OP's curator's notes:

1. This podcast is from a radio show I first heard in the Spring of 2010. I was driving home from a rehearsal in Ann Arbor, and was fortunate enough to be listening to an episode of Season One. I've been a diehard fan ever since. The program is entitled: "Snap Judgement- Storytelling with a BEAT." (Diehard fans are called 'Snappers'). All stories are real, and come from someone's real-life experience(s).

Interesting format: stories of ordinary people who find themselves in extraordinary circumstances... and the choices they make while navigating their next steps.
Your neighbor's life is more complicated and nuanced than you might think.

2. I debated about the placement of this thread-starter. It could legitimately have been posted in either PP or EE. I chose EE, because ultimately the story is about personal choices, individual courage- and the humor and humanity which binds us all, each to another. Politics merely serves as the backdrop to this very human story. I think EE was the right choice. Tell me what you think.

3. Every poster at this website owes it to him/herself to add this episode into your 'stimulus feed.' If you can, please listen to it uninterrupted. If that isn't possible, make a promise to yourself to take in the program in its entirety. A 5-minute 'Easter Egg' awaits you at the end. I promise you: the show is almost 50 minutes long, but it will be minutes that will make you laugh, think, keep you on the edge of your seat... and perhaps bring home the conclusion that we, as a species, are still worth the effort. Some Human Beings actually rock it hard.

I can't wait to read your reactions.


Smash the "play" button at the top of the page, when you click this link... and listen to someone else's story.

p.s. I hope my DT entry compels you to seek out this podcast/radio program. For almost 1.5 decades, this storytelling show has been a weekly feature in the soundtrack of my life since that drive southward on U.S. route 23, almost 14 years ago.

"too many notes, not enough music-"
