Posted By: FreeAgent What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/07/13 09:36 PM
I know there is a thread like this every so often and I thought I'd bring it up again.

I just finished a bok over the weekend called:

Ready Player One. by Ernest Cline (born in Ashland, Ohio)

I was surprised by this book. If you are a Clasic Gamer (Atari and old Computer games), child of the 80's this is a book for you. Quick synopsis:

The background story is there was a guy James Halliday and he grew up as a teenager in the 1980's. He was a anti-social geek in a way. Liked to play D&D and old PC games. Playing D&D he met his life long friend and soon to be business partner. Jim starts making PC games and his friend Ogden Marrow helps sell them. They start a software company called Gregarious Simulation Systems in Columbus, Ohio. Over the years they make great games. Fans can't wait until the next one is released.

After many years with-out a release there are rumors the company is going under because they sunk all their money on a new project. After many months and speculation the company releases OASIS which is a massive multi-player interactive game. It's kind of like virtual reality much much more advanced. OASIS becomes so big with thousands of worlds inside that in the future kids go to school in OASIS, people work there and so on. It's the new internet/web browser.

At the end of his life James Halliday becomes a recluse and when he dies every user in OASIS is sent his video will. Since he has no heirs to leave his company and money too he decided to make a game. Referencing the atari Adventure game with the easter egg secret in it he has hidden three keys and three gates somewhere in OASIS. The first person to find all three keys, complete all three gates and find the egg will win all his belongings (100's of Billions of $$$ and controlling stock in his gaming company.) There is a leader board and all have James Halliday's Avatar's name with a score of 0.

Now you have people who become full time egg hunters (Gunters for short) and then there are paid egg hunters (Sixers because they have a 6 digit company ID that start with a 6) who are paid by IOI an internet service provider who wants control Gregarious Simulation Systems and OASIS. See OASIS is free to join and play (if you want to), but IOI wants to start charging a monthly fee.

The book starts out and it's been five years and no one has found a key. Gunters are looked at as kind of jokes now. The original Hysteria had died down now. Then a name pops up on the scoreboard and the Narrator tells the story of how he found the first key and what happened from there.

Great Book. Lots of Gaming, 80's pop culture references in there.
I listen to books on my iPod in the car. I'm currently on book 18 of the Aubrey/Maturin series. I have really enjoyed them so far.

Right now at home I'm reading "The World According to Garp."
I'm working on writing a book.

I have the opening and the ending partially written.

Maybe I'll get rich. Probably not though.

This starts slow. I hear it's one of those "you love it or you hate it kind of books". But, it's currently being not read in favor of...

this series. I'm on book one and I'm loving every single page of what Douglas Adams put together. I have the whole collection in one giant leather bound book.
Posted By: Arps Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/07/13 10:08 PM
Im reading The Hobbit. I read it long ago, but figured it was worth reading again before I see the movie.
Posted By: Dawg Duty Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/07/13 11:08 PM
Vince Flynn's " Transfer of Power ". About 50 pages in. Very good sofar.
Posted By: CBFAN19 Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/07/13 11:21 PM
I've been alternating between David Baldacci and Clive Cussler for the past few months. Every so often I throw in a Western.

Right now I'm in the middle of Cussler's Raise the Titanic.
:Just finished "Killing Kennedy" last week. Good, although I enjoyed "Killing Lincoln" more.

Recently read Outlaw Platoon - very good read.
Posted By: jaybird Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/07/13 11:25 PM
Recently finished "no easy day" gonna reread "unbroken".

Both great books
Posted By: SaintDawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/07/13 11:52 PM

Just got done the other day.
Posted By: Damanshot Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 12:25 AM
I'm reading Dawgtalkers.net..
Posted By: Ballpeen Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 12:34 AM
"Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Rielly.

I read about half of it last night.....great read.....with the game tonight, I'll pick it up again tomorrow.
Posted By: UnderDawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 12:49 AM
Currently about to finish A Dance with Dragons which is book five in the series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. Better known for The Game of Thrones show on HBO. Excellent set of books!
Posted By: Rambo Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 12:55 AM
Currently reading Urban's Way: Urban Meyer, the Florida Gators, and his plan to Win. Provides a great glimpse into the mind of Urban Meyer and the passion he has for the game of football. Really enjoying so far.
Posted By: 1oldMutt Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 01:50 AM
"With the Old Breed"

I'll start my yearly reading of "The Old Man and the Boy" afterwards.
My wife got that for me for Christmas. I read it so quickly. A great book.

Over the past month I've read the Panther by Nelson Demille, A Wanted Man by Lee Child, and Winter of the World by Ken Follett.

I have "The Last Man" by Vince Flynn (the latest in his series) waiting for me at the library, and I'm on the list for Baldacci's latest "The Forgotten."

Vince Flynn's " Transfer of Power ". About 50 pages in. Very good sofar.

Is that the first Mitch Rapp book you're reading? If so, you absolutely have to pick up the rest of them. A GREAT series, second only to Nelson Demille's John Corey, IMO.
Funny you posted that, just picked up Master and Commander! First time reading O'Brian. Loved the movie (I know it is based on M&C and Far Side) so I decided to read the first book, and if I like it, will continue on with the series.
The first book or two were kind of tough because you have to get used to the 18th century nautical language.

And, like I said, I just listened to them, I didn't read them. That might make a difference.

However, I have really loved them. Not a bad one in the series. There were a couple times that I drove around the block instead of pulling in the garage so I could finish a chapter.
Posted By: homer_brown Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 03:26 AM

The Anarchist's Tool Chest was the last book I read (Really good woodworking book).

I built the chest from the book, it was quite a fun project.
Posted By: HewDawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 03:44 AM

"With the Old Breed"

I'll start my yearly reading of "The Old Man and the Boy" afterwards.

I'm in the Corps and that's on the Cm's reading list. I thought I'd check it out. Let me know what you think (with the old breed).
Posted By: jaybird Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 03:50 AM

"Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Rielly.

I read about half of it last night.....great read.....with the game tonight, I'll pick it up again tomorrow.

Was thinking of picking that up - I liked his Lincoln book...
Posted By: Mantis Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 04:55 AM
This past week:

Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
Henry James, The Portrait of a Lady
Christopher Hitchens, Arguably: Essays
Posted By: mitchale01 Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 07:56 AM
It's really nice to see your all reading book and you all have great interest, so I really like to read more about my business that's why I am reading " Real Estate Finance and Investment Manual " I also recommend to the new agent for reading this for book for gain your experience.
Posted By: FreeAgent Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 02:30 PM
Yeah I like Audio Books also. Listened to the Entire Harry Potter & Sword of Truth series in my car to an from work. The Sword of Truth Series set I have has Nick Sullivan reading it and he was completely amazing. He would have a different voice for every character and you could tell who was talking by his voice. He had different accents also and he could switch between the characters carrying on conversations between them and didn't miss a beat. Like I said he is amazing. If the narrator sucks I can listen. Tried the Game of Thrones on Audio Book and didn't like the reader so I read them myself.

Right now I am on the Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan and I love it. If anyone likes the Lord of Rings series they will love the Wheel of Time. First book is the Eye of the World. I'm currently on chapter 4 of book 4 of the series. The Readers (There are two) are also good in this book. They have Michael Kramer reading the male point of view sections and Kate Reading doing the female point of view. Both are good but I like Kramer a little better. Never seen a split reading like this unless it's a full on play production.
Posted By: BrownsBabe Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 03:30 PM
Currently, I'm rereading Gone With The Wind - as good as that movie is, the book is better! Next, I'm looking for something good to read - but I'm usually into suspense, murder, mystery, some non-fiction (mostly biographies or autobiographies). I keep rereading the same books over and over again because nothing has really piqued my curiosity in a while.
Posted By: 1oldMutt Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 03:48 PM


"With the Old Breed"

I'll start my yearly reading of "The Old Man and the Boy" afterwards.

I'm in the Corps and that's on the Cm's reading list. I thought I'd check it out. Let me know what you think (with the old breed).

It's about my third time through this book! Sledge's account is IMO the very best ever written! And I've pretty much read them all.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 06:21 PM
Just finished "The Brief, Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao," by Juno Diaz.

freakishly good.
Posted By: clevesteve Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/08/13 07:29 PM
The paperback of that book is cheaper new than the kindle edition.
I read this a couple of years ago for a class. It was awesome!
"The Joy of Hate" by Greg Gutfeld, co-host of FOX News "The Five" and host of the greatest talk show to date, "Red Eye" also on FOX News.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/09/13 06:41 AM
Next up: "Things I've Learned From Watching The Browns" by Terry Pluto.

Dude became my favorite sportswriter when I read "False Start: How The Browns Were Set Up To Fail." Deeeep research, insightful observations, and a must-read for any die-hard Browns fan.

I can't wait to crack the cover of this one. It was given to me as a Christmas gift by a lifelong Dallas fan.... who just today, suggested that he MIGHT be willing to join The Browns Nation- after decades of following 'Them Boys.'.

Imagine THAT, if you will....

Maybe, I'll give him Pluto's works to read....just to 'tip him over.' If anyone can "turn" a fan of another team, it's Terry. He brings the reader into the locker room like noone else I've read (with the exception of Plimpton).
Posted By: Dawg Duty Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/10/13 03:08 PM


Vince Flynn's " Transfer of Power ". About 50 pages in. Very good sofar.

Is that the first Mitch Rapp book you're reading? If so, you absolutely have to pick up the rest of them. A GREAT series, second only to Nelson Demille's John Corey, IMO.

No, this is the one where Terrorist take over the White House. I think the first one is where he wacks Democrats that are destroying the country. What a great idea.
Posted By: ClayM57 Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/10/13 03:47 PM
No Easy Day....Recieved it for Christmas, havent started it yet, looking forward to doing that this weekend....
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/11/13 08:36 PM

Currently about to finish A Dance with Dragons which is book five in the series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. Better known for The Game of Thrones show on HBO. Excellent set of books!

About to finish book 4, 'A Feast For Crows.'

Read 1 through 3 before the show premiered. Finally getting back to it...
Posted By: mitchale01 Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/12/13 05:30 AM

It's really nice to see your all reading book and you all have great interest, so I really like to read more about my business that's why I am reading " Real Estate Finance and Investment Manual " I also recommend to the new agent for reading this for book for gain your experience.

prefab buildings
I just started reading "Last Man", the most recent Mitch Rapp book. Man, that guy is such a badass. A great read so far.

And, in my car, I'm up to book no. 19 in the Aubrey/Maturin series, "The Hundred Days." I have to admit, I am going to be sad when I'm done with the series. I have really enjoyed it.
Posted By: Dawg Duty Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/18/13 09:19 PM

I just started reading "Last Man", the most recent Mitch Rapp book. Man, that guy is such a badass. A great read so far.

And, in my car, I'm up to book no. 19 in the Aubrey/Maturin series, "The Hundred Days." I have to admit, I am going to be sad when I'm done with the series. I have really enjoyed it.

Not familar with " The Hundred Days " Can you tell me more?
It's the 19th book in the 21 book series.
Posted By: Bard Dawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/29/13 01:32 PM
I am an English major, so of course I read "junk" exclusively and have for years. Fantasy and SF almost exclusively. I am about to finish White Tigerand it is a really good Oriental fantasy set which I am really enjoying it (for those old enough who might have played TSR's Oriental Adventures spinoff experiment for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. Author is new to me: Kylie Chan. Also, rereading H. P. Lovecraft's novel entitled At the Mountains of Madness.
Props for this strand. Always interested in what people read by choice.
Posted By: Arps Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/29/13 01:49 PM
I just finished Tucker Max's "A$$holes finish first". It was kinda funny.
Now I am on to Lord of the flies.
I just started "Against All Enemies" by Tom Clancy and am listening to "Blue at the Mizzen", book 20 in the Aubrey/Maturin series.

I like Clancy's stuff, especially since I realized that I can skim the parts where he goes into detail about a missile or a submarine. Look, I get it, submarines and planes and helicopters are really intricate complex machines. Just say "there was a sub" and I get it.

But I do like his books a lot.

Up next I am going to re-read "Candide" by Voltaire.
Posted By: FreeAgent Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/29/13 02:47 PM
I am now on Book 5 of the Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan. Awesome, awesome series so far. I can't stop reading them and the moment one book ends I am immediately starting the next book.
Posted By: CalDawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/29/13 04:03 PM
"A Prayer For Owen Meany" by John Irving. Savoring it.
Posted By: GMdawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/30/13 02:05 AM
The Bible

At the Mountains of Madness

So good

I read this over the summer. I was really impressed.
Posted By: Frenchy Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/02/13 09:03 PM
Another good series to read is:

Stephen Hunter's Bob Lee Swagger series 8 books with Swagger as the main character, I flew through every one of them

Vince Flynn's books with Mith Rapp are also fantastic 13 books with Mitch Rapp

Mark Berent's 5 books about Vietnam are great as well Steel Tiger, Rolling Thunder, Phantom Leader, Eagle Station, and Strom Flight. Not sure of the order of those. I was in Vietnam from 92 to 94, I read alot of Vietnam War books.

L Ron Hubbard's Mission Earth series was pretty good, I think there was 10 books.

Michael Connelly's Harry Bosch series has like 17 books with him as the main character.

Found a good site that has alot of books by authors and by main characters:
Posted By: Frenchy Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/08/13 02:06 AM
Just got an email that Ready Player One is in at the library, can't wait to get started this Saturday.
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/08/13 04:11 AM
The Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King. Minor story that takes place between books 4 and 5 of the Dark Tower series. Its a fun read...
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/10/13 02:09 AM
I just finished The Hunger Games series a few days ago. I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate all the movies (Due to how much was glassed over in the first one, my expectations are low..)

I just started "I am Number 4" I enjoyed the movie, and am enjoying the book even more..

Next I might pick up "The Whore Of Akron" and someone suggested to me the Game of Thrones series but I don't think I'm that much into that style...
I have been trying to read "Ulysses" by James Joyce, but have been having a very difficult go of it, just because of the complexities of nearly every freaking sentence....

So I am thinking of just moving to something by Ayn Rand and then I will come back to Joyce later on....
Posted By: FreeAgent Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/11/13 04:02 PM

Just got an email that Ready Player One is in at the library, can't wait to get started this Saturday.

Awesome, I really hope you like it as much as I did.

And I still can't speak enough about the The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. If anyone likes the Lord of the Rings then this series will blow your mind. It is soooooo good. Better than the Rings IMO. Tolkien was very inventive and imaginative but sometimes he spent 3 pages to describe a blade of grass. Jordan is at Tolkien's level on the imagination (I think he is better but that is my opinion, he is at worst equal to Tolkien) but I have found Jordan's story flow is superior and I can already tell I will be sad when I get to the end if the series knowing there will be no more after that. (Robert Jordan has passed away.)

One of my other favorite authors Terry Goodkind is also coming out with a new book this year, a Follow up to his 2011 Omen Machine. Goodkind wrote the Sword of Truth series which was 11 books, the Omen machine continues the story of the main characters from that series but is considered a new series. It was my favorite Fantasy series until I recently discovered the Wheel of Time series. His new book coming out this summer is called The Third Kingdom. I can't wait for that. I own the entire Sword of Truth Series plus The Omen Machine in Hardcover. I should note if anyone might be interested the Sword of Truth series is very Mature, R rated IMO. There is a barbarian type army in there that is very brutal and Goodkind is very descriptive of the things they do. This series isn't something you want your 13yo to read. (The Wheel of Time series is rated E by comparison)

Goodkind also wrote another book that vaguely ties to the Sword of Truth series called the Law of Nines. It was set in America around this time and is a suspense thriller type novel. He is suppose to write two more books following the Law of Nines but as of yet no word on the follow ups as he has focused on his new series.
Posted By: Arps Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/11/13 04:04 PM
Im reading "American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History" Its not bad. It kind of jumps around and doesnt have a good flow to it, but the story's are interesting. That man really was a patriot.
Posted By: Frenchy Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/11/13 06:12 PM
I'm about half way through it and I love it, it's one of those books where I'm not finished yet but I'm already regretting finishing it, hoping it would have lasted longer. Probably will finish it at work today, .

As for going to work today, pretty excited. A guy I work with had his wife reitre maybe a year ago and she is a big time reader. She buys all her books at the store and he is going to be giving me maybe 80 to 100 NEW paperbacks. And before anyone says it, she doesn't read Harlequin books.
Posted By: Arps Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/11/13 07:30 PM
I have a kindle fire. Literally thousands of books I can carry with me anywhere.

And before anyone says it, she doesn't read Harlequin books.

Then which of her books are you taking???
Posted By: Buckeyed11 Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/25/13 03:00 PM
I just read God's Lions: The Secret Chapel. First book in the series. It was a quick, easy, and fun read.

It is like the Da Vinci Code only they are using the Bible as clues.
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/25/13 03:16 PM
Now reading 'Under the Dome' by Stephen King. Pretty much enjoying it, but this guy seems so out of touch w/ the slang & colorful vocabulary his characters are talking.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/25/13 03:29 PM
Reading Conscious Capitalism by John MacKey, founder and CEO of Whole Foods. Great read for anybody who loves big business.. and for anybody who hates big business.
Going to be picking up "No Easy Day" at the library on my way home. After seeing (and liking) the movie Zero Dark Thirty, I'm sure I'll be engrossed in the book about the Bin Laden raid.
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/25/13 08:41 PM

Going to be picking up "No Easy Day" at the library on my way home. After seeing (and liking) the movie Zero Dark Thirty, I'm sure I'll be engrossed in the book about the Bin Laden raid.

My cousin LOVES that book. Tells me to read it once a month...
Posted By: anarchy2day Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/25/13 11:52 PM
Posted By: Heldawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/25/13 11:54 PM
Listened to the audio book on my last flight to the mainland.

I liked it.
Posted By: anarchy2day Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/26/13 12:07 AM

Listened to the audio book on my last flight to the mainland.

I liked it.

It's what I'm listening to at work via audible. I've found it interesting so far and compelling. I'm just to the point in the book where he speaks about what the near future holds. The stuff about Jules Verne's insight in the book "Paris in the Twentieth Century" was quite interesting.
Posted By: Heldawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/26/13 12:25 AM
I appreciated the near future more than the distant discussions. There are too many extrapolations for my taste. The near future has things that are currently being worked on and have obvious next steps to consider.

Kaku has the rare ability to distill extraordinarily complex science into digestible, compelling and entertaining units.
Posted By: DeisleDawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/26/13 12:27 AM
I'm reading my divorce papers.. Damn i'm screwed ... need donations send them to Browns Fan needs tixs.com...

In all seriousness... I'm reading this post...
Posted By: anarchy2day Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/26/13 01:20 AM

I appreciated the near future more than the distant discussions. There are too many extrapolations for my taste. The near future has things that are currently being worked on and have obvious next steps to consider.

Kaku has the rare ability to distill extraordinarily complex science into digestible, compelling and entertaining units.

I can appreciate them both. It's interesting to contemplate what humanity would be like in 100 years or 200 years or 1000 years.

I only listen to these books while I'm at work. Just finished Robert Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land'. Thought about going for another of his books, but came across this one by Kaku. The preview intrigued me and it's gotten a lot of reviews and the overall grade is about 4.5 out of 5.0 stars.

I'd like to think that I'm cerebral enough to be able to follow any highly technical ideas expressed in it.

Still working on Cloud Atlas. Feels like such a chore to read. I was hoping for more of a connection in each story. Although, that's not happening .

I'm into the third book of Hitchhikers. The Life, The Universe, and Everything has been a fun read so far. I love the characters of this series. They never provide a dull moment at all.

I also picked up a Stephen King collection of novels in a single bound book from Barnes and Noble this weekend. It contains Carrie, Salem's Lot, and The Shining. This is my first read into the horror/fantasy genre. I read Something Wicked This Way Comes once upon a time and I figured I'd like King as well. I've started with The Shining to acquaint myself with Stephen King. I'm five chapters in and I'm loving it so far.
Posted By: CHSDawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 03/04/13 01:39 AM
A Farewell To Arms

I, um, read it in high school, but thought I should actually read it this time.
Posted By: TI84_Plus Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 03/04/13 02:15 AM

A Farewell To Arms

I, um, read it in high school, but thought I should actually read it this time.

Just got this out of the garage to read it again for the third time. Big Hemingway fan here.

Picked up 'To Kill a Mockingbird' today. Somehow, I've never read this.

I also picked up The Hobbit from the library. Decided that I should probably knock this series out, as I've never read any of the books or seen the movies. Hopefully I get sucked in like others do, so I can get excited about watching the movies. Thought I'd start with the Hobbit and work my way through.
To Kill a Mockingbird is a phenomenal book.

I just downloaded "Notorious Nineteen", which is the latest book in the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. I really like that series because it's very light. Can fly through them and it's a nice change of pace from a lot of other stuff I read.

Also downloaded "Conspiracy of Fools", a book about Enron.
Posted By: anarchy2day Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 03/04/13 04:09 AM

Still working on Cloud Atlas.

For you, I recommend Atlas Shrugged.
Ever the comedian you are
Posted By: rockdogg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 03/05/13 11:05 AM
Thomas Jefferson The American Lion and a book about Quana Parker and the Comanches.

The American Lion is a little dense and I had to set it down for a while.
Just picked up "The Art of War" and Machiavelli's "The Prince".

Although I set it aside about 6 weeks ago, I'm also reading "Winkie".... it is the story of a teddy bear of the same name who was accused and imprisoned for over nine thousand charges including terrorism, sodomy, witchcraft, treason and others.
Posted By: DeisleDawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 03/05/13 02:38 PM
I just picked up the novel...Cross Roads, by WM Paul Young... Same Author of the Shack.
Posted By: Brownoholic Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 03/05/13 09:55 PM

I also picked up a Stephen King collection of novels in a single bound book from Barnes and Noble this weekend. It contains Carrie, Salem's Lot, and The Shining. This is my first read into the horror/fantasy genre. I read Something Wicked This Way Comes once upon a time and I figured I'd like King as well. I've started with The Shining to acquaint myself with Stephen King. I'm five chapters in and I'm loving it so far.

King has a new novel out this year called Doctor Sleep starring Danny Torrence as an adult.

If you find yourself becoming a fan, read IT and The Stand.
Posted By: rockdogg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 03/11/13 10:01 AM

this series. I'm on book one and I'm loving every single page of what Douglas Adams put together. I have the whole collection in one giant leather bound book.

Happy Towel Day!

His Dirk Gently books are just as awesome if not better.

Check out Google.
Posted By: proudelf Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 03/13/13 11:00 AM
For anyone into Military Sci-Fi. John Ringo ROCKS! A series about several different alien races, all involved in a war across the universe.

Another series in the present, about a former SOG, nicknamed "Ghost"

Three or four other series, all worth reading.

You won't be sorry!
I was given a Kindle Fire for Christmas by my girlfriend/common law and have been reading the Brian Herbert Dune books. Took a break and read the 2nd book in the Hunger Games series. Love this Kindle.
Posted By: Mantis Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 03/16/13 04:53 PM

Robert Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land'

Heinlein is a freak. It's sad how often science fiction is used as a vehicle for an author's sick fantasies.
Posted By: anarchy2day Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 03/16/13 05:27 PM


Robert Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land'

Heinlein is a freak. It's sad how often science fiction is used as a vehicle for an author's sick fantasies.

Heinlein WAS a freak. He's been worm food for a long time now. Just the same, his science fiction wasn't great but it wasn't bad either.
Posted By: Frenchy Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 03/19/13 03:32 AM
Just started Stephen Hunter's "The Third Bullet", I'm 100 pages in and I didn't want to put it down tonight. Can't wait til tomorrow to get back at it. Bob Lee Swagger is one of my favorite characters of all time.
Just finished "Ender's Game" in preparation for the movie coming out.
I can't believe I made it this far into adult geekhood without having read it before. I am seriously looking forward to reading the other books in the quintology now.

I also just purchased two coloring books for the coffee table: "Unicorn's are Jerks: a coloring book exposing the cold, hard, sparkly truth", and "Gangsta Rap Coloring Book".
Posted By: FreeAgent Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 10/21/13 07:30 PM
I might have to look into that coming up.

I am halfway through the 14th and final book of the Wheel of Time series. It has been such a great series, I really don't want it to end. I did the whole series via Audio Books and they had Kate Reading & Michael Kramer duel read each book the entire series. They both are very good and are talented Narrators.

My next book will be The Third Kingdom which is the 2nd book in the Omen Machine series, or the 15th book in the Sword of Truth Series depending on how you look at it. It came out in August but I was waiting for me to finish the Wheel of Time.

After that I will be looking for a book to read. Ender's Game seems like a good series to start on.
I don't have a lot of time to read, so I listen to books in the car. I love it.

I am on the third book in the Game of Throne series. Each one is about 40 hours long, but I'm totally engrossed.
Posted By: FloridaFan Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 10/21/13 08:05 PM
Books on tapes/CD, do they read with actor type voices, or is just straight narrative reading?
Most of them that I've listened to, it's been one narrator, but he/she changes his/her voice for different characters. You'd think it'd be annoying, but you get used to it pretty quickly.

I listened to the 21-part Aubrey/Maturin series, and I think they had a couple different people do voices in that.

Non-fiction books I've listened to, though, the narrators don't change their voices.

It takes a little getting used to, but as long as the narrator is good, you catch on quick.

There have been a couple books, though, that the narrator has been awful, and it makes the book seem pretty bad, too.
Posted By: FreeAgent Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 10/21/13 08:09 PM

Books on tapes/CD, do they read with actor type voices, or is just straight narrative reading?

It depends, some read with a straight voice, I can't listen to that. However I listened to the Sword of Truth series read by a guy named Nick Sullivan. He was amazing. He did different voices, dialects and would carry on a conversion back and forth and you would swear they were different voice actors.

I also listened to the Harry Potter Series and now the Wheel of Time series and the Narrators were also good and did different voices.

I tried a few others where the narrator was more straight voice and I didn't like it.
Posted By: clevesteve Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 10/21/13 08:12 PM
dawgtalkers, mostly.
Posted By: GMdawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 10/21/13 08:24 PM
--Overcoming Depression One Step at a Time: The New Behavioral Activation Approach to Getting Your Life Back

--Depression 101 A practical Guide to Treatments, Self-Help Strategies, and Preventing Relapse.

and next is,

--Unmasking Male Depression

This has been the longest, roughest, and damn near deadly year for me.

--Overcoming Depression One Step at a Time: The New Behavioral Activation Approach to Getting Your Life Back

--Depression 101 A practical Guide to Treatments, Self-Help Strategies, and Preventing Relapse.

and next is,

--Unmasking Male Depression

This has been the longest, roughest, and damn near deadly year for me.

Might I suggest borrowing a copy of what GM is reading
Posted By: TopDawg16 Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 10/21/13 09:47 PM

Two most recent books I've read are :

Smart Money by Michael Konik - A book about sports betting -- Anyone who has any interest in sports betting should check it out, it has a lot of good info.

And I read Matthew Berry's Fantasy Life -- Really interesting story. Even if you're not a fantasy football player, the guy has an awesome story about how he got to where he is. I'm not even a big fantasy sports guy, but I really enjoyed his book.

I already have Colin' Cowherd's 'You Herd Me' pre-ordered, so I'll be reading it next.

--Overcoming Depression One Step at a Time: The New Behavioral Activation Approach to Getting Your Life Back

--Depression 101 A practical Guide to Treatments, Self-Help Strategies, and Preventing Relapse.

and next is,

--Unmasking Male Depression

This has been the longest, roughest, and damn near deadly year for me.

If I understand your message, I hope that you have someone to talk to, and who can help.
Posted By: 3rd_and_20 Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 10/22/13 07:53 AM

--Overcoming Depression One Step at a Time: The New Behavioral Activation Approach to Getting Your Life Back

--Depression 101 A practical Guide to Treatments, Self-Help Strategies, and Preventing Relapse.

and next is,

--Unmasking Male Depression

This has been the longest, roughest, and damn near deadly year for me.

I have large bottle of Wellbutrin XL. If you want them, PM me.
Posted By: GMdawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 10/22/13 10:04 AM
*Gives bluecollar a kick in the ass, pat on the back, hand up, and a hug.*
Posted By: Dawg Duty Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 11/05/13 03:58 PM
Just finished " To the Sea " by Miles. Its about Sherman's march across Georgia. Those Ohio boys were a bunch of badasses. The Rebs were afraid of us. They liked fighting the Army of the Potomac who were a all hairdressers and vegetarians
If you ever get a chance read about Shiloh.

Right now I'm on a waiting list to read Killing Jesus. The library says there are 280 people ahead of me. I may have to suck it up and buy it.
I just finished "Speaker for the Dead", the second book in the Ender's Game series and have the third book "Xenocide" on the way already.
It's been a while since a book series has captured me the way this one has, and I'm looking forward to seeing the movie soon.

Oh, and I bought a copy of "Cooking with Coolio".... it won't be long and I'll be making some Soul Rolls and Bro-ghetti.
Anyone else reading or read the Game of Thrones books? I'm about 1/4 of the way through "A Dance with Dragons."
Not, yet, but it is on my list of series to read. I just started book 5 in the Ender quintet, and next on deck is Stephen King's Dark Tower series.
Right now I'm on a waiting list to read Killing Jesus. The library says there are 280 people ahead of me. I may have to suck it up and buy it.

I just got this for Christmas. I loved Killing Lincoln, and Killing Kennedy.

Right now I'm reading Into The Deep, by Robert Rogers. He spoke at our church Sunday. His story.......wow. To paraphrase it: He,his wife and 4 kids were driving home in an area they weren't super familiar with, in a terrible flash flood causing storm. His wife was driving.......they were following other vehicles.......going across a bridge, they got stuck in the flash flood. It flipped the van over, into a river. He was thrown out and survived. 3 kids were stuck in their car seats, his other kid was thrown out, as well as his wife. They found the van a mile and a half from the bridge.

He's the only one that survived.
Posted By: CHSDawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/16/14 12:48 AM

Anyone else reading or read the Game of Thrones books? I'm about 1/4 of the way through "A Dance with Dragons."

I finished ADWD about a year or two ago. An awful choice considering since then I find myself randomly checking for A Winds of Winter release date.

Right now I'm reading Shoplifting from American Apparel by Tao Lin. It's pretty decent, the minimal style is somewhat appealing after reading Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace.
Posted By: logdawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/16/14 02:44 PM
Just started The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson. Love his books and his writing style and I'm slightly disappointed in myself that I haven't gotten to this book sooner.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 01/17/14 04:21 AM
Just starting "Mo' Meta Blues" by Questlove.
Have about an hour and half left of listening to Dance with Dragons. Quite a few jaw dropping moments in that one.

Next up on the iPod are "The Devil's Gold", a short story by Steve Berry. Then going to listen to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe.

I know a few of you have read that. You like it or not?

On hold I have:

- The Wolf of Wall Street (what movie is based on);
- Takedown Twenty (Book 20 in the Stephanie Plum series);
- Never Go Back (next book in Jack Reacher series);
- Catch 22 (one of my favorite books, figured I will listen to it again);
- Lone Survivor (what the movie is about); and
- King & Maxwell (next one by Baldacci in that series)

Any other suggestions? I'm a big fan of series since I really get into the characters (still hate that I have to wait so long between John Corey books by Nelson Demille).
Posted By: Frenchy Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/17/14 04:07 AM
Mark Berent has a 5 book series about fighter pilots in Vietnam. Not sure of the order but here they are, I absolutely loved them, at the time I was reading them I was in the Army and doing the MIA/POW search missions in Vietnam so alot of the stuff I was reading about I was really where some of it took place.

Rolling Thunder
Steel Tiger
Phantom Leader
Eagle Station
Storm Flight

Michael Connelly has a real good book series with Harry Bosch:

Harry Bosch Series:

Harry Bosch Background: Born in 1950 in Los Angeles to Marjorie Phillips Lowe. He was named Hieronymus Bosch after the 15th century Dutch artist and nicknamed “Harry.” He became an orphan at 11 when his mother, a prostitute, was murdered. He grew up living in a youth hall and foster homes. He joined the army and did two tours in Vietnam. Harry returned to Los Angeles and joined the LAPD in 1972. He became a detective after five years in patrol.

Books in published order:
The Black Echo (1992)
The Black Ice (1993)
The Concrete Blonde (1994)
The Last Coyote (1995)
Trunk Music (1997)
Angels Flight (1999)
A Darkness More Than Night (2001)
City Of Bones (2002)
Lost Light (2003)
The Narrows (2004)
The Closers (2005)
Echo Park (2006)
The Overlook (2007)
The Brass Verdict (2008)
Nine Dragons (2009)
The Reversal (2010)
The Fifth Witness (2011) (one page brief appearance)
The Drop (2011)
The Black Box (2012)
The Gods of Guilt (2013) (one page brief appearance)
Those sound really good. I love pretty much every book I've ever read from authors that served in Viet Nam. "Charlie Company: What Vietname did to Us" is one of my all-time favorites. There was another whose name I cannot recall that was written by an Air Cav pilot that takes you through flight school (including great descriptions on how to fly a Huey) and then through his Tour over there. Absolutely great reads.

I just finished the 5th Ender's Game book and have moved onto a book titled "This Album Full of Angles". The author is a school classmate and old friend of mine. I haven't made it very far into it, yet, but I'm really looking forward to it. It's gotten a ton of good reviews, and has been billed as "a very ambitious first novel".
Posted By: SaintDawg Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/17/14 07:08 PM
I'm in the middle of Tom Clancy's Threat Vector
Posted By: 3rd_and_20 Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/18/14 03:30 AM
The book I'm reading right now is titled, "Unbroken," subtitled, 'A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption,' by Laura Hillenbrand. (Nonfiction... that's all I pretty much like.) It was a # 1 New York Times bestseller. (She also wrote 'Seabiscuit,' if that helps...)

Someone spoke about this book on the comments section of CNN or Yahoo - can't remember what one - when that guy a week or two ago was stranded out at sea for a long, long time. So I thought to myself, "Hmmmmmm...That book may be interesting."

The man the book is about - Louis Zamperini....

....was in the Olympics.... Or was it training for the Olympics? I think IN the Olympics.... Anyhow, he was stranded out at sea on a life raft during the war (haven't gotten that far into it yet though).

Long book, it's gonna take me awhile to read it all. Pretty good so far. He was a real devil when he was a kid, and I mean that in a bad way.
I Read That And Loved It. Loved it.

It's a modern Robin Crusoe meets MacGyver but set on Mars.
Looks interesting. I'll keep checking to see when the audiobook comes out. I don't have time at home to read, so I try to knock books out in the car.
And it's books like that and the Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang that make me say "I wish we had dropped a couple more A bombs on Japan."
Posted By: bbrowns32 Re: What are you Reading?? (Book Thread) - 02/19/14 01:44 PM

Just started Stephen Hunter's "The Third Bullet", I'm 100 pages in and I didn't want to put it down tonight. Can't wait til tomorrow to get back at it. Bob Lee Swagger is one of my favorite characters of all time.

A really great, and thought-provoking, read! Favorite authors are Michael Connelly, Johnathon Kellerman, Karin Slaughter, Baldacci, and others of the ilk...


Robert Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land'

Heinlein is a freak. It's sad how often science fiction is used as a vehicle for an author's sick fantasies.

my favorite book of all time, though i have read he hobbit and the trilogy over 20 times.. Right now I am reading " The Last Cry" by Robert Ghostwolf and the Book of Enoch (a book that missed the cut for the Bible).

Right now reading the newest John Wells book, the Counterfeit Agent. Wells is a CIA counterterrorism agent. Alex Berenson is the author.

I like the Harry Bosch books, which were mentioned. I also like the Jack Reacher books, the Scot Harvath books, the "Prey" and Virgil Flowers series by John Sandford, Baldacci's books.

I just found that one of my favorite authors, Vince Flynn, passed away last summer. In his 40s, it was prostrate cancer. His Mitch Rapp character was a serious bad ass. A counter-terrorism agent. His death saddened me.

Found some things on this thread that I will look into. Thanks

The book I'm reading right now is titled, "Unbroken," subtitled, 'A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption,' by Laura Hillenbrand. (Nonfiction... that's all I pretty much like.) It was a # 1 New York Times bestseller. (She also wrote 'Seabiscuit,' if that helps...)

Someone spoke about this book on the comments section of CNN or Yahoo - can't remember what one - when that guy a week or two ago was stranded out at sea for a long, long time. So I thought to myself, "Hmmmmmm...That book may be interesting."

The man the book is about - Louis Zamperini....

....was in the Olympics.... Or was it training for the Olympics? I think IN the Olympics.... Anyhow, he was stranded out at sea on a life raft during the war (haven't gotten that far into it yet though).

Long book, it's gonna take me awhile to read it all. Pretty good so far. He was a real devil when he was a kid, and I mean that in a bad way.

James Whitmore would have been a shoe in if they ever did a movie of this guys life
Wow, I didn't realize Vince Flynn had died. I really loved that Mitch Rapp series. Man, that's too bad.

I just recently finished a book called "Destiny of the Republic" by Candace Millard. It's about the assassination of James A. Garfield.

HIGHLY recommend. It's a part of American history that gets glossed over, but man was it a great story.
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