us. As soon as we dealt with that unpleasantness, we went back to owning other people...
yeah- funny that, eh?
Trumps mother was born in Europe-All his grandparents emigrated from Europe-his first wife was from Czechoslovakia and his cardboard cutout of a wife now is from Slovenia. Does he tell her when she is bad that he is going to send her back to her crap hole country?
Is it OK for you to mock the first lady?
A standup woman who has done nothing wrong and
is stuck with a loser husband?

You should be ashamed. Maybe go smell the poo coming from your own toilet.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Originally Posted By: archbolddawg
But, by your own admission, you are not middle class. Due to your Hispanic wife, that you like to brag about.

How many homes do you own again?

I want everyone to look at that closely. I have no comment. Just look at it and judge for yourselves.

Why ask us? He confronted you and asked you a question. This isn’t a teaching moment dude. If you can’t take the bullying better get out of this game. It’s the trump era bro. We’re in for a fight for sure. The GOP leadership is all in with trump and his racist policies. Game is on. Better pick a side and start fighting for what you believe in.
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Is it OK for you to mock the first lady?
A standup woman who has done nothing wrong and
is stuck with a loser husband

She did read Michelle’s speech so eloquently.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Oh, you made it sound like she was alive during that time. My bad.

I will tell you this though, bro. I have a German neighbor. He is the most racist dude I have ever known. When he gets mad, he screams out F.......... N............. I know many Germans and they tend to be far more racist than other folks.

Screw the Germans. They stood by while an entire race was led to slaughter. And that isn't even factoring in the slaying of homosexuals and blacks.

I can tell you this w/certainty, Swish. No way in the freaking world would I stand by for such actions. I would have helped the Jews, just as I would have been part of the Underground Railroad here in the States.

I don't wanna hear about the damn Germans. They are the most racist group of folks who ever walked the face of the Earth.

And to expound..............they lived freely in the USA in WWII while the Japanese were put in camps. That's racism, bro.

I wanna look for solutions, but you if you wanna keep throwing stones, I have boulders that I can throw back.

Is that off the fence enough for you, bro?

There were Germans in camps in this country during WWII. Also, if you'd care to do some actual research other than parroting liberal group think, you would find that the majority of the military during WWII was made up of people of German descent.
Are you German, Erik? If so, why don't you go back to where you came from? Love it, or leave it.
Lol bro.... Words a superior Aryan would use. Want to post some links to support your research numbers or do they come from fascist links?
There were some Germans who were sent to camps, but there was no Executive Order. The ones who were sent to camps only went after they were thoroughly investigated, mostly by the FBI. To compare that to what was done to the Japanese is absurd.

Also, his claim that the majority of people who fought in WWII were German Americans is false, although he may have simply worded it wrong because he was in such a rush to defend his people.

I think he should go back to Germany. He obviously does not love our country.
He claims to be in hell. Germany would be a vacation. He can stay where he is.
Ironically, this thread has now descended into Trump style attack tweets. This is what Trump's election has done to our country. If you don't believe me...watch his vile and lying rants about Omar in his NC rally and then how he stirs the crowd into a racist, xenophobic frenzy. Totally unacceptable and a dangerous & sad statement of our country in 2019.
Tell me who is okay w/Trump's racist comments that isn't a far-right person.

Here are the house republicans who voted AGAINST condemning his comments as racist... the action had no real teeth, nothing was going to come of it, it was just a declaration, an opportunity to see where folks stood on the issue...

My guess is that most of them are disgusted by his comments but just lack the cajones to stand up and say it.. at least I hope that's the case because on some level, being spineless and weak is still better than being racist.

House Republicans who voted against Tuesday's resolution
Rep. Ralph Abraham (LA-05)
Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL-04)
Rep. Rick Allen (GA-12)
Rep. Mark Amodei (NV-02)
Rep. Kelly Armstrong (ND-At-Large)
Rep. Jodey Arrington (TX-19)
Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36)
Rep. Don Bacon (NE-02)
Rep. Jim Baird (IN-04)
Rep. Troy Balderson (OH-12)
Rep. Jim Banks (IN-03)
Rep. Andy Barr (KY-06)
Rep. Jack Bergman (MI-01)
Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL-12)
Rep. Rob Bishop (UT-01)
Rep. Michael Bost (IL-12)
Rep. Kevin Brady (TX-08)
Rep. Mo Brooks (AL-05)
Rep. Vern Buchanan (FL-16)
Rep. Ken Buck (CO-04)
Rep. Larry Bucshon (IN-08)
Rep. Ted Budd (NC-13)
Rep. Tim Burchett (TN-02)
Rep. Bradley Byrne (AL-01)
Rep. Ken Calvert (CA-42)
Rep. Buddy Carter (GA-01)
Rep. John Carter (TX-31)
Rep. Steve Chabot (OH-01)
Rep. Liz Cheney (WY-At-Large)
Rep. Ben Cline (VA-06)
Rep. Michael Cloud (TX-27)
Rep. Tom Cole (OK-04)
Rep. Doug Collins (GA-09)
Rep. Chris Collins (NY-27)
Rep. James Comer (KY-01)
Rep. Mike Conaway (TX-11)
Rep. Paul Cook (CA-08)
Rep. Rick Crawford (AR-01)
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (TX-02)
Rep. John Curtis (UT-03)
Rep. Warren Davidson (OH-08)
Rep. Rodney Davis (IL-13)
Rep. Scott DesJarlais (TN-04)
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25)
Rep. Sean Duffy (WI-07)
Rep. Jimmy Duncan (TN-02)
Rep. Neal Dunn (FL-02)
Rep. Tom Emmer (MN-06)
Rep. Ron Estes (KS-04)
Rep. Drew Ferguson (GA-03)
Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (TN-03)
Rep. Bill Flores (TX-17)
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (NE-01)
Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC-05)
Rep. Russ Fulcher (ID-01)
Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL-01)
Rep. Mike Gallagher (WI-08)
Rep. Greg Gianforte (MT-At-Large)
Rep. Bob Gibbs (OH-07)
Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (OH-16)
Rep. Lance Gooden (TX-05)
Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-04)
Rep. Tom Graves (GA-14)
Rep. Garret Graves (LA-06)
Rep. Sam Graves (MO-06)
Rep. Mark Green (TN-07)
Rep. Morgan Griffith (VA-09)
Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI-06)
Rep. MIchael Guest (MS-03)
Rep. Brett Guthrie (KY-02)
Rep. Jim Hagedorn (MN-01)
Rep. Andy Harris (MD-01)
Rep. Vicky Hartzler (MO-04)
Rep. Kevin Hern (OK-01)
Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-03)
Rep. Jody Hice (GA-10)
Rep. Clay Higgins (LA-03)
Rep. French Hill (AR-02)
Rep. George Holding (NC-02)
Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (IN-09)
Rep. Richard Hudson (NC-08)
Rep. Bill Huizenga (MI-02)
Rep. Duncan Hunter (CA-50)
Rep. Mike Johnson (LA-04)
Rep. Bill Johnson (OH-06)
Rep. Dusty Johnson (SD-At-Large)
Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-04)
Rep. David Joyce (OH-14)
Rep. John Joyce (PA-13)
Rep. John Katko (NY-24)
Rep. Fred Keller (PA-12)
Rep. Trent Kelly (MS-01)
Rep. Mike Kelly (PA-16)
Rep. Steve King (IA-4)
Rep. Peter King (NY-03)
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL-16)
Rep. David Kustoff (TN-08)
Rep. Darin LaHood (IL-18)
Rep. Doug LaMalfa (CA-01)
Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
Rep. Bob Latta (OH-05)
Rep. Debbie Lesko (AZ-08)
Rep. Billy Long (MO-07)
Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11)
Rep. Frank Lucas (OK-03)
Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-09)
Rep. Roger Marshall (KS-01)
Rep. Thomas Massie (KY-04)
Rep. Brian Mast (FL-18)
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA-23)
Rep. Michael McCaul (TZ-10)
Rep. Tom McClintock (CA-04)
Rep. Patrick McHenry (NC-10)
Rep. David McKinley (WV-01)
Rep. Mark Meadows (NC-11)
Rep. Dan Meuser (PA-09)
Rep. Carol Miller (WV-03)
Rep. Paul Mitchell (MI-10)
Rep. John Moolenaar (MI-04)
Rep. Alex Mooney (WV-02)
Rep. Markwayne Mullin (OK-02)
Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA-04)
Rep. Ralph Norman (SC-05)
Rep. Devin Nunes (CA-22)
Rep. Pete Olson (TX-22)
Rep. Steven Palazzo (MS-04)
Rep. Gary Palmer (AL-06)
Rep. Greg Pence (IN-06)
Rep. Scott Perry (PA-10)
Rep. Bill Posey (FL-08)
Rep. John Ratcliffe (TX-04)
Rep. Tom Reed (NY-23)
Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14)
Rep. Tom Rice (SC-07)
Rep. Denver Riggleman (VA-05)
Rep. Martha Roby (AL-02)
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05)
Rep. Phil Roe (TN-01)
Rep. Mike Rogers (AL-03)
Rep. Hal Rogers (KY-05)
Rep. Tom Rooney (FL-16)
Rep. John Rose (TN-06)
Rep. David Rouzer (NC-07)
Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21)
Rep. John Rutherford (FL-04)
Rep. Steve Scalise (LA-01)
Rep. David Schweikert (AZ-06)
Rep. Austin Scott (GA-08)
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (WI-05)
Rep. John Shimkus (IL-15)
Rep. Mike Simpson (ID-02)
Rep. Jason Smith (MO-08)
Rep. Adrian Smith (NE-03)
Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04)
Rep. Lloyd Smucker (PA-11)
Rep. Ross Spano (FL-15)
Rep. Pete Stauber (MN-08)
Rep. Elise Stefanik (NY-21)
Rep. Bryan Steil (WI-01)
Rep. Greg Steube (FL-17)
Rep. Chris Stewart (UT-02)
Rep. Steve Stivers (OH-15)
Rep. Van Taylor (TX-03)
Rep. Glenn Thompson (PA-15)
Rep. Mac Thornberry (TX-13)
Rep. William Timmons (SC-04)
Rep. Scott Tipton (CO-03)
Rep. Mike Turner (OH-10)
Rep. Ann Wagner (MO-02)
Rep. Tim Walberg (MI-07)
Rep. Greg Walden (OR-02)
Rep. Mark Walker (NC-06)
Rep. Jackie Walorski (IN-02)
Rep. Michael Waltz (FL-06)
Rep. Steve Watkins (KS-02)
Rep. Randy Weber (TX-14)
Rep. Daniel Webster (FL-11)
Rep. Brad Wenstrup (OH-02)
Rep. Bruce Westerman (AR-04)
Rep. Joe Wilson (SC-02)
Rep. Rob Wittman (VA-01)
Rep. Steve Womack (AR-03)
Rep. Rob Woodall (GA-07)
Rep. Ron Wright (TX-06)
Rep. Ted Yoho (FL-03)
Rep. Dong Young (AK-At-Large)
Rep. Lee Zeldin (NY-01)
Hmmmmm. All Germans are THIS, and All Germans are THAT. Sounds like something very familiar, doesn't it?

First, "German" is a nationality, not an ethnic group. One that has not existed as long as "American" has. A Prussian and a Bavarian are two very very different people.

Second, for those of you who have not seen the flyers handed out by leftist Oberlin College faculty, concerning the bakery, GO AND LOOK AT THEM. The actual flyer. If it does not remind you of something, a particular historical event, a single evening involving lots of shattered windows, then you are blind as a bat and dangerously historically ignorant.

The left ARE the Nazis, the fascist bullies, the jackbooted thugs. They will end the same way.
Hmmmmm, for someone who calls others "dangerously historically ignorant" you seem to be the only one who missed my intent. No one else fell for it.

The comments about Germans were meant to mimic the dangerously racist comments uttered by our President. They were designed to illuminate just how absurd, ridiculous, hateful, and ignorant one is to group people due to their ethnicity or where they came from.

Only you, the self-proclaimed genius who is always belittling others for lack of intelligence, failed to see the "German" posts for what they were.

Hats off to you Vers!

That is certainly a new and impressive way to have to keep from admitting you were wrong.
"I don't wanna hear about the damn Germans. They are the most racist group of folks who ever walked the face of the Earth."

This does not seem to resemble in any way any comments Trump made. It does seem to resemble your own, personal, individual opinion.
Are you German?
Rather than deflecting, explain your quoted comment.
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell

The brits were told go home, and the irish,the Germans, the poles, the Italians, the Greeks, various eastern europeans, the blacks, the mexicans, other hispanics, cubans, chinese, Japanese, and so on. Get over it. It's not racist. Everyone new, old, and in between have been told the same throughout the history of this country. Being here is a priviledge, not a right. Assimilate and enjoy, or gripe and leave.

So what is it you're saying? That it was wrong then and it's wrong now? That it's past time we put an end to this kind of talk and start standing up for what's right? If so we agree.

If not, it seems that you're using past mistakes to excuse persent mistakes.
Obviously you missed it, but I believe that the point was that ALMOST all of those groups assimilated and conformed to societal norms, and the problem went away.
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Is it OK for you to mock the first lady?
A standup woman who has done nothing wrong and
is stuck with a loser husband?

You should be ashamed. Maybe go smell the poo coming from your own toilet.

While I don't take issue with much of what you said. She chose to marry him. She chose to be with him. It isn't like "she's stuck with him".

But it is ironic that Ihan Omar has been a citizen longer than Melania.
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell

The brits were told go home, and the irish,the Germans, the poles, the Italians, the Greeks, various eastern europeans, the blacks, the mexicans, other hispanics, cubans, chinese, Japanese, and so on. Get over it. It's not racist. Everyone new, old, and in between have been told the same throughout the history of this country. Being here is a priviledge, not a right. Assimilate and enjoy, or gripe and leave.

Apparently it's not racist to target a minority and tell them to do an action that is specific to them because of their race, color of their skin or heritage..... Not racist at all. No siree.

I think there are some here that think in order to make a racist comment Trump needs to use the work Wop, Coon, Spick or towel head etc..... smh
So what is it you're saying? That it was wrong then and it's wrong now? That it's past time we put an end to this kind of talk and start standing up for what's right? If so we agree.

If not, it seems that you're using past mistakes to excuse persent mistakes.
Trump claims he disavows 'send her back' chant despite remaining silent and starting racist attacks


He can’t possibly believe he majority believes this trash...

Other than the brain dead MAGA hatters.
No, but I believe he understands that thanks to the electoral college, it doesn't matter what the majority believes.
Originally Posted By: Swish
Trump claims he disavows 'send her back' chant despite remaining silent and starting racist attacks


He can’t possibly believe he majority believes this trash...

Other than the brain dead MAGA hatters.

Swish, this will be the 2020 rally cry for the deplorables. He pushed the boundary, see if he gets any push back from the repubs; Sorta maybe vague statement about disavowing it and then see his poll numbers get a little bump from the Neanderthals and it will be this elections "build the wall" or "lock her up"
Racist, xenophobe, homophobe, bigot, and now 'neanderthal'

Can you see why discussion with the anti trumps are not productive.

One can't have a discussion with name callers and haters.

Piers Morgan.
Scorched Earth.

im tell you bro, facism is absolutely on the rise on the right.

the majority of the country needs to get this clown out of office in 2020, because the right is hellbent on repeating history and sending us backwards.
Originally Posted By: Nelson37
Rather than deflecting, explain your quoted comment.

I'm not the one deflecting, Nellie. I already answered the question the first time I responded to your slow-to-grasp-the-obvious self. I think most folks who read this forum understand that I am opposed to labeling large groups of people.

Now, speaking of deflecting, take a look at what this thread was about. It was about Trump making racist comments about women of color. Nellie, you ignored all of that and chose to question me about labeling Germans. Why would it upset you if I did intend to label Germans while you have no problem w/our our POTUS labeling minorities?

I think most of us know the answer to that question, Nellie. We know too many folks like you.

Btw.....let me know if you want me how to directly reply to the poster you are speaking to.
Btw.....let me know if you want me how to directly reply to the poster you are speaking to.

good luck.
he's been told/shown before.

I think there's an echo feedback loop between the space in his hat and the space between his ears.

hello? hello? hello?

The Republican party we used to know. One that we may disagree with, but one who stood on principals and not hateful, divisive rhetoric to intentionally tear our people apart.

And many of the same people who supported McCain are the same people making excuses for this man...

And these same people have the nerve to call you the hater if you stand up against this mans hate.

So now AOC has been the subject of a tweet by a Louisiana Policeman saying she needs to take a bullet.

He appears to have tweeted that after seeing a false story on Snopes.com.... I'm sure the Trump faithful will claim this has absolutely nothing to do with Trump ... but does anyone really think that the hate and rhetoric about violence would be so high without Trump?

Trump continues his assault on these four women almost daily. Deplorable.
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