I dunno if I like this .... but it is news ..... so I post it ......

Browns giving Jim Brown front-office position in Cleveland - CBSSports.com

Jim Brown is a Hall of Famer. He's an NFL legend and perhaps the greatest running back to ever play the game.

And now he's reportedly set to become a member of the Browns front office. Tony Grossi of ESPN Cleveland reports that new Browns owner Jimmy Haslam will introduce Brown as a member of the team's front office at a news conference Wednesday.

“It's a big deal. It's a nice peace,” a source told Grossi.

Peace is indeed nice for Brown and the Browns. The running back was previously associated with the front office as an advisor to former owner Randy Lerner. But he was offered what he called a reduced role when Mike Holmgren took over the team as president and that reduction clearly upset Brown, who said in a letter that Holmgren wanted him to be a "mascot."

Brown, who played nine Pro Bowl seasons for the Browns before retiring at 29, was so mad he skipped his own Ring of Honor induction ceremony and later took shots at Lerner and the organization.

The Hall of Famer also caused a stir when he said he thought that new Browns running back Trent Richardson was "ordinary" and not at all "outstanding."

Brown would later come around on Richardson and the organization as a whole, reuniting with other Cleveland alumni.

Now it appears things are prepared to come full circle, with Brown taking his role back with the Browns after several years away. Regardless of how symbolic it might be, it's a strong move by the current regime.
ugh, good grief...

I hope it's just as an ambassador and nothing more, and we can finally put this thing to rest.

I totally understand his being a little bitter about Randy not having the stones to talk to him about his role being changed. I don't think that's cool at all, but no-showing to the ceremony and turning your back on the fans was horrible. I think he thought that would somehow come back on Randy or Mike. He could have been the bigger man and showed up. You can still have your beef with team and give the fans that moment.
I'll always prefer Bernie to Jim...but that's just me. I think Bernie as a legitimate offensive consultant.. especially since we have a slow footed plodder at QB, wouldn't be a bad idea.

I'll be interested to find out what Jim's role will be. It's not like they hired him to be GM. With Jim I just don't get the sense that he is a positive and happy guy. Maybe it is all context when speaking about the browns over the years, but I really hope we get to hear from a happier and brighter guy.

As a side note. I have heard much made about Jim Brown retiring too young. With this article I just found out he was 29 at the time. Which is the typical decline in a running backs health and career. I'm much more okay with his retirement now that I know this.

I'll always prefer Bernie to Jim...but that's just me. I think Bernie as a legitimate offensive consultant.. especially since we have a slow footed plodder at QB, wouldn't be a bad idea.

I'll be interested to find out what Jim's role will be. It's not like they hired him to be GM. With Jim I just don't get the sense that he is a positive and happy guy. Maybe it is all context when speaking about the browns over the years, but I really hope we get to hear from a happier and brighter guy.

As a side note. I have heard much made about Jim Brown retiring too young. With this article I just found out he was 29 at the time. Which is the typical decline in a running backs health and career. I'm much more okay with his retirement now that I know this.

I had a friend who played for Paul Brown while in the Navy and later for the Browns. He was a colorful character. He knew Jim Brown quite well. By his account, Jim Brown was, is and will always be, an angry man. It was that anger that fueled him on the field. He was not an easy man to like. Anyone who thinks Jim Brown is somehow supposed to put on a happy face and be some kind of corporate Teddy Bear just doesn't understand how he played the game. He played hard. He played to win. Nobody ever nominated him for Miss Congeniality, though, because the tiara would have been painful when he shoved it up your backsides. We need a team full of Jim Browns, you know, winners.
Jim Brown back with the Browns is one of those nice things they can do for him and the image of the team, as it's very press-friendly.

...And also a waste of money IMHO, but whatever.

So does this mean Jim Brown will stop running his mouth and etc, now he's collecting an easy money paycheck from the Browns organization?
This is a good PR move. That's about it.

I'll reserve full judgment on this move until the actual position and job description is released but I'm hoping it is generally a small role with zero counsel on talent/players.
Rooney Rule at work.
This is how badly we are hanging on the successes of 50 years ago.

So damn sad.
I want us to remember our past, but this isn't making me happy. As an aside, I absolutely HATE when new people in our organization come in and say stuff like "with the Browns rich history" or "Cleveland's storied past." Please spare us (especially people who are under the age of 30 like myself.) Most of our players wouldn't even know who the hell the "old" players are, nor would they even care.
I love JB the Football player, don't actually care much for him as the man he is portrayed to be in the press.

I'd rather not have the team have anything more than a PR type role.. But he doesn't sound like the kinda guy that will accept that. And that right there scares the hell out of me.

Someone else mentioned it, I'd love to see Bernie in the mix somehow., not sure how, but somehow..

Rooney Rule at work.

We replaced Chud already?
I tend to be one of the few on here, especially those over 40, that wish the Browns would mix things up a little. I'm not saying forget the past, just accept that it was a LONG time ago... change up the uniforms (not the colors, just the uniform design), add cheerleaders, create something a little fresh and new around the team

I tend to be one of the few on here, especially those over 40, that wish the Browns would mix things up a little. I'm not saying forget the past, just accept that it was a LONG time ago... change up the uniforms (not the colors, just the uniform design), add cheerleaders, create something a little fresh and new around the team

I had lots of issues with adding cheerleaders until I found out that we did have them a long long time ago. Then I thought wait,, why not do it again.

As for the colors,, Those need to remain. I was also against changing the Uni's for a long time, but I'm warming to the idea that a classy change might now be in order..

But all that aside, get me wins and the can come out there in pink tutu's if they want....
I don't want to change the colors and I'd rather not change the helmet.. other than that, I'd like to see something a little different.
I don't mind it.....face it, Jim Brown is the best player this team ever had. The best player in NFL history IMO.

As I see it, you find a way to bring that in and feed off whatever energy is left.

I am way past the point of asking for autographs. The last one I seeked was from Jack Nicklaus when his son was playing at the US Amateur hosted by my club maybe 20 years ago. He signed 3 of my hats. One for me, two for friends.

I'd ask Jim Brown for a autograph.
I agree, I don't get all googly around celebs (never really have) but there are some that are just great and to meet them, shake their hand, share a couple words is kind of cool..

"It's important to me because he's clearly in the top couple and maybe the single-most important part of the history of the franchise," Banner said. "It's the right thing to do."

"It's only right to bring Jim Brown back, it's the perfect time for him," Jackson said. "He did a lot when he was here. His presence alone for a young guy to see and have a conversation with him . . . After being around him for three years it was just amazing to see him walking around. I don't know where everything stands for him, but I would want him back. I definitely want him back. That's the easy way to say it."

"For me, to spend a day with Jim is exciting," Kosar said. "It's exciting. I think it's great (he's back), with what he's doing with his charities, too. I think the influence he can have on some of the younger kids and some of the younger players is great."

Added former Browns defensive back Hanford Dixon:

"When you think of the Cleveland Browns you think of guys like Jim Brown . . . I just think we need more of the guys to be part of the organization," he said. "You have a lot of guys here with great, great football minds who can help this organization. To have Jim back is great."

What will he exactly be doing?

What will he exactly be doing?

Keeping a low profile, a positive attitude and ensuring peace and harmony.
I'm not an autograph seeker myself. I'd rather have my picture taken with whomever the celeb is. Last autographs I sought out were golfers, for my Dad. My employer is the key sponsor for the Senior PGA Championship (just played this past weekend in St.Louis, MO), so we get golfers to our events. One year I got Craig Stadler (who's wife is from Medina, OH) and my Dad was thrilled. Last yearI got Andy North - I also got a putting lesson from Andy,he's such a nice guy.

My point is, Jm Brown is an autograph I'd seek out,but it'd be for my Dad. Brown is/was an idol for my Dad growing up, especially since Dad was also an RB when heplayed football in high school in the 60s.

As a player,Brown was incomparable. As a man,he leaves a lot to be desired. Unsure what he'll be doing with the team, but I hope it's more not in the public eye.

and ensuring peace and harmony.

Yeah, and Deion Sanders is going to start teaching tackling at football clinics
Jim is far from a Saint, but he can relate to people (young people) and I see no problem with this at all. If he can help one or two of the young guys out then I don't see any problem with this move. every little bit helps
Jim is a butt head. He is ignorant, and rants and complains about any perceived slight. He is far, far too convinced of his own greatness and importance in today's world.

He was a great player. He walked away from his team to go make a movie. His replacement was also a Hall of Fame player. Brown was a great, great football player. As a man, however, he has been quite disappointing on many occasions.

We need a team full of Jim Browns, you know, winners.

Your definition of the term "winner" clearly differs from my own.
Jim was the first one to say Leroy would be a Hall Of Famer. He also speaks his mind no matter who gives a damn about it. As far as being a man all of us men have been disappointments at times in our lives. I challenge you to find a few women who disagree with that.


We need a team full of Jim Browns, you know, winners.

Your definition of the term "winner" clearly differs from my own.

As far as football is concerned ... if you don't think that dude is a winner, you're insane.

As far as life is concerned ... different story.

If I equated football and life ... I'd have some serious problems, and I probably wouldn't be here typing.

Our owner is (allegedly) a scumbag. Most of our players are scumbags.

I don't root for good people. I root for touchdowns and wins.

Not trying to defend Jim Brown ... I think he's a scumbag.

But if that's the litmus test? Well, then, screw professional sports. I have no use for it.

Except that ain't the case.

I wouldn't go as far to say that Brown deserves a front office gig ... but I won't say he doesn't, if that makes sense.

What will he exactly be doing?

Motivating our rookies by belittling them, and doing some PR work for the team in front of the cameras. Hopefully he is just going to be keeping his old bitter yap shut and collecting some paychecks.


What will he exactly be doing?

Motivating our rookies by belittling them, and doing some PR work for the team in front of the cameras. Hopefully he is just going to be keeping his old bitter yap shut and collecting some paychecks.

That is my take on Jim Brown anyways. I dont think he gives a crap if the Browns are successful or Cleveland finally has a winner; he's more concerned with his own wallet. He only felt "slighted" because his wallet did.

What will he exactly be doing? [/quote

They are supposed to clear that up at a Presser today..
It is sad, BpG. And while we get another round of rump patting after another lousy coach/season/record/ telling us we are the finest fans of the game, it makes me sad. Sad for where we are, how we have failed to win, and, mostly how we are taken for granted. LIke it or not, I am most sad about the Legacy we have had since the Return in'99. We have a new tradition, and it needs to be replaced.
Don't change a thing until it happens.
Glad to have Jim Brown back in the fold after what that piece of crap Holmgren did to him. I think Jim Brown has helped a lot of young men over the years. Troubled young men. He should be an asset to the organization. We have all heard over and over and over about his faults, but not many ever mention how many young men he has helped. Glad he is back where he should be.

Glad to have Jim Brown back in the fold after what that piece of crap Holmgren did to him. I think Jim Brown has helped a lot of young men over the years. Troubled young men. He should be an asset to the organization. We have all heard over and over and over about his faults, but not many ever mention how many young men he has helped. Glad he is back where he should be.

Just curious, not calling you out or anything, but who? Ive heard this before, but never seen anything that actually stated it. Like is there some articles somewhere of guys he has helped turn it around?
Here is one thing:

Brown remains heavily involved in Amer-I-Can, which he founded in 1988 to help disadvantaged youth learn life skills and stay out of trouble. He was also named to the board that will help administer a $42 million fund from the NFL to retired players.

Google it. There is a lot of information about it.
Great PR move for a franchise that has had little positive happen in recent months.
I dont know that I would call it great. It seems the fans (at least from this small sample) are kind of split. Seems some of us would rather he just go away.
I think I would rather have him prove that he cares about the Browns and Cleveland without being paid to do so ... but that has never been the case.

Here is one thing:

Brown remains heavily involved in Amer-I-Can, which he founded in 1988 to help disadvantaged youth learn life skills and stay out of trouble. He was also named to the board that will help administer a $42 million fund from the NFL to retired players.

Google it. There is a lot of information about it.

The quote above, which is very relavent to this thread, proves it doesn't belong in Pure Football thread. Now if his new job is to be the new fullback, I will change my mind.
Jim Brown one of my All Time Heroes as a Cleveland Brown, as an athlete in general as an American.

I don't get the negative views of him at all.

First you have to remember the time period he came into this prominence. He was no thug...he was nurtured n mentored by a group of Long Island businessmen who recognized his athletic prowess in Jr. High.

The greatest Lacrosse Player ever. The greatest football player ever.

At a time when this just couldn't be in our history...Not a man of COLOR.

A Heisman Trophy candidate that should have won HANDS down. Snubbed but he laid the road hard fought for Ernie Davis. Picked #6 in the draft?

Was thought of as a SuperMan by his peers. What a man of Color...we got to bring him down. And the media did their best to do so.

Brought on a lot of hate as he KISSED RACHEL WELCH right there on the screen! Oooo just not right at all.

Tried to be a leader - even though he did not grow up in the Ghetto n part of the Gang life. Tried to bring them together to become leaders in the neighborhoods to make it good not bad.

I just don't get it. He could have gone the route of Bill Cosby n Tiger Woods...just make more money n become powerful.

Sorry he's a Hero of mine. I'm glad at 77 he is made a figure head of our Franchise. For his last days on this earth at least where a LOVE of his was.

I agree.
My issues with him are how he treats/hits his women...nothing more, nothing less.

My issues with him are how he treats/hits his women...nothing more, nothing less.

No doubt he had a problem with that in the late 60's. Three or four decades have passed since then.

Just curious, not calling you out or anything, but who? Ive heard this before, but never seen anything that actually stated it. Like is there some articles somewhere of guys he has helped turn it around?

Jim Brown was hard to bring down
By Larry Schwartz
Special to ESPN.com

"I'm not interested in trying to work on people's perceptions. I am who I am, and if you don't take the time to learn about that, then your perception is going to be your problem," said Jim Brown on ESPN Classic's SportsCentury series.

In the 1960s, Brown helped form the Negro Industrial Economic Union to assist black-owned businesses. In 1988, he created the Amer-I-Can program, an effort to turn gang members from destructive to productive members of society.

He has been an outspoken critic of the modern African-American athlete for what he perceives as a lack of involvement in the African-American community. "A Charles Barkley, a Magic Johnson, and a Michael Jordan are basically prima donnas," Brown said.

Brown has been inducted into the Halls of Fame of Pro Football, College Football and Lacrosse. No other player has accomplished this triple.

But for all Brown's good deeds and athletic prowess, there appears to be a dark side to him as well. He has been frequently accused of violent crimes, primarily toward women.

An 18-year-old accused Brown of forcing her to have sex after giving her whisky, but a jury found him innocent of assault and battery in the 10-day trial in 1965. He was accused of throwing his girlfriend from a balcony in 1968, but when the 22-year-old woman refused to name Brown as her assailant, the charge of assault with intent to murder was dropped. He was fined $300 for resisting a deputy.

Brown was acquitted of assaulting a man after a traffic accident in 1969. He was fined $500 and spent a day in jail after beating up a golfing partner in 1978. He was charged with rape, sexual battery and assault in 1985, but the charges were dropped when the 33-year-old woman gave inconsistent testimony.

The next year, he was arrested for allegedly beating his fiancée after accusing her of flirting. He spent three hours in jail, but three days later the 21-year-old woman said she didn't want to prosecute.

In October 1999, Brown was convicted in Los Angeles of smashing the window of his 25-year-old wife Monique's car, but was acquitted of making terrorist threats against her. The judge sentenced him to three years' probation, stripped him of his driver's license for a year, fined him $1,700 to be paid to a battered woman's shelter and a domestic abuse fund, and ordered him to attend special counseling for domestic batterers.

When Brown refused counseling, he was given a six-month sentence. He was released from jail in Ventura County (California) in July 2002 after serving less than four months.



Just curious, not calling you out or anything, but who? Ive heard this before, but never seen anything that actually stated it. Like is there some articles somewhere of guys he has helped turn it around?

Jim Brown was hard to bring down
By Larry Schwartz
Special to ESPN.com

"I'm not interested in trying to work on people's perceptions. I am who I am, and if you don't take the time to learn about that, then your perception is going to be your problem," said Jim Brown on ESPN Classic's SportsCentury series.

In the 1960s, Brown helped form the Negro Industrial Economic Union to assist black-owned businesses. In 1988, he created the Amer-I-Can program, an effort to turn gang members from destructive to productive members of society.

He has been an outspoken critic of the modern African-American athlete for what he perceives as a lack of involvement in the African-American community. "A Charles Barkley, a Magic Johnson, and a Michael Jordan are basically prima donnas," Brown said.

Brown has been inducted into the Halls of Fame of Pro Football, College Football and Lacrosse. No other player has accomplished this triple.

But for all Brown's good deeds and athletic prowess, there appears to be a dark side to him as well. He has been frequently accused of violent crimes, primarily toward women.

An 18-year-old accused Brown of forcing her to have sex after giving her whisky, but a jury found him innocent of assault and battery in the 10-day trial in 1965. He was accused of throwing his girlfriend from a balcony in 1968, but when the 22-year-old woman refused to name Brown as her assailant, the charge of assault with intent to murder was dropped. He was fined $300 for resisting a deputy.

Brown was acquitted of assaulting a man after a traffic accident in 1969. He was fined $500 and spent a day in jail after beating up a golfing partner in 1978. He was charged with rape, sexual battery and assault in 1985, but the charges were dropped when the 33-year-old woman gave inconsistent testimony.

The next year, he was arrested for allegedly beating his fiancée after accusing her of flirting. He spent three hours in jail, but three days later the 21-year-old woman said she didn't want to prosecute.

In October 1999, Brown was convicted in Los Angeles of smashing the window of his 25-year-old wife Monique's car, but was acquitted of making terrorist threats against her. The judge sentenced him to three years' probation, stripped him of his driver's license for a year, fined him $1,700 to be paid to a battered woman's shelter and a domestic abuse fund, and ordered him to attend special counseling for domestic batterers.

When Brown refused counseling, he was given a six-month sentence. He was released from jail in Ventura County (California) in July 2002 after serving less than four months.


He was a GREAT running back and in his personal life, a psycho. If he would have done something like what was mentioned above to one of my sisters? He wouldn't have been a running back anymore.

"Tough guy in front of your computer!" you say?

lol! Yep!


Here is one thing:

Brown remains heavily involved in Amer-I-Can, which he founded in 1988 to help disadvantaged youth learn life skills and stay out of trouble. He was also named to the board that will help administer a $42 million fund from the NFL to retired players.

Google it. There is a lot of information about it.

The quote above, which is very relavent to this thread, proves it doesn't belong in Pure Football thread. Now if his new job is to be the new fullback, I will change my mind.

Now that we are aware of what he will actually do for the team, (not a coach, but more of a mentor), I agree with this and the thread has been moved accordingly.


We need a team full of Jim Browns, you know, winners.

Your definition of the term "winner" clearly differs from my own.

On the field he was a force to be reckoned with. Just having Jim Brown sitting in the stands watching you work would have to have a definite psychological impact on how you approach the game. Especially if you are a running back. You don't have to love him, because he really doesn't care all that much, but for many of us he is the Cleveland Browns until some joker comes along and tops him.

THIS is an awful lot of why old guys like me talk about the "Glory Days".


What will he exactly be doing?

Looking for a microphone to say something stupid into???
Otto Graham might not agree......it is sad young fans haven't seen a consistent winner......I'm lucky, I remember our NFL championship from 64...smoking the Colt favorites was sweet and dancing in front yard.....sad guys and gals remember Bernie K as the best we've had....he was good, but not in the class of teams in 60s.....Otto and teammates dominated in the late 40s, early 50s, most fans weren't ALIVE....sorry, I'm selfish, want to see our Browns in Super Bowl before I meet the Big Guy......Chud, get it done......GO Browns!!!!
Here is the link to Haslam and Brown's press conference if anyone is interested:

This is not to diminish Browns talents in any way ... but man, he'd be a fumble waiting to happen if he played today. He left that ball out there for anyone to take a swipe at, and with the way defenses specialize in swatting the ball out these days, he'd have to change his approach drastically. I never really paid much attention to that before, but he really did hang the ball out there.

However, that said, I don't think that anyone has ever doubted Brown's ability on the football field. It was his actions, and comments, off the field that have given many of us pause over the years.

This is not to diminish Browns talents in any way ... but man, he'd be a fumble waiting to happen if he played today. He left that ball out there for anyone to take a swipe at, and with the way defenses specialize in swatting the ball out these days, he'd have to change his approach drastically. I never really paid much attention to that before, but he really did hang the ball out there.

However, that said, I don't think that anyone has ever doubted Brown's ability on the football field. It was his actions, and comments, off the field that have given many of us pause over the years.

I have no doubt he drove Paul Brown insane with some of those changes in direction too. The guy wasn't content with getting just a few yards.
Only Hercial Walker and Bo Jackson have come close to his style and skill.

Only Hercial Walker and Bo Jackson have come close to his style and skill.

Do, or did, either of them get a front office position with their teams?

I have nothing against Jim Brown (aside from his treatment of women, and I have some deep and severe thoughts about ANY abuse of women).......but just because he was a legend on the field......does that give him a "right" to a job after he left the team?

Who cares........he's back. And the first time he utters something stupid, he should be fired again. It's fairly simple, he got hired to be part of a dog and pony show, and if he doesn't perform, he needs to go.
Can someone please tell Jimmy Haslem that it is ok to where something other than the blue shirt and orange tie combo.
Back to Brown ...... you know what bugs me more than anything else about Brown? These comments he has made after returning to the team. Did he return because he loves the team? No. Did he return because he respects Haslam, or Banner? No. Why did he return? Because Haslam showed him respect.

Brown is the employee. It would be nice for him to say, even once, that he respects the people he works for. Respect is a one way street for Brown though. He wants others to respect him, but he is largely unwilling to respect others in return.
+ 1

Yet it's too easy for him to rip the staff and throw blows at the players when he isn't collecting a paycheck. TRich showed way more class, and he is a rookie young kid and Jim Brown is suppose to be an "icon" and face of the Browns in some fashions.

This may come off rude, but I respect Jim as a player. I respect him a lot in that aspect. But, his playing days are over and the Jim Brown that I see in the media and etc, I do not respect much if any at all.
Our new VP of Rebates.
LMAO, good one!

I said a few times on the other board that I thought it was important to have guys like Jim Brown and Bernie Kosar around. They are winners, they have been there and they are truly faces of the franchise. I think that winning breeds winning and having these guys as part of the organization would be a way to show the current players that they understand the Browns' history and want to surround the organization with proven winners. I know, I know..... All of that is in the distant past for many and a past that is foreign to younger fans, but..... I'm sure that having Jim Brown in the building will fuel guys like TRich and Hardesty. I don't know. Maybe I'm way off base and it's the homer in me that thinks these guys could help change the culture. Mr. Haslam, if you are reading this, you must get Bernie in the building. Now, make it so!
Jim Brown was a big part of the team under Mangini. He was an executive, for that matter.

Where did that get us?

Coaches and elite players matter more than legends and inspiration. If you have a legendary, inspirational leader, then he better be on the field producing ala Ray Lewis.

The biggest problem this team has had is zero consistency. That is a far bigger problem than whether or not Jim Brown has a role with the team or not.

Jim Brown had a role with the team in 2009. How much did that help us? Holmgren dumped Brown in 2010. How much did that hurt us?

In the end, legendary players with public relations type roles with the team really don't matter at all to how the team plays on the field. The game isn't anything even resembling the game a guy like Jim Brown played. The money is different, the game itself is different, the year round commitment is different ...... in short, it's all different. A guy like Brown, who retired almost 50 years ago, really has very little in common with today's players.

A move like this is more for the fans than anything else.

A move like this is more for the fans than anything else.

And to some extent the product that we see on the field. I agree with everything that you said, but, I believe it is about the preservation of history and an inspiration to the new generation. I will not argue Brown's role in the past regime. I simply don't know enough about it. However, I would love to see Brown and others help foster a winning culture with these new "young" Browns. I, as much as you, am tired of watching an uninspired franchise that seems to go through the motions from one year to the next. As a fan, I like the move, even if it is a PR move. The Browns are the only team that I have ever followed. Anything to solidify support is okay by me. If he has a positive impact, so be it. If he doesn't, then respectfully part ways. At any rate, Go Browns!!!!
I agree. The only thing a guy like Jim Brown brings to the team at this point is to keep some level of interest from the older fans who may remember him and will drag their kids and grandkids to photo op sessions with him so they can tell them about the good old days.... and hopefully help them forget that we have been pretty bad for a long time.

Nobody is clamouring for Lynn Swann or Franco Harris to be involved with the Steelers as some kind of executive figure head to feel good about... why is that? Because they haven't been bad for 20 years.

I agree. The only thing a guy like Jim Brown brings to the team at this point is to keep some level of interest from the older fans who may remember him and will drag their kids and grandkids to photo op sessions with him so they can tell them about the good old days.... and hopefully help them forget that we have been pretty bad for a long time.

Nobody is clamouring for Lynn Swann or Franco Harris to be involved with the Steelers as some kind of executive figure head to feel good about... why is that? Because they haven't been bad for 20 years.

Well lots of folks are talking nice about him and to be perfectly frank, his time here as an executive did absolutely nothing for us so from my perspective, it's no wonder why Holmgren chose to move him out the door.

That's not to say that as a player I think any less of him. He is, after all, the single biggest reason I'm a Browns fan rather than a Steeler fan. (given that I grew up just 36 miles from Pittsburgh, that's pretty amazing)

But his actions with wives and girlfriends don't impress me even a little and if you seriously take a look at the teams he was involved with under Lerner, they didn't impress anyone.

So to me, I hope this hiring is more ceremony and PR than for leadership value. I don't see how it could be more than that.

A guy like Brown, who retired almost 50 years ago, really has very little in common with today's players.

I have to disagree buddy. he can still teach the young guys to stay out of trouble, he can still teach them to save their money for retirement, he can still teach them to help others who never got the same good fortune that they did. He can help IMO

In addition to that, he can teach about player safety too. Let's face it, grabbing and ripping someone to the ground via their facemask was as legit/legal as a someone over 21 buying a beer at the stadium when he carried the football.

There "are" things both morally, physically and so-forth he can instill amongst the younger crowd. But hopefully he motivates people a different route compared to what he did with Trent and the comments he made about Trent that he later admitted he didn't "mean" which is bull IMO. Jim just needs to act his age, and use the knowledge for good instead of stirring up crap/media stunts.
Jim will speak his mind when ever he is asked a question. (I can really relate to that) He spoke from the heart when talking about Trent. He does not have extreme power, he does not have break away speed, he is no Metcalf when it comes to his moves. There is not one single thing about Trent that makes him stand out in a crowd. Jim realized that, and you can not disagree with it so what is the problem?

Reggie Rucker Says Holmgren Set Browns Back “4 or 5 Years”

Former Browns wide receiver Reggie Rucker joined Bull & Fox to talk about Jim Brown returning to the Browns organization , his interaction with Jimmy Haslam and the way he is shaping this organization, trying to understand why fans are split on Jim Brown and his impact to this day with Cleveland, what Jim Brown has done to change the lives of young athletes, getting players to understand the importance of their actions, the falling out between Jim Brown and Mike Holmgren, Holmgren’s failures in Cleveland, the new regime in Berea and more.


Jim will speak his mind when ever he is asked a question.

Which is exactly why he shouldn't be a mouth-piece for the organization, why he's landed himself in hot water before, why he's embarrassed the organization and himself, and why a very large percentage of the fanbase have turned against him.

And that's exactly what is happening here. Again.

There are points in life where it's time to let things drift into the past. Randy Lerner and Mike Holmgren were pitiful failures, and regardless of the details and intentions of each man, there's absolutely nothing to be gained by allowing the media to keep stirring up the pot for the sake of selling newspapers. Jim Brown should know that, especially if he's going to be a high-paid "advisor" to the owner and a representative of the organization.

Jim Brown is old-school, but old-school yapping in the media doesn't have a positive impact in today's NFL. He's again doing the exact same things that have always landed him in hot water, which is running his yap too often and too loudly.

Jim Brown should say one thing and one thing only about all this:
I'm proud to be back with the Cleveland Browns. I'm thankful to Jimmy Haslam for the opportunity he's given me, and am strongly focused on the future of the organization."

He just needs to shut-up about Holmgren.

Then again, shutting-up has never been something Brown could do.


Reggie Rucker Says Holmgren Set Browns Back “4 or 5 Years”

Former Browns wide receiver Reggie Rucker joined Bull & Fox to talk about Jim Brown returning to the Browns organization , his interaction with Jimmy Haslam and the way he is shaping this organization, trying to understand why fans are split on Jim Brown and his impact to this day with Cleveland, what Jim Brown has done to change the lives of young athletes, getting players to understand the importance of their actions, the falling out between Jim Brown and Mike Holmgren, Holmgren’s failures in Cleveland, the new regime in Berea and more.


Lot of stuff that he says are his own personal feelings passed off as fact. He talks about how Holmgren was such a failure, and set the team back 5 years .... and I kind of disagree with that. I think that we are probably better on the personnel side that at any time in the past 10 years.

Also, Rucker complains about how Holmgren made a lot of money that "could have gone into the streets of Cleveland" to help people. That was never going to happen with that money no matter what the Browns did. It's as though he feels that the $48 million that Holmgren made would have gond to some purpose outside of the Browns if Holmgren had never come here. It is a false conclusion. If Holmgren hadn't come here, then the money would have either stayed in Lerner's pocket ...... or paid out to someone else to do that job.

Also, I would expect that Rucker would be a huge supporter of Jim Brown, given that they are close friends.

I still respect what Brown did on the field, and some of the stuff he has done to help kids ..... but I have no respect for the way he has sometimes lived his life, and they way that he treats other people ... as though respect is a one way street in his direction.

All in all, it was kinda what I expected to hear from Rucker. He is a man who is fiercely loyal to his friends, and Brown is a close friend of his.

All in all, it was kinda what I expected to hear from Rucker. He is a man who is fiercely loyal to his friends, and Brown is a close friend of his.

Yeah, let's just dismiss his comments because of that. There can't possibly be any truth to his comments.

Jim Brown is old-school, but old-school yapping in the media doesn't have a positive impact in today's NFL. He's again doing the exact same things that have always landed him in hot water, which is running his yap too often and too loudly.

Sorry I still have to disagree. some of us old school guys think there is to much PC crap going on these days and not enough people speaking their minds
GM, when you're feeding the media stories which paint poor pictures of the organization, there isn't anything to be gained by doing that.

The latest quotes from Brown are a perfect example. Are they incendiary in nature? For Jim Brown, those quotes are about as tame and vanilla as it gets. Yet what's the end result of the quotes? We now have Rucker popping off taking shots at Holmgren, and between what he's saying and what Brown is saying all that people are getting is a strong sense of stink regarding what's happened to the organization. What's being gained by this? Absolutely nothing.

I didn't like Holmgren. His resume as an executive was poor, and his execution here was poor. But it's time to leave that in the archives. It's time for Jim Brown to stop beating his cane on the steps and yelling about how he was wronged. He's supposed to now be a beacon of light representing the best of what the organization is. His comments now are about justification and venting. Time to let all that go.

Brown can say whatever he wants in private, but in public, it's now his job to get with the times and be a professional. He's gaining absolutely nothing for himself nor for the organization by continuing to whine about the past.

Sorry I still have to disagree. some of us old school guys think there is to much PC crap going on these days and not enough people speaking their minds

Preach it, brother.
I still have to disagree Toad. He is not saying anything the fans don't already say themselves. I just don't believe in this tip toeing around crap just because everybody is so afraid that somebody else might get their feelings hurt. I miss the days when everybody wasn't so damn thin skinned.
Hehehe...That part I get. I just don't believe there's anything positive to be had in beating the dead horse by chewing over old scores.

The Browns have wiped the slate clean with Jim Brown. It's in everyone's best interest if Jim Brown did the same.
Don't worry if he keeps beating the dead horse I will be one of the first to tell him to shut the hell up

I just don't believe there's anything positive to be had in beating the dead horse by chewing over old scores.

it would help if the media layed their stick down.
I feel that Jim Brown is beginning his "new role" as a player mentor or player relations person on a bad foot.

Certainly there are players who were close to Holmgren. He was a great coach in his day (Which was more recent than Jim Browns.) The current players were alive when Holmgren was winning Super Bowls. Holmgren has spent a lot of time with the players on this team and some certainly liked him I am sure.

Bashing Holmgren, especially when Holmgren never bashed Brown, accomplishes nothing positive for the team. Yet the opposite could be true. The players that liked Holmgren may now be feeling defensive of their friend or uncomfortable around their new leader/ambassador/representative whatever. Some may wonder what he will say about them someday.

He may have created (to a lesser extant) the same dynamics as that of a parent that bashes their child's other parent after a divorce. Holmgren did not feel that the current role Jim Brown had was right for the team. He offered him another role that Jim did not like. Jim could have turned it down and just gone away quietly and enjoyed the honors paid to him with the ring of honor deal. Instead he accused Holmgren of racism and bashed his draft choice in TRich. Now he gets welcomed back and continues to bash Holmgren even though Holmgren has no influence on the team anymore.

Brown has divided this message board, divided the media, and likely divided the locker room to the extent the players care what he has to say.

The above all substantiates in my mind that Holmgren did the right thing in the first place. Some disagree and that may be true in the locker room as well which supports my argument that Jim Browns first actions in his new role was more bad for the team than it was good for the team.

The players, coaches, and staff now need to tip toe around when Jim is in the room out of fear that they will be his next media assault campaign. Sounds healthy to me.

For those that don't like Mike...can you see any positives in Brown's words? I am not asking if they were true or not as that would be oppinion...but were they positive for the team? Can you see where they may have hurt the team chemistry or locker room? Would you evaluate his words and the subsequent echo by Rucker as being overall good, overall bad or having no impact whats over on the team. If no effect at all then why drag a man's name through the mud for no reason?
hmmmm so your saying young guys won't like a person who tells them like it is without sugar coating it. I think the young guys will respect somebody who tells them the truth and who doesn't blow smoke up their backside Chuck
I am not calling you out, but will you show me Brown's recent comments about Mike Holmgren?

Also, what makes you think the players like Holmgren? He didn't coach them. He was absentee a lot and when he was there, he rode around in a golf cart. Got any quotes from players who say they liked him and miss him?
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