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Before Trump, Steve King Set the Agenda for the Wall and Anti-Immigrant Politics
Building a border wall, ending birthright citizenship and disparaging undocumented immigrants. Representative Steve King championed anti-immigration views years before President Trump made them a focal point of his administration.Published OnJan. 10, 2019CreditCreditSteve Pope/Associated Press
By Trip Gabriel
Jan. 10, 2019

Years before President Trump forced a government shutdown over a border wall, triggering a momentous test of wills in Washington, Representative Steve King of Iowa took to the House floor to show off a model of a 12-foot border wall he had designed.

And long before Mr. Trump demonized immigrants — accusing Mexico of exporting criminals and calling for an end to birthright citizenship — Mr. King turned those views into talking points, with his use of misleading data about victims of undocumented immigrants and demeaning remarks about Latinos.

Immigration is Mr. Trump’s go-to issue, his surest connection to his most faithful supporters, and his prime-time address on Tuesday night underscored his willingness to use fear and misleading statements to appeal to voters — just as he did with warnings about a migrant caravan before the midterm elections.

The Republican Party hadn’t always intended to go this route: Officials tried for years to come up with broad-based immigration reform that would appeal to growing numbers of Latino voters. But Mr. Trump’s preoccupation with the wall and anti-immigrant politics reflects how he has embraced the once-fringe views of Mr. King, who has used racist language in the past, promotes neo-Nazis on Twitter and was recently denounced by one Republican leader as a white supremacist.


With the federal government in a third week of paralysis over a border wall, Mr. Trump’s positions are a reminder of how Mr. King’s ideology and his language maligning undocumented residents helped shape the Republican message in 2016 and 2018 and define Mr. Trump’s agenda and prospects for re-election. Mr. King may have been ostracized by some Republicans over his racist remarks and extremist ties, but as much of the nation debates immigration, his views now carry substantial influence on the right.

Early in Mr. Trump’s term, the president invited Mr. King — who was long snubbed by establishment Republicans like the former House speaker John A. Boehner — to the Oval Office. There, the president boasted of having raised more money for the congressman’s campaigns than anyone else, including during a 2014 Iowa visit, Mr. King recalled in an interview with The Times.

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“Yes, Mr. President,” Mr. King replied. “But I market-tested your immigration policy for 14 years, and that ought to be worth something.”


Mr. King, a 69-year-old former bulldozer operator with a combative manner, who has been elected nine times, helped write the book on white identity politics that are ascendant in Mr. Trump’s Republican Party. That provides both a template for Mr. Trump and a warning.

Mr. King, left, in March 2006. He has denounced immigration reform efforts under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama as “amnesty.”
Doug Mills/The New York Times

Mr. King, left, in March 2006. He has denounced immigration reform efforts under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama as “amnesty.”CreditDoug Mills/The New York Times
Mr. King’s full-throated embrace of nativism has long found a supportive constituency in the rural Midwest, the region that was a key to Mr. Trump’s 2016 victory and represents his most likely path to re-election.

But at the same time, Mr. King’s margin of victory in 2018 shrank to its narrowest in 16 years. He made national headlines for endorsing a Toronto mayoral candidate with neo-Nazi ties and for meeting with a far-right Austrian party accused of trivializing the Holocaust. On Twitter, he follows an Australian anti-Semitic activist, who proposed hanging a portrait of Hitler “in every classroom.” And in October, the chairman of the Republican House elections committee, Representative Steve Stivers of Ohio, condemned Mr. King, saying, “We must stand up against white supremacy and hate in all forms.”

Mr. King lost corporate agriculture donors like Purina, Land O’Lakes and Smithfield. He dropped from an 18-point lead over his Democratic opponent in his internal polls to barely squeaking out a three-point win on Election Day. On Wednesday, Mr. King drew a formidable challenger for his Fourth District seat in the 2020 Republican primary: Randy Feenstra, an assistant majority leader in the State Senate, who said Mr. King had left Iowa “without a seat at the table” because of “sideshows” and “distractions.’’

Mr. King, in the interview, said he was not a racist. He pointed to his Twitter timeline showing him greeting Iowans of all races and religions in his Washington office. (The same office once displayed a Confederate flag on his desk.)


At the same time, he said, he supports immigrants who enter the country legally and fully assimilate because what matters more than race is “the culture of America” based on values brought to the United States by whites from Europe.

“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” Mr. King said. “Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”

Mr. King’s influence over national politics derives from his representation of the reddest district in the first presidential nominating state. Nearly all the 2016 Republican presidential contenders sought his blessing at a forum he hosted in Des Moines in January 2015, Mr. Trump included.

“Donald Trump came to Iowa as a real nonideological candidate,” Mr. King recalled. Mr. Trump’s first hire in Iowa, Chuck Laudner, was a former chief of staff to Mr. King. Mr. Trump’s first Iowa rally directly followed a visit to the Mexican border.


Mr. King graduated from Denison High School in 1967 with an all-white senior class. The school now has a Hispanic majority.
Mary Mathis for The New York Times


Mr. King graduated from Denison High School in 1967 with an all-white senior class. The school now has a Hispanic majority.CreditMary Mathis for The New York Times
The previous year, Mr. Trump had visited to endorse Mr. King’s re-election. As the congressman warned of scenarios like Islamic State terrorists or even Africans with ebola illegally entering the country, Mr. Trump listened and nodded. When he stepped to the microphone, he echoed Mr. King.

“Well, border security is a very big issue,” he said. “People are just flooding across.”

Tom Tancredo, a former Colorado congressman who once held the most conservative views in official Washington on immigration, calling for a moratorium on even legal immigrants, said he “handed the baton to Steve King” when he left the House in 2008.

David Johnson, a former Republican state senator from Mr. King’s district, said he heard in the president’s rhetoric a direct echo of Mr. King. “They belong to the same subset of white nationalists who are afraid of how the country is changing,” he said.

Mr. King was born in Storm Lake, Iowa, and attended high school in nearby Denison, then a nearly all-white rural farming region, where his father managed a state police radio station.


After founding an earth-moving company, Mr. King ran successfully for the State Senate in 1996. His most notable legacy from six years in the Legislature was a law making English the official state language. It was a time when packinghouses and other agricultural employers had dropped wages, and Latino migrants increasingly were taking jobs that no longer attracted native-born Iowans.

Elected to Congress in 2002, Mr. King attracted the attention of hate-watch groups like the Anti-Defamation League as he spoke increasingly about preserving “Western culture” or “Western civilization.” The groups consider those buzzwords that signal support to white nationalists, along with an obsession with birthrates and abortion rates among different ethnic groups.

“He uses the concepts of either ‘culture’ or ‘civilization’ to obfuscate that he’s talking about whiteness and race,” said Lawrence Rosenthal, chairman of the Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies.

In 2011, Mr. King objected to the Affordable Care Act’s mandate to cover contraception. “That’s not constructive to our culture and our civilization,” he said in a speech in the House. “If we let our birthrate get down below the replacement rate, we’re a dying civilization.”


Mr. King has been elected to nine terms, but his margin of victory shrank to his narrowest ever in November.
Scott Morgan/Reuters


Mr. King has been elected to nine terms, but his margin of victory shrank to his narrowest ever in November.CreditScott Morgan/Reuters
Mr. King seems further emboldened during the Trump presidency.

In an interview in August with a far-right web publication in Austria, Mr. King displayed a deep familiarity with racist tracts and ideas embraced by white supremacists.

He spoke of “the Great Replacement,” a conspiracy theory on the far right that claims shadowy elites are working behind the scenes to reduce white populations to minorities in their own countries.

“Great replacement, yes,” Mr. King said in the interview. “These people walking into Europe by ethnic migration, 80 percent are young men.”

The accusation that a “great replacement” of whites is underway — which conspiracy theorists often link to prominent Jews like George Soros — animated the torch-carrying white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017, who chanted, “You will not replace us” and “Jews will not replace us.”


Mr. Trump’s refusal to condemn the marchers, and his insistence that there were “very fine people on both sides,” was cheered by neo-Nazi websites.

In Mr. King’s interview with the Austrian website, he repeated his yearslong critique of multiculturalism.

“What does this diversity bring that we don’t already have? Mexican food. Chinese food,” he said. “Those things, well, that’s fine, but what does it bring that we don’t have that is worth the price?”

In recent years, Mr. King has forged alliances with far-right European leaders, including Marine Le Pen of France and Geert Wilders of the Netherlands, one of the most anti-Muslim politicians in Europe, who calls for closing mosques.


While serving in the Iowa Legislature in the 1990s, Mr. King helped pass a law making English the state’s official language.
Mary Mathis for The New York Times


While serving in the Iowa Legislature in the 1990s, Mr. King helped pass a law making English the state’s official language.CreditMary Mathis for The New York Times
Ahead of Dutch elections in March 2017, Mr. King endorsed Mr. Wilders in a tweet, saying, “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”

Amid an ensuing controversy, he claimed the tweet wasn’t about race. Virulent white supremacists, however, heard otherwise.

“Steve King is basically an open white nationalist at this point,” wrote Andrew Anglin, the founder of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer.

Mr. Anglin and others celebrated that Mr. Trump’s election had made once-fringe beliefs about ethnonationalism acceptable to mainstream politicians.


As Republicans have morphed from the party of George W. Bush, who sought legal status for 12 million undocumented immigrants, to the party of Mr. Trump and Mr. King, some party leaders fear for the future in a nation where Hispanic voters are a rapidly growing electorate.

“Great damage has been done,” said Carlos Curbelo, a moderate Republican who lost a South Florida congressional seat in the midterms. “For anyone who cares about having a small-government, free-enterprise party in America that can aspire to win national elections, it’s a real concern.”

Mr. Curbelo, who tried to forge compromise on immigration in the House last year, said Mr. Trump told him privately, including on Air Force One, that he wanted a deal with Democrats.

But the president is paralyzed by the far right, Mr. Curbelo said. “He’s terrified of losing his base and the so-called conservative media.”


Last week, as the new Congress was sworn in, Mr. King sat on his side of a chamber sharply delineated by demographics. The Democratic majority included record numbers of African-Americans and women, including the first Native American and the first Muslim women. Mr. King’s side was mostly people who look like him.

“You could look over there and think the Democratic Party is no country for white men,” he said.

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I guessed who it was before I opened the thread.

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What does it say about the people who continue voting for this dude.

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When did voting for Steve King become racist? tongue

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Ben Shapiro published an entire article arguing King isn’t racist today, and then immediately had to pull it after the guy opened his mouth.


On January 10, 2019, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) reportedly stated, “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” In light of those statements, this article gave far too generous an interpretation of King’s words. As I stated in the article, there were two ways to interpret his statements. His later open embrace of the terms “white nationalist” and “white supremacist” suggest that the first interpretation described below was not as implausible as it seemed at the time.

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Originally Posted By: gage
When did voting for Steve King become racist? tongue

Which poster was it that kept pretending like it was crazy to point out King is a huge racist?

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Last week, as the new Congress was sworn in, Mr. King sat on his side of a chamber sharply delineated by demographics. The Democratic majority included record numbers of African-Americans and women, including the first Native American and the first Muslim women. Mr. King’s side was mostly people who look like him.

You could look over there and think the Democratic Party is no country for white men,” he said.

Pretty much the core belief of all the Trumpians on the board. Sad, very sad.

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It’s time for this man go to.

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Originally Posted By: BpG
It’s time for this man go to.

Trump or King? BOTH!

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Originally Posted By: BpG
It’s time for this man go to.

Yet he’ll be backed to the hilt by the deplorables.

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The Cons in Congress stripped him from his committees last night.

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Freedom of speech has consequences.

I hope he enjoys the sidelines for the next couple of years.

There will be no playoffs. Can’t play with who we have out there and compounding it with garbage playcalling and worse execution. We don’t have good skill players on offense period. Browns 20 - Bears 17.

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It would be nice to see both parties do the right thing when there members say stupid things. The Republicans stripped King from all committees when he said what he said. But Rashida Tlaib uses profanity in front of children and make anti antisemitism remark and nothing from the Democrats. They are hypocrites.

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“You could look over there and think the Democratic Party is no country for white men,” he said.

Yet Dawgtalkers are constantly (and gleefully) reminded by a small group of other Dawgtalkers that the KKK was founded by the Democratic Party.

How could such a dichotomy exist, pray tell?
One ponders such things, when confronted with such seemingly contradictory data. I mean:

1. Either Dems are exclusionary anti-white racists who have no room for EuroAm males, or
2. They are the party that once empowered violent EuroAm males to wear sheets, raid rural AfAm townships... and hang fellow human beings from ropes attached to trees. Raw: in dead-of-night raids... and also on Sunday afternoons, dressed up as festive public functions.

They couldn't possibly be the same people, could they?

My... I wonder how two such diametrically opposed sets of facts could possibly be true at the same time.

Why, it's almost as if at some point, those Klansmen stopped feeling comfy affiliating with the Donks... and ran to the Pachyderms. All the history I studied (and actually lived through) suggests that the ('alleged') mass exodus happened during 1964 and 1965. Gee, I wonder- what happened during those years? I wonder what the EuroAM POTUS of the time could possibly have done to set such a generational movement in motion? Musta been something big, I guess. Perhaps I'll Google it to find out.

Well, it's pretty safe to assume that Steve King of Iowa feels less comfy around Dems in 2018 than he would have in 1938. Or '48. Or '58.

But that's not really a Modern Dem's fault, now is it?
It's also not Modern Dems' problem to fix, either. My workplace is overwhelmingly Euro, around 50% male... and only about 30-35% of my entire work tribe actually votes Red. You know- like the rest of (non electoral college/raw vote) America.

So... maybe the Dem party is actually no country for white men who are Steve King.
Perhaps that explanation makes more sense than anything his 'soundbyte rhetoric' is trying to suggest.

just another .02,
an American, too

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I see this as a pretty simple issue... Either you really believe that all men (and women) are created equal or you don’t. We created this lofty idea, and it is a struggle to achieve..

It’s when we begin to believe in that it is ok to chip away at the edges or to provide a qualified interpretation that we get into trouble. So don’t go there with a dog whistle western civilization comment.

There will be no playoffs. Can’t play with who we have out there and compounding it with garbage playcalling and worse execution. We don’t have good skill players on offense period. Browns 20 - Bears 17.

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Originally Posted By: Clemdawg
“You could look over there and think the Democratic Party is no country for white men,” he said.

Yet Dawgtalkers are constantly (and gleefully) reminded by a small group of other Dawgtalkers that the KKK was founded by the Democratic Party.

Honestly only an idiot would believe in such stuff.

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Originally Posted By: Day of the Dawg
It would be nice to see both parties do the right thing when there members say stupid things. The Republicans stripped King from all committees when he said what he said. But Rashida Tlaib uses profanity in front of children and make anti antisemitism remark and nothing from the Democrats. They are hypocrites.

You should know that it wasn't just republicans that stripped King.. Democrats were involved as well..

Where did Rashida Tlaib make antisemitism remarks?

She did indeed call Trump a Mother F.....! I'm not sure if there were children in the room.. I'd have to go and look at the video again. No question it was a mistake and I gotta tell you, it was stupid..

You gotta come off the hypocrite comments until the Republicans fix their side of things.. You have a Republican president that couldn't find the truth if he was sitting on it. Get woke already

Last edited by Damanshot; 01/16/19 10:38 AM.


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Originally Posted By: gage
When did voting for Steve King become racist? tongue

When the communist decided on WHITE genocide or cultural genocide ... Take your pick.

The agenda is all about the issue of national pride, which is antithetical to globalism. This extends to "WHITE" Europeans.

Racism is an inane term. There is only one race, the human race.

Ignorant people are nothing more than useful idiots to the elites, perpetuating their own demise as a free society.

The question that remains is; will they wake up, and wise up, before there is no return?

Or will people continue to be lead by their emotions to their own destruction?

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Are we arguing that white nationalism is OK because it's anti globalist?

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Originally Posted By: Day of the Dawg
It would be nice to see both parties do the right thing when there members say stupid things. The Republicans stripped King from all committees when he said what he said. But Rashida Tlaib uses profanity in front of children and make anti antisemitism remark and nothing from the Democrats. They are hypocrites.


Yeah, promoting racism and racial division is the same as using curse words. Only you would try to compare the two.

And don't get me wrong, I think what she said was classless.

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Originally Posted By: FL_Dawg
Originally Posted By: gage
When did voting for Steve King become racist? tongue

When the communist decided on WHITE genocide or cultural genocide ... Take your pick.

The agenda is all about the issue of national pride, which is antithetical to globalism. This extends to "WHITE" Europeans.

Racism is an inane term. There is only one race, the human race.

Ignorant people are nothing more than useful idiots to the elites, perpetuating their own demise as a free society.

The question that remains is; will they wake up, and wise up, before there is no return?

Or will people continue to be lead by their emotions to their own destruction?

Trumpian brain barf ^... smh

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If you honestly believe that the current white supremacist movement is about "national pride" you are lost. Racism may be an inane term to you, but those that watched a group of people get ran over by a car would disagree.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

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Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
If you honestly believe that the current white supremacist movement is about "national pride" you are lost. Racism may be an inane term to you, but those that watched a group of people get ran over by a car would disagree.

I understand what you are saying, I am not a bigot by any means, but I am white, and am a nationalist...our nation all the way.

People confuse racism and bigotry.

There is a difference.

Last edited by Ballpeen; 01/16/19 08:21 PM.

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People want to believe they are on the right side of this issue.

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Are you a nationalist or a patriot ? There are some small but key differences.

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Originally Posted By: gage
Are you a nationalist or a patriot ? There are some small but key differences.

He don't care what you label him as long as you don't confuse his racism for his bigotry... smh

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I think we have to look at what the White Nationalist movement as a whole represents in our nation. Then we have to ask ourselves if that is what we want our names associated with or not.

I'm certainly not ashamed of the fact that I'm mostly white. I also don't take any more pride that I'm white any more or less than I would if I were any other race.

I'm fully aware of what the white nationalist movement is. It has nothing to do with the pride in being white. You can name something anything you wish but that won't change what it really is and what it actually represents.

I know this is a southern reference, but even at the risk of OCD thinking it makes me dumb wink.... I'm going to use it anyway.

"You can call a pig a steer if you want to, but when you bite into that rump roast, it's still going to taste like and be a ham."

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You can try to act like the timing of the recent barrage of anti white rhetoric has nothing to do with the virtually mirrored time-frame of White Nationalist activity. This isn't the same KKK, deep south, Aryan race promoters of years past, while I certainly admit they have taken advantage. This recent bubble up of White Nationalism is (in my opinion) a rejection of the recent trend (past 5-10 years) among leftist to not just be Pro Black, which by itself is perfectly fine for most normal people, but at the same time full on Anti-white.

Let the cry babies come in and call me a racist. Go ahead, get it out of your system.

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you actually made a really good point, but then ruined it with the last sentence.


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Just because you can't see the forest for the trees doesn't make you a racist. But you certainly come across as an angry white man.

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Been white my whole life and never seen an Anti-White trend... ever.

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Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Just because you can't see the forest for the trees doesn't make you a racist. But you certainly come across as an angry white man.

Calling me a racist makes me angry, yes.

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Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Been white my whole life and never seen an Anti-White trend... ever.

there has been some. its been taken a bit overboard, but in general, there isn't much anti-white anything.

but for a significant portion of the country, not viewing everything in a romanticized version of american history = anti-white. thats how the term "white guilt" gets used a lot.

the white guys who use terms like anti-white and white guilt reminds me of the AA's i've dealt with that use terms like coon and uncle tom,- and my personal favorite because im light skin, "house [censored]" -the moment anybody doesn't toe the company line.

Rocket has been accused of white guilt quite frequently on this board. and its almost always because that person can't actually debate rockets point straight up, so they got to put someone in a defensive posture in order to have some advantage in the argument.

also, and maybe you and Pit understand this better than most white guys i think, white people tend to have a much higher threshold for racist and racism than non-whites do. i think that part is just human nature, because most people have a higher threshold for what racism or overall discrimination is when they aren't the ones being targeted by it. and i think thats the bigger problem: the ones who seem to not be bothered by obvious racist and/or bigoted remarks.

for example, look at the excuses people make for Steve King. the excuses tend to come from people who look like him, right? yet, you're gonna have a hard time finding a minorities on a consistent basis defending King. why? because since King's comments aren't aimed at white conservatives, conservatives didn't do anything about king til the noise got too loud.

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I think we see this slightly different. Maybe not a lot, but to some extent.

You see, my race wasn't put in chains and forced to come here. My ancestors weren't slaves. My descendants weren't denied equal opportunities, denied goods and services, quality education, quality housing, loans and other financial opportunities based on race.

Now I'm not trying to use that as an excuse why some groups tend to use what I think you would call, "the race card" in so many cases. And I would tend to agree with you that it has become so commonly used in many cases that it doesn't actually apply, that it has lost a lot of its meaning. I see it used so commonly in many cases that it simply doesn't exist, that now when it does actually exist, many think it sounds more like the boy who cried wolf.

But the fact is, I can't truly imagine how I would feel if those things I mentioned earlier in my post were actually a part of my heritage. If only a couple of generations ago did my family actually have many of the very same opportunities my family has had for many generations. I imagine it would be a huge chip on my shoulder. I imagine I may very well see racism in places others may not.

So what I try to do, even though I'm sure I truly can't, is to try to see things from the point of others. I try to use history to understand how others may feel and why.

Even the Republican party disavowed King. Even they knew he was wrong. Only a small minority of whites even attempted to defend him. And most are only claiming that a small amount of whites are actually the problem. And I would say I agree with that.

Last edited by PitDAWG; 01/17/19 04:20 PM. Reason: To clarify my post was intended to Bpg

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Anti-White Rhetoric? Really?


“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
Daniel Patrick Moynahan

"Alternative facts hurt us all. Think before you blindly believe."
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Go ask Lebron about it.

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Originally Posted By: PitDAWG

I think we see this slightly different. Maybe not a lot, but to some extent.

You see, my race wasn't put in chains and forced to come here. My ancestors weren't slaves. My descendants weren't denied equal opportunities, denied goods and services, quality education, quality housing, loans and other financial opportunities based on race.

Now I'm not trying to use that as an excuse why some groups tend to use what I think you would call, "the race card" in so many cases. And I would tend to agree with you that it has become so commonly used in many cases that it doesn't actually apply, that it has lost a lot of its meaning. I see it used so commonly in many cases that it simply doesn't exist, that now when it does actually exist, many think it sounds more like the boy who cried wolf.

But the fact is, I can't truly imagine how I would feel if those things I mentioned earlier in my post were actually a part of my heritage. If only a couple of generations ago did my family actually have many of the very same opportunities my family has had for many generations. I imagine it would be a huge chip on my shoulder. I imagine I may very well see racism in places others may not.

So what I try to do, even though I'm sure I truly can't, is to try to see things from the point of others. I try to use history to understand how others may feel and why.

Even the Republican party disavowed King. Even they knew he was wrong. Only a small minority of whites even attempted to defend him. And most are only claiming that a small amount of whites are actually the problem. And I would say I agree with that.

I get what you're saying completely. I am not without empathy but I see it like this. I don't think it's right they had to endure that type of treatment. I've used this in the past and I think it still applies. Would the linked article below be acceptable whatsoever if the articles were about any other race but white? It would appear that many guilty white's and POC think because of what happened prior to our lifetimes that it's justified and in a sense warranted.

I'm not about to waste my time looking for too much of it and yes I am aware these are just tags. I'm not arguing for anything other than, there is a correlation with this type of rhetoric and recent White Nationalism.

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Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Go ask Lebron about it.

Don't confuse speaking up for perceived injustices as anti white rhetoric.

Your feelings and opinions do not add up to facts.
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Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Go ask Lebron about it.

Don't confuse speaking up for perceived injustices as anti white rhetoric.

Stop making excuses for bad behavior.

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Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Go ask Lebron about it.

Don't confuse speaking up for perceived injustices as anti white rhetoric.

Stop making excuses for bad behavior.

Bad behavior to stand up for what you believe? smh

Then there is a hell of a lot of bad behavior on here.

Last edited by OldColdDawg; 01/17/19 09:35 PM.

Your feelings and opinions do not add up to facts.
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