Posted By: Millcreek Dawg A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 06:43 PM
Obama and his failed strategy in all aspects of foreign policy and the fight against terrorists has failed to the point of a France/Russia coalition to fight a world problem together. Rather than take the leadership role, Obama has decided on division and arrogance to address what he calls a "set back".
God help America!
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 06:46 PM
all those bombings that Russia and France are doing is really helping out!!

so much so, that ISIS(lol, still alive and kicking) just executed a chinese and norwegian guy.

When are you people gonna realize that what we've been doing for the last 14 years isn't gonna work? it has NEVER work, it will NEVER work.

they DO NOT THINK LIKE US. every time we bomb them, they get stronger. they WANT us to bomb them because it recruits more and more people to their cause.

man, i'm done explaining it to you guys.

if yall wanna talk tough on a keyboard, put your money where you mouth is, join the military, and go fight. show the world what foreign policy is suppose to look like.

if you not willing to put your own skin in the game, then shut the hell up.
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 06:48 PM
I started reading the title and instantly knew it was you Milly! rofl
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 07:03 PM
Originally Posted By: Swish
When are you people gonna realize that what we've been doing for the last 14 years isn't gonna work? it has NEVER work, it will NEVER work.

they DO NOT THINK LIKE US. every time we bomb them, they get stronger. they WANT us to bomb them because it recruits more and more people to their cause.

I guess I was right and we have to kill them all. Peace obviously did not work, and neither does violence. They don't think like us, and will never realize that we will stop bombing once they choose the path of peace. Hell, they still call most of us 'crusaders'.
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 07:42 PM
If this was any place other than America, I would not be surprised if our President found the gate locked when he tried to return to the US.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 08:19 PM
written exactly as one would expect for a conservative blogger looking for shock value.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 08:20 PM
Only if you or millcreek were the gatekeeper.
Posted By: waterdawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 08:27 PM
Swish , There are Dawgs on the Board who have served , take a deep breath and settle down .. lol
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 08:29 PM
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Only if you or millcreek were the gatekeeper.

Continue to fool yourself...

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty-five percent (55%) disapprove (see trends).

The latest figures include 22% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19.
Posted By: waterdawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 08:41 PM
I think what some posters are eluding to , is that the Middle East is one big BOOBY TRAP !

The Pres. was speaking at the G20 in Turkey / There was a Soccer game between Greece and Turkey ( in Turkey ) yesterday and

" Only days after the Paris terrorist attacks, thousands of fans in the stands of a Turkish soccer stadium booed during a moment of silence for the Paris victims. Then they began cheering, “Allah Akbar!”

Something to think about maybe ?

Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 08:47 PM
Kindly elaborate.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 08:59 PM
please don't get me started on Turkey.

My aunt told me my cousin was at the game when it happened. i don't care if he joined in or not, i cussed his ass out on skype earlier today.

Thats disgusting. because if somebody would've bombed Adana, he'd be the first person crying that nobody cares about them.
Posted By: PerfectSpiral Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 09:07 PM
Yeah Right...Obama is more of a respected statesman in foreign countries then Bush and Bush Jr ever were. That just PO's the republicans to no end.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 09:07 PM
The silliness of what you say is funny at best and sad being the worse case scenario.

You seem to believe anyone who doesn't like him as president would lock him out of the country refusing him entry. Try again. lol
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 09:13 PM
Sorry I upset you by picking on your guy.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 09:14 PM
It certainly is. Here's a link to an article about the soccer fan incident.

It's exactly why I said in another thread that we have NO idea how many actual ISIS sympathizers there are out there. No idea how many truly want death to be dealt to the west.


I do feel sorry for these people in such oppressed and war torn countries. But as this example clearly shows, we will never be able to know the good ones from the bad ones. The possibility we may open our doors to letting terrorists simply walk in is too great a risk for me to be willing to take.

That's why our borders are a far more serious issue than some are willing to admit.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 09:17 PM
Actually at this point, my guy would be Kasich. I don't mind you using the term "my guy", but at least get it right. lmao

You just say some stupid things that don't make sense.

Or are you seriously trying to say anyone who doesn't like Obama as president would lock him out of the country?

See, I didn't think so. lol
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 09:20 PM
Sorry my point was missed by you and it sailed over your head.
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 09:24 PM

Yet, yesterday, O, over in Turkey (I think it was Turkey) took a shot at Ted Cruz and republicans by saying "First they were scared of the media being too tough, now they're scared of 3 year old orphans coming to the U.S." (I know I don't have the wording exact)

Here it is:
Apparently, they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America," the President said, apparently referring to Chris Christie saying he would not even accept into the U.S. a 5-year-old Syrian orphan. "At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of 3-year-old orphans. That doesn't seem so tough to me."


I would assume there are some widows and orphans, but man, in the pictures I've seen of the Syrian refugees, I just don't see many. Most look like strong, able bodied males, younger in age - 18-30 ish? Maybe I'm just not seeing the right pictures?
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 09:27 PM
Originally Posted By: PerfectSpiral
Yeah Right...Obama is more of a respected statesman in foreign countries then Bush and Bush Jr ever were. That just PO's the republicans to no end.

I assume you plan to support that?
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 09:52 PM
I certainly disagree with Obama on this.

It's a serious position we're in. Russia had a civilian plane downed by an ISIS bomb killing close to 250 people, Paris has been attacked by terrorists and so was Lebanon.

There are over 5,000,000 Shia troops in the middle east. Our only true disagreement we have with Russia in the region is they want the existing government in place so not to create a power vacuum in Syria that will even further make the spread of terrorism easier.

Actually talks are underway between Russia and France to become allies in fighting ISIS.


There are enough forces and nations against ISIS that I'm unwilling to support our country to lead the fight and burden the cost of this fight. I have no problem with us being complimentary allies.

I'm just tired of our politicians wishing to brunt the cost of life and finances to fight everything that ails the world. One side wishes to open the door and the other side want to beat the war drum.

I don't mind us doing our part, but this issue concerns most all of the globe, not just the U.S.
Posted By: OldColdDawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 10:13 PM
So what is the point of this thread? You and 40 trying to give Obama another 4 years? Not sure what you are getting at here...

Obama will be out of office soon and then you can hate the next Democrat President, probably 40's lady friend.
Posted By: DevilDawg2847 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 10:14 PM
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
Originally Posted By: PerfectSpiral
Yeah Right...Obama is more of a respected statesman in foreign countries then Bush and Bush Jr ever were. That just PO's the republicans to no end.

I assume you plan to support that?

If you call rolling over and giving up your lunch money without a fight every time "respect"... then maybe?
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 10:56 PM
The Street Corner Organizer is running around the world dissing Republicans like a Street Corner Organizer does. He is supposed to represent the United States and its people but he chooses to laugh off our concerns and play petty politics on the world stage.

We are concerned that what has happened to France can happen here. We want to make sure our families are safe. He suggests we are un-American
and afraid of widows and children while the vast majority of refugees appear to be men of fighting age.

Instead of playing the old PC BS, why doesn't he act with respect for his office and finally stop acting like the street corner organizer?
Posted By: CHSDawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 10:57 PM
prolly cause your concerns will die out with your generation lol
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/18/15 11:01 PM
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
prolly cause your concerns will die out with your generation lol

Posted By: northlima dawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 02:49 AM
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
The Street Corner Organizer is running around the world dissing Republicans like a Street Corner Organizer does. He is supposed to represent the United States and its people but he chooses to laugh off our concerns and play petty politics on the world stage.

We are concerned that what has happened to France can happen here. We want to make sure our families are safe. He suggests we are un-American
and afraid of widows and children while the vast majority of refugees appear to be men of fighting age.

Instead of playing the old PC BS, why doesn't he act with respect for his office and finally stop acting like the street corner organizer?

What, like Bush going into a country in the Middle East and attacking after it had nothing to do with 9/11. You go in and kill estimated between 174,000 and 1 million Iraqis and displace 2.7 million. And then after we displace Saddam the big screw up comes

"Paul Bremer's first step was Provisional Authority Order Number 1, issued on May 16th. Order Number 1 banned the Sunni-dominated Baathist Party which had run Iraq for decades. The previous temporary governor of Iraq, General Jay Garner (who was fired for bucking the Bush WH on this and other decisions), and his staff were appalled by the decision and warned Bremer "It was too deep." One of Garner's staff recalled saying "if you do this, you're going to drive 30,000 to 50,000 Ba'athists underground by nightfall. And the number's closer to 50,000 than it is 30,000." The CIA Station Chief in Baghdad agreed with the number of 50,000 Baathists being driven underground and said "In six months you will regret this." By banning the Baathist Party, which had as many as 700,000 members who were used to being in power, Bremer turned this mass of powerful leaders and their dependents against the US occupation overnight.

Bremer's second step compounded matters and might have been a play from a manual on how to ignite an insurgency. His second step was Order Number 2 which disbanded the Iraqi army on May 23rd 2003. This step went against the suggestions of a group of security experts at the National Defense University who had also warned against "top down de-Baathification." This group had warned that the Iraqi military was one of the rare unifying institutions in Iraq that stressed national identity. According to this group of experts "To tear apart the army in the war's aftermath could lead to the destruction of one of the only forces for unity within the society."

Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 03:01 AM
Originally Posted By: northlima dawg
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
The Street Corner Organizer is running around the world dissing Republicans like a Street Corner Organizer does. He is supposed to represent the United States and its people but he chooses to laugh off our concerns and play petty politics on the world stage.

We are concerned that what has happened to France can happen here. We want to make sure our families are safe. He suggests we are un-American
and afraid of widows and children while the vast majority of refugees appear to be men of fighting age.

Instead of playing the old PC BS, why doesn't he act with respect for his office and finally stop acting like the street corner organizer?

What, like Bush going into a country in the Middle East and attacking after it had nothing to do with 9/11. You go in and kill estimated between 174,000 and 1 million Iraqis and displace 2.7 million. And then after we displace Saddam the big screw up comes

"Paul Bremer's first step was Provisional Authority Order Number 1, issued on May 16th. Order Number 1 banned the Sunni-dominated Baathist Party which had run Iraq for decades. The previous temporary governor of Iraq, General Jay Garner (who was fired for bucking the Bush WH on this and other decisions), and his staff were appalled by the decision and warned Bremer "It was too deep." One of Garner's staff recalled saying "if you do this, you're going to drive 30,000 to 50,000 Ba'athists underground by nightfall. And the number's closer to 50,000 than it is 30,000." The CIA Station Chief in Baghdad agreed with the number of 50,000 Baathists being driven underground and said "In six months you will regret this." By banning the Baathist Party, which had as many as 700,000 members who were used to being in power, Bremer turned this mass of powerful leaders and their dependents against the US occupation overnight.

Bremer's second step compounded matters and might have been a play from a manual on how to ignite an insurgency. His second step was Order Number 2 which disbanded the Iraqi army on May 23rd 2003. This step went against the suggestions of a group of security experts at the National Defense University who had also warned against "top down de-Baathification." This group had warned that the Iraqi military was one of the rare unifying institutions in Iraq that stressed national identity. According to this group of experts "To tear apart the army in the war's aftermath could lead to the destruction of one of the only forces for unity within the society."


The fact that Bush made big mistakes does not make what Obama is doing any more right or wrong...

Neville Chamberlain made a huge mistake by underestimating the Nazis.. Lincoln made a couple of mistakes that almost cost him the civil war... the allies made any number of major blunders in WWII...

In every crisis there is the possibility that inaction is the mistake, there is the possibility that action is the mistake... and if action is chosen, there will be mistakes made..

It's 2015, Obama is the President, he has to deal with this right here and right now... continuing to bring up Bush's mistakes solves what exactly?
Posted By: northlima dawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 03:04 AM
And that now leads to the very very complex problem of what to do now. You are a warhawk and want to bomb them back to the stone age or get drawn into the country, most of the people to the left of Fox state that you are killing some of their solders but you are getting drawn into their caliph and they use it as a very good recruiting tool and they get lucky once in a while which they also promote. And they also get quite a bit of sympathizers and that is what most of US security analysts are worried about. A lone wolf type.

And very unfortunately yes we are going to get hit at some point.

Also, my congressman posted the vetting process for a Syrian refugee tonight. It has about 5 different steps and takes anywhere from 18-36 months. If someone is going to hit us, there are already here or they are going to sneak in. Our vetting process is SO much more stringent than the countries of Europe. I think I can post if someone cares.

Also on a side note, in air strikes tonight in Syria there was a note on the tv that there was some civilian causality's (I think 7)
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 03:25 AM
France's President Just Showed the World There's Another Way to Respond to Terrorism


Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan calls for a halt to refugee admissions on Nov. 17. Source: J. Scott Applewhite/AP
The BBC reports 750,000 migrants (including those who may be granted refugee status) had arrived in Europe by sea as of early November, with hundreds of thousands more expected to arrive in the coming year.

Hollande's commitment to allow entry to the previously allotted number of refugees stands in stark contrast to the reaction from 27 mostly Republican governors in the United States who said they would deny Syrian refugees entry to their states. Of the nine suspects fingered by authorities as the perpetrators of the Paris attacks, one was in the possession of a Syrian passport — that many believe to be fake — used to gain entry to France through Greece and Serbia.

The governors likely cannot legally deny refugees entry since the refugees would be admitted under a federal program. Nonetheless, the message was clear — Muslim refugees are officially not welcome in those states.

View gallery
.France's President Just Showed the World There's Another Way to Respond to Terrorism
Marine Le Pen, leader of France's far-right National Front party Source: Claude Paris/AP
Hollande's affirmation that his administration will not be intimidated into changing refugee policy also steered very clear of the xenophobic rhetoric that often emerges from high-profile terrorist attacks.

As Mic's Jake Horowitz writes, Republican presidential candidates responded to the news in Paris with varying levels of hostility and suspicion towards Muslims. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said the U.S. should only aid beleaguered Christians, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz argued it would be "lunacy" to permit Muslim refugees into the country and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee quipped Americans should "wake up and smell the falafel."

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad al Hussein told Bloomberg he worries the attacks will increase reactionary sentiments among the European public.

While there's still much criticism around France's treatment of refugees after their arrival, Hollande seems to grasp that inciting global panic, and contributing to the the disaffection of young Muslims, is exactly what ISIS hoped to achieve with the attacks.


imagine that, he's not gonna allow terrorist to change their values and their way of life. they show some balls.

more than i can say about the a lot of you scared posters. everything you guys say means the terrorist wins. wish y'all showed the same values as this guy.

but like i said, y'all a bunch of keyboard warriors. especially DC and Erik.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 03:31 AM
but like i said, y'all a bunch of keyboard warriors. especially DC and Erik.

Ah, that must be that respect you were talking about.

Not sure what I ever said that makes you think I'm a keyboard warrior.. but ok, whatever.
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 03:54 AM
Originally Posted By: Swish
imagine that, he's not gonna allow terrorist to change their values and their way of life. they show some balls.

more than i can say about the a lot of you scared posters. everything you guys say means the terrorist wins. wish y'all showed the same values as this guy.

but like i said, y'all a bunch of keyboard warriors. especially DC and Erik.

You must have missed Hollande's speech about conducting 'pitiless war' against isis. Just like draft picks, I think I might wait a season or two before I determine how good or bad his decisions have been so far.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 03:56 AM
fair enough. but at the end of the day, that shows strength. not allowing these losers to change their values and way of life.
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:01 AM
Originally Posted By: Swish
fair enough. but at the end of the day, that shows strength. not allowing these losers to change their values and way of life.

Oh, please. Our way of life changed after the civil war, WWI, WWII, the depression, the cold war, etc, etc. Life and the way we live it adapts to our situations constantly. This isn't much different than people suddenly building fallout shelters during the cold war, or cars suddenly getting smaller after the opec engineered energy crisis in the 70s.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:03 AM
so you're saying random terrorist attacks is on the same level as full out Global war?

am i understanding this right?
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:03 AM
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell
Originally Posted By: Swish
imagine that, he's not gonna allow terrorist to change their values and their way of life. they show some balls.

more than i can say about the a lot of you scared posters. everything you guys say means the terrorist wins. wish y'all showed the same values as this guy.

but like i said, y'all a bunch of keyboard warriors. especially DC and Erik.

You must have missed Hollande's speech about conducting 'pitiless war' against isis. Just like draft picks, I think I might wait a season or two before I determine how good or bad his decisions have been so far.

Over the next few years and for a long time after that, as acts of terrorism happen around the world, and they will, it's going to be interesting to watch the media scramble to prove that refugees had nothing to do with it. It's going to happen every single time, the conservative media is going to blame everything on refugees, the liberals are going to fight hard to deny refugees had anything to do with it... Because that's how we roll, it's better to be right and be able to give the other a side a big see we were right, than to actually find the truth.
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:06 AM
But the very best thing is its all gonna be Obama's fault for at least the next 8 years!
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:08 AM
duh dude. but i'm trying to figure who's name rolls off the tongue better. Trump or clinton.
Posted By: Tulsa Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:09 AM
I think the name you're looking for is Clump.
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:12 AM
Originally Posted By: Swish
so you're saying random terrorist attacks is on the same level as full out Global war?

am i understanding this right?

Seeing as I mentioned our Civil War and the depression, I would say no. Was Viet Nam global, and did it change our culture? What about Korea?

My point is we adapt to the world as we see it. Always have, always will. I was kind of counting on others to see the point, not try to find a logical fallacy where there is none.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:13 AM
Hmm...i wonder if in a parallel universe, Trump and Clinton ran on the same ticket together. Prez/VP
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:15 AM
Originally Posted By: Swish
Hmm...i wonder if in a parallel universe, Trump and Clinton ran on the same ticket together. Prez/VP

You really think those two egos could coexist? That would be a really strange universe.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:17 AM
I'd say yes, as vietnam and korea were international/overseas wars.

the civil war and depression....even still, isn't the same as terrorism, imo.

sorry but it hasn't changed our values. nor should it. did 9/11 stop women in the us, fat or skinny, from wearing skinny jeans, leggings, and two piece bikini's?


did it stop us from doing anything really? no.

this is what happened. people got outraged, and within a couple days/weeks it was business as usual.

and it shouldn't. the depression and Civil war changed us, as it should've.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:18 AM
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell
Originally Posted By: Swish
Hmm...i wonder if in a parallel universe, Trump and Clinton ran on the same ticket together. Prez/VP

You really think those two egos could coexist? That would be a really strange universe.

power and greed always find a way to coexist. i think you've made a similar point on this board before.
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:20 AM
International, not global. Hell, McCarthyism changed our world view.

The biggest change was the end of the cold war, as we Americans lost a lot of our national pride after that. Now we are being told by our federal government that we are one of the biggest problems in the world, not the best solution. Yes, I know we're not always right, but we do more good than anyone else.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:22 AM
that depends on your perspective, which i believe was the entire point.

of course we feel like we do more good than anyone else. we're americans.

those people in the middle east think we are the terrorist. so it's a matter of perception.
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 04:22 AM
Originally Posted By: Swish
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell
Originally Posted By: Swish
Hmm...i wonder if in a parallel universe, Trump and Clinton ran on the same ticket together. Prez/VP

You really think those two egos could coexist? That would be a really strange universe.

power and greed always find a way to coexist. i think you've made a similar point on this board before.

Power and greed do, but usually in the same person. I don't think either one could play second fiddle to the other.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 06:06 AM
Here's my Clinton for Prez:

Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 06:13 AM
Sanders for VP?

Posted By: MrTed Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 06:28 AM
If you can't guarantee with 100% certainty that not one of those three year old orphans disguised as military age men are a danger to me or mine, or you and yours or them and theirs (anyone want to continue this list?) then I think you should tone down the 'wish you all had some balls' and 'keyboard warriors' crap.

I was already in and out of the service before you started kindergarten.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 06:41 AM
Ok, you did something about it.

That means I wasn't talking about you.
Posted By: Millcreek Dawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 09:36 AM
Hussein Obama did take a stand in Syria, remember he drew a line in the sand. By the way, I love you Libby's on here still yelling "Bush did it", you folks give me a good belly laugh. Hussein Obama better hope there is not an attack on America because his "legacy" will go down the crapper with him.
Posted By: DIEHARD Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/19/15 12:13 PM
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 01:47 PM
wonder how many profile pics gonna change in support of Mali. probably none, and we all know why.

Islamic extremists attack hotel in Mali's capital


BAMAKO, Mali (AP) — Islamic extremists armed with guns and throwing grenades stormed the Radisson Blu hotel in Mali's capital Friday morning, killing at least three people and initially taking numerous hostages, authorities said.

The Brussels-based Rezidor Hotel group that operates the hotel said the assailants had "locked in" 140 guests and 30 employees.

Malian troops reacted quickly. As people ran for their lives near the hotel along a dirt road, the soldiers in full combat gear pointed the way to safety. Within hours, local TV images showed heavily armed troops in what appeared to be a lobby area. Malian state TV reported that 80 people in the hotel when the assault began have been freed.

Malian special forces were freeing hostages "floor by floor," Malian army commander Modibo Nama Traore told The Associated Press.

Traore said at least one guest earlier reported that the attackers instructed him to recite verses from the Quran before he was allowed to leave the hotel.

It was not immediately clear which Muslim extremist groups might be behind the attack, which unfolded one week after the attacks on Paris that killed 129 people. A handful of jihadi groups seized the northern half of Mali — a former French colony — in 2012 and were ousted from cities and towns by a French military intervention.

View galleryPeople run to flee from the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako, …
People run to flee from the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako, Mali, Friday, Nov. 20, 2015. The company t …
French President Francois Hollande said: "We should yet again stand firm and show our solidarity with a friendly country, Mali."

Traore said 10 gunmen had stormed the hotel shouting "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great," in Arabic before firing on the guards. A staffer at the hotel who gave his name as Tamba Diarra said over the phone that the attackers used grenades in the assault.

The U.S. Embassy in Mali told citizens to shelter in place amid reports of an "ongoing active shooter operation" at the hotel in Bamako.

Monique Kouame Affoue Ekonde, from Ivory Coast, said she and six other people, including a Turkish woman, were escorted out by security forces as the gunmen rushed "toward the fifth or sixth floor."

"I think they are still there. I've left the hotel and I don't know where to go. I'm tired and in a state of shock," she said.

View galleryMap locates Bamako, Mali; 1c x 3 inches; 46.5 mm x …
Map locates Bamako, Mali; 1c x 3 inches; 46.5 mm x 76 mm;
A top official at the French presidency said French citizens were in the hotel but could not give more. The official spoke anonymously in line with presidency policy.

Belgian foreign minister Didier Reynders said that four Belgians were registered at the hotel but their whereabouts were unknown.

Citing Chinese diplomats in Mali, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV reported that about 10 Chinese citizens were sheltering inside their hotel rooms. The embassy was in phone contact with them and all were reported safe, according to the report. All are employees of Chinese companies working in Mali.

Five Turkish Airlines personnel were among the freed hostages, Turkey's state-run news agency said.

The website of the official China Daily newspaper also cited an unidentified witness as saying one Chinese citizen had been rescued.

View galleryOnlookers gather near the Radisson Blu hotel after …
Onlookers gather near the Radisson Blu hotel after gunmen stormed the building in Bamako, Mali, Frid …
The U.N. mission said it was sending security reinforcements and medical aid to the scene. Ambulances were seen rushing to the hotel as a military helicopter flew overhead.

Even after the French-led military intervention in early 2013 that forced the extremists from northern towns and cities, the north remains insecure and militant attacks have extended farther south this year, including the capital. In March masked gunmen shot up a restaurant in Bamako that is popular with foreigners, killing five people.

About 1,000 French troops remain in the country. The Netherlands also has troops working with the UN mission in Mali. According to the Dutch defense ministry, some 450 Dutch military personnel are taking part in the mission along with four Apache and three Chinook helicopters. Most of the Dutch force is based in Gao, but there are a few officers at the U.N. mission headquarters in Bamako.


Ahmed reported from Kaolack, Senegal. AP writers Robbie Corey-Boulet in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Sylvie Corbet in Paris and Christopher Bodeen in Beijing contributed to this report.
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 01:55 PM
I am beginning to agree with the PM of France and the others who are saying we are seeing the beginning of WWIII.
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 02:02 PM
Originally Posted By: Swish
wonder how many profile pics gonna change in support of Mali. probably none, and we all know why.

Mine won't change. And it has nothing to do with race. Mine didn't change over the Paris attack either.
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 02:09 PM
For me, while I feel bad about the situation. It doesn't affect my life in the slightest..Guess that makes me a racist..oh well:/
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 02:11 PM
I actually tried to get my hands on a Mali Browns Backers shirt some time ago when they had a club.

No, it really doesn't change my opinions. I was never a supporter of Mali, nor will I be now. I know little to nothing about the country, other than it's in western Africa near the equator. It also doesn't change my opinion of the radical islamists that are waging a terror war there. This is a war of conquest. If we stop it now by killing all of them, we will lose thousands. If we wait until it comes here, we will lose 100s of thousands or more.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 02:21 PM
TSA Didn't Catch 73 Airport Workers on Terror Watchlist

By Jenn Gidman, Newser Staff
Posted Jun 8, 2015 11:19 AM CDT

(NEWSER) – The good news from the Department of Homeland's Security new report on the TSA's "multi-layered process to vet aviation workers for potential links to terrorism": That process is "generally effective." The bad news: There were still 73 individuals who should never have gotten jobs with airlines because they were tagged with terrorism-related category codes. The main problem, the report notes, is that, under current interagency watchlist policy, the TSA isn't allowed to receive every bit of terrorism-related data, meaning airlines often have to fend for themselves in determining whether a job applicant is properly vetted, including whether an applicant is lawfully allowed to work in the US and if the applicant has committed any crimes that would disqualify him from gaining unsupervised access to secure airport areas. The TSA and airports aren't permitted to conduct "recurrent criminal history vetting," meaning the applicant would have to self-report, the DHS report notes.

How the DHS conducted its analysis: The agency asked the National Counterterrorism Center to cross-reference more than 900,000 records of current aviation workers against the NCTC's terror watchlist. The list's terrorism codes associated with the 73 individuals in question were not shared with the TSA during the vetting process due to current interagency rules that prohibit such sharing, the report finds. It also notes that "thousands of records" pored over during the vetting process contained incomplete info; sometimes applications would only include an initial for a candidate's first name or would be missing a Social Security number. The workers who slipped through "were employed by major airlines, airport vendors, and other employers," the report adds, and were cleared for access to secure areas, "despite representing a potential transportation security threat."

Newsweek June 2015

These are the types of things that happen during vetting... and these are Americans where we have much better access to their records. So while I appreciate those who think the Syrians are being vetted, the possibility of mistakes is very very real. And I'm growing weary of the fact that those who have concerns are being painted as somehow unAmerican or unChristian... Sorry, I have my concerns.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 02:23 PM
I don't do the "change your profile pic" thing... didn't do the rainbow, didn't do the French flag, won't do it here... but I will pray for the folks of Mali.
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 02:28 PM
I wouldn't feel sorry..I'm amazed it hasn't come here on a much higher level.

I've read your post's through the years and agree with a lot of what you say..and if questioning the type of people our leader's want to bring in makes you unAmerican then so be it.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 02:34 PM
Originally Posted By: FBHO71
I wouldn't feel sorry..I'm amazed it hasn't come here on a much higher level.

I've read your post's through the years and agree with a lot of what you say..and if questioning the type of people our leader's want to bring in makes you unAmerican then so be it.

It took you 4 posts to compliment me? What took you so long? tongue

Seriously, thanks and welcome aboard.
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 02:36 PM
I'm a little slow:) But thank you for the welcome..
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 02:48 PM
Seeing as our administration has stated that isis is contained, which was followed by the Paris attack, and al queda is neutralized, right before the Mali attack, maybe we ought to get our administration to shut up.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 03:28 PM
That's the point though.

Where's the outrage when it happens to these people?
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 03:30 PM
And that's my point. People like to pick and choose.

Something can happen in Kenya right now, no national outrage or support.

Let something happen in Spain or something and watch the 24/7 news coverage.
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 04:47 PM
Originally Posted By: Swish
And that's my point. People like to pick and choose.

Something can happen in Kenya right now, no national outrage or support.

Let something happen in Spain or something and watch the 24/7 news coverage.

It couldn't possibly have anything to do with major news outlets in this country having offices in places like the UK, Paris, Berlin, etc. I don't think they have very many (if any) in Bamako, Mali. That's just business, not racism as you are implying. As you were so keen to start up a business in Africa not so long ago, I would suggest an American news outlet in Mali. Maybe Fox News will back you.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 05:02 PM
I highly doubt that, sorry.

Y'all can chalk it up to me calling y'all racist. That's not my intent, but honestly, I don't care what you think I'm calling you.

If the shoe fits, I'll buy you multiple pair.

The fact is that a lot of these American journalist flew over to cover the incident in Paris.

So why aren't people flying down in the same numbers to Mali?
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 05:23 PM
Originally Posted By: Swish
I highly doubt that, sorry.

Y'all can chalk it up to me calling y'all racist. That's not my intent, but honestly, I don't care what you think I'm calling you.

If the shoe fits, I'll buy you multiple pair.

The fact is that a lot of these American journalist flew over to cover the incident in Paris.

So why aren't people flying down in the same numbers to Mali?

Your shoe doesn't fit me at all. You might also want to consider that there are 3 TV stations in Mali. The US press services have agreements with many news outlets in Europe. If you would have been paying attention, the American reporters still took 2 days or more to get to Paris. Before that, they used the local reporters. I'm also quite sure they would have used local videographers once the 'talent' people from the US got there. Maybe you should give them a day or two before you start your accusations.

As for Mali, they have an unstable government, so I wouldn't expect many reporters to show up there. They had a military coup as recently as 2012.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 05:27 PM
So because they have problems, it doesn't warrant as much attention as Paris?

Compassion. I see people on this board does lack it.
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 06:01 PM
Originally Posted By: Swish
So because they have problems, it doesn't warrant as much attention as Paris?

Compassion. I see people on this board does lack it.

When do you have your flight scheduled?
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 06:03 PM
He doesn't..he would rather tell you what a pile of poo you are for not having one..
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 06:04 PM
I'm not a journalist.

And I've also done 3 months in AFRICOM.

When's your flight ?
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 06:21 PM
Originally Posted By: Swish
That's the point though.

Where's the outrage when it happens to these people?

What's the point? My response is consistent...

I'm sure you know the answer to the second question but if you want me to answer it, so you can see it in print... I will answer it.

Mali is a poor, African, and black, France is romantic, white, and European.... Mali is a country with a murder rate significantly higher than the United States and WAY higher than France. There is a sense that things like this are supposed to happen there, they are not supposed to happen to partying white kids in Paris.

The media is almost exclusively run by white people for a white audience, they are going to run with what gets them the most viewers, which in turn will make it a bigger story... Many Americans have been to France, they've been to Paris, they love Paris, they have ancestors from France, and they love the shopping and the food, we play Olympic events against France, we can relate to them... most of them couldn't find Mali on a map, have no idea what the language is or what they might be served for dinner, and they don't care to find out.

See, we have sympathy for Mali. We feel bad for them, we really do. But, we have empathy for Paris because they are similar to us, we can relate to them, on a subconscious level we can feel their pain.... empathy is a much stronger emotion than sympathy.... Sympathy is passing, empathy is much deeper, much stronger, and lasts much longer.

that's why when an inner city black kid gets shot for no reason, my sympathy is no match for your empathy and it never will be. I can feel bad for that person but it's more distant because I can't relate to them... you can feel the pain because you've been there, you see yourself in that kid, or your kids in that kid... I cannot. And the easy way out is to say, "But we are all human beings, isn't that enough?" and the answer is no, it's not. The emotions of sympathy and empathy are not consciously controlled. I can't control my ability to empathize with a person from Mali any more than you can control your ability to empathize with the Queen of England...

I hope that answers your question, at least from my perspective.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 06:27 PM
Pass the Freedom Fries!
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 06:37 PM
I hope you are well Pit..You probably don't remember me but when you asked for prayer's some years back about your back surgery, I responded and offered any help you needed because I lived close to you.

Then gave you a little insight into my situation with my surgery on my neck.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 06:42 PM
I'm doing much better than I was before the surgery. Thanks for asking.

I do seem to remember that conversation but I don't recognize your current screen name.
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 06:45 PM
It is not the same screen name...I posted for your situation and haven't posted since..Lucky Dawg was the name I used back then. I've lurked on this forum for years and just never posted:)
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 06:50 PM
Originally Posted By: Swish
I'm not a journalist.

And I've also done 3 months in AFRICOM.

When's your flight ?

I'm not a journalist either, but I won't use that weak excuse. I think Mali is another case radical muslims trying to force their world view on those around them. More reason for the world to come together and take these guys out. Other than that, I never had any plans to go there, so I don't know that much about their culture, lands, or lifestyles. As I never see myself going to Mali, that is probably about a curious as I will ever be. I've never intended to go to Paris either, as my wife has never had much good to say about that city. I got tired of the coverage on Paris very quickly, once the action stopped. The 'all tragedy, all the time' news cycles annoy me.

The amount of travel and relations between the US and Mali are a lot less than the travel and relations between the US and France. For most Americans, Mali is a far away place they have no interest in and will never go. Lots of people want (or wanted) to go to Paris, though. There's just more of a connection. It has nothing to do with race, and so much more to do with familiarity.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 07:01 PM
Question for anybody who cares to answer...

What do you think ISIS thinks they gain by attacking a country like Mali? From what I've seen, ISIS attacks for two reasons:

1. to inflict pain and suffering on those it hates
2. to recruit new members

so what is the benefit to attacking Mali? Or is it just an attack on a relatively soft target to remind the world they are out there and it has no real immediate goal other than add to global fear and confusion and the feeling that nobody is safe?
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 07:09 PM
i understand.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 07:10 PM
what weak excuse?

at least i've been for 3 months and helped.

What i'm starting to notice is people have no skin in the game. no personal feelings or direct experiences.

which is why i'm starting to grow numb to the lack of care that goes on around here.
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 07:12 PM
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
Question for anybody who cares to answer...

What do you think ISIS thinks they gain by attacking a country like Mali? From what I've seen, ISIS attacks for two reasons:

1. to inflict pain and suffering on those it hates
2. to recruit new members

so what is the benefit to attacking Mali? Or is it just an attack on a relatively soft target to remind the world they are out there and it has no real immediate goal other than add to global fear and confusion and the feeling that nobody is safe?

There are a couple reasons. Islamists control about a 1/3 of the country in the north. They want it all. Soft targets are easy, and it does assist them in recruiting. They are also in a fight against isis when it comes to recruiting and money.
Posted By: rockdogg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 07:15 PM
Not to mention they want to continue getting pretty damned rich.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 07:16 PM
they attack places like Mali and use it as propaganda.

you just finished saying the media is controlled by white people, right?

think about it, ISIS knows nobody gives a damn about people in Africa. you just said #2 is to recruit.

they are recruiting Africans. it's so easy.

"you see? nobody cares about you. your women and children are drinking water from the ground in mud, you have no money, your family is starving. the crusaders don't care about you. they only care about themselves and people that look like them. join us, we will provide you food, shelter, and a means to take care of your family".

congrats, they just got a bunch of recruits by attacking their own homes.
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 07:33 PM
Originally Posted By: Swish

they are recruiting Africans. it's so easy.

"you see? nobody cares about you. your women and children are drinking water from the ground in mud, you have no money, your family is starving. the crusaders don't care about you. they only care about themselves and people that look like them. join us, we will provide you food, shelter, and a means to take care of your family".

congrats, they just got a bunch of recruits by attacking their own homes.

I disagree.

First of all, isis attacked in a city. Those people weren't drinking muddy water. They attacked a hotel. Those people apparently had some money. I doubt any of them were starving.

Isis attacks in some areas to gain control of any resources available, and THEN uses those resources against the people living there in order to get "recruits", which, they aren't "recruits", they are forced into joining isis in order to eat, or work.

However, we don't hear about that aspect. We hear about Paris, about the capital in Mali. Those are for show. Well, and terror, which isis thinks gives them power.......then, they go out to the rural areas in, say mali, or iraq, afghanistan, syria, etc, and take over the food supply, tax the hell out of those working. That's how they get what is basically forced labor. Call it slavery if you want.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 07:36 PM
just because you attack a city doesn't mean the people in the surrounding area won't come running.

think about it. we have people here in the states, and in europe, who willingly leave their homes in order to go fight for the islamic states.

how can you possibly think it won't apply to somebody 5 miles down the street?
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/20/15 08:07 PM
Originally Posted By: Swish
just because you attack a city doesn't mean the people in the surrounding area won't come running.

think about it. we have people here in the states, and in europe, who willingly leave their homes in order to go fight for the islamic states.

how can you possibly think it won't apply to somebody 5 miles down the street?

I wasn't aware that's what I said. If I did, forgive me.

What I thought I said was the attacks in Paris, Mali, and anywhere and everywhere else are done to install fear.

Then, they take over the food, water, tax anyone that works - out in the smaller towns. Let's face it, they can't control the food or water in a major city. I doubt they get any Parisians to "sign up"

Notoriety, that's what the attacks are for. Their "recruits" come from the countryside where they establish control over work, food, water. The people they "recruit" don't really have a choice.

Now, that doesn't mean there aren't exceptions - please understand that.
Posted By: Millcreek Dawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/21/15 11:01 AM
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
I am beginning to agree with the PM of France and the others who are saying we are seeing the beginning of WWIII.

And it would be the first World War in which America is leaderless.
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/21/15 04:59 PM
Originally Posted By: Millcreek Dawg
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
I am beginning to agree with the PM of France and the others who are saying we are seeing the beginning of WWIII.

And it would be the first World War in which America is leaderless.

On the other hand, we won WWII with a Leader minus legs, Perhaps we can win WWIII with a (leader) minus Guts.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 02:36 PM
think about it. we have people here in the states, and in europe, who willingly leave their homes in order to go fight for the islamic states.

I don't get it bro.. I really can't comprehend the mindset of somebody, especially somebody in the west who isn't that bad off... what would compel a person to think joining this "cause" is a good idea. What do they think they are fighting for?
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 02:51 PM
It will make your head hurt trying to comprehend it..I stopped trying to understanding the why with them..and just kind of feel like they need to be dealt with on level that would make them think twice about ever joining or being apart of the insanity.

But i don't think American populace have the stomach to let the military do what is needed to stop these animals.
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 02:58 PM
Originally Posted By: FBHO71
It will make your head hurt trying to comprehend it..I stopped trying to understanding the why with them..and just kind of feel like they need to be dealt with on level that would make them think twice about ever joining or being apart of the insanity.

But i don't think American populace have the stomach to let the military do what is needed to stop these animals.

Yes, the American populace has the stomach for it. They do not have the will to send soldiers if they will be restricted from doing the job they are sent to do.
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 03:06 PM
See I don't think they do..I mean for the rog to be changed to where isis could be gone forever..No I don't think we do.

The news media would show the brutality it will take to deal with them and a poopoo storm will ensue in the media and the squeakers will be terrible.

And heaven forbid its prolonged for a bit the squawking will get much worse.

But I do agree the initial response would be positive if rog are changed to allow the armed forces to do their job..but it would wane fast me thinks...
Posted By: Millcreek Dawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 03:26 PM
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Originally Posted By: Millcreek Dawg
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
I am beginning to agree with the PM of France and the others who are saying we are seeing the beginning of WWIII.

And it would be the first World War in which America is leaderless.

On the other hand, we won WWII with a Leader minus legs, Perhaps we can win WWIII with a (leader) minus Guts.

It looks more and more like Putin will be leading the "coalition" and not Hussein Obama. I'd love to hear what Hussein says to the French president on Tuesday and what Putin says to him on Wednesday.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 03:50 PM
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
think about it. we have people here in the states, and in europe, who willingly leave their homes in order to go fight for the islamic states.

I don't get it bro.. I really can't comprehend the mindset of somebody, especially somebody in the west who isn't that bad off... what would compel a person to think joining this "cause" is a good idea. What do they think they are fighting for?

thats actually easy to answer. story time!

So when i was getting my secret clearance in the military, they was drilling me about a certain family member back in Adana, Turkey. my family is pretty wealthy there, however, i have a couple idiot 2nd and 3rd cousins living way in eastern Turkey that we don't really communicate with...well at all. and for whatever reason, wants to go against the grain.

what ended up happening was my cousin was helping a group hit(you know what i mean...) Kurdish people. he's in jail, and i hope he stays there.

the thing is...he was only 16. you have a teenager bro. you know how easy it is for them to get manipulated, no matter how good your parenting has been. some kids just....i dunno.

i want people to understand something. its teenagers getting grabbed early to join these groups. you see it everyday here in the states with regards to kids joining gangs. they have very little to their names, their parents are struggling, they have no money. then on top of that, the world is telling them that their lifestyle(or religion) is wrong, so it furthers the isolation. so what happens? the group recruits you in, promising you money, food, and shelter.

and i was almost that kid here in cleveland. my parents just got out the military, but couldn't find good work. we was struggling hard. i almost joined a gang here until out of nowhere my parents sent me to a private school my junior year.

if you're a kid on the verge of getting evicted, what are you going to do? and for people like Erik and 40 ready to answer that question, keep in mind that you'r answering in the perspective of a grown ass adult, not a kid thats confused about the world, just went to puberty, and are struggling with social life.

people need to understand what we're dealing with here. it'll be way easier to actually win this battle if we know all the issues and perspectives.
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 03:57 PM
Originally Posted By: Swish
if you're a kid on the verge of getting evicted, what are you going to do? and for people like Erik and 40 ready to answer that question, keep in mind that you'r answering in the perspective of a grown ass adult, not a kid thats confused about the world, just went to puberty, and are struggling with social life.

Gee. I guess it's a good thing my parents told me that murder was wrong when I was a child. It kept me out of some of those bad situations when I was in my teens.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 04:00 PM
congrats Erik, thats for being better than us.
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 04:02 PM
Originally Posted By: Swish
congrats Erik, thats for being better than us.

It's a good thing my parents watched Charlton Hesston in the Ten Commandments every year.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 04:24 PM
so what happens? the group recruits you in, promising you money, food, and shelter.

see, I think the biggest thing that draws them in is not the promise of food and money, the biggest thing that draws them in is friendship, understanding, and purpose.... I think teens can be pretty resilient without money and even with minimal food if they feel like they are accepted by somebody, if they feel like they have a purpose. I believe that is a much stronger motivator than just cash.

I watched a special on the bastion of all liberalism (PBS) recently (since I'm in a hotel and have nothing else to do).. it was called The Brain and it was absolutely fascinating. They talked about a lot of things that we are starting to understand about the human brain but the part that I found interesting was when they talked about genocide... first they talked about psychopaths, which is an actual medical condition in which you feel no sympathy or empathy for other human beings, they are basically objects to you and you feel no remorse if you kill one.. but that doesn't explain genocide, how does an entire community of people turn on another community of people and commit heinous acts to people who they once lived in peace with.... because the actual percentage of people who are psychopaths is an extremely small percentage.... they used Bosnia as an example, they talked about entire communities that got along just fine, then the war broke out and in an instant, they turned on each other... they used an example of a guy who was a dentist, he was, based on the interviewee, well respected by people of all religions in the community for his work and as a person... then one day, they found him hanging from a light pole on the street... and they let him hang there for days, school kids walking to school under him, and they just let him hang there... people he had done their dental work just a month before didn't care, they didn't even bother to get him down.... The short answer is that they don't know yet what causes that switch to flip in the minds of people but seemingly even people of good backgrounds, people of money, people of high moral character... are capable of making that total transformation...

I just find those kinds of studies fascinating. I also find this notion that people who are taught right from wrong are incapable of such things and those who do bad things were just never taught right from wrong to be quite over simplified... and wrong.
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 04:35 PM
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
so what happens? the group recruits you in, promising you money, food, and shelter.

see, I think the biggest thing that draws them in is not the promise of food and money, the biggest thing that draws them in is friendship, understanding, and purpose.... I think teens can be pretty resilient without money and even with minimal food if they feel like they are accepted by somebody, if they feel like they have a purpose. I believe that is a much stronger motivator than just cash.

I watched a special on the bastion of all liberalism (PBS) recently (since I'm in a hotel and have nothing else to do).. it was called The Brain and it was absolutely fascinating. They talked about a lot of things that we are starting to understand about the human brain but the part that I found interesting was when they talked about genocide... first they talked about psychopaths, which is an actual medical condition in which you feel no sympathy or empathy for other human beings, they are basically objects to you and you feel no remorse if you kill one.. but that doesn't explain genocide, how does an entire community of people turn on another community of people and commit heinous acts to people who they once lived in peace with.... because the actual percentage of people who are psychopaths is an extremely small percentage.... they used Bosnia as an example, they talked about entire communities that got along just fine, then the war broke out and in an instant, they turned on each other... they used an example of a guy who was a dentist, he was, based on the interviewee, well respected by people of all religions in the community for his work and as a person... then one day, they found him hanging from a light pole on the street... and they let him hang there for days, school kids walking to school under him, and they just let him hang there... people he had done their dental work just a month before didn't care, they didn't even bother to get him down.... The short answer is that they don't know yet what causes that switch to flip in the minds of people but seemingly even people of good backgrounds, people of money, people of high moral character... are capable of making that total transformation...

I just find those kinds of studies fascinating. I also find this notion that people who are taught right from wrong are incapable of such things and those who do bad things were just never taught right from wrong to be quite over simplified... and wrong.

It's easier to go with the group than against it. Another interesting foible of human nature.
Posted By: Millcreek Dawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 06:11 PM
Mr. Putin is once more at the top of his game at a time when an anxious West is on high alert. He has made clear his stance: stronger border controls, strict limits to refugee flows, and a general consolidation of the administrative power of the state. These policies have many supporters in Europe. Are we to witness a convergence of sorts? What’s the next move in this international game of three-dimensional chess? Ask Mr. Obama, or Mr. Hollande.

Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 06:15 PM
I understand.

And that's my problem. People talk about righ from wrong and such from the comfort of the American Dream.

I wonder how easy of a decision it be when you live in an active war zone. There so many variables that goes into this. It isn't remotely a black or white situation.
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 06:17 PM
The gang thing is pretty spot on..it truly is the sme kind of mentality of young ones joining isis.

Maybe the only difference is the religion aspect..but for the gang banger the money and kind of phony acceptance and having your back thing is the gangs religious thing.

I hope i worded that right or explained it in the right way.
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 06:20 PM
You grew up in the hood bro. You know.

Promise people power and money, and they will do whatever it is you ask them to.

Hell that even applies to suburbia.
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 06:28 PM
yes it does..some of the nastiest people I've met in my life have been what they call upper class..I hate that term.

They won't shoot you but sure as will try to ruin you through other means:/
Posted By: rockdogg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 06:58 PM
Originally Posted By: Millcreek Dawg
Mr. Putin is once more at the top of his game at a time when an anxious West is on high alert. He has made clear his stance: stronger border controls, strict limits to refugee flows, and a general consolidation of the administrative power of the state. These policies have many supporters in Europe. Are we to witness a convergence of sorts? What’s the next move in this international game of three-dimensional chess? Ask Mr. Obama, or Mr. Hollande.

Have you considered moving to Russia?
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 07:00 PM
bro, i don't understand this love affair some people have with putin.

this guy won't hesitate to kill us if it came down to it. he's not our friend, yet we talk this guy up like he's the best. he's a communist, and loves communism.
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 07:07 PM
Originally Posted By: rockdogg
Have you considered moving to Russia?

No need to, they will soon be here.
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 07:09 PM
Is it because our President comes across as weak and apologetic?? When I grew up Russia is /was the boogey man..and Putin is a ex KGB and is filthy son of a yeah..

But I think the man projects power and leadership..even if I don't like the man he should be feared for good reason..
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 07:14 PM
"Mr. Putin."

I can't seem to help reading every one of your posts weeth theek Rrrrooshan accaint.

Forget listening to mssrs. Putin, Hollande and Obama... I'd rather hear you pronounce: "Moose and squirrel."

Should tell us all we need to know....

Posted By: CHSDawg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 07:34 PM
Originally Posted By: FBHO71
Is it because our President comes across as weak and apologetic?? When I grew up Russia is /was the boogey man..and Putin is a ex KGB and is filthy son of a yeah..

But I think the man projects power and leadership..even if I don't like the man he should be feared for good reason..

Russian isn't nearly as powerful or competitive with us these days. Putin's foreign policy really isn't that great. They've lost half of Ukraine and have been made to sink a lot of resources to keep Crimea. They're also in a fight for Libya as well. We've instigated two civil wars in countries that they're very close to. We've certainly taken our bruises against them, but that really can't be helped. But, we've made some real damages.
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 07:42 PM
NO No I mustve not put what I meant the right way..I understand they are basically broke financially and there military ability is outdated and wouldn't be able to infiltrate the US. Minus nukes..even then a lot of them are outdated also.

But I think that man does project power and has an ability to bully world leaders..namely ours.

Man there is mor then one way to hurt a country, not just with a military. Which I'm sure you already know.

But Swish didnt understand why people would look up to this guy..I can see why even if i don't like the guy why people do not so much look up to him..maybe admiration is a better word??
Posted By: Swish Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 07:47 PM
i get what you're saying, but we have a few posters, namely Millcreek, who talk up Putin like he is the best since Reagan.

if they love the guy so much, please leave democracy and go be a communist. i won't anybody who leaves in favor of that guy.
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 07:58 PM
That isn't true. Some of us remember what leadership looks like and Putin is a leader.

It is possible to admire an enemy as you take down his flag.
Posted By: rockdogg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 08:02 PM
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Originally Posted By: rockdogg
Have you considered moving to Russia?

No need to, they will soon be here.
At least you'll be happy about it.
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 08:03 PM
I know I see it on other boards to..The guy is conniving and murderer..Hell the communist thing is ugly..but I think at a time in our country where we draw a red line then another and another.

People see the guy isnt bashing his home country and makes no excuses..so I see why people admire the nut.
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 08:16 PM
Originally Posted By: rockdogg
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Originally Posted By: rockdogg
Have you considered moving to Russia?

No need to, they will soon be here.
At least you'll be happy about it.

Ha! You and your fellow Commie Bernie Sanders supporters will be inviting your Commie brother Putin to tour America if you have your way!
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 08:24 PM
Ah, another person who has no clue between communism and socialism. I'm not surprised Mr. Putin....
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 08:33 PM
actually I would bet Putin knows the difference quite well..the person you responded to well that I don't know.
Posted By: rockdogg Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 08:36 PM
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Ha! You and your fellow Commie Bernie Sanders supporters will be inviting your Commie brother Putin to tour America if you have your way!
You can get a selfie with your hero!
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 08:38 PM
Originally Posted By: FBHO71
actually I would bet Putin knows the difference quite well..the person you responded to well that I don't know.

I'm quite sure Putin does.

40 just throws a lot of crap against the wall to see what sticks sometimes so I return it in kind. lol
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 08:39 PM
Originally Posted By: Swish
You grew up in the hood bro. You know.

Promise people power and money, and they will do whatever it is you ask them to.

Hell that even applies to suburbia.

You are correct. the fewer legitimate options a person has, the easier it is to talk them into doing bad stuff..
Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 08:51 PM
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Originally Posted By: FBHO71
actually I would bet Putin knows the difference quite well..the person you responded to well that I don't know.

I'm quite sure Putin does.

40 just throws a lot of crap against the wall to see what sticks sometimes so I return it in kind. lol

But please don't ever say he is mad when he does it! willynilly
Posted By: FBHO71 Re: A Street Corner Organizer vs ISIS - 11/23/15 08:52 PM
But do you know the difference? I'm joking..kind of ??
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