I see you avoided addressing my point. Your claim all along has been that Bruen would be used to overturn requiring basic training to acquire a CCW permit. You even used an example of where it is attempting to be used to do just the opposite. You also are reaching to conclude that requiring any basic form of training involves an infringement of your second amendment rights which has clearly not been indicated or proven in the SCOTUS Bruen decision.

You see, I'm not the one making wild accusations and claims like that. You are. I'm not for restricting weapons or anything like you seem to claim which I've made clear all along. You've made assertions that you somehow know the outcome of cases that have not been decided as of yet. My only claim is that the Bruen case made no reference to requiring gun training to acquire a CCW permit and that requiring such training is something left to be decided on whether that actually interferes with your 2nd amendment rights. You believe it does and based on that alone you think you can read the future. Don't try to spin it now.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.
