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His hands do appear to be rather small. Just sayin'.

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Trump’s recent comments complicate his legal team’s ability to contest charges, experts say

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump speaks about his legal woes in a way that would make most defense attorneys wince.

A recent sampling: In a March interview on Fox News Channel, the Republican former president said he had “the right to take” classified documents with him to his Florida resort and wouldn’t say he hadn’t looked at the records since leaving office. During a CNN town hall this month, he said he told a Georgia elections official “you owe me” votes in the 2020 election.

At the same town hall on May 10 he insulted a female writer as a “wack job” — only a day after that same woman, E. Jean Carroll, won a $5 million judgment against him in a civil suit alleging defamation and sexual assault. On Monday, Carroll amended a lawsuit to hold him liable for the town hall remarks.

Trump, the leading contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, has never hesitated to offer his opinion or joust with his antagonists. The problem, legal experts say, is that the former president is under intensifying scrutiny from state and federal prosecutors, and those same prosecutors can use the former president’s statements against him in a variety of ways.

“Any utterances by a defendant, whether they are confessions, denials, observations, nonsensical gibberish, or just plain goofy are nothing but pure gold for prosecutors,” said Julieanne Himelstein, a former assistant U.S. attorney in Washington.

Trump has found himself under investigation by prosecutors stretching from New York to Georgia.

He was indicted in March by a Manhattan grand jury on charges related to hush-money payments made on his behalf during the 2016 presidential campaign. On Tuesday, a New York judge set the trial to begin on March 25, in the midst of the primary contests. Trump, appearing via video conference, threw his hands up in frustration at the timing of the trial and glowered at the camera.

A local prosecutor in Georgia is investigating whether the former president and his allies broke the law in seeking to overturn his 2020 election loss. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis suggested last week that indictments could come in August. Meanwhile, a Justice Department special counsel is probing the former president’s role in the Jan. 6., 2021, insurrection and the discovery of classified documents at Mar-a-Largo, Trump’s Florida home and resort.

In recent media appearances and during rallies, Trump has made comments that could be seen as incriminating or, at the very least, complicate his legal team’s ability to beat back charges. He seemed to get into particular trouble during a May 10 town hall hosted by CNN.

The former president spent nearly an hour discussing a range of issues while also commenting on the investigations in ways that run counter to generally accepted legal advice. Not only did he re-insult Carroll and provide Fulton County’s prosecutor more fodder for her probe but he also gave the Justice Department an opening by claiming he couldn’t recall whether he had shown classified documents to anyone.

Joyce Vance, a law professor who served as a U.S. attorney in Alabama under President Barack Obama, opined on Twitter: “There were prosecutors and agents taking notes tonight.”

Trump also suggested that he was personally involved in taking records to Mar-a-Lago — “I was there and I took what I took and it gets declassified,” he said. That statement is at odds with arguments made by his own lawyers, who as recently as last month suggested in a letter to Congress that the document removal was the “result of haphazard records-keeping and packing” rather than an intentional decision by Trump.

The statements are being made as the documents investigation shows signs of winding down and as Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith zeroes in on the question of potential obstruction, drilling into the failure by Trump and his representatives to return the classified records in his possession despite being issued a subpoena to do so.

Trump’s penchant for public statements was on display in the last special counsel investigation he faced. He famously told an interviewer in 2017 that he was thinking of “this Russia thing” when he fired former FBI director James Comey. His lawyers sought to explain away that statement by noting that he had also said that he knew that firing Comey would prolong, rather than shorten, the Russia probe.

Legal scholars said that prosecutors might not be able to use some of Trump’s comments if they are not relevant to the charges or might be deemed prejudicial by a judge.

They also may not need to play them to jurors because other evidence is much stronger. While Trump said on CNN that he told Brad Raffensperger “you owe me” votes, he was also tape recorded asking the Georgia elections official to “find” him more votes. The call came in January 2021 as Trump was desperately trying to overturn Georgia’s election result.

“It’s not inculpatory any more than the fact that we already have a recorded phone call,” said Anthony Michael Kreis, a law professor at Georgia State University. “It might be more damning had we not had the actual recording of the phone call.”

Former prosecutors and defense attorneys say a client’s public comments can hamstring how they present their cases to a jury. It can reveal their strategy and lock them into certain lines of attacking the prosecution’s case. Such comments might also encourage them to do everything they can to keep their client from taking the witness stand.

For example, they said, Trump may have admitted to taking classified documents from the White House but his lawyers wrote, “The purpose of this letter is not to opine about whether these documents are actually classified or have been declassified.”

If Trump were to ever testify, prosecutors could use such contradictory statements to poke holes in his story, making it harder for his defense team to tell the jury a coherent narrative.

“It could well be that what Trump is doing is making it impossible for him to testify because he’d be so damaged were he to testify,” said Richard Klein, a criminal law professor at Touro University in New York.

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Can't wait for HIM, TRUMP- the billionaire, to start another fund me legal defense site, so the idiots supporting him can send THEIR hard earned money to him....dang, he's the best con artist ever.

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Trump is going to get spanked by Desantis.

I'd bet Desantis get 70% of the Republican votes against Trump.

I also bet that if Desantis goes against Biden for pres... Desantis will get 65% of the votes

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I'd bet Desantis get 70% of the Republican votes against Trump.

I highly doubt that. Not DeSantis winning but not by that margin.

At DT, context and meaning are a scarecrow kicking at moving goalposts.
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DeStains and Trump are the same person, pure scum.

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I can see a Trump / Scott ticket winning.

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Normal voters aren’t falling for Scott. He’s a lying POS too. Just another MAGA deceitful liar that would ban abortions nationally. There is not a single decent person on the right to run. But they’ll throw some crap at the wall hope he sticks.

Last edited by OldColdDawg; 05/25/23 08:06 PM.

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Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Normal voters aren’t falling for Scott. He’s a lying POS too. Just another MAGA deceitful liar that would ban abortions nationally. There is not a single decent person on the right to run. But they’ll throw some crap at the wall hope he sticks.

Biden is running this country into the ground. He's not electable. He is mindless flaccid puppet. Trump / Scott will win

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And you think the answer is in the MAGA branch? LMAO@U

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I know the answer isnt your extremist radical socialist morons on the left. Look at California collapsing to see how well libtard policies work.

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I DON’T SUBSCRIBE TO LIE TO ME NEWS. So I know nothing about this fiction.

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Your loony left lie to you news is avoiding telling you the truth OR your head is in the sand.

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Originally Posted by EveDawg
I can see a Trump / Scott ticket winning.

I can't see a Trump/Scott ticket ever even happening.

1. Ex-*45© would never share a ticket with someone who's actually likeable.

Look at the flavorless slice of Wonder Bread he chose as his first running mate. That was by design. He knows he can only look good when he's compared to nothing. Mike Pence was considered so worthless/expendable, everyday Trumpvotinfolk were ready to hang his pasty, expendable azz from a makeshift gallows on the steps of the US Capitol...

...and Spraytan45© was OK with it- for three freakking hours.

2. I don't see Tim Scott as the kind of career politician who would ever jeopardize/sacrifice/hitch his decades-won career in politics onto a sketchy public figure whose shelf-life is starting to resemble a shallow dish of mayonnaise, left out overnight.

This ticket would/will never happen, for 2 reasons:

1. Tim Scott is a helluvalot smarter than Mike Pence.
2. Donald Trump doesn't meet Tim Scott's standards.

...and I totally get it.

"too many notes, not enough music-"

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Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Normal voters aren’t falling for Scott. He’s a lying POS too. Just another MAGA deceitful liar that would ban abortions nationally. There is not a single decent person on the right to run. But they’ll throw some crap at the wall hope he sticks.

Biden is running this country into the ground. He's not electable. He is mindless flaccid puppet. Trump / Scott will win

Can you be specific how he's running the country into the ground


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Originally Posted by superbowldogg
Trump is going to get spanked by Desantis.

I'd bet Desantis get 70% of the Republican votes against Trump.

I also bet that if Desantis goes against Biden for pres... Desantis will get 65% of the votes

They both should be in jail by Election Day.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.
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Originally Posted by PerfectSpiral
Originally Posted by superbowldogg
Trump is going to get spanked by Desantis.

I'd bet Desantis get 70% of the Republican votes against Trump.

I also bet that if Desantis goes against Biden for pres... Desantis will get 65% of the votes

They both should be in jail by Election Day.

It's funny when people were whining about "Lock her up" and then say stuff like this.

At DT, context and meaning are a scarecrow kicking at moving goalposts.
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Originally Posted by EveDawg
He is mindless flaccid puppet.

And there she is! That same Eve we've all come to know and love.

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When it comes to DeSantis I agree. But then why would you be surprised about trump? I mean he is already facing criminal charges in one state and is currently being investigated for criminal acts in two other states. It's clearly different when you yell "lock her up" about someone facing no criminal charges verses claiming someone needs to be locked up who is facing criminal charges. At least to some people. According to your post, not so much for others.

I mean on one hand you have some grounds to say something like that about trump. On the other hand they didn't. I know, I know, it doesn't make any difference.

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Originally Posted by MemphisBrownie
Originally Posted by PerfectSpiral
Originally Posted by superbowldogg
Trump is going to get spanked by Desantis.

I'd bet Desantis get 70% of the Republican votes against Trump.

I also bet that if Desantis goes against Biden for pres... Desantis will get 65% of the votes

They both should be in jail by Election Day.

It's funny when people were whining about "Lock her up" and then say stuff like this.

It’s funnier when people are whining about whatabouts in a thread then immediately throws out this in another. And Hillary? rofl:

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.
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Trump is currently facing criminal charges in one court district and is being investigated by the state of Georgia and a special prosecutor of the DOJ. None of that happened to Hillary. Trump was actually recorded telling georgia election officials he needed to find enough votes to win. He tried to intimidate them by claiming they broke laws and it wouldn't be stood for.

But you know, when they have to grasp for straws as excuses they try to make it sound like the same thing.

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Originally Posted by Damanshot
Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Normal voters aren’t falling for Scott. He’s a lying POS too. Just another MAGA deceitful liar that would ban abortions nationally. There is not a single decent person on the right to run. But they’ll throw some crap at the wall hope he sticks.

Biden is running this country into the ground. He's not electable. He is mindless flaccid puppet. Trump / Scott will win

Can you be specific how he's running the country into the ground

Have you SEEN the state of the country? Or do you live in an oblivious made up world?

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Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by Damanshot
Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Normal voters aren’t falling for Scott. He’s a lying POS too. Just another MAGA deceitful liar that would ban abortions nationally. There is not a single decent person on the right to run. But they’ll throw some crap at the wall hope he sticks.

Biden is running this country into the ground. He's not electable. He is mindless flaccid puppet. Trump / Scott will win

Can you be specific how he's running the country into the ground

Have you SEEN the state of the country? Or do you live in an oblivious made up world?

The MAGA GOP and the trump brigade has put us in this state. But please continue the pathetic passive defense of trump.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.
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Originally Posted by PerfectSpiral
Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by Damanshot
Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Normal voters aren’t falling for Scott. He’s a lying POS too. Just another MAGA deceitful liar that would ban abortions nationally. There is not a single decent person on the right to run. But they’ll throw some crap at the wall hope he sticks.

Biden is running this country into the ground. He's not electable. He is mindless flaccid puppet. Trump / Scott will win

Can you be specific how he's running the country into the ground

Have you SEEN the state of the country? Or do you live in an oblivious made up world?

The MAGA GOP and the trump brigade has put us in this state. But please continue the pathetic passive defense of trump.

Youre delusional.

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Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by Damanshot
Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Normal voters aren’t falling for Scott. He’s a lying POS too. Just another MAGA deceitful liar that would ban abortions nationally. There is not a single decent person on the right to run. But they’ll throw some crap at the wall hope he sticks.

Biden is running this country into the ground. He's not electable. He is mindless flaccid puppet. Trump / Scott will win

Can you be specific how he's running the country into the ground

Have you SEEN the state of the country? Or do you live in an oblivious made up world?

Yes, again, can you be specific...


“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
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Originally Posted by Damanshot
Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by Damanshot
Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Normal voters aren’t falling for Scott. He’s a lying POS too. Just another MAGA deceitful liar that would ban abortions nationally. There is not a single decent person on the right to run. But they’ll throw some crap at the wall hope he sticks.

Biden is running this country into the ground. He's not electable. He is mindless flaccid puppet. Trump / Scott will win

Can you be specific how he's running the country into the ground

Have you SEEN the state of the country? Or do you live in an oblivious made up world?

Yes, again, can you be specific...

The border is a mess.

Inflation is high

The dollar is losing value around the world

Government agencies are being controlled as weapons

We are flirting with world war

Our morale value are being eroded by the queers(a politically correct term)

What the hell else do you need?

If everybody had like minds, we would never learn.

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Originally Posted by Ballpeen
The border is a mess.

Border crossings have been cut in half.

Government agencies are being controlled as weapons

This is nothing but GOP rhetoric because trump and his minions are being held accountable.

We are flirting with world war

Over Ukraine? Seriously?

Our morale value are being eroded by the queers(a politically correct term)


What the hell else do you need?

Much more than fear based rhetoric.

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Originally Posted by Damanshot
Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by Damanshot
Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Normal voters aren’t falling for Scott. He’s a lying POS too. Just another MAGA deceitful liar that would ban abortions nationally. There is not a single decent person on the right to run. But they’ll throw some crap at the wall hope he sticks.

Biden is running this country into the ground. He's not electable. He is mindless flaccid puppet. Trump / Scott will win

Can you be specific how he's running the country into the ground

Have you SEEN the state of the country? Or do you live in an oblivious made up world?

Yes, again, can you be specific...

Why don't you tell us what he's doing well...

FATE #2016867 05/27/23 11:17 AM
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I guess shifting the conversation would get someone who made a statement they have thus far failed to clarify off the hook by switching the responsibility to someone else who never made the claim you are asking him to support.

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Thanks for your input Lar.

FATE #2016870 05/27/23 11:23 AM
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No problem. Facts are not your friend. Not my monkey, not my circus Curly.

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Originally Posted by Ballpeen
The border is a mess.
So trumps biggest campaign promise of a big bad wall is a failure? And this is somehow Bidens fault?

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They're outraged that Biden's new border policy has cut border crossings in half after Trump's chapter 42 policy ended. They won't say anything about it and act like it didn't even happen.

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Now Trump caused the border crisis.

350,000 per year crossed during Trump presidency.

2.4 million crossed last year.

"Border crossing have been cut in half after Biden ended Trump's Chapter 42."

That is literally the most mindless thing I've ever seen posted on here. Have you ever checked your house for leaded paint??

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Originally Posted by Ballpeen
Originally Posted by Damanshot
Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by Damanshot
Originally Posted by EveDawg
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Normal voters aren’t falling for Scott. He’s a lying POS too. Just another MAGA deceitful liar that would ban abortions nationally. There is not a single decent person on the right to run. But they’ll throw some crap at the wall hope he sticks.

Biden is running this country into the ground. He's not electable. He is mindless flaccid puppet. Trump / Scott will win

Can you be specific how he's running the country into the ground

Have you SEEN the state of the country? Or do you live in an oblivious made up world?

Yes, again, can you be specific...

The border is a mess.

Inflation is high

The dollar is losing value around the world

Government agencies are being controlled as weapons

We are flirting with world war

Our morale value are being eroded by the queers(a politically correct term)

What the hell else do you need?

The border is a mess. It ain't perfect but it's better than it was under that fool you follow

Inflation is high. Yes all over the world, are you suggesting Biden is at fault for the world's economic condition?

The dollar is losing value around the world. I don't think that's the case.. But it makes a very good GOP talking point.

Government agencies are being controlled as weapons. Pot meet kettle. What the hell do you think the GOP did to Hillary Clinton or the way they attacked Obama.. Now you think it's a weapon but when the GOP does it, it's not?

We are flirting with world war. Actually we are far safer with Biden in Charge now than we were with the GOP in charge. As far as flirting with war, when aren't we. More important, all Biden is doing is responding to what Putin is doing. If you don't get that, then you aren't nearly as wise as I once thought you were.

Our morale value are being eroded by the queers(a politically correct term). When was the last time you were attacked by a gay or queer or anyone that falls under the LGBTQ+ banner? when? We've had people that oppose Trump getting attacked by MAGA loving, white supremsists, antisemites, crazy's.. you know, like Qanon Shaman or perhaps the Trump/MAGA loving KKK. I'm guessing facts don't matter... I don't mind if you don't like Gay people. But don't stop them from living their best lives the way they want to. It's america.. Freedom for all. Not America, Freedom for those that think or believe as you do. That's freaking idiotic.


What the hell else do you need? How about some real issues.. not these.. these are nothing more than GOP talking points... worthless.


“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
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FATE #2016893 05/27/23 01:17 PM
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Biden didn't "end title 42". It expired. You can't use the excuse of Covid after Covid is no longer a pandemic. It ended according to it's own timeline. Try actually using a quote rather than making one up to suit what you wish I would have stated. Here I'll help you with that and even bold it for you to make it easier....

"Biden's new border policy has cut border crossings in half after Trump's chapter 42 policy ended"

Let's see here. All a lot of you did was yell and scream about how many were crossing the border before chapter 42 ended. The right wing and even left wing media were reporting how much illegal immigration and border crossings would increase once chapter 42, trump's legislation ended. Instead it was cut in half at that point.

Now you want to go back and revise that by sighting something completely different in relationship to what is being discussed. Well alrighty then. Either it was cut in half after this policy change went into effect or it wasn't. In fact it was. Of course I knew, as I said in my previous post, "They won't say anything about it and act like it didn't even happen." You never disappoint.

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FATE #2016899 05/27/23 01:56 PM
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I'm not the one that moved the goal post. But I do understand how projection is about the only tool you have left. Oh, and memes.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

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