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I swear your post get to look more and more like a damn Masters Thesis. Or do you really believe anyone has time to wade through your constant, redundant, boring crap.

And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.
- John Muir

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is a waste of time and not worth the pot someone pees in or the window to throw it out of.

Once again I must ask you crampy, why are you peeing in pots and throwing it out of windows.Are you into golden showers or something

I AM ALWAYS RIGHT... except when I am wrong.
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Especially after telling Clown Hunter a wek or more ago that he or anyone else has nothing!

Seriously, you must be retarded. You don't even know what you said. Is that not true? You have NO IDEA if you said it or not. So why don't we concede this: Me and other individuals on this board either remember you said failure or remember you said something to that effect.

And you have no idea what you said. Thats pretty much what this argument boils down to. I DO RECALL you saying it. You DO NOT RECALL. Thats it. So don't act like you shut anything down. We are at the same spot when this whole thing started. You keep asking for proof, to that I say prove you did NOT say it.

oh oops. the posts have been purged.

Poor Afcnorthchamps indeed!

" just look at our record. yes we have sucked!" GMdawg - 02/20/15 07:10 AM
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For the last time grow-up. I said I don't recall saying what you and the other Steeler loser accuse me of saying. This means as far as I'm concerned, I DID NOT SAY IT!! See how that works slappy? And AGAIN, until you can provide FACTUAL INFORMATION saying what I'm being accused of saying in 2004, you have NO ARGUEMENT!! Was this said slow enough and succinctly enough for you? You say I am not sure whether I said this or that -YOU can not say with 100% certainty that I did say it. The burden of PROOF is on you pal, not me. And to think I thought Browns fans were lacking in mental faculties.

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How long is this saga going to continue???? I want to see whether the million dollars is in case # 23 or #21....Deal or No Deal...... Oh and by the way, my birthday is this coming Tuesday (20th) and I want peace and quiet in the sanctuary as I prepare for another season with the Orioles......

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MORE Drivel from Chumps. Thanks for wasting another 2 min of my time I'll never see again.

Chumps spews the same Old Crap. I distinctly said i hadn't got to the other 2 drives yet, and you come back with in essence, 'You've had enough time to look already. I've told you a number of times that once i get the chance to sift through those drives, I will find the Post we've been talking about. Why? Simply because i distinctly remember saving it.

Now would you like to make a wager that i indeed will find it? Thats how confident i am its on one of those 2 drives somewhere. Your so sure i don't have it, so i assume you know what the bet should be eh Cramps.
Then there is that possibility i could be sandbagging you for a reason.
Course chumps never took that in to consideration. In other words, you may get burned worse than you bargained for.

Now let me tell explain to you the difference between Pittsburgh & Baltimoron Fans. Had it been us it happened to, talking about the move from Cleve to Baltimoron, theres not a single solitary doubt the new team in town would NEVER get the acceptance or be embraced like the steelers are. In fact, they would have to build a whole new fan base. Thats called Eternal Loyalty Pal. Now you can refute what I'm saying all you want, but i was raised in this town from the age 10 up, so i know what i speak of. I've been to your crummy town more times than i care to admit, and i can tell you this--The People there don't even come close in terms of heart & soul. Not even close chumps. At least we are a genuine lot, not heartless egotistical lot that thrive on skulduggery that permeates your town and team. Many parts of the city remind me of the NY Bowery after midnight, not to mention the rotten file oder of Dead fish that engulfs the air--and thats on a good day.

Bottom line--Any credibility you may have had on here several yrs back is long gone Pal. Anyone who knows you, realizes the LIE is your Biggest weapon when it comes time to defend yourself. Don't think so? take a poll and see where you end up. Either your a fool to continue posting here, or your into pain, not sure which.

Remember, outside of Baltimoron country, your Criminals will always be looked at as Illegitimate. Thats something that will never change.

I'll stay tuned for what will be yet more drivel, more Lies, and More Juxtaposing from you. Its ALL you really know.

ONE & DONE PAL. The Pain of ONE & DONE still looms in your mind, and i just Love it. Love it Love it love it. LOL LOL

Talk about a little boy, You havent left the crib yet Chumps. LMAO at you!

I swear your post get to look more and more like a damn Masters Thesis. Or do you really believe anyone has time to wade through your constant, redundant, boring crap. You are the only pathetic soul still whinning and crying about something you THINK I said back in 2004. Like I said, you have no life boy! Talk about your waste of time! Then you are still trying to bet me? LMAO!! This after I said if by some miracle I'm proven wrong, I will fess up. You really need to get a life pal! It's to the point where this isn't even funny anymore. I really pity you. And sandbagging me? Funny!! Especially after telling Clown Hunter a wek or more ago that he or anyone else has nothing! But you keep thinking Einstein that you are somehow smarter or more clever then me. My contention the whole time was if you had what you think I said from 2 1/2 years ago, you would have provided your findings a long tome ago. In other words, you're full of crap.

And as far as this crap you are talking regarding if it was Pittsburgh fans blah, blah, blah! You must really like to hear yourself talk. I will tell you this. If Pittsburgh lost the Steelers and went 13 years without the NFL, and another NFL franchise relocated to Pittsburgh, you all would embrace that team with open arms. Don't kid yourself or BS me and others on the board telling me different. You would be as much of an utter LIAR as the "wannabe" coach whose son is being recruited by 32 COLLEGES. LMAO!! I don't know if you think sports fans that DON'T live in Pittsburgh are that stupid. If you do, you need to get a freaken clue.

And yeah Einstein I would LOVE to take a poll on a Browns board with me being a Ravens fan to see how much "credibility" I have on this board. Wow!! I can't imagine why I would be called a LIAR and have no "credibility" seeing that I'm a fan of a RIVAL team. You are not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you Steel. Do you think you would have any more "credibility" if you posted on a Ravens message board? ROTFLMFAO!! Don't bust a vein thinking too hard pal - this is not a trick question.

Remember, you get schooled by me and probably other Ravens fans constantly. You need to pick-up a hobby. I suggest stamp collecting.

58-7 pal, 58-7, 58-7, 58-7, 58-7, 58-7, 58-7, 58-7!

Talk about a Thesis. LOL LOL LOL
Way to advertise to the world that there is something very wrong with you Chumpy. Oh the Irony.

Little clue for you chumps. Those 2 Losses we took at the hands of the Ravoons is No where near the Pain and anguish the Fans of a 13 & 3 Team would feel after going ONE & DONE . ONE AND FREAKING DONE PAL . And at home no less. The season INSTANTLY comes to a close after all that work, you have NADA to show for it.

I tried telling you even before the ONE & DONE capade that theres Not a single solitary thing you could possibly say to that would affect me in any way. After all, our season was over pretty much by mid Nov. It happens. I can deal with that but ONE & DONE ? Holy cow, what a horrendous, sickening totally Empty feeling that must be. Ya, we lost our share of AFCCG games even though we have 5, count em, 5 LOMBARDI'S there Chimps. Your franchise will never see 5 in its lifetime.

Sorry chumps, just because you think in a dirt bag manner doesn't mean everyone does. No Morals, no Principals, Nothing is what I'm trying to say.
I said the current steeler following would NEVER really accept another NFL team in this city should something happen to the steelers. Don't care if its 2, 5 or 20 yrs, the New Franchise would have to build a following from scratch. See chumps, unlike the dirtballs that make up Baltimoron country, I know the people here quite well. They don't think like you do. They are a die hard special lot, so the current followers could NEVER accept another team. What you have to say in the matter means less than nothing since you haven't a clue as to the mind set of this town.

As for losing credibility here, you Say in ain't so. If thats what you think, would you like me to take a poll on that one? Funny how other posters from your neck of the woods haven't lost credibility, only YOU chumps.

I'll have time this week to search those had drives for your post from 04, and i will find it. When i do, just be ready for the following which could go on unmercifully for weeks. This is what you'll be seeing on every one of my replies along with others i''m sure>>

BY the way Chumps, WRONG again about the Penguins. They are about to seal up the deal which will keep them here for many many years to come. Another one of chumps facts gone astray

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I am willing to bet that WC will make a reply now and then steel will reply afterwards....Anyone wanna take a bet on that one??????

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I am willing to bet that WC will make a reply now and then steel will reply afterwards....Anyone wanna take a bet on that one??????

Ya but i have to. he's well deserving

BTW: You can also say say the same about Coach & a few others, but i see you didnt. hmm

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Well right now it's the "WC and Steel Show" and the way you two guys are going, I'll give you six (6) months and you will be up there in the ranks of the CoachB and WC "Odd Couple" bunch.. ..Coach, GM, Christy and myself are just on the sidelines hoping to jump in with "Sanctuary help" from the now infamous Hannibal "Clown Hunter" Lector himself... ....Maybe he can have the both of you with a nice Ciante and some fava beans........

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Well right now it's the "WC and Steel Show" and the way you two guys are going, I'll give you six (6) months and you will be up there in the ranks of the CoachB and WC "Odd Couple" bunch.. ..Coach, GM, Christy and myself are just on the sidelines hoping to jump in with "Sanctuary help" from the now infamous Hannibal "Clown Hunter" Lector himself... ....Maybe he can have the both of you with a nice Ciante and some fava beans........

Now that would be nice

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Talk about a Thesis. LOL LOL LOL
Way to advertise to the world that there is something very wrong with you Chumpy. Oh the Irony.

There is something wrong with me but you're the clueless no life individual searching hard drives for something you believe I said 2 1/2 YEARS AGO ! But again, there is something wrong with me??


Little clue for you chumps. Those 2 Losses we took at the hands of the Ravoons is No where near the Pain and anguish the Fans of a 13 & 3 Team would feel after going ONE & DONE . ONE AND FREAKING DONE PAL . And at home no less. The season INSTANTLY comes to a close after all that work, you have NADA to show for it.

And I guess our loss at home in the first round of the playoffs is FAR WORST then the Steelers losing TWO AFC CHAMPIONSHIP games at home huh? So how much work did the Steelers put in to come ONE game short on TWO occasions from going to the superbowl? Thanks for playing!


I tried telling you even before the ONE & DONE capade that theres Not a single solitary thing you could possibly say to that would affect me in any way. After all, our season was over pretty much by mid Nov. It happens. I can deal with that but ONE & DONE ? Holy cow, what a horrendous, sickening totally Empty feeling that must be. Ya, we lost our share of AFCCG games even though we have 5, count em, 5 LOMBARDI'S there Chimps. Your franchise will never see 5 in its lifetime.

The 58-7 massacre of your team has more then gotten under your skin. And we agree your season was over by mid -November although you are lying that you can deal with it. Or is there another SteelTheBest who use to post on that was on the bandwagon when the Steelers made a little run at the end of last season; saying the Steelers still had a shot at the playoffs?
And you are talking up five Lombardi Trophies? Hmmm. And then you ask the question will the Ravens see five Lombardi's in their existence? Okay. The Steelers have been around since 1933, the Ravens since 1996. By my math, the Steelers have been in existence for 74 yrs, the Ravens 11 yrs. How long did it take the Steelers to win their first Lombardi?? It took the Ravens five years to win their first. So I would say the Ravens will in their history win five Lombardi's.


Sorry chumps, just because you think in a dirt bag manner doesn't mean everyone does. No Morals, no Principals, Nothing is what I'm trying to say.
I said the current steeler following would NEVER really accept another NFL team in this city should something happen to the steelers. Don't care if its 2, 5 or 20 yrs, the New Franchise would have to build a following from scratch. See chumps, unlike the dirtballs that make up Baltimoron country, I know the people here quite well. They don't think like you do. They are a die hard special lot, so the current followers could NEVER accept another team. What you have to say in the matter means less than nothing since you haven't a clue as to the mind set of this town.

And you know this for a fact Miss Cleo?? And you know the people in Pittsburgh quite well huh? If you say so. The bottom line is you will never be able to prove that other Steelers fans would or would not accept another franchise relocating there. I would bet they would or can you tell me a case where a pro sports franchise relocated to another city and WAS NOT accepted by the fans of that town. You're on the clock.


As for losing credibility here, you Say in ain't so. If thats what you think, would you like me to take a poll on that one? Funny how other posters from your neck of the woods haven't lost credibility, only YOU chumps.

My God you are a joke!! Do you have ADD by chance? Where did I say I have credibility on this board? There is such a word call SARCASM Steel. I suggest you look up its meaning. What I said was imagine me a RAVENS FANS NOT having "credibility" on this board considering it is a BROWNS message board. Is this sinking in yet? NO?? Okay, let's go a wee bit slower for you. Me - WORLDCHAMPS is a RAAAAVVVVEEEENNNSSS fan. If this is a BBBBRRROOOWWWNNNSSS message board, I would not expect to have any "credibility" on this board because in essence, I'm the ENEMY. Does this make sense now??

And you keep searching those hard drives buddy! I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for before the next ice age. And uh Einstein? I never said jack about the Penguins moving. You obviously are dazed and confused yet again. I believe that comment came from ravenfan. Nice job!

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For the last time grow-up. I said I don't recall saying what you and the other Steeler loser accuse me of saying. This means as far as I'm concerned, I DID NOT SAY IT!!

I don't recall is not the same thing as I did not say it. No matter how you spin it.


And AGAIN, until you can provide FACTUAL INFORMATION saying what I'm being accused of saying in 2004, you have NO ARGUEMENT!

What? Your quote is in my sig. Prove you did not say it.


The burden of PROOF is on you pal, not me.

Thats silly. You have no clue what you said. So prove me wrong.

" just look at our record. yes we have sucked!" GMdawg - 02/20/15 07:10 AM
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Talk about a Thesis. LOL LOL LOL
Way to advertise to the world that there is something very wrong with you Chumpy. Oh the Irony.

There is something wrong with me but you're the clueless no life individual searching hard drives for something you believe I said 2 1/2 YEARS AGO ! But again, there is something wrong with me??


Little clue for you chumps. Those 2 Losses we took at the hands of the Ravoons is No where near the Pain and anguish the Fans of a 13 & 3 Team would feel after going ONE & DONE . ONE AND FREAKING DONE PAL . And at home no less. The season INSTANTLY comes to a close after all that work, you have NADA to show for it.

And I guess our loss at home in the first round of the playoffs is FAR WORST then the Steelers losing TWO AFC CHAMPIONSHIP games at home huh? So how much work did the Steelers put in to come ONE game short on TWO occasions from going to the superbowl? Thanks for playing!


I tried telling you even before the ONE & DONE capade that theres Not a single solitary thing you could possibly say to that would affect me in any way. After all, our season was over pretty much by mid Nov. It happens. I can deal with that but ONE & DONE ? Holy cow, what a horrendous, sickening totally Empty feeling that must be. Ya, we lost our share of AFCCG games even though we have 5, count em, 5 LOMBARDI'S there Chimps. Your franchise will never see 5 in its lifetime.

The 58-7 massacre of your team has more then gotten under your skin. And we agree your season was over by mid -November although you are lying that you can deal with it. Or is there another SteelTheBest who use to post on that was on the bandwagon when the Steelers made a little run at the end of last season; saying the Steelers still had a shot at the playoffs?
And you are talking up five Lombardi Trophies? Hmmm. And then you ask the question will the Ravens see five Lombardi's in their existence? Okay. The Steelers have been around since 1933, the Ravens since 1996. By my math, the Steelers have been in existence for 74 yrs, the Ravens 11 yrs. How long did it take the Steelers to win their first Lombardi?? It took the Ravens five years to win their first. So I would say the Ravens will in their history win five Lombardi's.


Sorry chumps, just because you think in a dirt bag manner doesn't mean everyone does. No Morals, no Principals, Nothing is what I'm trying to say.
I said the current steeler following would NEVER really accept another NFL team in this city should something happen to the steelers. Don't care if its 2, 5 or 20 yrs, the New Franchise would have to build a following from scratch. See chumps, unlike the dirtballs that make up Baltimoron country, I know the people here quite well. They don't think like you do. They are a die hard special lot, so the current followers could NEVER accept another team. What you have to say in the matter means less than nothing since you haven't a clue as to the mind set of this town.

And you know this for a fact Miss Cleo?? And you know the people in Pittsburgh quite well huh? If you say so. The bottom line is you will never be able to prove that other Steelers fans would or would not accept another franchise relocating there. I would bet they would or can you tell me a case where a pro sports franchise relocated to another city and WAS NOT accepted by the fans of that town. You're on the clock.


As for losing credibility here, you Say in ain't so. If thats what you think, would you like me to take a poll on that one? Funny how other posters from your neck of the woods haven't lost credibility, only YOU chumps.

My God you are a joke!! Do you have ADD by chance? Where did I say I have credibility on this board? There is such a word call SARCASM Steel. I suggest you look up its meaning. What I said was imagine me a RAVENS FANS NOT having "credibility" on this board considering it is a BROWNS message board. Is this sinking in yet? NO?? Okay, let's go a wee bit slower for you. Me - WORLDCHAMPS is a RAAAAVVVVEEEENNNSSS fan. If this is a BBBBRRROOOWWWNNNSSS message board, I would not expect to have any "credibility" on this board because in essence, I'm the ENEMY. Does this make sense now??

And you keep searching those hard drives buddy! I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for before the next ice age. And uh Einstein? I never said jack about the Penguins moving. You obviously are dazed and confused yet again. I believe that comment came from ravenfan. Nice job!

LOL. Instead of responding at length to the SAME OLD DRIVEL, LIES, AND A PENCHANT FOR THE ABSURD , I'll just say in trying to describe me, you described YOURSELF for the most part.

You use the same Old wording, descriptions etc etc etc you did back in 03, 04 & 05 on any number of posters here. You must have a library titled Copy and Paste. LOL I'd call you a TOOL again, but I'll reserve that for some of the better posters here.

Cramps will now come back and say i didn't address any of redundant points, therefore he's right. LMAO. Poor Poor Cramps, Your Nemesis Coach has been Right about you all along. No wonder your so defensive. Nuff said

BTW: ONE & DONE, not even Advancing, in my book is far worse, and more an empty feeling (Because you accomplished Nothing) than losing those AFCCG's

ONE & DONE. I swear i still LMFAO over that. Freaking beautiful and i CALLED it.

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Sweet Mary mother of God, I go away for the weekend and I come back to this?

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But hey, welcome to the Steeler chick!

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Sweet Mary mother of God, I go away for the weekend and I come back to this?

Those were my exact thoughts when I returned from my weekend trip as well!

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christy Offline OP
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I just realized that I was the one who started this damn thread!

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Ya, I wasn't going to mention that part.....

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Sweet Mary mother of God, I go away for the weekend and I come back to this?

Crazy isn't it? Even Coach and GM are clear of this one...I have tried to "intervene" with some comedy but it's like watching "The axis of evil" fighting amongst themselves over who let's the nuke off first.. ...The even crazier part of all of this is, It's over something more than two (2) or three (3) years old....I mean, WHO CARES????? Water under the bridge over words....Do these guys work for the White House or what.........

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Sweet Mary mother of God, I go away for the weekend and I come back to this?

Crazy isn't it? Even Coach and GM are clear of this one...I have tried to "intervene" with some comedy but it's like watching "The axis of evil" fighting amongst themselves over who let's the nuke off first.. ...The even crazier part of all of this is, It's over something more than two (2) or three (3) years old....I mean, WHO CARES????? Water under the bridge over words....Do these guys work for the White House or what.........

"I don't recall having said that"...John Dean, Watergate hearings, 1974.

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Sweet Mary mother of God, I go away for the weekend and I come back to this?

Crazy isn't it? Even Coach and GM are clear of this one...I have tried to "intervene" with some comedy but it's like watching "The axis of evil" fighting amongst themselves over who let's the nuke off first.. ...The even crazier part of all of this is, It's over something more than two (2) or three (3) years old....I mean, WHO CARES????? Water under the bridge over words....Do these guys work for the White House or what.........

"I don't recall having said that"...John Dean, Watergate hearings, 1974.

You sound like the former President Clinton getting grilled about Lewinsky......

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That was one of my first thoughts as well....

Others that come to mind are Ronnie Reagan and Ollie's a phrase that has been in use for some time now!

I think Custer used it as well when asked how many injuns it took to kick his ass....

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I figured once he was surrounded by the Indians, the only thing he could have done was call Regis for a lifeline or two........

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I just realized that I was the one who started this damn thread!

Wait, you mean you started a heated discussion and then were nowhere to be seen....?

I'm hardly surprised.

Blue ostriches on crack float on milkshakes between the sidewalk titans of gurglefitz. --YTown

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Yeah Dawg,
Christy teased them and promised them a "surprise" if they could behave for one (1) weekend while she was away and look what happened, It turns into a poor man's version of "Dead Poet's Society" minus the drama.. ..or like a Shakespearen tragedy or a Danny Devito comedy (War of the Roses)....

"I've got more square footage"..........

Last edited by Mike; 02/19/07 12:30 PM.
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I just realized that I was the one who started this damn thread!

Actually I'm the one who started the ORIGINAL thread... My computer has been down, our whole family has been sick with bronchial infections these last couple of weeks, and I haven't been here.

I can't believe what my **innocent** questions have started. Then again, in the Shack I should never be surprised.

It's great to be back!

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Yeah, we'd all really like to thank you for starting that thread.

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You and your girlfriend Clown Hunter can go on-and-on all you want about this outlandish, ridiculous debate. The facts are simple. NEITHER of you can prove JACK regarding me saying the Steelers were a failure in 2004, and NEITHER of you will EVER get me to admit that I did say this especially when I know I did not say what I'm being accused of saying. PERIOD! As far as I'm concerned this petty arguement is over. So, you both can keep your panties in a bunch all you like. I'm done with this subject. In other words, YOU BOTH LOSE!! Have a nice day!

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I just realized that I was the one who started this damn thread!

Actually I'm the one who started the ORIGINAL thread... My computer has been down, our whole family has been sick with bronchial infections these last couple of weeks, and I haven't been here.

I can't believe what my **innocent** questions have started. Then again, in the Shack I should never be surprised.

It's great to be back!

Are you and the family doing well now? I will pray for your speedy recoveries over these strange "viruses" that are going around. I was out for about a week from work and I had to take additional time off for my daughter who was also hit with this illness. My best to you and your family.....

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You and your girlfriend Clown Hunter can go on-and-on all you want about this outlandish, ridiculous debate. The facts are simple. NEITHER of you can prove JACK regarding me saying the Steelers were a failure in 2004, and NEITHER of you will EVER get me to admit that I did say this especially when I know I did not say what I'm being accused of saying. PERIOD! As far as I'm concerned this petty arguement is over. So, you both can keep your panties in a bunch all you like. I'm done with this subject. In other words, YOU BOTH LOSE!! Have a nice day!

Well we'll see when i find those posts. I have time starting tonight. Just make sure you have a spare set of Panties when i do. Your gonna need them. LOL

By the way, Did i ever tell you about the story of ONE & DONE ?
Well once upon a time

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You and your girlfriend Clown Hunter can go on-and-on all you want about this outlandish, ridiculous debate. The facts are simple. NEITHER of you can prove JACK regarding me saying the Steelers were a failure in 2004, and NEITHER of you will EVER get me to admit that I did say this especially when I know I did not say what I'm being accused of saying. PERIOD! As far as I'm concerned this petty arguement is over. So, you both can keep your panties in a bunch all you like. I'm done with this subject. In other words, YOU BOTH LOSE!! Have a nice day!

Well we'll see when i find those posts. I have time starting tonight. Just make sure you have a spare set of Panties when i do. Your gonna need them. LOL

By the way, Did i ever tell you about the story of ONE & DONE ?
Well once upon a time

Before you do anything Steel, watch "24" first.......

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I just realized that I was the one who started this damn thread!

Actually I'm the one who started the ORIGINAL thread... My computer has been down, our whole family has been sick with bronchial infections these last couple of weeks, and I haven't been here.

I can't believe what my **innocent** questions have started. Then again, in the Shack I should never be surprised.

It's great to be back!

Are you and the family doing well now? I will pray for your speedy recoveries over these strange "viruses" that are going around. I was out for about a week from work and I had to take additional time off for my daughter who was also hit with this illness. My best to you and your family.....

Thank you for asking and for your concern. We are gradually recovering, definitely a strange "bug". I'm sorry you and your daughter got hit by this as well.

By the way, I was looking through the beginnings of this thread and wanted to respond to one of your posts concerning why I don't like the Ravens.

I totally agree with you that our cities were treated very badly by Irsay and Modell. Very similar, horrible situations. I guess my hatred of the Ravens is based on Modell, not the organization itself. In fact, Steelers/Ravens games are almost always interesting for me to watch, except this past season of course

I guess I have a strange perspective being a long-time (over 30 years) Steelers fan living in Cleveland.

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This virus isn't running rampant around the Bay Village/Westlake/Avon Lake area is it?

Get well soon.

Blue ostriches on crack float on milkshakes between the sidewalk titans of gurglefitz. --YTown

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Why are you still talking about it? If you don't recall saying it then you don't recall saying it. I can't make you remember. Have a nice day.

p.s. Poor Afcnorthchamps.

" just look at our record. yes we have sucked!" GMdawg - 02/20/15 07:10 AM
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I totally agree with you that our cities were treated very badly by Irsay and Modell. Very similar, horrible situations. I guess my hatred of the Ravens is based on Modell, not the organization itself. In fact, Steelers/Ravens games are almost always interesting for me to watch, except this past season of course

I guess I have a strange perspective being a long-time (over 30 years) Steelers fan living in Cleveland.

WOW, I almost forgot about that post...Sound familiar?? I guess that my whole perspective on this issue is that it is always going to be a stickler in the world of "fandom" as long as you have a deep and loyal backing of your team....Believe me, when it was "originally announced" that the Cardinals were looking for a new home back in the mid-nineties (Bill Bidwell's team), I didn't know WHAT type of response to have, Be happy that we were back in the league but in the same breath, what do the fans in St. Louis feel? Well, I guess for our sake in the long run they moved to Arizona (God help them ) But Baltimore was still without a team...Then the expansion comes along and once again Baltimore was promised another opportunity to get back in...We went to the meetings in Florida and N.C. (I think that was the other site) and supposedly had great presentations but as you all see, we weren't in yet...Jacksonville and Carolina were rewarded franchises. Here is a little "lance in the side" of many of the Old Baltimore Colt fans, Jerry Richardson, "FORMER COLT" was the spearhead behind the Carolina franchise with the help of NationsBank. When this was revealed to the people of Baltimore and Maryland overall, many of the customers of the bank, closed out their accounts and joined many of the local banks that were not "nationally affiliated" with outside banks.
Than comes 1995 and the Browns rumors....It got pretty contentious for many people who remember that the pain of "losing" a team was not to be done again to another city for our benefit, but then the media started to put it's "spin" on to what was happening in Cleveland, Mind you, I said the MEDIA put it's SPIN, not the truth, but it's SPIN as to why Modell left....
We, here in Baltimore, were always being told that the City of Cleveland was not going to fix the old Municipal Stadium and that Art wanted improvements or he was leaving, kind of what Irsay and the rest of the owners in the sports world can do to now if they want the towns they live in to feel uncomfortable unless they give in to owner concessions, And that is how it was presented to the Baltimore fans. Tagliabue made a statement that the fans in Baltimore should "use the money towards the expansion to build a museum" but what was "priceless" was seeing him with his "embarrassing pose", hand the Lombardi trophy to Modell. ..This is something that has resonated throughout ALL of Maryland because of what he said and the actual "attitude" that was being shown towards Baltimore and it's efforts to get back in the NFL. Hell, the Redskins owner, Jack Kent Cooke who was a VERY GOOD friend to Tagliabue, made it clear that as long as he was alive, NO franchise would be in his backyard (dirt bath). ...Than the Browns move and BALTIMORE became the "scourge of the League". ..That is the one thing that puzzles me about the whole "hating Baltimore thing". ..WE, the citizens of Baltimore didn't move the team, the former owner moved HIS team, which to this day in my opinion was the WRONG thing to do.. ....I would hope that the bright and understanding people on this board would understand that the majority of Baltimore fans would have rather received an "expansion team", something that we can build on rather than take someone else's beloved franchise and commit one of the most "Mortal of sins" in the professional sports era by moving them from HOME... ....JMHO.........

Last edited by Mike; 02/19/07 08:32 PM.
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So many words....


Blue ostriches on crack float on milkshakes between the sidewalk titans of gurglefitz. --YTown

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In other words, WE BOTH GOT SCREWED by the NFL......

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I totally agree with you that our cities were treated very badly by Irsay and Modell. Very similar, horrible situations. I guess my hatred of the Ravens is based on Modell, not the organization itself. In fact, Steelers/Ravens games are almost always interesting for me to watch, except this past season of course

I guess I have a strange perspective being a long-time (over 30 years) Steelers fan living in Cleveland.

WOW, I almost forgot about that post...Sound familiar?? I guess that my whole perspective on this issue is that it is always going to be a stickler in the world of "fandom" as long as you have a deep and loyal backing of your team....Believe me, when it was "originally announced" that the Cardinals were looking for a new home back in the mid-nineties (Bill Bidwell's team), I didn't know WHAT type of response to have, Be happy that we were back in the league but in the same breath, what do the fans in St. Louis feel? Well, I guess for our sake in the long run they moved to Arizona (God help them ) But Baltimore was still without a team...Then the expansion comes along and once again Baltimore was promised another opportunity to get back in...We went to the meetings in Florida and N.C. (I think that was the other site) and supposedly had great presentations but as you all see, we weren't in yet...Jacksonville and Carolina were rewarded franchises. Here is a little "lance in the side" of many of the Old Baltimore Colt fans, Jerry Richardson, "FORMER COLT" was the spearhead behind the Carolina franchise with the help of NationsBank. When this was revealed to the people of Baltimore and Maryland overall, many of the customers of the bank, closed out their accounts and joined many of the local banks that were not "nationally affiliated" with outside banks.
Than comes 1995 and the Browns rumors....It got pretty contentious for many people who remember that the pain of "losing" a team was not to be done again to another city for our benefit, but then the media started to put it's "spin" on to what was happening in Cleveland, Mind you, I said the MEDIA put it's SPIN, not the truth, but it's SPIN as to why Modell left....
We, here in Baltimore, were always being told that the City of Cleveland was not going to fix the old Municipal Stadium and that Art wanted improvements or he was leaving, kind of what Irsay and the rest of the owners in the sports world can do to now if they want the towns they live in to feel uncomfortable unless they give in to owner concessions, And that is how it was presented to the Baltimore fans.

Classy Post! Chumps could learn a thing or 2 from you

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Hey Steel, it is what it is and I don't take any prisoners when it comes to the truth.......

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So many words....


You didn't actually try reading it, did you?

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