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Looks like all those that were expecting "free" healthcare are finding out the truth, and not liking it.


The launch of Obamacare has been a complete and total nightmare so far. The "online exchanges" are constantly crashing, there are endless glitches and delays, and many of the people that actually have been able to successfully register for an account are discovering that health insurance premiums under Obamacare are far higher than what they are used to paying. In fact, as I wrote about the other day, some Americans that have had their old policies canceled by their insurance companies are discovering that their health insurance costs will double or even triple under Obamacare. What a great "success", eh? Under Obamacare, Americans are going to pay more for health care, they are going to have more limited health care options, they are going to be subjected to much more paperwork, and if they choose not to participate in the system they are going to be hit with very punitive fines. What's not to like?

But despite all of the negatives, a lot of Americans were actually looking forward to October 1st. Millions of Americans rushed to the "healthcare exchanges" to get signed up for health insurance. But what they discovered was that the websites were not ready and were constantly crashing.

The system has been so bad that very few people are actually signing up for Obamacare. So far, less than 1 percent of all visitors are actually signing up for health insurance. In California, the rate is 0.58 percent. In Connecticut, the rate is 0.59 percent.

One television station in Tennessee was not able to find a single person who successfully signed up for Obamacare.

Needless to say, there are a whole lot of very frustrated and very disappointed people out there right now. The following are 21 of the best comments that have been posted on the official Facebook page so far…

21. "I am so disappointed. These prices are outrageous and there are huge deductibles. No one can afford this!"

20. "Good grief. Day three of trying and still can't get on this website. The government KNEW about this thing going live for two years. TWO YEARS! And this is the best they could do? I shudder to think what's going to happen once they are in control of my healthcare. They can't even get their website functioning properly. If my business had rolled out a piece of crap that worked like this I'd be out of business."

19. "How is it that Facebook, which is a non-essential social networking web site, can reliably handle BILLIONS of electronic interactions per second, but the site, which is literally the very heart of the Obamacare program wasn't ready for the obvious millions of visitors that you had to know it would be receiving?"

18. "i'm just going to stop even bothering for a couple weeks or so… once the fervor dies down, hopefully I'll be able to actually create an account!"

17. "The Federal Gov't has ruined everything it has gotten involved in, does anybody really expect this healthcare disaster to be any different? Sorry, I'll take the asinine fine."

16. "And yet another day and several tries I once again keep getting nothing but a completely blank page after I log in. The top tab says 'Successful URL'. Oh how ironic."

15. "Didn't these Feds ever have mothers that told them not to lie? Maybe they were raised in the wild. This system is trash. I can't verify my identity or upload documents. Also what's with Experian verifying ID's? Don't care for that at all."

14. "I am a single mother of two, in school and working full time, living 75% below the poverty level and I DO NOT qualify for a healthcare subsidy"

13. "the website can't verify my identity…the people at the experian verification number can't verify my identity either….i tried to upload a scan of my driver's license, and that won't work either……very annoying process…….I've wasted 3 days on this junk."

12. "if you're stupid enough to put all your banking information in to the federal governments computers you are definitely part of the problem"

11. "Where the HELL am I supposed to get $3,000 more a year to pay for this "bronze" health insurance plan!?!??? And I DO NOT EVEN WANT INSURANCE to begin with!! This is frightening."

10. "I have one question. What happens if I can't afford the Affordable Health Care that you are cramming down my throat? I just ran your calculator, and if it is even close to accurate, I will have a choice…..I can pay my rent and buy groceries, or I can pay the health care premiums, move out into the streets and live under a bridge somewhere, and go hungry! Can I please get one of those exemption things that the President and Congress got?"

9. "I've been stuck at the security questions since 9am on October 1st"

8. "Death Panels. Yes. The red plan. It's affordable. And painless!"

7. "Here in Austin, TX have gotten to login screen three times today, wait is getting shorter, but am still getting a blank screen after getting a quick 'authenticating, please wait' message at top left of screen, then nothing but a blank white page and no indication that the browser is waiting for the server to do anything. Attempts to refresh the screen sends me back to the please wait screen."

6. "I finally got past the security question problem, got my account, my verification email, and when I went to log in, it said the information was invalid."

5. "I want to know how I am expected to pay $300+ for this and still pay my bills when the only income is $710 a month from my husband's SSI? Am i supposed to lose my home and water and electricity or go to jail because I can't afford this?"

4. "Government forces people to pay a new tax. People click on website to see how much this new tax will cost them. Website crashes in the first hour. Government calls it a huge success."

3. "I work a minimum wage job…how the heck can I afford health insurance and if the company doesn't give full time? I am so angry right now…. I share housing with others because I can't afford my own place… how do you expect people to afford Obamacare if they barely get by from paycheck to paycheck????? I can't afford a fine either! I think you are obligated to give the American people an answer and an explanation!"

2. "Y'all can kiss my butt. You got that? You want my bank account? I'll close it. You put a lien on my house? Take it…and the mortgage too. Some things are worth fighting for, and freedom is one of them! I am sick and tired of the redistribution strategies of this socialist country and having my wages STOLEN to pay for them!"

1. The best comment was posted by a man named Will Sheehan with type 1 diabetes who was initially very excited to sign up for Obamacare. But what he discovered while trying to sign up was absolutely horrifying…

Is what Mr. Sheehan saying actually true?

I don't know. This is not the way that we were told things were going to work, but when was the last time our politicians actually told us the truth about anything?

Meanwhile, most of the people who go to these websites can't even get to the point of being able to sign up for health insurance. Just check out what happened when a CNN reporter attempted to sign up for Obamacare…

BROOKE BALDWIN: So you guys hit a wall. We're here in Georgia. What about other states? Similar issues?

ELIZABETH COHEN: The CNN medical team branched out. We tried in about 20 different state states. In 12 of them we hit glitches. Sometimes it made it impossible to sign up. There were error messages or that little annoying kind of twirly thing.

BALDWIN: I hate the twirly thing.

COHEN: Hate it, hate it, right? In many cases, you just couldn't sign up.

And there have already been reports of personal information being compromised. Just check out what happened in Minnesota…

Minnesota insurance broker Jim Koester was looking for information about assisting with Obamacare implementation; instead, what landed in his inbox last month was a document filled with the names, Social Security numbers and other pieces of personal information belonging to his fellow Minnesotans.

In one of the first breaches of the new Obamacare online marketplaces, an employee of the Minnesota marketplace, called MNsure, accidentally emailed Koester a document containing personally identifying information for more than 2,400 insurance agents, the Minnesota Star Tribune reported. MNsure was able to quickly undo the damage because Koester cooperated with them, but the incident left him unnerved.

"The more I thought about it, the more troubled I was," Koester told the newspaper. "What if this had fallen into the wrong hands? It's scary. If this is happening now, how can clients of MNsure be confident their data is safe?"

The Obama administration has had a couple of years to get ready for the launch of Obamacare and this is the best that they could do?

That is frightening.

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There's a stunner.

I have read a lot of this, and the "Bronzy" plan hs something like a $6000 annual out of pocket, with the least expensive play. It has a high deductible, and a high co-pay.

The average inpatient surgery is somewhere between $15,000 - $20,000. SO if a person is admitted for surgery ..... childbirth ...... or other procedure .... and they have the bronze plan, then will have a monthly premium they have to pay, plus a an out of pocket that they will still be unable to pay. Nothing has been done to bring down the coast of healthcare. Nothing. They limited what insurance companies can charge as profit ..... and rates are still rising. There were no simple, common sense reforms, like standardization of paperwork and lawsuit reform .... but some expectation that health costs would somehow magically stop rising.

Then we have to look at the plans, and their costs.

Let's say that I am a 35 year ols single person, making $30,000.and without healthcare. Now I have to take, after taxes, $2512 out of pocket to buy insurance. That is after a subsidy of $752.

Enjoy young professionals. You wanted this. You voted for it. It's yours.

Let's say that you are a person making just over minimum wage. Maybe you are lucky enough to make $9/hour, and work 50 hours/week .... but you do so between 2 jobs because you cannot find a full time job. You bust your butt, trying to do the right thing, and trying to work to get ahead. You make $23,000/year. You lose roughly $5000 in taxes to start with. Your income, as a single person, is now down to $18,000. Congratulations you hard working person ..... trying yo do it right ..... you now have to pay ... somehow ...... $1450/year in the form of a new Obamacare premium. Sure you take home ... for your efforts busting your butt .... a total of 688.71 every 2 weeks. Out of that, you can now also expect to lose $55 in insurance premiums ... for crap coverage! Congratulations. Don't worry, your landlord will understand that you can't afford to pay your rent. They will probably be perfectly happy to lower your rent. (and I looked these numbers up

Yea for "free" healthcare. Yea for freedom of choice. here for ADP's tax calculator and here for an Obamacare cost/subsidy calculator site

Oh, and if you smoke, it will cost you an additional 5%.

Thanks for your vote. Thanks for working hard to try and get ahead. Here's your "free".

It's not super expensive ..... but considering that the "Bronze" and "Silver" plans cover very little ...... and to hold down premium costs will still force people into high deductible plans ..... what is the value? Is a person in this situation suddenly going to manufacture $6,000 to pay for a hospital stay? Probably not. Is the hospital ahead? Maybe marginally. Of course if the government cuts subsidies to hospitals to help pay for the uninsured, then hospitals might be worse off. It sure doesn't seem like the working poor are going to be better off. They still won't be able to afford a doctor visit .... or medication ..... or really a surgery. Many will still have massive hospital bills on their credit report that they just can't pay.

I think that there are going to be massive unhappiness once people actually see what this will cost them, and what they will get in return. Crap coverage for a price that people can't afford is not the recipe for a successful system if you ask me. .

Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
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Here is the text for #1 (it didn't show up in the copy and paste above)


1. The best comment was posted by a man named Will Sheehan with type 1 diabetes who was initially very excited to sign up for Obamacare. But what he discovered while trying to sign up was absolutely horrifying…

" I actually made it through this morning at 8:00 A.M. I have a preexisting condition (Type 1 Diabetes) and my income base was 45K-55K annually I chose tier 2 "Silver Plan" and my monthly premiums came out to $597.00 with $13,988 yearly deductible!!! There is NO POSSIBLE way that I can afford this so I "opt-out" and chose to continue along with no insurance.

I received an email tonight at 5:00 P.M. informing me that my fine would be $4,037 and could be attached to my yearly income tax return. Then you make it to the "REPERCUSSIONS PORTION" for "non-payment" of yearly fine. First, your driver's license will be suspended until paid, and if you go 24 consecutive months with "Non-Payment" and you happen to be a home owner, you will have a federal tax lien placed on your home. You can agree to give your bank information so that they can easy "Automatically withdraw" your "penalties" weekly, bi-weekly or monthly! This by no means is "Free" or even "Affordable."

It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great!
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Here is the text for #1 (it didn't show up in the copy and paste above)


1. The best comment was posted by a man named Will Sheehan with type 1 diabetes who was initially very excited to sign up for Obamacare. But what he discovered while trying to sign up was absolutely horrifying…

" I actually made it through this morning at 8:00 A.M. I have a preexisting condition (Type 1 Diabetes) and my income base was 45K-55K annually I chose tier 2 "Silver Plan" and my monthly premiums came out to $597.00 with $13,988 yearly deductible!!! There is NO POSSIBLE way that I can afford this so I "opt-out" and chose to continue along with no insurance.

I received an email tonight at 5:00 P.M. informing me that my fine would be $4,037 and could be attached to my yearly income tax return. Then you make it to the "REPERCUSSIONS PORTION" for "non-payment" of yearly fine. First, your driver's license will be suspended until paid, and if you go 24 consecutive months with "Non-Payment" and you happen to be a home owner, you will have a federal tax lien placed on your home. You can agree to give your bank information so that they can easy "Automatically withdraw" your "penalties" weekly, bi-weekly or monthly! This by no means is "Free" or even "Affordable."

I don't believe that is accurate. But in time, it will be all fleshed out.


“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
Daniel Patrick Moynahan

"Alternative facts hurt us all. Think before you blindly believe."
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So in short redneck terms, our government is telling our citizens to pretend to be Ned Beatty in Deliverance and bend over and squeal like a pig.

I AM ALWAYS RIGHT... except when I am wrong.
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So in short redneck terms, our government is telling our citizens to pretend to be Ned Beatty in Deliverance and bend over and squeal like a pig.

No .. you can take it quietly .... or scream .... or squeal either in horror or delight ..... but you are going to take it.
I wonder how many 27 years olds who are in entry level jobs without insurance are thrilled with their ObamaVote now? "Thanks for your vote. Now, you are required to pay for this insurance plan that covers almost nothing, and if you don't pay for it, we'll take it from your tax return, or take other action to collect from you. Well, if you don't want the insurance, you can pay for the waiver. That's just pi .... err .... peeing your money away too.

Congratulations on your free healthcare ......

I am so glad that I'm not in a situation where I am just starting out, and may or may not have health insurance with my first job.

Imagine that you're a young kid, out of college ..... and you finally find a full time job. The pay is $25,000, which isn't great, but it's not horrible in this day and age either. You're single, and you've been responsible and haven't created any kids out of wedlock.

Yep, you've tried to do things the right way, and you have every intention of working hard and making something of yourself.

Your $25,000 salary works out to be $742.77 every 2 weeks using a generic breakdown. That means you take home about $1485 per month.

You have left school with $30,000 in student loan debt, which you now have to pay on a monthly basis. Let's say that they give you a tremendous rate of only 2% on your debt. (I can't remember what they cut it to, but that's probably a best case scenario)

Congratulations. You now only have to pay back $274/month out of your salary.

Now, before you spend a penny on anything else, you are down to $1211 per month on which to live, and support yourself.

Now you have Obamacare. Sure, you are young and healthy, and you really can't afford to pay for insurance at this time, but too bad, Your employer doesn't offer insurance so you have to pay. The middle range "Silver" plan will cost you $2799, minus the federal subsidy of $287. (congratulations) That means that your insurance premium is $2512 per year, or $209 per month.

Out of your $25,000 salary, you are now down to $1002 every 2 weeks with which to pay rent, buy food, pay a car payment and insurance, and in general, live on, In other words, your $25,000 salary is now a net of $13,026, before you buy or pay for anything related to living. You better hope that your parents' basement is still available.

We really need to look at what we're doing to the kids growing up today. They are being buried under mountains of college debt that help many kids get degrees that they will never use. Kids are being buried under an avalanche of debt that will cripple them financially for those really difficult years when they are just starting out on their own. (or trying to) . If they are lucky enough to find a decent job, but it doesn't have insurance, then they are forced to take what could be a sizable chunk of their salaries to pay for it. In many ways we are really crippling kids before they ever get a chance to get out on their own.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again .... I am really glad that I don't have kids. I worry about the world we'll leave behind for them.,

Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
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9 years of college and 30k in depth? lol I'm not sure what that kid is complaining about.

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9 years of college and 30k in depth? lol I'm not sure what that kid is complaining about.


That's a best case. Most kids have 4, maybe 5 years in school, and have 50 to 120 k college debt.

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9 years of college and 30k in depth? lol I'm not sure what that kid is complaining about.


That's a best case. Most kids have 4, maybe 5 years in school, and have 50 to 120 k college debt.

I don't know. Going to school for 9 years and accumulating only 30k in depth would be my pipe dream. I mean, yes this is complete hyperbole from someone who isn't that knowledgeable about the post-college life experience, so this is really far from a best case.

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my gf had over 110k in debt for college and her masters degree in marketing. She is 29 and makes 60 a year and barely getting by with out Obummer care. Colleges almost promise people with masters they will make 80 a year. (liars and a different conversation) Thank goodness she has insurance with her company for another year because she only pays 200 a month for better health insurance than is offered on these exchanges. If she had to take the garbage insurance they are passing out... I don't even want to know the cost.

BTW her company just laid off a chunk of people and are in the process of laying off a couple hundred people by the end of the year because of Obama Care. They mandated only hiring part time employees because they can't bear the cost. The ironic part is they are one of the larger collection agencies.

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BTW her company just laid off a chunk of people and are in the process of laying off a couple hundred people by the end of the year because of Obama Care. They mandated only hiring part time employees because they can't bear the cost. The ironic part is they are one of the larger collection agencies.

That can't be true. We were told that wouldn't happen

Oh well, some people live in the real world.........some live in the gov't. wings, as in "gov't. will take care of it all".........oops......those people are now finding out how efficient gov't. is at things like this.

Why doesn't gov't. go back to the constitutional duties it has? Why does our federal gov't. think they have the answer to everything, only to watch things blow up in their face? Then we need new "laws" covering the "old " laws.

Why does our gov't. have the ability to seize/freeze bank accounts on the "assumption" someone has done something wrong?

Why is our gov't. allowed to spend spend spend? We need a balanced budget. But, of course, that would require an actual budget wouldn't it?

Oh, this affordable care act is only getting started, and already we see part of it being postponed, exemptions given to certain groups, and the part of it that is enforced is unenforceable due to inadequate resources.

And our President? he tries to spin this as "success".

Gov't. shutdown? I'm all for it. I only wish congress, the president, and the elevator button pushers for congress would not get paid.

It may suck short term, but long term, maybe we could get this country under control.

Why do

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9 years of college and 30k in depth? lol I'm not sure what that kid is complaining about.

I only pushed it out to 27, because 26 could still be covered under a parent's plan. It could easily be a younger child whose parents don't have insurance.

Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
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Jeez there are employees I know in their late 30s still bitching about their student loans, I worry this is just the norm. I really pushed for my sister to take a STEM major (shes pretty good at math, big win there) but nooo wanted to double major in anthropology and political science...

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9 years of college and 30k in depth? lol I'm not sure what that kid is complaining about.

I only pushed it out to 27, because 26 could still be covered under a parent's plan. It could easily be a younger child whose parents don't have insurance.

I know. Your attempts to make a hypothetical case and stretch it to everyone to show how Obamacare was bad was thinly veiled.

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Given the sad state of the economy, I bet that there are more than a few kids who work at a part time job throughout their college career, and who may take 5 or 6 years (or more, depending on if they work more hours/week) who could easily hit 24 or more when they graduate.

I bet that others could struggle to find a job in their field ... a "real" job, with benefits. I just looked on for teacher jobs in the general Youngstown area, then went out to 50 miles away. There was 1 teacher position open. There were daycare jobs stuffed under teacher positions ..... but what do those pay?

Further, this law was supposed to help those without insurance. How much does a plan that pays almost nothing until the person hits $5000 or more in hospital expenses for the year really help? How much does a plan with a $6300 out of pocket limit help someone with a lower income and who also has to pay a premium? If the person was already struggling financially before this law took effect, and now they have to pay an extra $100/month, or more .....and the coverage they get pays very little towards the things they are most likely to use it for, (childbirth, broken bone, minor outpatient surgeries, etc) then how much value is there in the insurance?

Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
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I agree with you on some parts. The law needs to be better. Unfortunately it's been diluted to where it's no longer a good thing, but a burden on those who need it.

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j/c check this out. more and more of these stories are making public headlines

1-800-T-O-T-A-L-F-A-I-L: One Man's Obamawreck Nightmare
Michelle Malkin's column is released once a week.
Michelle Malkin
By Michelle Malkin 4 hours ago

Behold the Hollywood bubble. This week, actress Olivia Wilde starred in an Obamacare propaganda video targeting young people. "You can sign up for health care online in 10 minutes," her co-propagandist chirped as she cheered. Cue the laugh track. Back on planet Earth, Americans nationwide are still struggling with the $634 million online health care exchange nightmare.

One reader asked me to share his story. Like me and 22 million other citizens in the private individual market for health insurance, he recently received his You Can't Keep It cancellation notice. Here's what happened when he went online to find alternatives.

"I live in New Jersey, but work for a small company based out of Massachusetts. For years, we were all insured through the company from a plan that originated in Massachusetts. However, as soon as Obamacare was passed, we were "audited" by the insurance company, and it turns out only 50 percent of our company is based in Massachusetts, and therefore we did not qualify as a company under the law. Apparently, you need 51 percent based in the state. About five days prior to our insurance policy renewal, we were told we could not (renew), and I had to scramble to purchase a much more expensive individual policy with much higher costs.

"Fast-forward two years. I now receive a new letter from my insurance company, Horizon Blue Cross, (informing me) that the plan that I have now is being discontinued and I need to pick a new plan.

"On Oct. 1, I tried to get into the exchange for New Jersey that is run by the federal government. I earn too much for a subsidy, but I wanted to see what my options were and how much more this was going to cost.

"I created an account and tried for four days to get in. Each time it said my password was invalid. I tried to use the "forgot password" option so they could send me a link to reset. When I got the link, the system kept saying that it didn't recognize my user account. When I tried to re-create the user account, it told me that one already existed. I called the number several times, and they all told me the same thing: Try back later. The glitches are being worked out.

"I (then) created a new account under (my wife's) name. After several attempts, I was able to get in. Over the weekend, I spent at least four hours trying to fill out the application. Each time, the website crashed. When I got back to work on Monday, I tried one more time. Lo and behold, the application was submitted. At this point, President Obama must be thinking 'great, a success story.'

"Well, my options came back, and voila: According to the government, I'm not eligible for any private plans. I received a notice that my entire family is only eligible for Medicaid! I make a decent salary. I'm not eligible for a subsidy, let alone Medicaid.

"This morning my wife received a call. Apparently, it was the exchange. She explained to them that we are not eligible for Medicare or Medicaid. The person on the phone told her, "That is what the system says you are eligible for. If you want, you can file an appeal."

"So now back to a change in plans. I currently have a Point of Service that covers benefits 70 percent after a large deductible, with somewhat large co-pays for doctors. Horizon Blue Cross does offer a similar plan (to the one being canceled) for about the same, but the problem is that my children's pediatricians are not in it (so much for keeping your doctors).

"The only plans that the doctors take involve a 40 percent deductible with higher co-pays. So now I have fewer options and not more. There is another new company offering coverage where I am, but it has zero out-of-network benefits and a smaller network. Either way, everything is changing for me with higher costs.

"I hope you can somehow relate this story to the public at large to let them see that the whole process is a joke. The automatons who know nothing are just collecting a government check and getting health care paid for by me with my tax dollars, when I cannot even get my own."

In sum: Obama lied. His health plan died. He can't keep his doctors. He couldn't sign up in 10 minutes for health care. He's being steered toward a government plan he doesn't qualify for or want. And he can't get his personal information back from the online Obamawreck black hole.


Michelle Malkin is the author of "Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies" (Regnery 2010). Her e-mail address is

Blocking those who argue to argue, eliminates the argument. Forums DawgTalk Everything Else... 21 Of the Best Comments on the Official Obamacare facebook page

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