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#610329 07/31/11 10:05 AM
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NIA Exposes Debt Ceiling Truth

FORT LEE, N.J., July 30, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The National Inflation Association - - today released the following debt ceiling report to its NIA members:

NIA hasn't written about the whole debt ceiling issue over the past few weeks because in our minds it is completely irrelevant. Our elected representatives in Washington along with the mainstream media have been wasting thousands of hours of time and hundreds of millions of dollars debating a topic that has no meaning at all. The President, Senate, and House of Representatives are putting on a show to make it look like they care about cutting spending and balancing the budget. Except for a select few elected representatives like Ron Paul who care about protecting the U.S. Constitution and preserving what little purchasing power the U.S. dollar still has left, every other politician in Washington is putting on a complete charade in order to trick their constituents into believing there is a difference between the proposals from the Republicans and Democrats.

While our incompetent and corrupt mainstream media has been proclaiming there are major differences between the two bills proposed by House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, NIA believes John Boehner might as well be a Democrat and Harry Reid could easily pass himself off as a Republican. There are absolutely no meaningful fundamental differences between Boehner's plan that was approved by the House of Representatives yesterday evening, before being killed by the Senate two short hours later, and Reid's bill, which was just rejected by the House today in a pre-emptive vote before the Senate even had a chance to vote on it.

Both bills are estimated to reduce the U.S. budget deficit by approximately $900 billion over the next 10 years. Of the $900 billion only about $750 billion are actual discretionary spending cuts with the rest being an expected reduction in interest payments on the national debt as a result of either bill passing. When you have an unstable fiat currency that is rapidly losing its purchasing power and could collapse at any time, it is impossible to accurately project what our budget deficits will be 5 or 6 years from now, let alone 9 or 10 years from today. As far as the next two fiscal years are concerned, both proposed bills from Boehner and Reid are estimated to only cut spending by a total of about $70 billion in fiscal years 2012 and 2013 combined.

The budget that former President Bush submitted to Congress in early-2007, projected the deficit to decline in each of the following four fiscal years. Not only did the deficit not decline the next four years in a row, but it nearly tripled in 2008 and from there more than tripled in 2009. Shockingly, Bush's budget actually projected a $61 billion surplus in fiscal year 2012, but instead we will have a budget deficit of $1.1 trillion based on President Obama's latest budget, which takes into account unrealistic GDP growth next year of 4.86%.

U.S. GDP growth for the first quarter of 2011 was just revised down yesterday by 81% from 1.91% to 0.36%. The advance estimate of second quarter GDP growth came in at 1.28%, well below the consensus estimate of 1.8%. NIA is going to really go out on a limb and predict that second quarter GDP growth will soon be revised downward as well. If this is the highest GDP growth the U.S. could muster after the Federal Reserve's $600 billion in QE2 money printing, this should prove once and for all that monetary inflation does not create real economic growth and employment.

The U.S. Treasury as of Thursday night had $51.6 billion in cash, with its cash position declining by $15.2 billion during the previous 24 hours. It expects to bring in $172.4 billion from August 3rd through August 31st in tax receipts, but is scheduled to pay out $306.7 billion during this time period for an estimated deficit of $134.3 billion. The U.S. is scheduled to make its next interest payment on the national debt on August 15th and it will equal approximately $30 billion. Over the last 9 months the U.S. has spent a total of $385.9 billion on interest payments on the national debt, which means it is on track to spend a record $514.5 billion this year on interest payments alone. Just a tiny 30 basis point increase in the interest rate on the national debt would totally wipe out the deficit reductions proposed by both Boehner and Reid.

The U.S. Treasury has been able to pay its bills in recent weeks by using many different accounting gimmicks. However, come Tuesday, there will be no more accounting tricks left to play and the U.S. won't be able to meet all of its obligations. Without a raise in the debt ceiling, the U.S. government will have to prioritize who it pays using the tax receipts coming in, which will probably include the $30 billion interest payment on the national debt (to avoid a default), $49.2 billion in Social Security payments, $50 billion in Medicare/Medicaid payments, $31.7 billion in defense payments, and $12.8 billion in unemployment benefits. With $23 billion of the $49.2 billion in Social Security payments due to be paid on August 3rd and $59 billion in t-bills due on August 4th, the U.S. Treasury's remaining cash balance could dissipate very quickly.

The 10-year bond yield reached a new 2011 low yesterday of 2.785%, its lowest level since November 30th of last year. It is approaching its record low of 2.08% from December of 2008 during the middle of the financial crisis. With threats of a U.S. debt default making headlines across the world, investors are once again rushing into U.S. bonds as a safe haven. It is almost as if the whole world has gone insane. The world is fearful of the U.S. government defaulting on its debt and not being able to pay off maturing bonds, so as a safe haven let's just all rush into the very asset that will soon be worthless due to either an honest default or default by inflation. The U.S. dollar bubble is the largest and longest running bubble in world history and U.S. bonds are currently mispriced big time.

U.S. dollar-denominated bonds should be the last asset in the world to benefit from fears of a U.S. debt default. One positive sign that NIA members are having success at spreading our message to the world is that gold reached a new all time high yesterday, rising $15 to $1,631 per ounce, with silver rising $0.31 to $40.10 per ounce. Thanks to the efforts of NIA members who worked tirelessly to spread the word about NIA's economic documentaries including 'Meltup', 'The Dollar Bubble', and 'Hyperinflation Nation', a larger percentage of the global population than ever before is educated about the global currency crisis that is ahead.

During the financial crisis of late-2008/early-2009, gold and silver prices declined along with all other assets. Today, NIA estimates that half of the world's investors seeking a safe haven are buying dollar-denominated assets like U.S. Treasuries and the other half are seeking safety in precious metals. By mid-2012, investors will most likely no longer look at U.S. bonds and other dollar-denominated assets as a safe haven. During future times of uncertainty, NIA believes that precious metals will receive nearly 100% of safe haven buying, just like the U.S. dollar received 100% of safe haven buying in late-2008/early-2009.

Once the debt ceiling is inevitably raised, the U.S. Treasury will have a lot of catching up to do in order to get its house in order, and we will likely see the largest amount of debt ever sold by the U.S. government in a single month. With QE2 having finished at the end of June, the U.S. will be relying on foreigners in these upcoming record Treasury auctions. In our opinion, we are likely going to see interest rates rise at an unprecedented rate that will shock the world.

Don't believe the mainstream media's laughable claim that there is a shortage of U.S. Treasuries. It was just reported yesterday that Cambodia, one of the most rapidly growing emerging market economies with GDP growth this year of 6.5%, is moving away from the U.S. dollar, which currently accounts for 90% of their currency in circulation, in favor of its own currency the riel. NIA believes it is only a matter of time until China ends its currency peg with the U.S. dollar. The world is flooded with trillions of dollars in U.S. Treasuries that will soon have no buyers except the Federal Reserve. There is no chance of yields falling below record lows from December of 2008.

The mainstream media has been reporting all week that if the U.S. defaults on its debt as a result of a failure to raise the debt ceiling, it will be the first time that our nation has defaulted on its debt obligations. Most NIA members know that the real U.S. debt default already occurred in 1971 when President Nixon closed the gold window and stopped allowing foreign governments to convert their U.S. dollar holdings into gold. Since then, the U.S. currency system has been completely fiat and the national debt has increased by 3,400%.

For the past 40 years, the U.S. government has been running on fumes left over from when countries were able to convert their paper U.S. dollars into gold. The price of gold has increased by 3,900% during this time period, meaning the U.S. dollar has lost 97.5% of its purchasing power. Meanwhile, the median household income has only increased by 384%. In terms of gold, the median U.S. household is earning 87.9% less income today than they did in 1971. The U.S. debt default of 1971 was many times more significant than the pending debt default, because back then our foreign creditors expected to receive real money and not a piece of paper with no real value that we print. The average American family has experienced a dramatic decline in its standard of living since 1971. The U.S. dollar and its reserve currency status is currently serving as the last thread that is keeping our "house of cards" economy propped up.

The U.S. debt ceiling is very similar to a publicly traded company's authorized shares. When a public company consistently loses money like the U.S. government does, they print new shares just like the Federal Reserve prints dollars and when its total outstanding shares reach the shares authorized, the company's Board of Directors simply raises the shares authorized, which allows it to continue issuing shares and diluting shareholders. Since 1962, the U.S. has raised its debt ceiling 74 times. Any public company that needed to raise its authorized shares 74 times would likely have seen its stock price decline by 99.99% from above $10 to below 1 penny.

NIA is strongly against an increase in the debt ceiling because there are ways for our country to stay afloat and continue operating without getting deeper into debt. The U.S. is currently supposed to have 8,133.5 tonnes of gold reserves at Fort Knox. We don't know for sure if these gold reserves still exist because the last audit of our gold reserves took place in 1954 and we had the little minor issue of our real debt default in 1971. Assuming that all of our gold is still there, this gold is worth $426.5 billion at the present time, enough to cover our U.S. government's deficit spending for almost four whole months. The U.S. government also owns valuable land, buildings, monuments, and other types of Real Estate, that could also be worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Although we don't support selling all of our gold and Real Estate, if the U.S. government isn't going to implement real spending cuts that will lead to a balanced budget, we rather sell our assets than see the dollar-denominated savings and incomes of all Americans lose its purchasing power.

If we continue raising the debt ceiling and getting deeper into debt in order to pay back the debts we already have, we are defaulting on our debts through inflation. With gold at a record high of $1,631 per ounce, the market is clearly telling us that a default through inflation is coming. As the Chinese, Japanese, and our other creditors are paid back in U.S. dollars that are rapidly losing their purchasing power, they will be reluctant to increase their purchases of U.S. Treasuries in the future, which we desperately need them to do in order to fund our spending increases. With the Federal Reserve likely to become the Treasury buyer of last resort, the world will lose their confidence in the U.S. dollar and hyperinflation could potentially break out as soon as 2013.

NIA believes it is very likely that U.S. GDP will begin declining again in late-2011, which will officially put the U.S. in double-dip recession territory. In our opinion, the U.S. is still in the early stages of a hyperinflationary depression and the so-called economic recovery reported by the government and mainstream media has been completely phony and only due to misleading and manipulated economic statistics that don't factor in the real rate of U.S. price inflation. We expect Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to do everything in his power to avoid a double-dip recession at all costs.

By the end of 2011, we are confident that not only will we see QE3 under a new name, but the Fed will act to force banks to lend their $1.6 trillion in excess reserves. It is a joke that we are debating spending cuts of $70 billion over the next two years, when only very dramatic across the board spending cuts of 50% or more of the total budget will give the U.S. any hope of balancing the budget and avoiding hyperinflation. Best case scenario, if the U.S. government cuts spending by 50% or more in all areas of the budget including entitlement programs and is able to prevent hyperinflation, NIA still believes we will see the U.S. dollar lose 90% of its purchasing power this decade with the price of gold rising to above $16,000 per ounce.

It is important to spread the word about NIA to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, if you want America to survive hyperinflation. Please tell everybody you know to become members of NIA for free immediately at:

About us:

The National Inflation Association is an organization that is dedicated to preparing Americans for hyperinflation. NIA offers free membership at and provides its members with articles about the U.S. economy and inflation, daily news stories and blog updates, and important charts not shown by the mainstream media. NIA is the producer of economic documentaries that have received a combined 12 million views including the critically acclaimed 'Meltup', 'The Dollar Bubble', 'End of Liberty', 'Hyperinflation Nation', and brand new 'College Conspiracy'. NIA provides unbiased reviews of the major online sellers of gold and silver bullion and also offers profiles of gold, silver, agriculture, oil, and alternative energy companies that could prosper in an inflationary environment. NIA is the creator of 'NIAnswers', the world's most comprehensive database of questions and answers about inflation, currencies, debt, and precious metals.

Contact: Gerard Adams, 1-888-99-NIA US (1-888-996-4287),

SOURCE National Inflation Association

Folks all bickering aside, were in serious trouble here...and neither the House or Senates proposed bills are going to do jack squat to help this situation...

raising the debt ceiling with minimal cuts isnt going to save anything....

we need to be serious about these cuts, or else raising the debt ceiling will make the coming crash be much much much worse....the way things stand now...this can't go on forever....something is going to give...

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Good stuff.

I linked that site some time back.

You want the skinny, read it.

You want to bury your head in the sand(I was going to say somewhere else, but we'll keep it sand), ignore it.

If everybody had like minds, we would never learn.

GM Strong

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I'm so glad that I have a freezer completely loaded with food, and a locked in, reasonable mortgage payment.

Fresh vegetables are fairly inexpensive right now, so like every year, I am freezing them fr the winter. I may put in just a little more now.

I don't pretend to know with 100% certainty what will happen in the future ..... but there's enough stuff going on that worries me tremendously.

Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
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And yet, all we hear in the media is "if we don't raise the debt limit............." when in fact, raising the debt limit is perhaps the worst thing we could do.

Postpone the inevitable, making the inevitable so much worse.

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I'm so glad that I have a freezer completely loaded with food, and a locked in, reasonable mortgage payment.

Fresh vegetables are fairly inexpensive right now, so like every year, I am freezing them fr the winter. I may put in just a little more now.

I don't pretend to know with 100% certainty what will happen in the future ..... but there's enough stuff going on that worries me tremendously.


I know i always don't agree with everyone here on football and stuff

but I just hope we all make it through this ok....

your right Ytown, we can't predict the future 100%, but as of right now...its only smart to stick up a little....its why i have grown such a big garden the last 2 years and have been canning and storing food that will be good for a few years...along with some cheap bottled water.....I also have a well under my house that i don't use very often(but is tested every year, its clean) just never know..

at worse case scenario, I won't have to buy as much groceries the next few years if im wrong...nothing wrong with keeping the cupboards full though...thats only being smart and planning for the future if the need ever arises.

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And yet, all we hear in the media is "if we don't raise the debt limit............." when in fact, raising the debt limit is perhaps the worst thing we could do.

Postpone the inevitable, making the inevitable so much worse.

pretty much arch....raising it is probably the worst thing we can do....they should be cutting instead of raising...

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Something I try to do, with every new source of information I come to check out the site to see if it is legit...

...among the many reasons I try to check out sources...too many times, those who post the information to message boards such as Dawg Talk, fail to check their sources...either because they are too lazy to take the time...OR...the info fits the individual's agenda and they really don't care if the information is true or if the source is legit...they just want to get people to jump on board and support and follow "their agenda".

Those who make up this stuff, know the odds are in their favor..

...they know they can count on someone to just run with their info, post their stories and never question them..

...those who fail to do their homework help people like the NIA's Gerard Adams and Jonathan Lebed to promote the BS that comes from NIA website.

... The National Inflation appears the outfit is fraudulent and the individuals running the site have "a history" of fraudulent endeavors, such as pump and dump schemes...the pumping is done under the disguise of an "impressive sounding website" ( The National Inflation Association)...

..Anyone wanting to question "my info"...I suggest you search Lebed, Adams, NIA and "pump and dump schemes". on..

The National Inflation Association is owned by Gerard Adams, a stock promoter that specializes in penny stocks.

Anytime I see a guy set up a website with the name "National" or "Federal" in it, it raises a big red flag. Obviously a person doing this wants to sound bigger than he really is. Why would you want to sound bigger than you really are or sound like a government office? Because you want to create a greater sense of legitimacy about what it is you are selling in order to convince more people of the correctness of it. The National Inflation Association is no more "National" than Fed Ex is "Federal".

Gerard Adams promotes not only penny stocks, but gold and silver stocks as well.

What better way to promote gold and silver stocks than to set up a separate entity called "The National Inflation Association" and to create scary U.S. dollar videos. Marketers have long known that fear is one of the most effective ways at getting people to buy whatever it is you are selling.

Gerard's business model is to target Republican traders who listen to the likes of Glenn Beck, Peter Schiff, Doug Casey, and Fox News.

It basically takes the myth of the government printing money and diluting the dollar, and turns it into a powerful targeted marketing message that gets people to short the U.S. dollar and buy gold and silver. Presumably, the gold and silver stocks that Gerard is paid to promote when you sign up for his newsletter after watching the video.

Fox News has repeatedly quoted the National Inflation Association. Too bad Fox News didn't do a little bit of journalistic research first. Then again, what Fox News does is rarely journalism but instead Republican ideology promotion.

Here are a few paragraphs from the complaint filed against Gerard Adams on

"I am subscribed to receive email newsletters from Gerard Adams @"

"On 3/22/09, I received an email from Gerard Adams about a "tip of a lifetime" that he received from his "#1 source". The email discussed a penny stock company called Sports Supplement Group, Inc. (OTCBB: SRSP)."

"Gerard was extremely convinced that SRSP is "as close to a sure thing that you can get" and that "none of the tips that [Gerard] has received from this source have been a loser."

"As you can imagine, I was very convinced after reading such a promising report so I bought 7,500 shares of stock in SRSP on 3/23/09. Now I understand all of the risks involved with penny stocks... but I couldn't believe what happened with SRSP just a few days after Gerard Adams at WallStreetGrand spoke so highly of the stock."

"On 3/26/09, just 4 days after Gerard Adams stated that he is "99.999% sure that [SRSP] will become a very profitable winning stock pick".... SRSP lost over 90% of its value!"

"And to top all of this off... I just learned that Gerard Adams at WallStreetGrand had received compensation of $20,000 to "promote" this stock."

"So basically Gerard Adams and WallStreetGrand got paid $20,000 to recommend a stock to me that lost 90% of its value within a week..."

Gerard Adams files a response to the complaint on where he states, "We are the most honest and loyal Company on the web for providing penny stocks to the investment community..."

I thought this was knee slapping funny coming from a guy that creates a big sounding business name like "The National Inflation Association" in order to sound more "official" than he really is, then posts videos about how hyperinflation is coming, and uses fake scenarios and fear in his marketing to promote his gold and silver stocks.

What is really funny, or really stupid, I haven't decided which, is that Gerard even quotes things that have never been said before prompting the question is it a correct English literary device to quote something said by someone (the Chinese) that you completely made up?

This is yet another example folks of why you should never let your politics influence your investing decisions. Investing should be based on mathematical equations and not on ideology.

In the video below, I poke a little fun at Gerard Adams and his stupid business model that targets Republican traders.

web page

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mac #610336 07/31/11 12:49 PM
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Something I try to do, with every new source of information I come to check out the site to see if it is legit...

After I quit laughing, I quit reading right there.

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Something I try to do, with every new source of information that goes against my to check out the site to see if it is legit or if I can somehow discredit it...

Fixed that for ya!

Your feelings and opinions do not add up to facts.
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Something I try to do, with every new source of information that goes against my to check out the site to see if it is legit or if I can somehow discredit it...

Fixed that for ya!

I didn't read ma's post. Did he discuss the article posted in the first post at all?

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The National Inflation Association is an organization that is dedicated to preparing Americans for hyperinflation. NIA offers free membership at and provides its members with articles about the U.S. economy and inflation, daily news stories and blog updates, and important charts not shown by the mainstream media. NIA is the producer of economic documentaries that have received a combined 12 million views including the critically acclaimed 'Meltup', 'The Dollar Bubble', 'End of Liberty', 'Hyperinflation Nation', and brand new 'College Conspiracy'. NIA provides unbiased reviews of the major online sellers of gold and silver bullion and also offers profiles of gold, silver, agriculture, oil, and alternative energy companies that could prosper in an inflationary environment. NIA is the creator of 'NIAnswers', the world's most comprehensive database of questions and answers about inflation, currencies, debt, and precious metals.

I did not need to go beyond this paragraph to understand what this "chicken little" or "doomsday" organization is all about.

The trashing of the mainstream media... is also a give-away.

There will be no playoffs. Can’t play with who we have out there and compounding it with garbage playcalling and worse execution. We don’t have good skill players on offense period. Browns 20 - Bears 17.

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Tha mainstream media deserves trashing.

Seriously. There is rarely more than a soundbyte here or there, and very little actual in depth reporting done by the "mainstream media".

Add in the fact that many people get their news via news "updates" with a few quick soundbytes, and comedy shows. Knowing that this is the case, a media outlet can shape opinion just by how they structure their updates.

Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
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The trashing of the mainstream media... is also a give-away.

As is defending it.

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My point is ... If it is necessary to make your point by discrediting others, then your argument must be weak. Stand on you own two feet, rather than cut the other guys knees off.

The mainstream media is what we want it to be. It is whatever sells advertising. If some drunken starlet or child killer is more interesting, the media will cover that. Intellectually deep, no... unless you really want to go there.

There will be no playoffs. Can’t play with who we have out there and compounding it with garbage playcalling and worse execution. We don’t have good skill players on offense period. Browns 20 - Bears 17.

mac #610343 07/31/11 03:06 PM
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I like how instead of attempting to form a rebuttal to the original post you just go into character-smear mode.

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The President, Senate, and House of Representatives are putting on a show to make it look like they care about cutting spending and balancing the budget. Except for a select few elected representatives like Ron Paul who care about protecting the U.S. Constitution and preserving what little purchasing power the U.S. dollar still has left, every other politician in Washington is putting on a complete charade in order to trick their constituents into believing there is a difference between the proposals from the Republicans and Democrats.

This is where the article lost credibility to me. Ron Paul is not a political God-send. He is a bozo who would hurt this country more than the current guys - and I am not an Obama fan.

Don't blame the clown for acting like a clown.
Ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.
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Something I try to do, with every new source of information I come to check out the site to see if it is legit...

After I quit laughing, I quit reading right there.

You were actually able to stop laughing? I'm still at his post.

It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great!
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I think the pending default is a bad thing. I hate the politics in washington today. I don't trust most mainstream media (Fox News especially).

However the most harm is being done to the country by the political climate not fostering a feeling of assurance to those who are hoarding money. We need banks to lend and businesses to spend. This is simply not happening because these folks fear the future. Are they going to be hit with new taxes, are they going to be hit with new regulations that require the game to change, are they willing to take risk in an economy that changes direction as often as the wind?...

Until business men feel comfortable enough to invest in the economy, the economy will stagnate.

Your feelings and opinions do not add up to facts.
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My point is ... If it is necessary to make your point by discrediting others, then your argument must be weak. Stand on you own two feet, rather than cut the other guys knees off.

The mainstream media is what we want it to be. It is whatever sells advertising. If some drunken starlet or child killer is more interesting, the media will cover that. Intellectually deep, no... unless you really want to go there. caters to the masses....and the mass is stupid.

Ignore it if you want.

Good luck.

If everybody had like minds, we would never learn.

GM Strong

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I like how instead of attempting to form a rebuttal to the original post you just go into character-smear mode. would be a smear if the info I posted was proven to be "un-true".

Did you search "Gerard Adams, Jonathan Lebed"...?

...I suggest you do so...don't rely on my word...check them out...they are the brains behind NIA.

I found some info from a "co-founder" of NIA...again, not my words but the words of someone who knows the two individuals behind NIA...interesting, to say the least.

National Inflation Association co-founder admits NIA is a FRAUD

National Inflation Association co-founder George Hemminger (aka George4Title) exposes his former organization for the pump & dump scams it commits at the direction of its scandal-plagued leaders, Jonathan Lebed & Gerard Adams. GO TO SCHIFFRADIO.COM to listen to the complete interview

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mac #610349 07/31/11 07:17 PM
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mac... since you never answered my questions from the other thread, let me ask them again: (and add one too)

In your opinion, what is the primary driver of the American economy?

What is the government's role in the American economy?

What is the primary driver of job creation?

Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
mac #610350 07/31/11 07:46 PM
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It basically takes the myth of the government printing money and diluting the dollar, and turns it into a powerful targeted marketing message that gets people to short the U.S. dollar and buy gold and silver. Presumably, the gold and silver stocks that Gerard is paid to promote when you sign up for his newsletter after watching the video.

how is this a myth? He could very well be promoting a certain stock, but inflation is a reality when you print money non-stop. Our money is virtually worthless, compared to what it used to be.

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You couldn't put this in the existing "debt ceiling" thread??

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You couldn't put this in the existing "debt ceiling" thread??

No he couldn't.

mac #610353 07/31/11 11:23 PM
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Something I try to do, with every new source of information I come to check out the site to see if it is legit...

That gets my vote for funniest quote of the week.

Do you mean legit like,, or Huffpo? (all of which you've linked articles to). You're so embarassed by the sources you post that your too ashamed to identify them by name in your links.

And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.
- John Muir

mac #610354 08/01/11 05:32 AM
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Check all the sources you want.

What's contained in the article is spot on IMO.

Ignore it if you want.

If everybody had like minds, we would never learn.

GM Strong

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We don't have to agree with each other, to respect each others opinion.
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Gotta love those empty posts.

Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
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Check all the sources you want.

What's contained in the article is spot on IMO.

Ignore it if you want. can do as you wish...takes all kinds to make up this world.

I like to use the internet to check things out...especially knowing all the different kinds of scams that are promoted via the internet.

The source for the info in the story is very suspect and borderline criminal, imo.

I can't stop anyone from becoming a tool for the people behind the NIA...digesting and regurgitating their suspect "info" are free to follow if you wish.

Just keep in mind, NIA and the two individuals named...Gerard Adams, Jonathan have a history of using NIA to pass along suspect info that ties in to their pump and dump schemes.

...The info I found was available to everyone...if they bothered to check out the source.

Home of the Free, Because of the Brave...
mac #610358 08/01/11 08:43 AM
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Well mac, perhaps you can enlighten all of us to what information in the article is not true. Stop attacking the source and prove the information in the article wrong.

It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great!
mac #610359 08/01/11 09:31 AM
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The source for the info in the story is very suspect and borderline criminal, imo.

I can't stop anyone from becoming a tool for the people behind the NIA...digesting and regurgitating their suspect "info" are free to follow if you wish.

Just keep in mind, NIA and the two individuals named...Gerard Adams, Jonathan have a history of using NIA to pass along suspect info that ties in to their pump and dump schemes.

...The info I found was available to everyone...if they bothered to check out the source.

All of the info you have posted is only meant to discredit the source... not the information they provided. That was Peen's point, it doesn't matter if the source for this article is Porky Pig and Barney Fife, the information in this particular article is right. So why don't you refute the article and stop blabbering on about the source.

yebat' Putin
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So why don't you refute the article and stop blabbering on about the source.

Yes mac ... what we usually have to do when you post from your crap sources.

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Amazing to me is the fact that the guys who wrote the article are just this side of Bernie Madoff but it doesn't bother any of you guys.

And the reason it doesn't bother you guys is twofold. They parrot the Republican line and mac posted the contrary info.

Mostly the mac thing, though......

"People who drink light 'beer' don't like the taste of beer; they just like to pee a lot."
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Judge Judy knows where your tax money is going... The entitlement generation...

yebat' Putin
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How about you have to *prove* where the money goes? If it's for rent, PAY YOUR RENT.

#gmstrong #gmlapdance
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Screw it ! Let the whole ugly corrupt mess fail . Our ( America) time on top sure looks like it is over .

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Yep, that's about right.

Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
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Something I try to do, with every new source of information I come to check out the site to see if it is legit...

That gets my vote for funniest quote of the week.

Do you mean legit like,, or Huffpo? (all of which you've linked articles to). You're so embarassed by the sources you post that your too ashamed to identify them by name in your links.

I reminds me of a passage in Rand's book, "The Fountainhead", where Howard Roark is being lectured by a woman about how she would like him to design a home for her and he realizes that she is just a compilation of the views of other people that know nothing about architecture. He refuses to build the home for her.

mac #610367 08/01/11 12:53 PM
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Something I try to do, with every new source of information I come to check out the site to see if it is legit...

Dude, you post more liberally slanted crap than I ever thought possible. If you think That QE has NOT diluted the value of the dollar, go to the freakin' grocery store. Almost anything you read has a slanted view. It's just a matter of finding the information through the slant.

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j/c New bill, no cuts. Just a cut in the increase of spending. Same old same old.

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