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Biden continues lying to your face, putting all the blame on Putin for gas prices and inflation…
JUN. 10, 2022 3:36 PM BY THE RIGHT SCOOP •

In a speech today, the same day we learned that inflation broke another record, Biden opened his speech by putting the blame squarely on Vladimir Putin for inflation and gas prices, saying “We’ve never seen anything like Putin’s tax on both food and gas.”

He continued saying “Putin’s price hike is hitting America hard”:

But don’t worry. We here are lucky because Biden says it’s hitting the rest of the world harder:

Biden just continues to lie and the garbage media refuses to hold him accountable.

No one is denying that Russia’s war hasn’t added to gas prices, but Biden’s own policies have been the biggest increase and he has absolutely refused to unleash American energy because of his green new deal climate agenda. Biden wants these prices high because he wants to transition us to clean energy.

So yes, this is all Biden’s fault because this is what he wants. And his party will pay the price for it in November.

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Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
SuperBrown, I kindly posted an article showing you in real-world facts how what you believe is nothing more than the poison fruit of the internets anus. You should consume those butt nuggets in the privacy of your rabbit hole, or share them with like minds at the anus they originate from because here nobody really gives a damn about the troll spam or the lunatic sources. Please don't take this as an attack. I would really like you to read that articles, maybe it's not too late for you to get help.

Last edited by OldColdDawg; 06/10/22 09:56 PM.

Your feelings and opinions do not add up to facts.
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COMMENTARY · Published June 10, 2022
This is Treason. Time to Admit Our Nation is Being Run by Domestic Terrorists and Traitors.
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By Wayne Allyn Root

Stop trying to pretend this isn’t treason. It is. Stop trying to pretend this isn’t the purposeful, intentional destruction of America. It is.

Stop trying to pretend this is “politics as usual” or a “political disagreement.” It’s not. Stop trying to pretend everything is going to be all right. It’s not.

America is in a dire situation. I believe we are in the worst situation in the history of America. We are hanging by a thread. It isn’t over just yet. But it’s the 9th inning and we’re down 8-0, with two outs. The situation is that dire.

We are dealing with radical communist traitors. Domestic terrorists and suicide bombers out to destroy the greatest country, economy and middle class in world history.

The time to act is now. Or we will never make it to 2024.

The GOP leadership is blind, deaf and dumb. They can’t see the forest for the trees. They can’t read the tea leaves. This isn’t right vs left. This is love of God, country and capitalism vs. radical communist traitors, hell bent on the destruction of America. This is sanity vs insane, wild-eyed, radical nutjobs.

Plain and simple, this is TREASON.

90% of GOP candidates running for office across America right now, have no clue how dire this situation is. Some are pure frauds. Some are RINOS. Some are dumb as a tree stump. Some are clueless and delusional. Many are bought and paid for by China- just like their Democrat counterparts.

It turns out Joe McCarthy was right, he was just early. The communist traitors are everywhere in government, political leadership, public education, universities, unions, the mainstream media, social media, Hollywood, judges, lawyers, even in the leadership ranks of the military and police. Communist traitors have infiltrated every level of government, society and industry.

And I know their plan. I learned it at Columbia University, Class of 1983. My classmate was Barack Obama. I believe Obama is now the leader carrying out this plan. He is the “shadow president of the United States”- ie operating from the shadows, while dummy dementia puppet Biden serves as decrepit front man.

And who is giving Obama the orders? The enemies of America – globalist, billionaire, meglo-maniac, psychopaths George Soros, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates and the Chinese Communist Party. Schwab, by the way, is not just a globalist who wants to make us all serfs, but also allegedly the son of one of Hitler’s right-hand men. That’s right, the billionaire son of an alleged Nazi is now trying to conquer America. My guess is he’s obsessed with finishing the job of his father. And George Soros is reported to be a Jew who handed over Jews to the Nazis as a boy. As a Jew myself, I can’t think of anything more repulsive.

You couldn’t make this stuff up. You couldn’t sell this in a Hollywood script. Hollywood would call it “preposterous and unbelievable.” But real life is stranger than fiction.

The “Cloward-Piven” plan was named after two Columbia communist professors. Their plan was getting everyone in America on welfare- thereby overwhelming the system, exploding the national debt and collapsing the economy. That would end capitalism.

Look around. It’s happening. Biden and Democrats are using open borders to fill our nation with millions of poverty-stricken illegal aliens with no skills or education- who will require cradle to grave welfare. As a bonus, this changes the entire demographics of America- with foreigners on welfare out-voting American citizens.

Worst of all is hyper-inflation. All communist dictators want to steal the people’s money and make them slaves, dependent on government. But with massive hyper-inflation they don’t even need to raise taxes. Inflation is a horrific invisible tax.

Soon the middle class will be starving and begging government to save them. That opens the door for government to pay for all your gas, home heating oil, groceries, rent and college tuition. Take it and you’re a slave for life. That’s the end of the middle class, the end of capitalism, and the end of America.

Throw in the purposeful destruction of the energy industry, supply chain dysfunction, and vaccine mandates that cost middle class Americans their jobs, and have made many Americans too sick to fight back, and soon we’re guaranteed to see massive food shortages, mass starvation, food riots and a breakdown of society. In the middle of all this, they want to take our guns away.

I repeat: We’re not going to make it to 2024.

This is TREASON. Biden and his handlers are radical communist traitors. They are domestic terrorists and suicide bombers. It’s time to take the gloves off. These people want us banned, censored, silenced, bankrupt, stripped of all property, stripped of all guns, imprisoned for our political beliefs, or dead. You can’t compromise with people who want you silenced or dead.

But the first step is to admit, THIS IS TREASON.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Wayne’s new #1 bestselling book is out, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book.”Wayne is host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 PM to 9 PM EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast. To find out more about Wayne Allyn Root and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at


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Cranky Joe and Doctor Nursemaid throw HISSY at press and you’ll never believe it but press not even MAD about it!
JUN. 10, 2022 10:18 PM BY FRED T •

Joe and Jill have a mad about the media and the media totally think they deserve it. How dare we? They screech into the night. But the harm is done, they made Doctor and Mister Old Geezer upset.
Apparently, the coverage by the NEW YORK TIMES wasn’t sufficiently fawning for the two ancient ones, and they are letting people know.

And that’s just tonight. The centennial couple have been unhappy for a while. Politico reported earlier this week that the White House is “privately pushing reporters” to clean up their act and and write positively about him.

There is growing frustration by the president and his family that he is not receiving the kind of generally more positive coverage they believe he deserves — that too often attention is focused on staff turnover and poor poll numbers and not a robust jobs market and America’s relatively strong economic recovery.

In addition to privately pushing reporters, the president and his team are also trying new tactics to change the prevailing storylines. Among them is an attempt to reframe the narrative around issues like inflation. His team published opinion pieces in The New York Times and Wall Street Journal in recent days under the president’s byline, attempting to share his foreign policy vision and path to lowering costs for consumers.

You might expect there to be big giant crisis headlines on CNN and lots of opining about the danger to press freedom from all the blue checks over this assault on free speech and free press and yadda yadda yadda … if he weren’t a Democrat.

But he is so, you guessed it, there ain’t.

It’s good to be a Democrat when you have to deal with the so-called press. You can do whatever you want and they just keep lining up to praise you for it.

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From The January 6th Clown Show To Monkeypox — Does Anyone Really Believe This Is Unintentional?
by James Howard Kunstler June 11, 2022

It’s a dangerous game trying to beat down the population this way, and to what end, exactly?

The made-for-TV January 6th Capitol Riot hearings kicked off last night with tribute video of a whole lot of pissed-off ordinary Americans marching on the stately building where, that fateful day, the final certification ceremony of a blatantly dishonest election was underway after, mind you, four years of seditious machinations by a weaponized bureaucracy aimed at disabling and destroying the sitting chief executive — in case it’s unclear why the huge crowd flocked to the capital city in the first place.

The Party of Chaos is playing its hand: a select committee of seven deuces and two jokers. Do they look like they’re going to get through this extravaganza without humiliating themselves? You never know what might come out of some witness’s mouth, despite the orchestrations of former ABC’s Good Morning America producer James Goldston, brought in to cement the narrative in the collective public brain, pre-softened with years of manifold media mind-fuckeries.

It’s the centerpiece of their midterm campaign. And I submit that it may be just a little premature as it becomes increasingly clear that the Party of Chaos, led by the “winner” of the 2020 election, “Joe Biden” and unseen handlers, have nearly completed their mission of destroying the USA as an ongoing enterprise. Broken economy, broken health, broken military, broken law enforcement, broken culture, broken morale. They sure got’er done. Do they think nobody noticed?

If the January 6th Committee show is short-and-sweet, say a few weeks, it will be quickly forgotten in the welling summertime heat as the great masses of America groan under $5… $7… maybe $10-a-gallon gasoline prices (or maybe no gas at all) while diesel prices at $6.50 today are already destroying the trucking industry — and thus the entire system for delivering all goods around the country. The zeitgeist is quivering with intimations of food shortages and the philosopher reminds us that any given body politic is just nine missed meals away from bloody rebellion. Have another look at that motley January 6th committee group photo and consider the lampposts along Pennsylvania Avenue.

It’s a dangerous game trying to beat down the population this way, and to what end, exactly? I doubt that even the Blue Team could articulate it… or would dare to… because at this point their sole aim, really, is to hide their many acts of criminality over a span of the past six years and escape prosecution, a compelling motive. And it’s getting harder and harder to conceal all that, especially their campaign to physically harm over 200-million people with mRNA “vaccines.” The body-count is rising — way higher even than deaths from the hypothetical “pandemic” that the “vaccines” were supposedly concocted to vanquish, and spectacularly failed to.

And was this Covid-19 “pandemic” itself cooked up tacitly to disorder the 2020 election with mail-in ballots so easily replicated, harvested, and stuffed by the bale into drop-boxes under cover of night? Kind of looks like it, more and more. And now, the Party of Chaos is so keenly desperate to stay out of prison that they apparently seek to repeat the trick in the fall midterm, which is otherwise quite certain to sweep them ignominiously off the game board like so many misplayed quoits.

Thus: monkeypox, the visitation of weeping pustules far more visually horrifying than was Covid-19 in all its spikey iterations, if actually hardly lethal. The hopelessly corrupt CDC has already gotten into the act with its guidance to mask-up on airplanes against this new plague. Perhaps travelers would do better wearing condoms on their noses. Apparently, monkeypox spreads by means of intensely intimate flesh-to-flesh contact. The current outbreak popped up following a giant sex rave in the Canary Islands, men having rough sex with other men. Suspicions abound that this monkeypox bears the earmarks of something engineered in a lab. Jeez, d’ya think?

If there is a God, when judgment is at hand, a jury in the court of the angels will bum-rush this Party of Chaos into a special hell of an eternal drag queen story hour, featuring Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) reading Uncle Remus to an assembled multitude of howling Jacobins, Bolsheviks, and Maoist Red Guards. Refreshments will not be served. Ever.

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lol yo what are these websites SB is posting from?

“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”

- Theodore Roosevelt
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The Treason article was pretty scary. I couldn't even read it all. Not joking.

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Banking On Stupidity: The Biden Regime Plans On Repeating “Putin’s Price Hike” Until People Believe It
by Caitlin Johnstone June 11, 2022

President Biden used the phrase “Putin’s price hike” again in a reaction to Friday’s Consumer Price Index report revealing continued high inflation, showing once again that the US government believes Americans are idiots.

“Make no mistake about it: I understand inflation is a real challenge to American families. Today’s inflation report confirms what Americans already know: Putin’s Price Hike is hitting America hard,” Biden said in a statement. “My administration is going to continue to do everything it can to lower prices for the American people.”

Which is of course absurd. Prices were already soaring and inflation was already at a 40-year high before Russia invaded Ukraine on the 24th of February, and there was never anything inscribed upon the fabric of reality which said the US needed to respond to that invasion with an economic war that has made everything worse. The US initiated these unprecedented acts of economic warfare in response to an invasion it could easily have prevented with a little diplomacy, and has managed to do so without even hurting the strength of the ruble at all.

There are many people Americans could blame for their shrinking bank accounts, but Putin isn’t one of them.

And people know this. Nobody who doesn’t work for the US government ever unironically uses the term “Putin’s price hike” except to comment on the Biden administration’s repeated use of that term. I’ve never once seen even the dumbest liberals in my social media notifications use that phrase.

Right now it looks ridiculous to hear even Biden use that term. It sticks out like dog’s balls because of how obviously contrived and out of place it is, like if he’d spontaneously yelled “Cowabunga, dudes!” or something.

But just you wait. If they keep repeating it often enough and frequently enough, sooner or later you’ll start to notice rank-and-file members of the public repeating it themselves.

This is because the empire managers understand something which John Q Public does not, and it’s this: if you repeat something often enough in a confident-sounding tone of voice, a glitch in human cognition known as the illusory truth effect causes them to mistake what you’re saying for the truth.

The illusory truth effect describes the way people are more likely to believe something is true after hearing it said many times. This is due to the fact that the familiar feeling we experience when hearing something we’ve heard before feels very similar to our experience of knowing that something is true. When we hear a familiar idea, its familiarity provides us with something called cognitive ease, which is the relaxed, unlabored state we experience when our minds aren’t working hard at something. We also experience cognitive ease when we are presented with a statement that we know to be true.

We have a tendency to select for cognitive ease, which is why confirmation bias is a thing: believing ideas which don’t cause cognitive strain or dissonance gives us more cognitive ease than doing otherwise. Our evolutionary ancestors adapted to seek out cognitive ease so that they could put their attention into making quick decisions essential for survival, rather than painstakingly mulling over whether everything we believe is as true as we think it is. This was great for not getting eaten by saber-toothed tigers in prehistoric times, but it’s not very helpful when navigating the twists and turns of a cognitively complex modern world. It’s also not helpful when you’re trying to cultivate truthful beliefs while surrounded by screens that are repeating the same bogus talking points over and over again.

This would appear to be the strategy behind the continual repetition of the phrase “Putin’s price hike” in particular and the narrative that rising prices are Russia’s fault in general. Just keep saying it and saying it until the illusory truth effect kicks in and overrides people’s cognitive faculties.

We are being trained. Westerners are paying more because of western policies chosen by western policy makers, and we’re being trained to look at our shrinking bank accounts and yell, “Damn you, Putin!”

No part of this new cold war would be possible without copious amounts of such training. Without massive amounts of propaganda, people would never consent to being made poorer in order to facilitate the dopey grand chessboard maneuverings of a few sociopaths on the east coast of the United States. Without massive amounts of propaganda, people would never consent to having the gun of nuclear war held to their heads every day as US unipolarist escalations continually ramp up brinkmanship between the world’s two nuclear superpowers. Without massive amounts of propaganda, people would never consent to agendas which directly hurt them and threaten everyone they know while providing no material benefit to them whatsoever.

But this is also true of our entire society in general. Our entire civilization is marinating in propaganda produced and promulgated by the powerful in order to manipulate our collective psychology into consenting to a status quo which serves them and not us.

Over centuries of dynasties, upheavals and revolutions, powerful people have learned that the best way to dominate a population is to manipulate them into serving your interests while giving them the illusion of freedom and control. The invention of mass media has facilitated this new form of tyranny, as has the emergence of psychology as a field of study. These two factors have combined together to give rise to the steadily advancing science of modern propaganda.

This is why the world is as it is: because the people have been psychologically manipulated at mass scale away from using the power of their numbers to create systems that benefit them instead of a few powerful sociopaths.

This is the source of all our major problems. Understanding it, and finding ways to overcome it, is the solution. The only reason they’ve been able to control us in this way is because they understand all the many ways our minds can be manipulated better than we do.

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Originally Posted by Swish
lol yo what are these websites SB is posting from?

Qanon sites.

Your feelings and opinions do not add up to facts.
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Originally Posted by SuperBrown
COMMENTARY · Published June 10, 2022
This is Treason. Time to Admit Our Nation is Being Run by Domestic Terrorists and Traitors.
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By Wayne Allyn Root

Stop trying to pretend this isn’t treason. It is. Stop trying to pretend this isn’t the purposeful, intentional destruction of America. It is.

Stop trying to pretend this is “politics as usual” or a “political disagreement.” It’s not. Stop trying to pretend everything is going to be all right. It’s not.

America is in a dire situation. I believe we are in the worst situation in the history of America. We are hanging by a thread. It isn’t over just yet. But it’s the 9th inning and we’re down 8-0, with two outs. The situation is that dire.

We are dealing with radical communist traitors. Domestic terrorists and suicide bombers out to destroy the greatest country, economy and middle class in world history.

The time to act is now. Or we will never make it to 2024.

The GOP leadership is blind, deaf and dumb. They can’t see the forest for the trees. They can’t read the tea leaves. This isn’t right vs left. This is love of God, country and capitalism vs. radical communist traitors, hell bent on the destruction of America. This is sanity vs insane, wild-eyed, radical nutjobs.

Plain and simple, this is TREASON.

90% of GOP candidates running for office across America right now, have no clue how dire this situation is. Some are pure frauds. Some are RINOS. Some are dumb as a tree stump. Some are clueless and delusional. Many are bought and paid for by China- just like their Democrat counterparts.

It turns out Joe McCarthy was right, he was just early. The communist traitors are everywhere in government, political leadership, public education, universities, unions, the mainstream media, social media, Hollywood, judges, lawyers, even in the leadership ranks of the military and police. Communist traitors have infiltrated every level of government, society and industry.

And I know their plan. I learned it at Columbia University, Class of 1983. My classmate was Barack Obama. I believe Obama is now the leader carrying out this plan. He is the “shadow president of the United States”- ie operating from the shadows, while dummy dementia puppet Biden serves as decrepit front man.

And who is giving Obama the orders? The enemies of America – globalist, billionaire, meglo-maniac, psychopaths George Soros, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates and the Chinese Communist Party. Schwab, by the way, is not just a globalist who wants to make us all serfs, but also allegedly the son of one of Hitler’s right-hand men. That’s right, the billionaire son of an alleged Nazi is now trying to conquer America. My guess is he’s obsessed with finishing the job of his father. And George Soros is reported to be a Jew who handed over Jews to the Nazis as a boy. As a Jew myself, I can’t think of anything more repulsive.

You couldn’t make this stuff up. You couldn’t sell this in a Hollywood script. Hollywood would call it “preposterous and unbelievable.” But real life is stranger than fiction.

The “Cloward-Piven” plan was named after two Columbia communist professors. Their plan was getting everyone in America on welfare- thereby overwhelming the system, exploding the national debt and collapsing the economy. That would end capitalism.

Look around. It’s happening. Biden and Democrats are using open borders to fill our nation with millions of poverty-stricken illegal aliens with no skills or education- who will require cradle to grave welfare. As a bonus, this changes the entire demographics of America- with foreigners on welfare out-voting American citizens.

Worst of all is hyper-inflation. All communist dictators want to steal the people’s money and make them slaves, dependent on government. But with massive hyper-inflation they don’t even need to raise taxes. Inflation is a horrific invisible tax.

Soon the middle class will be starving and begging government to save them. That opens the door for government to pay for all your gas, home heating oil, groceries, rent and college tuition. Take it and you’re a slave for life. That’s the end of the middle class, the end of capitalism, and the end of America.

Throw in the purposeful destruction of the energy industry, supply chain dysfunction, and vaccine mandates that cost middle class Americans their jobs, and have made many Americans too sick to fight back, and soon we’re guaranteed to see massive food shortages, mass starvation, food riots and a breakdown of society. In the middle of all this, they want to take our guns away.

I repeat: We’re not going to make it to 2024.

This is TREASON. Biden and his handlers are radical communist traitors. They are domestic terrorists and suicide bombers. It’s time to take the gloves off. These people want us banned, censored, silenced, bankrupt, stripped of all property, stripped of all guns, imprisoned for our political beliefs, or dead. You can’t compromise with people who want you silenced or dead.

But the first step is to admit, THIS IS TREASON.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Wayne’s new #1 bestselling book is out, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book.”Wayne is host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 PM to 9 PM EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast. To find out more about Wayne Allyn Root and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at


Made it pink for this sister crapping his pants and lying. Pinko Commie Loons. Donald Trump committed treason. Facts are immutable, even for stupid people.

Your feelings and opinions do not add up to facts.
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More Bidenomics: A tampon shortage is now the latest shortage nightmare for women
Jun 11, 2022
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Supply chain problems and inflation have hit virtually all consumer goods, but women who menstruate are now facing an added strain as a shortage of period products hits the United States.

According to CNN, Top retailers and manufacturers acknowledged the shortages this week, confirming complaints that have been circulating on social media for months. The issue garnered national attention this week after an article in Time called the dearth of tampons and pads the shortage “no one is talking about.”

“I haven’t seen any products in stores for months,” one user posted on Reddit. “I’ve been ordering my tampons on Amazon and have been getting price gouged.” Tampon prices are up significantly — nearly 10% from a year ago, according to Bloomberg.

But an Amazon spokesperson denied rumors of price gouging, saying its policies “help ensure sellers are pricing their products competitively,” and that the company actively monitors pricing and removes offers that violate its fair pricing policy.

The shortages appear to stem from supply constraints around key materials like cotton and plastic, which are also used in personal protective equipment, and have been in high demand from the start of the pandemic. The war in Ukraine has further crimped supply because Russia and Ukraine are both major exporters of fertilizer, which is used to grow cotton. A drought in Texas hasn’t helped, either.

Shortages of raw materials and supply chain bottlenecks aren’t unique to period products, but much like the U.S. infant formula shortage, there’s an unrelenting and urgent biological demand for them that can’t be easily substituted. People who menstruate can’t simply wait for the shelves to be restocked.

Ricky Scaparo

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Art Laffer: ‘Catastrophic Economy’ Belies Biden’s Rosy Outlook
Editor’s Note: We sell precious metals here. But even if we didn’t, we would still be sharing these articles that warn of very possible economic turmoil in the near future. Precious metals have always been the hedge used by many patriotic Americans to protect wealth and retirement. This article by Art Moore from our news partners at WND News Center explains what the great Art Laffer thinks about the state of the economy.

The White House assured the nation last year ago that the surge in inflation was temporary, and now, amid 40-year highs for basic goods, President Biden on Friday insisted Americans can handle the burden to their budgets “because of the enormous progress we’ve made in the economy.”

The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced Friday the consumer price index was a higher-than-expected 8.6% in May. And energy prices were much worse, spiking 35.6% compared to May 2021, while food prices surged 10.1%. Airline fares, meanwhile, jumped 37.8% and new vehicle prices jumped 12.6% and used vehicles 16.1%.

At the Port of Los Angeles on Friday, Biden vowed that his administration “is going to continue to do everything we can to lower the prices for the American people.”

Biden has touted his proposed “Build Back Better” spending plan as an effort to curb inflation, but it features the kind of government subsidies on health care, fuel, child care and housing, and other government spending that have served only to drive inflation.

Protect your wealth from the economic hard times ahead. Schedule a consultation with Ira about purchasing physical precious metals today.

Meanwhile, Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, declared this week the economy is “better than it has been historically.”

But Americans actually are suffering the effects of “a catastrophic economy,” insisted Art Laffer, a member of President Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board who is known for his Laffer Curve illustrating that cutting tax rates can result in increased total tax revenue because the cuts result in economic growth.

Biden, in fact, made a reference to the Reagan policy, dubbed “trickle-down economics,” at the Summit of the America’s in Los Angeles, saying it’s “time to put a nail in the coffin” of a policy “that doesn’t work.” But Reagan’s supply-side economics emphasizing tax-cuts, on the heels of the stagflation-plagued 1970s, was the centerpiece of the greatest economic expansion the world had ever seen.

Meanwhile, in the first quarter of this year, GDP declined by 1.5%, Laffer noted, and inflation is accelerating while total employment is 800,000 people lower than in it was in February 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic. A majority of Americans, according to a new Economist/YouGov survey, believe the U.S. economy is already in a recession, which is defined as two straight quarters of GDP decline.

“This is not a recovery; this is not even a catch-up back to where we were before,” Laffer told Maria Bartiromo on the Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria” on Friday morning.

This week, the World Bank forecast in its latest report “an extended period of stagflation reminiscent of the 1970s,” warning global economic growth will decrease this year, and most countries should prepare for a recession and several years of above-average inflation. Meanwhile, the DOW is experiencing the worst annual decline in its history, down more than 4,700 points since the beginning of 2022.

Laffer said in the FBN interview that based on the trendline from February 2020, the U.S. is 5 million jobs short of where it should be.

“This is a catastrophic economy. I hate to say it, but whoever wrote that piece for Biden in the Wall Street Journal doesn’t know straight-up from siccum.”

The Wall Street Journal published an op-ed May 30 with Joe Biden as author headlined “Joe Biden: My Plan for Fighting Inflation.” Two days later the paper published a rebuttal by Karl Rove titled “Biden Has No Plan to Fight Inflation,” arguing Americans “aren’t buying the idea that we can spend our way out of this mess.”

Laffer said Biden and his financial team, including Treasury Secretary Jane Yellen, are “just spouting party lines.”

“They’re not acting as professional economists,” he said. “They are not changing their views with new information.

“They need to change their policies,” he continued. “I mean reversing them quickly.”

Laffer advised, among other measures, reducing the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet and increasing oil drilling, including opening up the Keystone pipeline, which Biden shut down on his first day in office.

See Laffer:
Seen Biden claim “millions of Americans are moving up to better jobs and better pay”:

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Biden blames Putin:

Biden said Friday that Americans are enjoying “better pay,” but wages are down 3% from last year and Americans on average have $9,000 less in savings.

“Every country in the world is getting a big bite and piece of this inflation worse than we are,” said Biden.

But The Hill’s Joe Concha – citing figures in other major nations, including Japan, China, Switzerland and Saudi Arabia – said in a Fox News segment Friday that Biden is “outright lying.”

“These are very easy things to fact check,” he said, “and the American people are not fooled.”

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Six Months Ago, Fake News CNN and the Biden Regime Predicted Gas Prices Under $3 Per Gallon in 2022
By J.D. Rucker • Jun. 11, 2022

This post from CNN business reporter Matt Egan didn’t age well, and it’s barely six-months old:

Sub-$3 gas is coming soon? @EIAgov projects prices at the pump will average $2.88 in 2022.

— Matt Egan (@MattEganCNN) December 8, 2021

From the article:

Prices at the pump have finally started to creep lower, and that trend should significantly accelerate in the coming months, according to new government forecasts.

The US Energy Information Administration said Tuesday the national average for regular gasoline will probably drop to $3.01 a gallon in January. For 2022, gas prices are expected to average $2.88.

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That call is based on projections by the EIA for global oil production to increase more quickly than demand next year — especially given the emergence of the Omicron variant. This would be a reversal of the past 18 months, when output has been slow to meet surging demand as the world reopens from Covid-19.

The EIA, which is an arm of the Energy Department, cited risks that the new variant dents global consumption of energy and expectations for stronger supply from OPEC+, US shale oil companies and other major producers.

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The agency also pointed to the impact from the US-led intervention in energy markets, highlighted by the biggest-ever release of barrels from America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Brent oil, the main driver of prices at the pump, is expected to average $70 a barrel in 2022. That’s down from the average of $84 in October and $81 in November.

Many economic factors are influenced by public perception. This is why leftist corporate news outlets like CNN used to try to paint peachy pictures. Today, even they can’t make lemonade out of Biden’s fiscal lemons.

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Mumbling Joe Biden: We’re Continuing to Working to Bring Down Food Prices and Gas Prices to Save Family’s Mother” (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft Published June 11, 2022 at 1:13pm

Joe Biden stops making sense… again.

On Friday, after the catastrophic inflation numbers were released, Joe Biden gave a speech to the press.

Biden assured Americans, “We’re continuing to working to bring down food prices and gas prices to save family’s mother, money.”

Well, that’s reassuring! Got to save mother!

TRENDING: As We Always Suspected: Law Enforcement Admits They Have Informants Inside Patriot Front Group - Arrested 31 in a Uhaul on Way to Protest

And, once again, the mainstream media continues to ignore this guy’s dementia.

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How will you ever get by with a Tampax shortage!!!?


Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

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Just Like the Ministry of Truth, Big Tech Is Seizing Control Over HISTORY and Rewriting It to Suit Current Regime
by Ethan Huff June 12, 2022

A writer and political activist by the name of Danny Haiphong was suspended from Twitter for questioning the official story about the Tiananmen Square massacre incident of 1989.

It is apparently now an offense to speculate that perhaps the mainstream narrative about historical events such as this might be inaccurate, which Haiphong learned the hard way when he was told by Twitter that he had violated the platform’s “rules against abuse and harassment.”

About a year ago in conjunction with the Biden regime’s ongoing censorship efforts, Twitter quietly put new rules in place that prohibit “content that denies that mass murder or other mass casualty events took place, where we can verify that the event occurred, and when the content is shared with abusive intent.”

In a statement, Twitter added that the rule applies to references that insinuate a historical event was a “hoax,” or that its victims or survivors might be “fake or ‘actors,’” the statement said.

“It includes, but is not limited to, events like the Holocaust, school shootings, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters.”

NewsGuard and Wikipedia also function as Ministries of Truth
Haiphong is hardly the first person to dispute the Tiananmen Square incident. Many have presented contrary evidence and asked poignant questions about this and other historical incidents – and this is a good thing because it helps refine our understanding of such events by either verifying or debunking their details.

A free and open society is built on this type of inquiry, and yet the Biden regime with the help of Big Tech seeks to dismantle this American value and bury it in the annals of rewritten textbooks – or make it disappear entirely.

Silicon Valley really is doing all it can to act as a Ministry of Truth on behalf of the regime, which will in effect stamp out the First Amendment if we let things continue down their current course.

“This idea that government-tied Silicon Valley institutions should act as arbiters of history on behalf of the public consumer is gaining steadily increasing acceptance in the artificially manufactured echo chamber of mainstream public opinion,” writes Caitlin Johnstone for the Strategic Culture Foundation.

“We saw another example of this recently in Joe Lauria’s excellent refutation of accusations against Consortium News of historic inaccuracy by the imperial narrative management firm NewsGuard.”

NewsGuard, as you may recall, markets itself as a “news rating agency,” but the reality is that it exists to rate all truth as “lies,” and all lies as “truth.” It really is as simple as that – or as Johnstone puts it, NewsGuard “functions as an empire-backed weapon against media who question imperial narratives about what’s happening in the world.”

“The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal outlined the company’s many partnerships with imperial swamp monsters like former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and ‘chief propagandist’ Richard Stengel as well as “imperialist cutouts like the German Marshall Fund” when its operatives contacted his outlet for comment on their accusations,” she adds.

NewsGuard seems to operate in tandem with Wikipedia, another misinformation entity that runs endless smear campaigns against all the same targets as NewsGuard. And it just so happens that all of these targets embrace anti-imperialist narratives.

Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales serves on NewsGuard’s advisory board, which explains why the two entities engage in the same censorship tactics against the same targets.

“The social engineering necessary to continually keep people confused and blinkered about what’s going on in the world despite a sudden influx of information availability is one of the most astonishing achievements in the history of civilization, despite its depraved and destructive nature,” Johnstone concludes.

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Didn't a poster named VAMBO catch a permanent ban for spamming this exact type of hate-filled rhetoric on the regular? I mean, they are all about applying justice equally right?

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The Biden Blame Game
By Jeff Crouere • Jun. 12, 2022

The poll numbers are looking great for the Republican Party. After seventeen months of the toxic Biden agenda, Americans are upset and taking out their anger on the Democrats. According to a CNN analysis, the Republicans are in the “best position…at this point in any midterm cycle in over 80 years.”

The big problem for the Democrats is President Joe Biden. His poll numbers are akin to the approval ratings of President Jimmy Carter during his disastrous term. On the critical issue of the economy, Biden’s approval rating is 28%, according to the latest Quinnipiac University poll. Overall, among Americans, his approval rating is a dismal 33%, This matches his all-time low approval rating.

Why are the American people so upset at Biden and the Democrats? When Biden was inaugurated, the economy was on the upswing from the depths of the pandemic and gasoline prices averaged $2.39 per gallon nationally.

Under Biden, gasoline prices have skyrocketed, reaching new records daily. The price has more than doubled since his presidency began. These increases have been driven by foolish energy policies such as canceling the Keystone XL pipeline, removing tax incentives for oil and gas producers, and issuing a moratorium on new federal drilling leases.

Under President Donald Trump, the country was energy independent, but after seventeen months of the Biden administration, America is once again dependent on oil and gas imports from foreign countries. It has become so pathetic that Biden is considering a trip to Saudi Arabia to beg their authoritarian regime to increase their oil production.

Overall, inflation is surging, reaching a four-decade high, easily outpacing whatever minor wage growth Americans are receiving. This tax on working-class Americans is forcing people to increase spending on credit cards and withdraw precious funds from their savings.

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Most Americans’ number one investment is their home; however, with interest rates climbing, mortgage rates have started to increase, and the overall real estate industry is suffering. The stock market has not been a much better investment in recent months as investors have been nervous about the state of the overall economy.

There are plenty of other problems that plague the Biden administration. Most importantly, our southern border is wide open and millions of illegal aliens are pouring into the country. These illegal immigrants are coming from countries all over the world and among the throng of new arrivals are criminals and, potentially, terrorists.

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During the Biden presidency, violent crime is on the upswing in urban areas around the country. Sadly, drug overdose deaths are setting new records, thanks to the influx of fentanyl coming across the southern border.

As Americans are feeling tremendous economic pressure, President Biden keeps insisting the economy is doing well with high job growth. He also keeps pushing the radical “green” energy and has authorized the production of more solar panels.

Despite the “green” rhetoric and the constant mention of electric cars, windmills, and solar panels, the American people will continue to suffer significant economic harm. These “green” solutions are long-term, if ever, and will not help American families who are currently struggling.

Unfortunately, President Biden refuses to be truthful with the American people. He will not accept the blame for this crisis. Thus, some of his administration officials are “falling on the sword” for him.

Most prominently, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has offered numerous apologies for her misstatements about the threat of inflation. Last year, she boasted that inflation was only “transitory” and would not be a long-term problem for the American people. With the horrible economic numbers. Yellen has been doing numerous interviews to admit she was wrong, but ultimately linking the problem to new COVID-19 variants and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The real cause of this inflation, which looks long-lasting at this point, is the President’s unwavering commitment to socialism and the cult of climate change. He will not adjust his economic or energy policies, so the game plan for Democrats from now until the midterm elections is to shift the blame for the economic disaster and try to distract the American people.

Here are some of the Democrat Party’s strategies to prevent an electoral bloodbath in the November midterm elections:

Continue to blame Russian President Vladimir Putin for such problems as raging inflation, high gas prices, and food shortages. According to this fictitious narrative, everything was superb until Russia invaded Ukraine.
Focus on new COVID-19 variants and Monkeypox and threaten more economic restrictions and mandates. If there is enough concern, this will lead to another round of mail-in balloting, ballot harvesting and drop boxes for ballots. Of course, all these voting methods are rife with fraud, which does not bother Democrats in the slightest.
Use the recent Uvalde school tragedy to advance more gun control measures and demonize Republicans as gun freaks.
Continue to highlight the war in Ukraine and demand that more money and military hardware be sent to the Zelensky regime.
As usual, accuse Republicans of racism, transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, and other types of intolerant behavior. Their message will be that Republicans are too hateful to be trusted with power. They are, in the view of Democrats, nothing but hate mongers.
Emphasize the protests in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021. With their sham committee and their show trial, Democrats, who hired a television producer to make their prime-time hearings a broadcast extravaganza for viewers, will blame President Trump and Republicans for the “insurrection” that almost “destroyed democracy.” Their claim will be that these evil Republicans, along with their “insurrectionists” in the U.S. Capitol, tried to steal the presidency from the “duly elected” Joe Biden.

Over the next few months, the Democrats will use every political trick in their arsenal to hold on to power. They know the stakes are high, for if Republicans can win control of Congress, hopefully, some sanity will be restored, and the tables can be turned on the party that is working overtime to destroy our country.

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Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren propose a social security bill that would increase benefits $2,400 a year and fully fund the program thru 2096 by raising the cap on income. Repubilcans say the bill will not get one vote in either house.

There's a Social Security benefits cliff looming, with retirees seeing their checks cut as soon as 2035.

According to the latest federal Social Security report, the program has just enough funding to send out monthly checks to older Americans and those with disabilities for 13 years. Beyond that, a 20% reduction in benefits is needed for the program to be sustainable.

"In the coming decades it will be vital for Congress to take steps to put Social Security and Medicare on solid financial footing for the long term," Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a statement on the Social Security report.

Sen. Bernie Sanders — alongside Sen. Elizabeth Warren and a bevy of other Democrats — are putting forward a plan to change that.

Their proposal: a bill that would increase the benefit by $2,400 a year and fully fund the program through 2096.

To pay for it, the Democrats are proposing a raise to the earnings cap for paying into Social Security. Right now, Americans are taxed only on their first $147,000 in income to pay for Social Security; earnings beyond that are not touched.

Sanders' Social Security Expansion Act "would lift this cap and subject all income above $250,000 to the Social Security payroll tax," according to a fact sheet released by the senator.

Raising the income threshold isn't a new concept, and it's one that Sen. Joe Manchin, a key centrist, has already expressed support for. Earlier this year, the Democrat from West Virginia said the payroll-tax cap should be taken up to $400,000 to put Social Security on a more sustainable fiscal path.

While Sanders' plan is one solution to patching the ailing — and popular — program, Republicans indicated that it wouldn't draw their votes. They tend to resist tax increases to fund more generous safety net benefits, favoring other fixes.

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, suggested in a Thursday congressional hearing that the program's retirement age would probably need to be raised, a step that Sen. Mitt Romney expressed support for earlier this year. Romney previously proposed the TRUST Act, a bipartisan bill directed at helping fix Social Security and other ailing programs. Critics said that legislation might end up cutting some benefits.

"Sen. Sanders makes a wonderful plea, which many, many people agree with — the need for helping our seniors and providing better benefits for them and so forth," Romney, a Republican from Utah, said during a Senate Budget Committee hearing. "But recognize this bill has no chance whatsoever of receiving a single Republican vote in either house."

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Screw those beggars! Like getting old automatically makes you my problem and I have to pay you handouts with my tax money! They should have worked and saved! They need to learn about bootstraps! Who do they think they are anyway? smfh. The socialists are ruining this country!

I can only laugh about the caricature that the right's responses have been as of late. Right now, one of them is reading that and saying, "HELL YEAH!".

Last edited by OldColdDawg; 06/12/22 09:49 PM.

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Chuck Todd Says Something Accurate: Americans Don’t Trust Government to Fix Things
By J.D. Rucker • Jun. 12, 2022

It’s no secret that we’re not fans of CNN’s Chuck Todd. He’s a liar. He’s a partisan puppet. He’s sort of an idiot. But from time to time he says something accurate. Granted, in the video below he’s simply reading numbers from a poll, but he went against character and didn’t try to defend Democrats. Instead, he just reported what we already knew, which is better than his usual garbage.

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While not knowing what else is in this bill, I am all for eliminating the cap on income paid for social security. Why was there ever a cap on the amount anyway, as in why was the first $147,000 okay to tax, but not the rest? (oh, the wealthy that donate to the congress people, that dictate what the rules/laws are - r and d alike)

But, as with all legislation - what ELSE is in it?

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To pay for it, the Democrats are proposing a raise to the earnings cap for paying into Social Security. Right now, Americans are taxed only on their first $147,000 in income to pay for Social Security; earnings beyond that are not touched.

Gee thanks for punishing us for achieving.

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just found this;

Social Security will reach a point where it may no longer be able to pay full benefits as of 2035, if nothing is done to boost funding.
Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., along with other Democratic legislators put forward a new plan on Thursday aiming to extend the program’s solvency past 2096.
The proposal would also make benefits more generous, including an extra $2,400 per year for beneficiaries.

Jim Watson | AFP | Getty Images
Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., introduced a new bill on Thursday that aims to extend Social Security’s solvency for 75 years by raising taxes on the wealthy, while making benefits more generous.

The proposal, called the Social Security Expansion Act, would expand benefits for current and new beneficiaries by $200 per month, or $2,400 per year, and would make the monthly checks more generous in other ways.

To do that, and improve the program’s solvency at the same time, the plan also calls for raising taxes on high-earning households.

Sanders and Warren, who are co-chairs of the Expand Social Security Caucus, were joined by Democrats including Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Jeff Merkley of Oregon, Alex Padilla of California, Chris Van Hollen of Maryland and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, along with Rep. Peter DeFazio, an Oregon Democrat who introduced companion legislation in the House.

More from Personal Finance:
Social Security cost-of-living adjustment in 2023 may be a record
Supplemental Security Income bill may be step toward broader reform

Here are the changes Americans are willing to make to fix Social Security

In 2022, payroll taxes are applied to income up to $147,000. The bill calls for lifting that cap and applying the Social Security payroll tax to all income of more than $250,000.

Social Security payroll taxes are applied at a rate of 6.2% for both the employer and employee, for a total of 12.4%, which is deducted from paychecks.

The bill calls for having the wealthy pay more through a 12.4% tax on investment and business income. It would also apply levies to certain business income that is not currently subject to payroll taxes.

“Today, absurdly and unfairly, there is a cap on income subject to Social Security taxes,” Sanders said in prepared remarks during a Thursday Senate hearing.

Social Security trust fund good through 2034, SS Disability fully funded for 75 years
Currently, a worker earning $147,000 pays 6.2% of their income to Social Security payroll taxes. But if instead they earn $1.47 million, they pay just 0.6% of their income to Social Security, Sanders said.

“That may make sense to somebody,” Sanders said. “It doesn’t make sense to me.”

Under the terms of the bill, more than 93% of households would not see their taxes go up.

At the same time, it would extend the program’s solvency past 2096.

New projections from the Social Security trustees show the program’s combined funds will only be able to pay full benefits until 2035, at which point 80% of benefits will be payable.

Raising taxes on the wealthy in order to shore up the program is popular among voters, according to a survey released this week by the University of Maryland’s Program for Public Consultation.

How the bill would increase benefits
The proposal also calls for boosting benefits in several ways.

It would, for example, increase minimum benefits to 125% of the poverty line and index them. That would amount to about $17,000 for a single worker who has worked for their entire career, according to the proposal.

It also aims to make annual cost-of-living adjustments more generous by changing the measurement by which they are calculated to the consumer price index for the elderly, or CPI-E, which some advocates argue better reflects retiree spending.

The legislation would also restore benefits for students up to age 22 if they are attending college or vocational schools and are the children of disabled or deceased workers. That would reverse a 1983 policy that eliminated benefits for those people.

The effects of the plan has been analyzed by the Office of the Chief Actuary at the Social Security Administration.

“We estimate that enactment of these provisions would extend the ability of the OASDI (Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) program to pay scheduled benefits in full and on time throughout the 75-year projection period,” said Stephen Goss, chief actuary at the Social Security Administration, in a statement.

The new proposal has the backing of advocacy groups focused on expanding Social Security, including Social Security Works and the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.

However, Republican leaders were quick to take issue with the plan, particularly the proposed tax increases, at the Senate hearing on Thursday.

“This bill has no chance whatsoever of receiving a single Republican vote in either House,” said Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah. “So it will not be passed.”

Romney has proposed a bill called the TRUST Act, which would create bipartisan committees that would work to identify potential ways to shore up ailing federal programs including the Social Security, Medicare and the highway trust funds.

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Originally Posted by archbolddawg
While not knowing what else is in this bill, I am all for eliminating the cap on income paid for social security. Why was there ever a cap on the amount anyway, as in why was the first $147,000 okay to tax, but not the rest? (oh, the wealthy that donate to the congress people, that dictate what the rules/laws are - r and d alike)

But, as with all legislation - what ELSE is in it?

So, tax the rich. thumbsup Now we're getting there.

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Originally Posted by Versatile Dog
To pay for it, the Democrats are proposing a raise to the earnings cap for paying into Social Security. Right now, Americans are taxed only on their first $147,000 in income to pay for Social Security; earnings beyond that are not touched.

Gee thanks for punishing us for achieving.

Thanks for thinking once you reach a certain income level you should be exempt from paying taxes on that income.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

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Lyin’ Biden Pivots From Putin Blame Game, Suddenly Blames Oil Companies for Skyrocketing Gas Prices, Inflation

Biden points blame for record oil prices: 'Exxon made more money than God this year'
President Biden blamed oil companies but took credit for the fastest-growing economy'

By Lawrence Richard FOXBusiness

During a speech in Los Angeles Friday, President Joe Biden blamed record gas prices on the oil industry and said that U.S. oil companies like Exxon Mobil Corp were raking in massive profits this past year.

"Exxon made more money than God this year," the Catholic president told union representatives at the Port of Los Angeles as the national average price of gas is $4.99 per gallon.

In 19 states the price of a gallon of gas is over $5, according to the motorist group AAA.

Biden also accused the largest U.S. oil company of spending their profits on stock purchases, rather than using it to drill and produce more oil.

"Why aren't they drilling? Because they make more money not producing more oil," the president said. "Exxon, start investing and start paying your taxes."

Exxon responded to Biden’s comments saying the company has spent tens of billions in taxes and continues to expand its operations.


"We have been in regular contact with the administration, informing them of our planned investments to increase production and expand refining capacity in the United States," spokesman Casey Norton said, Reuters reported.

Norton also said Exxon will expand its operations in Texas through a refinery expansion.

The expansion is large enough to constitute a "new medium-sized refinery," said Norton, per the report.


Exxon paid $40.6 billion in taxes in 2021 after losing nearly $20 billion the year before, the spokesperson added.

During his appearance on ABC’s "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" Wednesday, Biden also blamed oil companies for high gas prices.

"Oil companies, instead of everybody, says, 'Well, Biden won't let them drill.' They have 9,000 drilling sites that they already own that are there. They're not doing it," Biden said to the host. "You know why? Because they make more money not drilling and buying back their own stock."

While pushing the blame for oil, the president took credit for the "fastest-growing economy in the world."

Fox News' Kristen Altus contributed to this report.

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He can lie and cry and point his finger anywhere he wants
but the American People know who is responsible for high gas prices.

Yep, the Boob they elected to run the show.

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Originally Posted by 40YEARSWAITING
He can lie and cry and point his finger anywhere he wants
but the American People know who is responsible for high gas prices.

Yep, the Boob they "installed" to run the show.


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Originally Posted by 40YEARSWAITING
He can lie and cry and point his finger anywhere he wants
but the American People know who is responsible for high gas prices.

Yep, the Boob they elected to run the show.

Yup we do,,, Just like every other country around the world who are paying crazy prices for gas and find out that OIL companies are pushing 300% profit increases...

It's moronic to think that Biden has an effect on gas prices in China, Japan, England etc.. All paying way higher prices now. But I guess that's a hard fact to grasp for those on the Far Right and in the Trump Camp


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Daman You can't stop the trolls from coming in here spreading hate and lies. It's in their Trumpian DNA. When he goes to jail and or eventually passes away, we'll still be dealing with this crap. So many lost souls.

Last edited by OldColdDawg; 06/13/22 08:11 PM.

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The "Biden" Regime is nothing but a clown show every day.

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No, that would be what you've made of PP.

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Kamala Harris speaks at D.C. pride parade, where almost nude trans people twerked in front of children
CHRIS PANDOLFO June 13, 2022

Vice President Kamala Harris made a surprise appearance at the Washington D.C. Capital Pride Festival Sunday, where children were exposed various forms of extremely sexually suggestive LGBTQ+ "kink," with the gleeful participation of their parents.

“No one should fear loving who they love,” Harris said in remarks that took aim at Republican-led states that have passed laws keeping sexually explicit content out of classrooms or prohibiting minors from undergoing sex-change procedures or hormone regimens. "Our children in Texas and Florida should not fear who they are.”

“We should not have to be dealing with 300 laws in states around our country that are attacking our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters,” Harris added. "So we know what we stand for, and therefore we know what we will fight for."

The vice president appeared to be referring to an executive order from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) that directed the state's Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate "sex-change" procedures or hormone regimens for gender dysphoric children as child abuse.

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As for Florida, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the Parental Rights in Education Act, a popular law that prohibits classroom discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in K-3 schools, reserving sex education for what is developmentally or age-appropriate in later grades as determined by state standards.

Democrats and LGBTQ+ activists have maligned these policies as harmful for transgender youth and bigoted. Republicans say they are necessary protections for children against irreversible changes to their bodies, in the case of so-called gender-affirming care, or "grooming" of kids by adults who expose them to sexually explicit material.

The D.C. pride parade where Harris spoke Sunday featured an overwhelming display of sexual fetishism. Children were encouraged to watch and even participate as thousands of barely clothed individuals marched, "twerked," and flaunted their sexuality in front of them.

In one video posted to social media, what appears to be a man with breasts, clothed in nothing but a bikini bottom, bent over and shook his rear at a police officer while the crowd, including children, cheered.

Representatives from District of Columbia Public Schools participated in the festival, and in another video a banner for Ross DCPS, an elementary school, can be seen in the parade.

According to BizPac Review, a "family friendly zone" at the playground in Stead Park featured face painting, games, and balloon art. Foundry United Methodist Church also hosted Drag Story Time for kids.

Meanwhile, members of D.C.'s "Puppy Play" community dressed in black leather and sported harnesses, ball gags, and other fetish wear as they marched in full view of the families that attended.

These and other lewd displays are typical of pride marches nationwide. LGBTQ+ activists have debated for decades whether sexually indecent marchers should be allowed in pride parades, with some arguing kink harms the movement's respectability while others assert that sexual fetishes need to be out and in the open to win mainstream acceptance.

For the latter reason, some of the marchers explained why it was important that children participate in the festival.

"It is a great thing because, I feel like, making sure that children are aware of what is around them is important," one man in a leopard suit told an independent journalist. "Just because you are around certain things doesn't mean that you're going to be persuaded to be a part of things, but you should be aware of the other type of people live are around you. And if you're not capable it's a developmental problem and this is how we fix that problem."

He added that kids should be exposed to nudity because "it helps you to understand who you are."

Other marchers described how they began to identify as gay or queer at young ages.

"It was around 10 that I started questioning if I was bi. Since then it was a slippery slope - am I bi, omni, lesbian? Now recently I'm like, am I pan? Now I'm starting to realize I'm queer," a woman that uses "he/him" pronouns said to an interviewer.

Some even expressed confusion with their own identity. And they were the adults.

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Scares the hell out of you, doesn't it? I can't stop laughing at that headline. Timid little mice.

Why did they leave the Q off that *Anon news? People who follow it must be the Q.

Last edited by OldColdDawg; 06/14/22 02:35 AM.

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