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It’s language like that …lol…trump is such a tool.

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Originally Posted by Bull_Dawg
Originally Posted by Damanshot
Originally Posted by Day of the Dawg
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Apparently anything to try to make Biden’s excellent recovery economy look bad. He’s handled the economy better than ANY president in my lifetime, that I can remember, better than O, Willie, every bush, and trickle down Ronnie… I was too young to give a crap before Reagan. The last president like biden would be FDR.

At this point, anyone hating on Bidenomics is just a hater, and not qualified to even have an opinion.

You obviously don't buy groceries, gas, etc.... This economy sucks and it has since your President was sworn in. They just don't build em like Ronny anymore!!! Last great President our country ever had. Rescued us from the mess Carter created and now we have Jimmy's 2nd term happening.

Misplaced anger. Are prices for food too high? yes. But haven't you been paying attention? Every country on this planet is going through the same thing. The difference is that our inflation is lower than anyone else. Is it Bidens fault that the other countries have it worse than us?

Back when we were in the middle of Covid, things weren't getting through. we weren't getting goods into ports. Costs go up when there are shortages. But now that products are getting through, prices haven't dropped.

Why don't you talk to corporations that keep the prices up.

No, that doesn't work for you because you can't blame Biden if you do that.

Biden is in charge of the body that sets the rules that let corporations do what they do. So, it would seem that Biden (and previous/other politicians) is complicit.

"Is it Biden's fault that other countries have it worse than us?" This is a weird question or at least way to phrase it. I'm not really sure what you're looking for with it. Are you angling for a yes, then trying to use that to say it shows Biden is doing well? We're doing "better" because everyone else relies on our currency for international trade. That doesn't really have much to do with Biden. Globally, we've effectively got the "too big to fail" currency. Plus, we have the ridiculous military expenditures and a demonstrated willingness to go nuclear.

This is from Bidens White House on where he thinks taxes for wealthy and working class should be. Of course, he can not just come out and click his heels 3 times and it is law. The legislative branch has to enact policy and there is no way in hell that the repubs are going to raise taxes on the rich-so more deficit spending

FACT SHEET: The President’s Budget Cuts Taxes for Working Families and Makes Big Corporations and the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share
Since taking office, President Biden has fought to build a fairer tax system that rewards work, not wealth; asks the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations to pay their fair share; and requires all Americans to play by the same rules and pay the taxes they owe. He has already secured historic legislation to make our tax code fairer, from enacting a corporate minimum tax so that billion-dollar companies can’t get away with paying $0 in Federal income taxes to giving the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) the tools it needs to make wealthy tax cheats pay the taxes they owe. President Biden will fight to stop Republican plans to add trillions to the deficit with tax cuts skewed to the wealthy and largest corporations. Republicans would rather add trillions to the national debt than take back even one dollar of the $150 billion annual rate cut corporations received under President Trump. Now, President Biden’s Budget will cut taxes for working families and lower deficits by trillions of dollars over a decade by making the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share—and no one earning less than $400,000 per year will pay a penny in new taxes.

Makes Big Corporations and Special Interests Pay Their Fair Share

President Biden has secured major reforms to crack down on corporate tax avoidance and ensure that large corporations start paying more of their fair share, including a 15 percent corporate minimum tax and a surcharge on large, publicly-traded corporations that buy back their own stock. The President’s Budget builds on this progress by making big corporations pay their fair share in taxes and ending special interest giveaways. The President’s Budget:

Raises Tax Rates for Large Corporations. Corporations received an enormous tax break in 2017. While their profits soared, their investment in their workers and the economy did not. Their shareholders and top executives reaped the benefits, without the promised trickle down to workers, consumers, or communities. The President’s Budget would set the corporate tax rate at 28 percent, still well below the 35 percent rate that prevailed prior to the 2017 tax law. In addition, the Budget would raise the Inflation Reduction Act’s corporate minimum tax rate on billion-dollar corporations that the President signed into law from 15 percent to 21 percent, ensuring the biggest corporations pay more of their fair share. These policies are complemented by other proposals to incentivize job creation and investment in the United States to help ensure broadly shared prosperity.

Cracks Down on Tax Avoidance by Large Multinationals and Big Pharma. For decades, countries have competed for multinational business by slashing tax rates, at the expense of having adequate revenues to finance core services. Thanks in part to the Administration’s leadership, more than 130 nations signed on to a global tax framework to finally address this race to the bottom in 2021. Many of our international partners, including many of the world’s largest economies, have implemented or will soon implement this transformational agreement. The President’s Budget proposes to do the same by reforming the international tax system to reduce the incentives to book profits in low-tax jurisdictions, stopping corporate inversions to tax havens, and raising the tax rate on U.S. multinationals’ foreign earnings from 10.5 percent to 21 percent. These reforms would ensure that profitable multinational corporations, including Big Pharma, pay their fair share.

Denies Corporate Tax Breaks for Million Dollar Executive Compensation. Executive pay has skyrocketed in recent decades, with CEO pay averaging more than 300 times that of a typical worker in 2022. The 2017 tax law’s corporate tax cuts only made this problem worse, producing massive boosts to executive compensation while doing nothing for low- and middle-income workers. While corporations can choose to give huge pay packages to their executives, President Biden believes that they don’t deserve a tax break when they do. His Budget proposes new policy to deny deductions for all compensation over $1 million paid to any employee of a C corporation, which would discourage companies from giving their executives massive pay packages and help level the playing field across C corporations.

Quadruples the Stock Buybacks Tax. The Inflation Reduction Act’s surcharge on corporate stock buybacks reduces the tax advantage for buybacks over dividends and encourages businesses to invest in their growth and productivity as opposed to funneling tax-preferred profits to foreign shareholders. The President’s Budget proposes quadrupling the stock buybacks tax from one percent to four percent to address the continued tax advantage for buybacks and encourage corporations to invest in productivity and the broader economy.

Eliminates Tax Subsidies for Oil and Gas. The President is committed to ending tens of billions of dollars of Federal tax subsidies for oil and gas companies. Even as they benefit from billions of dollars in special tax breaks, oil companies have failed to invest in production. For the last two years, they have realized record profits, but instead of lowering prices for consumers or investing these funds, they have undertaken record stock buybacks, mergers, and acquisitions that benefited executives and wealthy shareholders. The Budget eliminates special tax treatment for oil and gas company investments, as well as other fossil fuel tax preferences.

Eliminates Tax Subsidies for Real Estate. The Budget closes the “like-kind exchange” loophole, a special tax subsidy for real estate. This loophole lets real estate investors—but not investors in any other asset – put off paying tax on profits from deals indefinitely as long as they keep investing in real estate. This amounts to an indefinite interest free loan from the Government. Real estate is the only asset that gets this sweetheart deal.

Eliminate Tax Subsidies for Cryptocurrency Transactions. The Budget eliminates a special tax subsidy for crypto currency and certain other transactions. Right now, crypto investors aren’t subject to the same rules of the road that investors in stocks or other securities have to follow, allowing them to report excessive losses. For example, a crypto investor – unlike an investor in stocks or bonds – can sell a cryptocurrency at a loss, take a substantial tax loss to reduce their tax burden, and then buy back that same cryptocurrency the very next day. The Budget eliminates this tax subsidy for crypto currencies by modernizing the tax code’s anti-abuse rules to apply to crypto assets just like they apply to stocks and other securities.

Makes Wealthy People Pay Their Fair Share

President Biden has already secured additional funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that is enabling it to crack down on the high-income individuals and corporations who too often avoided paying their lawfully owed taxes and to improve service for the millions of Americans that do pay their taxes. Already, the IRS has collected more than $500 million in unpaid taxes from fewer than 2,000 delinquent millionaires, launched enforcement action against 25,000 millionaires who have not filed a tax return since 2017, and started cracking down on high-end tax evasion like deducting personal use of corporate jets as a business expense. President Biden’s tax plan would build on this progress with reforms that will finally make the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share. The President’s Budget:

Requires Billionaires to Pay at Least 25 Percent of Income in Taxes. Billionaires make their money in ways that are often taxed at lower rates than ordinary wage income, or sometimes not taxed at all, thanks to giant loopholes and tax preferences that disproportionately benefit the wealthiest taxpayers. As a result, many of these wealthy Americans are able pay an average income tax rate of just 8 percent on their full incomes—a lower rate than many firefighters or teachers. To finally address this glaring inequity, the President’s Budget includes a 25 percent minimum tax on the wealthiest 0.01 percent, those with wealth of more than $100 million.

Increases the Top Tax Rate on the Wealthiest Americans to 39.6 Percent. One of the 2017 tax cut’s clearest giveaways to the wealthy was cutting the top marginal income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 37 percent, exclusively benefitting those in the top one percent. This rate cut alone is giving a couple with $2 million in annual taxable income a tax cut of more than $30,000 each year. The President’s Budget restores the top marginal tax rate to 39.6 percent for single filers making over $400,000 a year and married couples making more than $450,000 per year.

Ends Capital Income Tax Breaks and Other Loopholes for the Very Wealthy. The President’s Budget will end one of the most unfair aspects of our tax system—the fact that the tax rate the wealthy pay on capital gains and dividends is less than the tax rate that many middle-class families pay on their wages. Households making over $1 million—the top 0.4 percent of all households—will pay the same 39.6 percent marginal rate on their income just like a high-paid worker pays on their wages. Moreover, the Budget eliminates the loophole that allows the wealthiest Americans to entirely escape paying taxes on their wealth by passing it down to heirs. Today, our tax laws allow these accumulated gains to be passed down across generations untaxed, exacerbating inequality. The Budget will close this loophole, ending the practice of “stepping-up” the basis for gains in excess of $5 million per person and $10 million per married couple ($5.25 and $10.5 million, respectively, when combined with existing real estate exemptions), and making sure the gains are taxed if the property is not donated to charity. The reform is designed with protections so that family-owned businesses and farms will not have to pay taxes when given to heirs who continue to run the business. Without these changes, billions in capital income would continue to escape capital gains taxation entirely.

Requires Wealthy People to Pay their Fair Share Toward Medicare to Extend Medicare Solvency Indefinitely. The President’s Budget extends the solvency of the Medicare Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund indefinitely by modestly increasing the Medicare tax rate on incomes above $400,000, closing loopholes in existing Medicare taxes, and directing revenue from the Net Investment Income Tax into the HI trust fund as was originally intended, along with dedicating an amount equivalent to the savings from Medicare prescription drug reforms. Current law lets certain wealthy business owners avoid Medicare taxes on some of the profits they get from pass-through businesses. The President’s Budget closes this loophole and raises Medicare tax rates on earned and unearned income from 3.8 percent to 5 percent for those with incomes over $400,000.

Closes Loopholes for the Wealthy. The Budget closes loopholes that overwhelmingly benefit the rich and big corporations, including ending the carried interest loophole that allows some wealthy investment fund managers to pay tax at lower rates than their secretaries, reforming tax preferred retirement incentives to ensure that the ultrawealthy cannot use these incentives to amass tax free fortunes, preventing the super-wealthy from abusing life insurance tax shelters, closing a loophole that benefits wealthy crypto investors, and ending a tax break for corporate jets.

Ensures That the IRS Can Continue to Collect Taxes Owed by Wealthy Tax Cheats. The Inflation Reduction Act addressed long-standing IRS funding deficiencies by providing stable, multi-year funding to improve tax compliance by finally cracking down on high-income individuals and corporations who too often avoided paying their lawfully owed taxes, and to improve service for the millions of Americans that do pay their taxes. Already, the IRS is using these resources to crack down on tax evasion by the wealthy and big businesses. It has collected more than $500 million in unpaid taxes from fewer than 2,000 delinquent millionaires, is recouping taxes from thousands of millionaires who did not fulfill their basic civic duty by filing a tax return, and is cracking down on high-end tax evasion like deducting personal use of corporate jets as a business expense. At the same time, the IRS is improving customer service and modernizing IT infrastructure. The President’s Budget would restore the full Inflation Reduction Act investment and provide new funding over the long-term to continue cutting the deficit by making sure that wealthy Americans and big corporations pay the taxes they owe through tax compliance initiatives and to continue improving service for taxpayers who are just trying to pay what they owe.

Cracks Down on Corporate Jet Loopholes. The Budget eliminates a tax break that gives preferential treatment for writing off corporate jet purchases, compared to commercial aircraft. It would also increase the fuel tax on corporate and private jet travel, so that corporate executives and other wealthy Americans pay their fair share for the use of airspace and other public services related to air travel.

Cuts Taxes for Working Families and the Middle-Class

President Biden’s tax cuts cut child poverty in half in 2021 and are saving millions of people an average of about $800 per year in health insurance premiums today. Going forward, in addition to honoring his pledge not to raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000 annually, President Biden’s tax plan would cut taxes for middle- and low-income Americans by $765 billion over 10 years. The President’s Budget:

Increases the Child Tax Credit for 66 Million Children. The American Rescue Plan’s expansion of the Child Tax Credit helped cut child poverty nearly in half to a historic low and narrowed racial disparities in access to the credit in 2021. The President’s Budget would restore the expanded Child Tax Credit, lifting 3 million children out of poverty and cutting taxes by an average of $2,600 for 39 million low- and middle-income families that include 66 million children. This includes 18 million children in low-income families who would be newly eligible for the full credit, and 2 million children living with a caregiver who is at least 60 years old. It would also provide breathing room for day-to-day expenses by allowing families to receive their tax credit through monthly payments.

Cuts Taxes for 19 Million Working-class Americans. By strengthening the Earned Income Tax Credit for low-paid workers who aren’t raising a child in their home, the President’s Budget would cut taxes by an average of $800 for 19 million working individuals or couples. That includes 2 million older workers age 65 and older and 5 million young adults age 18 to 24 who would be newly eligible for the credit.

Makes Lower Health Insurance Premiums Permanent. With enrollment in affordable health coverage at an all-time high, the President’s Budget would build on the remarkable success of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Inflation Reduction Act by making permanent the IRA’s expansion of the premium tax credit, which is saving millions of people an average of about $800 per year in health insurance premiums this year.

In addition, the President’s Budget explains his principles for addressing tax cuts expiring after 2025. The President would extend all middle-class tax cuts; as he has repeatedly promised, he will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 per year. And he will fully pay for these extensions with additional reforms to make the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share, so that they do not add to the debt. At the same time, he opposes tax cuts for the wealthy—either extending tax cuts for the top 2 percent of Americans earning more than $400,000 per year or bringing back deductions and other tax breaks for these households.

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This is from Bidens White House on where he thinks taxes for wealthy and working class should be. Of course, he can not just come out and click his heels 3 times and it is law. The legislative branch has to enact policy and there is no way in hell that the repubs are going to raise taxes on the rich-so more deficit spending

So you're saying he's an ineffective President? Or a lying President? (Making promises he can't keep.) Or is he just a powerless figurehead selling fairy tales?

Biden has used his veto power 10 times. He's used it on things like "Rule Relating to the Endangered and Threatened Status of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken." link Not exactly something that actually matters a whole lot.

Edit: I actually think that veto was a good thing. Just wish he would use it on more things.

Last edited by Bull_Dawg; 03/29/24 01:31 PM.

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You know as well as anyone that you can't force congress to act to push your policies especially when the other party is in control. Only people who know zero about politics say the kind of things you said in your last post.

Some presidents don't think that the veto pen should be used to give a president more power than he is actually supposed to have. Others use it to try to overthrow every decision congress makes to cater to their base. I would suggest using it less would be a better alternative to having over 90% of your deregulation policies overturned in court because you tried to abuse the power of the presidency.

The Trump administration has lost more than 90 percent of its court battles over deregulation

Some people want a president. Some people want a dictator.

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I just want someone that makes good promises and keeps them.

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Originally Posted by PitDAWG
You know as well as anyone that you can't force congress to act to push your policies especially when the other party is in control. Only people who know zero about politics say the kind of things you said in your last post.

Also looks like further evidence that the 2 party system doesn't really work very well.

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I'm not a fan of only having two political parties. It's gotten us to where we are now. Two men running for president where there is actually no way to win. Neither are good candidates. I guess at the same time having three parties or more in Washington D.C would make it even harder to get legislation passed. Which in some cases would be a good thing.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

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Originally Posted by Bull_Dawg
I just want someone that makes good promises and keeps them.

I don't think saying you will fight for something means you will actually be able to accomplish it. But yes, some of them make promises they can't keep. Actually they all do so I'm not sure how Biden is any different from the rest. I don't think you will find anyone on the ballot that can accomplish everything they promise. Sadly if most Americans knew anything about how the process works they would know that there isn't a president anywhere or at any point in time that can accomplish what they claim without help from congress.

I think what you're wanting is akin to chasing unicorns.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

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I agree. I'd actually prefer to go the no party route, though. Make each candidate stand on their own merit. Provide each candidate that gets X amount of support (numbers dependent on level of gov't) , X amount of money (less then typical now,) and provide them a platform (.gov website or, more likely, a subsection of a site) to provide his/her stance on issues and perhaps host videos. No political contributions. No media campaigning outside of the defined website.

Pipe dream probably, with so many powerful interests invested in the current system. But, It'd likely work better.

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I can't say that I don't share your opinion. Sadly I don't believe we will ever see that.

Edit to add; I think there is a certain amount of tribal instinct that exists within most people which would prevent there from ever being an end to political parties.

Last edited by PitDAWG; 03/29/24 02:43 PM.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

FATE #2064369 03/29/24 02:45 PM
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Just to be fair, that post is from 1/29/20 and things did not get serious until 3/13/20. The picture has Fauci and a few others that can be recognized in it.

Initial response good, follow up was not good. Categorize under "does not play well with others".

Trump deserves credit for the vaccine. The timeline was fantastic and the vaccine saved a lot of lives. But the fallout (COVID deniers and anti vaccers) still exists today. As does a new distrust of the CDC, which until Trump had a good reputation.

Literally he was all over it, until he recognized that the virus was going to last through the election, and then did a lot to undercut the good things that happened.

There will be no playoffs. Can’t play with who we have out there and compounding it with garbage playcalling and worse execution. We don’t have good skill players on offense period. Browns 20 - Bears 17.

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I'm not even going to read that now.

Here's the problem with the whole "tax the rich" plans that ANYONE has: The people that write the bills ARE the rich, and they create loopholes for the rich.

Headlines can, and do, say 1 thing. Reality is usually quite different.

Further, taxing corporations? Where do corps. get their money? From people that buy their services and or products. Guess who that is?

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While I think you are 100% correct and that in the end it will be consumers who bear the burden I'm still not sure how that excuses them from paying such a low tax rate. I think if one looks back to what the tax rates were under Eisenhower it's easy to see this is a problem that has been created over time that didn't exist before. It was at that point in time not a political football.

And it's quite true that it is rich politicians that write the laws for themselves and other rich people, there are still politicians trying to fix it. If the message was sent that those who keep this status quo couldn't get reelected I'm sure things would change. The one thing it seems they crave even more than money is power.

But here's where I think the biggest divide comes into play. Capitalism. I don't think there's that many people who don't believe in capitalism. I know I do. The problem comes into play when there are a lack of checks and balances involved. Or as it's commonly referred to as unbridled capitalism. That for some reason they shouldn't pay their fair share like the rest of us do. Every system needs checks and balances. And some people think capitalism should have its limits. Generally when it comes to human rights. Many feel the same as I do that healthcare is something every human being should have access to. That having health problems shouldn't lead to financial bankruptcy or losing your home. That all humans deserve healthcare. I'm just using this as an example.

That doesn't by any means mean that I hate capitalism or am a socialist. It simply means that when the life of human beings are on the line I support the human beings over profits for corporations.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

FATE #2064376 03/29/24 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by FATE
Originally Posted by Damanshot
Originally Posted by archbolddawg
And all YOU do is blame Trump. Constantly.

However, I'd like to highlight this quote of yours: " Are prices for food too high? yes. But haven't you been paying attention? Every country on this planet is going through the same thing. "

Now, take that thinking a step further, but in a different scenario: Was COVID bad? Yes, but weren't you paying attention? Every country on this planet was dealing with it."

And? You blamed Trump.

You are as bad as Trumps lawyers. They just make stuff up all the time.

I NEVER blamed Trump for Covid. I blamed him for his wickedly stupid response to it.

And I believed then and I believe now, a better response may have saved lives.

Before you say it, a better response would have been to acknowledge it and to respect those that are in charge of our various agencies that are responsible for dealing with it. Instead he made them out to be scapegoats for it. That was frickin stupid.

Now we have a bunch of damn fools trying to blame Fauci for all.

But hey, maybe it was all the fault of the Jewish Space Lasers that attacked our election systems. Or maybe it was the electronic thermostats that rigged voting machines.

Trump creates task force to lead U.S. coronavirus response
January 30, 2020 / 9:12 AM EST / CBS News

President Trump has created a new task force to lead the government's response to the fast-spreading coronavirus, the White House announced Wednesday.

Led by Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and coordinated through the National Security Council, the task force is made up of subject matter experts from across the federal government and has been meeting daily since Monday. Members of the 12-member group include National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield, and the National Institutes of Health's Dr. Anthony Fauci.

"The task force will lead the administration's efforts to monitor, contain and mitigate the spread of the virus, while ensuring that the American people have the most accurate and up-to-date health and travel information," the White House said.

The coronavirus has killed more than 170 people in China, though thousands more have been infected. While the outbreak started in Wuhan, China, 68 cases have been confirmed in other 15 countries, including the United States, according to the World Health Organization. The Centers for Disease Control said as of Wednesday, five patients in four states had tested positive, though specimens from 36 states were being tested.

Mr. Trump, who considers himself a germaphobe, addressed the coronavirus outbreak Wednesday during a signing ceremony for the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

"We're very much involved with them right now on the virus that's going around," the president said of China, adding that he had spoken with Chinese President Xi Jinping about it.

Later in the day, Mr. Trump said in a tweet that he attended a briefing on the coronavirus and lauded the U.S. experts monitoring the outbreak.

"Just received a briefing on the Coronavirus in China from all of our GREAT agencies, who are also working closely with China," he said. "We will continue to monitor the ongoing developments. We have the best experts anywhere in the world, and they are on top of it 24/7!"

From the National Archives:

President Trump's swift, decisive response to the Coronavirus saved millions of American lives. Amid heavy criticism, President Trump halted travel from China, restricted all other foreign travel into the United States, and rapidly repatriated more than 100,000 American citizens stranded abroad.'s%20swift%2C%20decisive%20response

"Trump creates task force to lead U.S. coronavirus response"

What the hell is wrong with that statement I wonder...Could it be that WE ALREADY HAD A TASK FORCE FOR THAT VERY PURPOSE!

Look at who's writing this crap.. Trumps people are writing it. C

Look at the timing of his GREAT NEW RESPONSE TEAM!

It was formed in either Late April or May. That's AFTER the virus had taken hold here in the state. He knew about this Virus in January but took no action until either april or may.

Again, I'm NOT blaming him FOR the virus. I blame him for the stupid way he handled it... Remember, "It will just go away" and my all time favorite, can't we use bleach.

The man is a MORON.


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Originally Posted by archbolddawg
Once again, the point flew over your head.

You didn't make a legit point, You said I blamed Trump for the Virus,,, I DIDN'T.


“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
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I made a very valid point, you just can't grasp it.

"However, I'd like to highlight this quote of yours: " Are prices for food too high? yes. But haven't you been paying attention? Every country on this planet is going through the same thing. "

Now, take that thinking a step further, but in a different scenario: Was COVID bad? Yes, but weren't you paying attention? Every country on this planet was dealing with it."

You excuse inflation under biden, yet you blame trump for how covid was handled here. TOTALLY ignoring how covid was brand new, and no one in ANY country knew what to do about it at the time.

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Originally Posted by archbolddawg
I made a very valid point, you just can't grasp it.

"However, I'd like to highlight this quote of yours: " Are prices for food too high? yes. But haven't you been paying attention? Every country on this planet is going through the same thing. "

Now, take that thinking a step further, but in a different scenario: Was COVID bad? Yes, but weren't you paying attention? Every country on this planet was dealing with it."

You excuse inflation under biden, yet you blame trump for how covid was handled here. TOTALLY ignoring how covid was brand new, and no one in ANY country knew what to do about it at the time.

How convenient, You left out the part where you said I blamed Trump.... And I didn't


“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
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Originally Posted by archbolddawg
I made a very valid point, you just can't grasp it.

"However, I'd like to highlight this quote of yours: " Are prices for food too high? yes. But haven't you been paying attention? Every country on this planet is going through the same thing. "

Now, take that thinking a step further, but in a different scenario: Was COVID bad? Yes, but weren't you paying attention? Every country on this planet was dealing with it."

You excuse inflation under biden, yet you blame trump for how covid was handled here. TOTALLY ignoring how covid was brand new, and no one in ANY country knew what to do about it at the time.

How convenient, You left out the part where you said I blamed Trump.... And I didn't


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Get a grip dude. I can't help you.

On a SIDE note: (get that? A different topic?) You blame trump for everything else. Understand?

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Being a trump apologist is better right?

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It's odd how most of what trump actually gets blamed for are the very things he does and says. Yet they won't address any of it. They ignore it like the plague. Then they blame those who point out what he does and says for his actions. They act as though there's something wrong with the people who post it rather than the one doing and saying those things.

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Originally Posted by archbolddawg
I'm not even going to read that now.

Here's the problem with the whole "tax the rich" plans that ANYONE has: The people that write the bills ARE the rich, and they create loopholes for the rich.

Headlines can, and do, say 1 thing. Reality is usually quite different.

Further, taxing corporations? Where do corps. get their money? From people that buy their services and or products. Guess who that is?

According to your logic I shouldn’t have to pay higher taxes on products and services I sell to anyone either. You’re nuts.

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Originally Posted by PerfectSpiral
Originally Posted by archbolddawg
I'm not even going to read that now.

Here's the problem with the whole "tax the rich" plans that ANYONE has: The people that write the bills ARE the rich, and they create loopholes for the rich.

Headlines can, and do, say 1 thing. Reality is usually quite different.

Further, taxing corporations? Where do corps. get their money? From people that buy their services and or products. Guess who that is?

According to your logic I shouldn’t have to pay higher taxes on products and services I sell to anyone either. You’re nuts.

Maybe (more) taxing is the wrong angle to take. Maybe we need to look into limiting profit margins and executive salaries. Ensuring livable wages. Might also need to reconsider treating corporations as if they were their own person.

Again pipe dream. But the way it works now works better for a few people than the many.

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I’m still waiting on conservatives to explain to me why corporations keep raising prices despite there being no need to.

The free market doesn’t seem to be all that interested in setting fair market prices for the consumer.

I guess they never have, but that’s a different conversation…

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Originally Posted by PitDAWG

Looks like I'm with Rehnquist, Stevens, and Obama here.

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Originally Posted by Swish

I’m still waiting on conservatives to explain to me why corporations keep raising prices despite there being no need to.

The free market doesn’t seem to be all that interested in setting fair market prices for the consumer.

I guess they never have, but that’s a different conversation…

Because they can.

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And most people place the blame on everyone but them.

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Originally Posted by PitDAWG
And most people place the blame on everyone but them.

That gets said a lot. I don't know that it's true.

I blame the [censored] out of them. I also blame a societal collection of systems that ties the idea of success to wealth.

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I said "most". Just look around you and tell me that's wrong.

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Originally Posted by PitDAWG

If corporations were people, they would pay taxes in the same manner as individuals.

Any suggestion that a corporation is a person is plausibly false, and not supported by fact or history. I just wish that judges and courts would recognize this.

There will be no playoffs. Can’t play with who we have out there and compounding it with garbage playcalling and worse execution. We don’t have good skill players on offense period. Browns 20 - Bears 17.

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Originally Posted by PitDAWG
I said "most". Just look around you and tell me that's wrong.

Exactly, you said "most." I see you, Swish, and Spiral in the majority of this thread. I'm not sure what else you think is around me. I think you underestimate "most"/a lot of people.

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I know that this has been turned into a political talking point and the sheeple follow along. that's what's around us all. I think you strongly underestimate the amount of sheeple in our society. Actually I don't think that you do that. I think you're just trying to make a counterpoint that doesn't exist.

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Originally Posted by Bull_Dawg
Originally Posted by Swish

I’m still waiting on conservatives to explain to me why corporations keep raising prices despite there being no need to.

The free market doesn’t seem to be all that interested in setting fair market prices for the consumer.

I guess they never have, but that’s a different conversation…

Because they can.

I finally got a straight answer out of you. 2024 is definitely the year of confusion.

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People are still buying overpriced stuff. There is still a line at McDs for a 20 dollar big mac meal. People are stupid and paying for it. Go buy groceries. Its cheaper than fast food and healthier. Idiots.

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Originally Posted by PitDAWG
I know that this has been turned into a political talking point and the sheeple follow along. that's what's around us all. I think you strongly underestimate the amount of sheeple in our society. Actually I don't think that you do that. I think you're just trying to make a counterpoint that doesn't exist.

There are lots of sheeple. Unfortunately, there are a few varieties. I think you use most inaccurately and otherwise generalize and obfuscate with annoying frequency. Presenting things as fact that you make up on the spot is another seeming habit.

"Most" people blaming everything but corporations for corporations being greedy seems a rather ridiculous assertion to me.

Most people I know complain about greedy corporations.

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Originally Posted by Swish

I’m still waiting on conservatives to explain to me why corporations keep raising prices despite there being no need to.

The free market doesn’t seem to be all that interested in setting fair market prices for the consumer.

I guess they never have, but that’s a different conversation…

Well, there is a decent reason for it and that's higher wages. They have to pay more. Truth be told, they held the working man down for years, now they gotta pay to the piper so to speak!

You really wanna have frosted cookies,. try to explain why prices of goods haven't gone down since the supply chain has been so much better? And since we are producing more oil at home then ever, why are gas prices so high. Along with Oil company profits?


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Originally Posted by Swish

I’m still waiting on conservatives to explain to me why corporations keep raising prices despite there being no need to.

The free market doesn’t seem to be all that interested in setting fair market prices for the consumer.

I guess they never have, but that’s a different conversation…

I’d be curious to see exactly how much of the “inflation” goes right into corporate margins. Defense industry is still screaming inflation at us even though most of the indices we look at show they were largely unaffected by any of it. In many cases they came out ahead.

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Originally Posted by Bull_Dawg
Most people I know complain about greedy corporations.

Ah, the "most people I know" theory. The anecdotal evidence argument. That's really no better than the accusations you made about me.

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